package package dotc import core._ import Contexts._ import Periods._ import Symbols._ import Phases._ import Decorators._ import import io.PlainFile import import util._ import reporting.Reporter import transform.TreeChecker import rewrite.Rewrites import{BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter} import scala.annotation.tailrec import import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** A compiler run. Exports various methods to compile source files */ class Run(comp: Compiler)(implicit ctx: Context) { assert( <= Periods.MaxPossiblePhaseId) assert(ctx.runId <= Periods.MaxPossibleRunId) var units: List[CompilationUnit] = _ def getSource(fileName: String): SourceFile = { val f = new PlainFile(fileName) if (f.isDirectory) { ctx.error(s"expected file, received directory '$fileName'") NoSource } else if (f.exists) { val encoding = ctx.settings.encoding.value new SourceFile(f, Codec(encoding)) } else { ctx.error(s"not found: $fileName") NoSource } } def compile(fileNames: List[String]): Unit = try { val sources = fileNames map getSource compileSources(sources) } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => ctx.echo(i"exception occurred while compiling $units%, %") throw ex } /** TODO: There's a fundamental design problem here: We assemble phases using `squash` * when we first build the compiler. But we modify them with -Yskip, -Ystop * on each run. That modification needs to either transform the tree structure, * or we need to assemble phases on each run, and take -Yskip, -Ystop into * account. I think the latter would be preferable. */ def compileSources(sources: List[SourceFile]) = if (sources forall (_.exists)) { units = sources map (new CompilationUnit(_)) compileUnits() } protected def compileUnits() = Stats.monitorHeartBeat { ctx.checkSingleThreaded() val phases = ctx.squashPhases(ctx.phasePlan, ctx.settings.Yskip.value, ctx.settings.YstopBefore.value, ctx.settings.YstopAfter.value, ctx.settings.Ycheck.value) ctx.usePhases(phases) var lastPrintedTree: PrintedTree = NoPrintedTree for (phase <- ctx.allPhases) if (!ctx.reporter.hasErrors) { val start = System.currentTimeMillis units = phase.runOn(units) if (ctx.settings.Xprint.value.containsPhase(phase)) { for (unit <- units) { lastPrintedTree = printTree(lastPrintedTree)(ctx.fresh.setPhase( } } ctx.informTime(s"$phase ", start) } if (!ctx.reporter.hasErrors) Rewrites.writeBack() } private sealed trait PrintedTree private final case class SomePrintedTree(phase: String, tree: String) extends PrintedTree private object NoPrintedTree extends PrintedTree private def printTree(last: PrintedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): PrintedTree = { val unit = ctx.compilationUnit val prevPhase = ctx.phase.prev // can be a mini-phase val squashedPhase = ctx.squashed(prevPhase) val treeString = ctx.echo(s"result of $unit after $squashedPhase:") last match { case SomePrintedTree(phase, lastTreeSting) if lastTreeSting != treeString => val msg = if (!ctx.settings.XprintDiff.value && !ctx.settings.XprintDiffDel.value) treeString else DiffUtil.mkColoredCodeDiff(treeString, lastTreeSting, ctx.settings.XprintDiffDel.value) ctx.echo(msg) SomePrintedTree(squashedPhase.toString, treeString) case SomePrintedTree(phase, lastTreeSting) => ctx.echo(" Unchanged since " + phase) last case NoPrintedTree => ctx.echo(treeString) SomePrintedTree(squashedPhase.toString, treeString) } } def compile(sourceCode: String): Unit = { val virtualFile = new VirtualFile(sourceCode) // use source code as name as it's used for equals val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(virtualFile.output, "UTF-8")) // buffering is still advised by javadoc writer.write(sourceCode) writer.close() compileSources(List(new SourceFile(virtualFile, Codec.UTF8))) } /** The context created for this run */ def runContext = ctx /** Print summary; return # of errors encountered */ def printSummary(): Reporter = { ctx.runInfo.printMaxConstraint() val r = ctx.reporter r.printSummary r } }