package package dottydoc package model import dotc.core.Symbols.Symbol import dotc.core.Contexts.Context import dotc.util.Positions.NoPosition object parsers { import comment._ import BodyParsers._ import model.internal._ import util.MemberLookup import util.traversing._ import util.internal.setters._ class WikiParser extends CommentCleaner with CommentParser with CommentExpander { private[this] var commentCache: Map[String, (Entity, Map[String, Package]) => Option[Comment]] = Map.empty /** Parses comment and returns the path to the entity with an optional comment * * The idea here is to use this fact to create `Future[Seq[(String, Option[Comment]]]` * which can then be awaited near the end of the run - before the pickling. */ def parseHtml(sym: Symbol, entity: Entity, packages: Map[String, Package])(implicit ctx: Context): (String, Option[Comment]) = { val cmt = ctx.base.docstring(sym).map { d => val expanded = expand(sym) val body = parse(entity, packages, clean(expanded), expanded, d.pos) val summary ="") body.toHtml(entity) match { case "" => None case x => Some(Comment(x, summary)) } }.flatten (entity.path.mkString("."), cmt) } def add(entity: Entity, symbol: Symbol, ctx: Context): Unit = { val commentParser = { (entity: Entity, packs: Map[String, Package]) => parseHtml(symbol, entity, packs)(ctx)._2 } val path = entity.path.mkString(".") if (!commentCache.contains(path) || ctx.base.docstring(symbol).isDefined) commentCache = commentCache + (path -> commentParser) } def +=(entity: Entity, symbol: Symbol, ctx: Context) = add(entity, symbol, ctx) def size: Int = commentCache.size private def parse(entity: Entity, packs: Map[String, Package]): Option[Comment] = commentCache(entity.path.mkString("."))(entity, packs) def parse(packs: Map[String, Package]): Unit = { def rootPackages: List[String] = { var currentDepth = Int.MaxValue var packages: List[String] = Nil for (key <- packs.keys) { val keyDepth = key.split("\\.").length packages = if (keyDepth < currentDepth) { currentDepth = keyDepth key :: Nil } else if (keyDepth == currentDepth) { key :: packages } else packages } packages } for (pack <- rootPackages) { mutateEntities(packs(pack)) { e => val comment = parse(e, packs) setComment(e, to = comment) } } } def clear(): Unit = commentCache = Map.empty } }