package package dottydoc import org.junit.Test import org.junit.Assert._ import dotc.util.SourceFile import model._ import model.internal._ import model.references._ import util.syntax._ class UsecaseTest extends DottyDocTest { @Test def simpleUsecase = { val source = new SourceFile( "DefWithUseCase.scala", """ |package scala | |trait Test[A] { | /** Definition with a "disturbing" signature | * | * @usecase def foo: A | */ | def foo[B]: A => B |} """.stripMargin ) checkSources(source :: Nil) { packages => packages("scala") match { case PackageImpl(_, _, _, List(trt: Trait), _, _, _) => val List(foo: Def) = trt.members assert(foo.comment.isDefined, "Lost comment in transformations") val returnValue = foo.returnValue match { case ref: TypeReference => ref.title case _ => assert( false, "Incorrect return value after usecase transformation" ) "" } assert( foo.typeParams.isEmpty, "Type parameters were not stripped by usecase" ) assert(returnValue == "A", "Incorrect return type after usecase") assert( == "foo", s"Incorrect name after transform: ${}") } } } @Test def simpleUsecaseAddedArg = { val source = new SourceFile( "DefWithUseCase.scala", """ |package scala | |trait Test[A] { | /** Definition with a "disturbing" signature | * | * @usecase def foo(a: A): A | */ | def foo[B]: A => B |} """.stripMargin ) checkSources(source :: Nil) { packages => packages("scala") match { case PackageImpl(_, _, _, List(trt: Trait), _, _, _) => val List(foo: Def) = trt.members val returnValue = foo.returnValue match { case ref: TypeReference => ref.title case _ => assert( false, "Incorrect return value after usecase transformation" ) "" } assert( foo.typeParams.isEmpty, "Type parameters were not stripped by usecase" ) assert(returnValue == "A", "Incorrect return type after usecase") assert( foo.paramLists.head.list.head.title == "a", "Incorrect parameter to function after usecase transformation" ) assert( == "foo", s"Incorrect name after transform: ${}") } } } @Test def simpleTparamUsecase = { val source = new SourceFile( "DefWithUseCase.scala", """ |package scala | |trait Test[A] { | /** Definition with a "disturbing" signature | * | * @usecase def foo[C]: A | */ | def foo[B]: A => B |} """.stripMargin ) checkSources(source :: Nil) { packages => packages("scala") match { case PackageImpl(_, _, _, List(trt: Trait), _, _, _) => val List(foo: Def) = trt.members val returnValue = foo.returnValue match { case ref: TypeReference => ref.title case _ => assert( false, "Incorrect return value after usecase transformation" ) "" } assert( foo.typeParams.nonEmpty, "Type parameters were incorrectly stripped by usecase" ) assert(foo.typeParams.head == "C", "Incorrectly switched tparam") assert(returnValue == "A", "Incorrect return type after usecase") assert( == "foo", s"Incorrect name after transform: ${}") } } } @Test def expandColl = { val source = new SourceFile( "ExpandColl.scala", """ |package scala | |/** The trait $Coll | * | * @define Coll Iterable | */ |trait Iterable[A] { | /** Definition with a "disturbing" signature | * | * @usecase def map[B](f: A => B): $Coll[B] | */ | def map[B, M[B]](f: A => B): M[B] = ??? |} """.stripMargin ) checkSources(source :: Nil) { packages => packages("scala") match { case PackageImpl(_, _, _, List(trt: Trait), _, _, _) => val List(map: Def) = trt.members val returnValue = map.returnValue match { case ref: TypeReference => ref.title case _ => assert( false, "Incorrect return value after usecase transformation" ) "" } assert( returnValue == "Iterable", "Incorrect return type after usecase transformation" ) } } } @Test def checkStripping = { val source = new SourceFile( "CheckStripping.scala", """ |package scala | |/** The trait $Coll | * | * @define Coll Iterable | */ |trait Iterable[A] { | /** Definition with a "disturbing" signature | * | * @usecase def map[B](f: A => B): $Coll[B] | */ | def map[B, M[B]](f: A => B): M[B] = ??? |} """.stripMargin ) checkSources(source :: Nil) { packages => packages("scala") match { case PackageImpl(_, _, _, List(trt: Trait), _, _, _) => val List(map: Def) = trt.members assert(map.comment.isDefined, "Lost comment in transformations") val docstr = ctx.docbase.docstring(map.symbol).get.raw assert( !docstr.contains("@usecase"), s"Comment should not contain usecase after stripping, but was:\n$docstr" ) } } } @Test def checkIterator = checkFiles("../scala-scala/src/library/scala/collection/Iterator.scala" :: Nil) { _ => // success if typer throws no errors! :) } @Test def checkIterableLike = checkFiles("../scala-scala/src/library/scala/collection/IterableLike.scala" :: Nil) { _ => // success if typer throws no errors! :) } }