package package html import scalatags.Text.all._ import model.internal._ import model._ case class EntityPage(entity: Entity, packages: Map[String, Package]) { import CustomTags._ import model.pickling._ import prickle._ import util.internal.setters._ private def relPath(to: String, from: Entity) = { val len = from.path.length + (from match { case _: Package => 1 case _ => 0 }) "../" * len + to } def render = "" + html( head( meta(charset := "utf-8"), meta(name := "viewport", content := "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no"), meta("http-equiv".attr := "x-ua-compatible", content := "ie=edge"), script(`type` := "text/javascript", src := relPath("static/material.min.js", entity)), script(`type` := "text/javascript", src := relPath("static/highlight.pack.js", entity)), script(`type` := "text/javascript", src := relPath("index.js", entity)), script(`type` := "text/javascript", src := relPath("target/scala-2.11/dottydoc-fastopt.js", entity)), link(rel := "stylesheet", href := relPath("static/material-icons.css", entity)), link(rel := "stylesheet", href := relPath("static/material.min.css", entity)), link(rel := "stylesheet", href := relPath("static/github.css", entity)), link(rel := "stylesheet", href := relPath("static/index.css", entity)) ), body( div( id := "main-container", div( cls := "mdl-layout mdl-js-layout mdl-layout--fixed-drawer", div( cls := "mdl-layout__drawer", span( cls := "mdl-layout-title subtitle", entity.path.dropRight(1).mkString(".") ), span( cls := "mdl-layout-title", entity match { case p: Package =>"\\.").last case e => } ), nav( cls := "related mdl-navigation", companionAnchor, a(cls := "mdl-navigation__link", href := "#", "Source") ), span( cls := "mdl-layout-title", id := "docs-title", "Docs" ), searchView, packageView ), main( id := "entity-container", cls := "mdl-layout__content" ) ) ) ), script( raw(s"""|UnparsedIndex.currentEntity = ${Pickle.intoString(entity.flat)}; | | .main(document.getElementById("entity-container")); """.stripMargin) ) ) private def relativePath(to: Entity) = { val prefix = entity match { case _: Package => "../" case _ => "" } prefix + util.traversing.relativePath(entity, to) } def packageView = ul( cls := "mdl-list packages", { val keys: Seq[String] = packages.keys.toSeq.sorted val productReg = """^Product[0-9]+$""".r keys.flatMap { k => val pack = packages(k) val children = pack.children .sortBy( .filterNot { ent => // Filter out ProductX where X > 3 productReg.findFirstIn(, 99).toInt > 3).getOrElse(false) || // Filter out packages ent.kind == "package" || // Filter out objects that have companions (ent.kind == "object" && companion(ent).isDefined) || == "AnyValCompanion" } .map { entity => val comp = companion(entity) val entityUrl = relativePath(entity) val compUrl ="#") li( cls := s"""mdl-list__item entity ${ if (comp.isDefined) "two" else "one" }""", { _ => a(cls := "entity-button object", href := compUrl, "O") }.getOrElse(()), a( cls := s"""entity-button shadowed ${entity.kind.replaceAll(" ", "")}""", href := entityUrl, entity.kind(0).toUpper.toString ), a( cls := "entity-name", href := entityUrl, ) ) } if (children.length > 0) li(cls := "mdl-list__item package", href := relativePath(pack), k) :: children else Nil } } ) def companion(entity: Entity) = { val pack = entity.path.dropRight(1).mkString(".") (for { p <- packages.get(pack) child <- p.children.find(e => == && e.path.last != entity.path.last) } yield child) } def companionAnchor = { companion(entity).map { c => a( cls := "mdl-navigation__link", href := c.path.last + ".html", "Companion " + c.kind ) }.getOrElse(span()) } def searchView = div( cls := "search-container", div( cls := "mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield mdl-textfield--floating-label", input(cls := "mdl-textfield__input", `type` := "text", id := "search"), label(cls := "mdl-textfield__label", `for` := "search", "Search") ) ) }