import sbt._ import Keys._ import Process._ object DottyBuild extends Build { val defaults = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq( // set sources to src/, tests to test/ and resources to resources/ scalaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory(_ / "src"), javaSource in Compile <<= baseDirectory(_ / "src"), scalaSource in Test <<= baseDirectory(_ / "test"), javaSource in Test <<= baseDirectory(_ / "test"), resourceDirectory in Compile <<= baseDirectory(_ / "resources"), unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <<= (scalaSource in Compile)(Seq(_)), unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test <<= (scalaSource in Test)(Seq(_)), // include sources in eclipse (downloads source code for all dependencies) // com.typesafe.sbteclipse.plugin.EclipsePlugin.EclipseKeys.withSource := true, // to get Scala 2.11 resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("releases"), // get reflect and xml onboard libraryDependencies ++= Seq("org.scala-lang" % "scala-reflect" % scalaVersion.value, "org.scala-lang.modules" %% "scala-xml" % "1.0.0-RC7"), // get junit onboard libraryDependencies += "com.novocode" % "junit-interface" % "0.9" % "test", // scalac options scalacOptions in Global ++= Seq("-feature", "-deprecation", "-language:_"), // Adjust classpath for running dotty mainClass in (Compile, run) := Some(""), fork in run := true, fork in Test := true, // javaOptions <++= (managedClasspath in Runtime, packageBin in Compile) map { (attList, bin) => // put the Scala {library, reflect, compiler} in the classpath val path = for { file <- path = file.getAbsolutePath } yield "-Xbootclasspath/p:" + path // dotty itself needs to be in the bootclasspath val self = "-Xbootclasspath/a:" + bin System.err.println("PATH: " + path) self :: path.toList } ) lazy val dotty = Project(id = "dotty", base = file("."), settings = defaults) }