package package dotc import core._ import Contexts._ import Periods._ import Symbols._ import Scopes._ import typer.{FrontEnd, Typer, Mode, ImportInfo, RefChecks} import reporting.ConsoleReporter import import import{TreeTransform, TreeTransformer} import import class Compiler { /** Meta-ordering constraint: * * DenotTransformers that change the signature of their denotation's info must go * after erasure. The reason is that denotations are permanently referred to by * TermRefs which contain a signature. If the signature of a symbol would change, * all refs to it would become outdated - they could not be dereferenced in the * new phase. * * After erasure, signature changing denot-transformers are OK because erasure * will make sure that only term refs with fixed SymDenotations survive beyond it. This * is possible because: * * - splitter has run, so every ident or select refers to a unique symbol * - after erasure, asSeenFrom is the identity, so every reference has a * plain SymDenotation, as opposed to a UniqueRefDenotation. */ def phases: List[List[Phase]] = List( List(new FrontEnd), List(new FirstTransform, new SyntheticMethods), List(new SuperAccessors), // pickling goes here List(new RefChecks, new ElimRepeated, new ElimLocals, new ExtensionMethods, new TailRec), List(new PatternMatcher, new ExplicitOuter, // new LazyValTranformContext().transformer, // disabled, awaiting fixes new Splitter), List(new ElimByName, new InterceptedMethods, new Literalize, new GettersSetters), List(new Erasure), List(new CapturedVars, new Constructors), List(new LambdaLift, new Flatten, new RestoreScopes) ) var runId = 1 def nextRunId = { runId += 1; runId } /** Produces the following contexts, from outermost to innermost * * bootStrap: A context with next available runId and a scope consisting of * the RootPackage _root_ * start A context with RootClass as owner and the necessary initializations * for type checking. * imports For each element of RootImports, an import context */ def rootContext(implicit ctx: Context): Context = { ctx.definitions.init(ctx) ctx.usePhases(phases) val rootScope = new MutableScope val bootstrap = ctx.fresh .setPeriod(Period(nextRunId, FirstPhaseId)) .setScope(rootScope) rootScope.enter(ctx.definitions.RootPackage)(bootstrap) val start = bootstrap.fresh .setOwner(defn.RootClass) .setTyper(new Typer) .setMode(Mode.ImplicitsEnabled) .setTyperState(new MutableTyperState(ctx.typerState, new ConsoleReporter()(ctx), isCommittable = true)) ctx.definitions.init(start) // set context of definitions to start def addImport(ctx: Context, sym: Symbol) = ctx.fresh.setImportInfo(ImportInfo.rootImport(sym)(ctx)) (start.setRunInfo(new RunInfo(start)) /: defn.RootImports)(addImport) } def newRun(implicit ctx: Context): Run = { try new Run(this)(rootContext) finally { ctx.base.reset() ctx.runInfo.clear() } } }