Building Dotty with Intellij IDEA

Dotty compiler support is available in the Scala plugin nightly starting from 2.2.39. You need to install IDEA 2016.1 to try it.

To create a new project with Dotty

  1. Open New Project dialog and select Scala > Dotty
  2. Proceed as usual and don't forget to create or select Dotty SDK.

To compile an existing Scala project with Dotty

  1. Create a new Dotty SDK: Project Structure > Global libraries > New Global Library > Dotty SDK
  2. Replace Scala SDK with Dotty SDK in: Project Structure > Modules > Dependencies

Java 1.8 should be used as the Project/Module SDK. You also need to enable the Scala Compile Server to use Dotty compiler.


  • Dotty support is experimental, many features including code highlighting and worksheet are not ready yet.
  • You can download the latest version of Dotty without creating a new Dotty SDK with the Update snapshot button in the Dotty SDK library settings.
  • Please report any problems to the IntelliJ Scala issue tracker or write to the IntelliJ Scala gitter