package package ast import core._ import Types._, Names._, Flags._, util.Positions._, Contexts._, Constants._, SymDenotations._, Symbols._ import Denotations._, StdNames._ import annotation.tailrec import language.higherKinds import collection.IndexedSeqOptimized import collection.immutable.IndexedSeq import collection.mutable.ListBuffer import parsing.Tokens.Token import printing.Printer import util.{Stats, Attachment, DotClass} import annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance object Trees { // Note: it would be more logical to make Untyped = Nothing. // However, this interacts in a bad way with Scala's current type inference. // In fact, we cannot write soemthing like Select(pre, name), where pre is // of type Tree[Nothing]; type inference will treat the Nothing as an uninstantited // value and will not infer Nothing as the type parameter for Select. // We should come back to this issue once type inference is changed. type Untyped = Null /** The total number of created tree nodes, maintained if Stats.enabled */ var ntrees = 0 /** A base class for things that have positions (currently: modifiers and trees) */ abstract class Positioned extends DotClass with Product { private[this] var curPos: Position = _ setPos(initialPos) /** The item's position. */ def pos: Position = curPos /** Destructively update `curPos` to given position. Also, set any missing * positions in children. */ protected def setPos(pos: Position): Unit = { curPos = pos if (pos.exists) setChildPositions(pos.toSynthetic) } /** The envelope containing the item in its entirety. Envelope is different from * `pos` for definitions (instances of MemberDef). */ def envelope: Position = pos.toSynthetic /** A positioned item like this one with the position set to `pos`. * if the positioned item is source-derived, a clone is returned. * If the positioned item is synthetic, the position is updated * destructively and the item itself is returned. */ def withPos(pos: Position): this.type = { val newpd = (if (pos == curPos || curPos.isSynthetic) this else clone).asInstanceOf[Positioned] newpd.setPos(pos) newpd.asInstanceOf[this.type] } def withPos(posd: Positioned): this.type = if (posd == null) this else withPos(posd.pos) /** This item with a position that's the union of the given `pos` and the * current position. */ def addPos(pos: Position): this.type = withPos(pos union this.pos) /** If any children of this node do not have positions, set them to the given position, * and transitively visit their children. */ private def setChildPositions(pos: Position): Unit = { def deepSetPos(x: Any): Unit = x match { case p: Positioned => if (!p.pos.exists) p.setPos(pos) case xs: List[_] => xs foreach deepSetPos case _ => } var n = productArity while (n > 0) { n -= 1 deepSetPos(productElement(n)) } } /** The initial, synthetic position. This is usually the union of all positioned children's * envelopes. */ protected def initialPos: Position = { var n = productArity var pos = NoPosition while (n > 0) { n -= 1 productElement(n) match { case p: Positioned => pos = pos union p.envelope case xs: List[_] => pos = unionPos(pos, xs) case _ => } } pos.toSynthetic } private def unionPos(pos: Position, xs: List[_]): Position = xs match { case (t: Tree[_]) :: xs1 => unionPos(pos union t.envelope, xs1) case _ => pos } def contains(that: Positioned): Boolean = { def isParent(x: Any): Boolean = x match { case x: Positioned => x contains that case xs: List[_] => xs exists isParent case _ => false } (this eq that) || (this.envelope contains that.pos) && { var n = productArity var found = false while (n > 0 && !found) { n -= 1 found = isParent(productElement(n)) } found } } } /** Modifiers and annotations for definitions * @param flags The set flags * @param privateWithin If a private or protected has is followed by a * qualifier [q], the name q, "" as a typename otherwise. * @param annotations The annotations preceding the modifers * @param positions A flagPositions structure that records the positions * of et flags. * @param pos The position of the modifiers. This should start with * the first modifier or annotation and have as point * the start of the opening keyword(s) of the definition. * It should have as end the end of the opening keywords(s). * If there is no opening keyword, point should equal end. */ case class Modifiers[-T >: Untyped] ( flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags, privateWithin: TypeName = tpnme.EMPTY, annotations: List[Tree[T]] = Nil) extends Positioned with Cloneable { def is(fs: FlagSet): Boolean = flags is fs def is(fc: FlagConjunction): Boolean = flags is fc def | (fs: FlagSet): Modifiers[T] = withFlags(flags | fs) def & (fs: FlagSet): Modifiers[T] = withFlags(flags & fs) def &~(fs: FlagSet): Modifiers[T] = withFlags(flags &~ fs) def toTypeFlags: Modifiers[T] = withFlags(flags.toTypeFlags) def toTermFlags: Modifiers[T] = withFlags(flags.toTermFlags) private def withFlags(flags: FlagSet) = if (this.flags == flags) this else copy(flags = flags) def withAnnotations[U >: Untyped <: T](annots: List[Tree[U]]): Modifiers[U] = if (annots.isEmpty) this else copy(annotations = annotations ++ annots) def withPrivateWithin(pw: TypeName) = if (pw.isEmpty) this else copy(privateWithin = pw) def hasFlags = flags != EmptyFlags def hasAnnotations = annotations.nonEmpty def hasPrivateWithin = privateWithin != tpnme.EMPTY def tokenPos: Seq[(Token, Position)] = ??? } private var nextId = 0 /** Trees take a parameter indicating what the type of their `tpe` field * is. Two choices: `Type` or `Untyped`. * Untyped trees have type `Tree[Untyped]`. * * Tree typing uses a copy-on-write implementation: * * - You can never observe a `tpe` which is `null` (throws an exception) * - So when creating a typed tree with `withType` we can re-use * the existing tree transparently, assigning its `tpe` field, * provided it was `null` before. * - It is impossible to embed untyped trees in typed ones. * - Typed trees can be embedded untyped ones provided they are rooted * in a TypedSplice node. * - Type checking an untyped tree should remove all embedded `TypedSplice` * nodes. */ abstract class Tree[-T >: Untyped] extends Positioned with Product with Attachment.Container with printing.Showable with Cloneable { if (Stats.enabled) ntrees += 1 /** A unique identifier for this tree. Used for debugging, and potentially * tracking presentation compiler interactions */ val uniqueId = { nextId += 1 //assert(nextId != 214, this) nextId } /** The type constructor at the root of the tree */ type ThisTree[T >: Untyped] <: Tree[T] private[this] var myTpe: T = _ /** Destructively set the type of the tree. This should be called only when it is known that * it is safe under sharing to do so. One user-case is in the withType method below * which implements copy-on-write. Another use-case is in method interpolateAndAdapt in Typer, * where we overwrite with a simplified version of the type itself. */ private[dotc] def overwriteType(tpe: T) = myTpe = tpe /** The type of the tree. In case of an untyped tree, * an UnAssignedTypeException is thrown. (Overridden by empty trees) */ def tpe: T @uncheckedVariance = { if (myTpe == null) throw new UnAssignedTypeException(this) myTpe } /** Copy `tpe` attribute from tree `from` into this tree, independently * whether it is null or not. final def copyAttr[U >: Untyped](from: Tree[U]): ThisTree[T] = { val t1 = this.withPos(from.pos) val t2 = if (from.myTpe != null) t1.withType(from.myTpe.asInstanceOf[Type]) else t1 t2.asInstanceOf[ThisTree[T]] } */ /** Return a typed tree that's isomorphic to this tree, but has given * type. (Overridden by empty trees) */ def withType(tpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): ThisTree[Type] = { if (tpe == ErrorType) assert(ctx.errorsReported) withTypeUnchecked(tpe) } def withTypeUnchecked(tpe: Type): ThisTree[Type] = { val tree = (if (myTpe == null || (myTpe.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq tpe.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])) this else clone).asInstanceOf[Tree[Type]] tree overwriteType tpe tree.asInstanceOf[ThisTree[Type]] } /** Does the tree have its type field set? Note: this operation is not * referentially transparent, because it can observe the withType * modifications. Should be used only in special circumstances (we * need it for printing trees with optional type info). */ final def hasType: Boolean = myTpe != null final def typeOpt: Type = myTpe match { case tp: Type => tp case _ => NoType } /** The denotation referred tno by this tree. * Defined for `DenotingTree`s and `ProxyTree`s, NoDenotation for other * kinds of trees */ def denot(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = NoDenotation /** Shorthand for `denot.symbol`. */ final def symbol(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.symbol /** Does this tree represent a type? */ def isType: Boolean = false /** Does this tree represent a term? */ def isTerm: Boolean = false /** Is this a legal part of a pattern which is not at the same time a term? */ def isPattern: Boolean = false /** Does this tree define a new symbol that is not defined elsewhere? */ def isDef: Boolean = false /** Is this tree either the empty tree or the empty ValDef? */ def isEmpty: Boolean = false /** Convert tree to a list. Gives a singleton list, except * for thickets which return their element trees. */ def toList: List[Tree[T]] = this :: Nil /** if this tree is the empty tree, the alternative, else this tree */ def orElse[U >: Untyped <: T](that: => Tree[U]): Tree[U] = if (this eq genericEmptyTree) that else this /** The number of nodes in this tree */ def treeSize: Int = { var s = 1 def addSize(elem: Any): Unit = elem match { case t: Tree[_] => s += t.treeSize case ts: List[_] => ts foreach addSize case _ => } productIterator foreach addSize s } override def toText(printer: Printer) = printer.toText(this) override def hashCode(): Int = System.identityHashCode(this) override def equals(that: Any) = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] } class UnAssignedTypeException[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]) extends RuntimeException { override def getMessage: String = s"type of $tree is not assigned" } // ------ Categories of trees ----------------------------------- /** Instances of this class are trees for which isType is definitely true. * Note that some trees have isType = true without being TypTrees (e.g. Ident, AnnotatedTree) */ trait TypTree[-T >: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: TypTree[T] override def isType = true } /** Instances of this class are trees for which isTerm is definitely true. * Note that some trees have isTerm = true without being TermTrees (e.g. Ident, AnnotatedTree) */ trait TermTree[-T >: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: TermTree[T] override def isTerm = true } /** Instances of this class are trees which are not terms but are legal * parts of patterns. */ trait PatternTree[-T >: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: PatternTree[T] override def isPattern = true } /** Tree's denotation can be derived from its type */ abstract class DenotingTree[-T >: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: DenotingTree[T] override def denot(implicit ctx: Context) = tpe match { case tpe: NamedType => tpe.denot case ThisType(cls) => cls.denot case _ => NoDenotation } } /** Tree's denot/isType/isTerm properties come from a subtree * identified by `forwardTo`. */ abstract class ProxyTree[-T >: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: ProxyTree[T] def forwardTo: Tree[T] override def denot(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = forwardTo.denot override def isTerm = forwardTo.isTerm override def isType = forwardTo.isType } /** Tree has a name */ abstract class NameTree[-T >: Untyped] extends DenotingTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: NameTree[T] def name: Name def withName(name1: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.NameTree } /** Tree refers by name to a denotation */ abstract class RefTree[-T >: Untyped] extends NameTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: RefTree[T] def qualifier: Tree[T] override def isType = name.isTypeName override def isTerm = name.isTermName } /** Tree defines a new symbol */ trait DefTree[-T >: Untyped] extends DenotingTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: DefTree[T] override def isDef = true def namedType = tpe.asInstanceOf[NamedType] } /** Tree defines a new symbol and carries modifiers. * The position of a MemberDef contains only the defined identifier or pattern. * The envelope of a MemberDef contains the whole definition and his its point * on the opening keyword (or the next token after that if keyword is missing). */ trait MemberDef[-T >: Untyped] extends NameTree[T] with DefTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: MemberDef[T] def mods: Modifiers[T] override def envelope: Position = mods.pos union pos union initialPos } /** A ValDef or DefDef tree */ trait ValOrDefDef[-T >: Untyped] extends MemberDef[T] { def tpt: Tree[T] def rhs: Tree[T] } // ----------- Tree case classes ------------------------------------ /** name */ case class Ident[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (name: Name) extends RefTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Ident[T] def withName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.Ident = untpd.cpy.Ident(this, name) def qualifier: Tree[T] = genericEmptyTree } class BackquotedIdent[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (name: Name) extends Ident[T](name) /** */ case class Select[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (qualifier: Tree[T], name: Name) extends RefTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Select[T] def withName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.Select = untpd.cpy.Select(this, qualifier, name) } class SelectWithSig[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (qualifier: Tree[T], name: Name, val sig: Signature) extends Select[T](qualifier, name) /** qual.this */ case class This[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (qual: TypeName) extends DenotingTree[T] with TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = This[T] } /** C.super[mix], where qual = C.this */ case class Super[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (qual: Tree[T], mix: TypeName) extends ProxyTree[T] with TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Super[T] def forwardTo = qual } abstract class GenericApply[-T >: Untyped] extends ProxyTree[T] with TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] <: GenericApply[T] val fun: Tree[T] val args: List[Tree[T]] def forwardTo = fun } /** fun(args) */ case class Apply[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (fun: Tree[T], args: List[Tree[T]]) extends GenericApply[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Apply[T] } /** fun[args] */ case class TypeApply[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (fun: Tree[T], args: List[Tree[T]]) extends GenericApply[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = TypeApply[T] } /** const */ case class Literal[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (const: Constant) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Literal[T] } /** new tpt, but no constructor call */ case class New[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (tpt: Tree[T]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = New[T] } /** (left, right) */ case class Pair[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (left: Tree[T], right: Tree[T]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Pair[T] override def isTerm = left.isTerm && right.isTerm override def isType = left.isType && right.isType override def isPattern = !isTerm && (left.isPattern || left.isTerm) && (right.isPattern || right.isTerm) } /** expr : tpt */ case class Typed[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], tpt: Tree[T]) extends ProxyTree[T] with TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Typed[T] def forwardTo = expr } /** name = arg, in a parameter list */ case class NamedArg[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (name: Name, arg: Tree[T]) extends Tree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = NamedArg[T] } /** name = arg, outside a parameter list */ case class Assign[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (lhs: Tree[T], rhs: Tree[T]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Assign[T] } /** { stats; expr } */ case class Block[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (stats: List[Tree[T]], expr: Tree[T]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Block[T] } /** if cond then thenp else elsep */ case class If[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (cond: Tree[T], thenp: Tree[T], elsep: Tree[T]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = If[T] } /** A closure with an environment and a reference to a method. * @param env The captured parameters of the closure * @param meth A ref tree that refers to the method of the closure. * The first (env.length) parameters of that method are filled * with env values. * @param tpt Either EmptyTree or a TypeTree. If tpt is EmptyTree the type * of the closure is a function type, otherwise it is the type * given in `tpt`, which must be a SAM type. */ case class Closure[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (env: List[Tree[T]], meth: Tree[T], tpt: Tree[T]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Closure[T] } /** selector match { cases } */ case class Match[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (selector: Tree[T], cases: List[CaseDef[T]]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Match[T] } /** case pat if guard => body; only appears as child of a Match */ case class CaseDef[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (pat: Tree[T], guard: Tree[T], body: Tree[T]) extends Tree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = CaseDef[T] } /** return expr * where `from` refers to the method from which the return takes place * After program transformations this is not necessarily the enclosing method, because * closures can intervene. */ case class Return[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], from: Tree[T] = genericEmptyTree) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Return[T] } /** try block catch handler finally finalizer * * Note: if the handler is a case block CASES of the form * * { case1 ... caseN } * * the parser returns Match(EmptyTree, CASES). Desugaring and typing this yields a closure * node * * { def $anonfun(x: Throwable) = x match CASES; Closure(Nil, $anonfun) } * * At some later stage when we normalize the try we can revert this to * * Match(EmptyTree, CASES) * * or else if stack is non-empty * * Match(EmptyTree, $anonfun(x)>) */ case class Try[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], handler: Tree[T], finalizer: Tree[T]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Try[T] } /** throw expr */ case class Throw[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T]) extends TermTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Throw[T] } /** Seq(elems) */ case class SeqLiteral[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (elems: List[Tree[T]]) extends Tree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = SeqLiteral[T] } /** Array(elems) */ class JavaSeqLiteral[T >: Untyped] private[ast] (elems: List[Tree[T]]) extends SeqLiteral(elems) { } /** A type tree that represents an existing or inferred type */ case class TypeTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (original: Tree[T]) extends DenotingTree[T] with TypTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = TypeTree[T] override def initialPos = NoPosition override def isEmpty = !hasType && original.isEmpty override def toString = s"TypeTree${if (hasType) s"[$typeOpt]" else s"($original)"}" } /** ref.type */ case class SingletonTypeTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (ref: Tree[T]) extends DenotingTree[T] with TypTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = SingletonTypeTree[T] } /** qualifier # name */ case class SelectFromTypeTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (qualifier: Tree[T], name: Name) extends RefTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = SelectFromTypeTree[T] def withName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.SelectFromTypeTree = untpd.cpy.SelectFromTypeTree(this, qualifier, name) } /** left & right */ case class AndTypeTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (left: Tree[T], right: Tree[T]) extends TypTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = AndTypeTree[T] } /** left | right */ case class OrTypeTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (left: Tree[T], right: Tree[T]) extends TypTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = OrTypeTree[T] } /** tpt { refinements } */ case class RefinedTypeTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (tpt: Tree[T], refinements: List[Tree[T]]) extends ProxyTree[T] with TypTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = RefinedTypeTree[T] def forwardTo = tpt } /** tpt[args] */ case class AppliedTypeTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (tpt: Tree[T], args: List[Tree[T]]) extends ProxyTree[T] with TypTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = AppliedTypeTree[T] def forwardTo = tpt } /** => T */ case class ByNameTypeTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (result: Tree[T]) extends TypTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = ByNameTypeTree[T] } /** >: lo <: hi */ case class TypeBoundsTree[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (lo: Tree[T], hi: Tree[T]) extends TypTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = TypeBoundsTree[T] } /** name @ body */ case class Bind[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (name: Name, body: Tree[T]) extends NameTree[T] with DefTree[T] with PatternTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Bind[T] override def envelope: Position = pos union initialPos def withName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.Bind = untpd.cpy.Bind(this, name, body) } /** tree_1 | ... | tree_n */ case class Alternative[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (trees: List[Tree[T]]) extends PatternTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Alternative[T] } /** The typed translation of `extractor(patterns)` in a pattern. The translation has the following * components: * * @param fun is `extractor.unapply` (or, for backwards compatibility, `extractor.unapplySeq`) * possibly with type parameters * @param implicits Any implicit parameters passed to the unapply after the selector * @param patterns The argument patterns in the pattern match. * * Given a match selector `sel` a pattern UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) is roughly translated as follows * * val result = fun(sel)(implicits) * if (result.isDefined) "match patterns against result" */ case class UnApply[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (fun: Tree[T], implicits: List[Tree[T]], patterns: List[Tree[T]]) extends PatternTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = UnApply[T] } /** mods val name: tpt = rhs */ case class ValDef[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (mods: Modifiers[T], name: TermName, tpt: Tree[T], rhs: Tree[T]) extends ValOrDefDef[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = ValDef[T] def withName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.ValDef = untpd.cpy.ValDef(this, mods, name.toTermName, tpt, rhs) assert(isEmpty || tpt != genericEmptyTree) } /** mods def name[tparams](vparams_1)...(vparams_n): tpt = rhs */ case class DefDef[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (mods: Modifiers[T], name: TermName, tparams: List[TypeDef[T]], vparamss: List[List[ValDef[T]]], tpt: Tree[T], rhs: Tree[T]) extends ValOrDefDef[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = DefDef[T] def withName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.DefDef = untpd.cpy.DefDef(this, mods, name.toTermName, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) assert(tpt != genericEmptyTree) } /** mods class name template or * mods trait name template or * mods type name = rhs or * mods type name >: lo <: hi, if rhs = TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) & (lo ne hi) */ case class TypeDef[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (mods: Modifiers[T], name: TypeName, rhs: Tree[T]) extends MemberDef[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = TypeDef[T] def withName(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.TypeDef = untpd.cpy.TypeDef(this, mods, name.toTypeName, rhs, tparams) /** Is this a definition of a class? */ def isClassDef = rhs.isInstanceOf[Template[_]] /** If this a non-class type definition, its type parameters. * Can be different from Nil only for PolyTypeDefs, which are always * untyped and get eliminated during desugaring. */ def tparams: List[untpd.TypeDef] = Nil } /** extends parents { self => body } */ case class Template[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (constr: DefDef[T], parents: List[Tree[T]], self: ValDef[T], body: List[Tree[T]]) extends DefTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Template[T] } /** import expr.selectors * where a selector is either an untyped `Ident`, `name` or * an untyped `Pair` `name => rename` */ case class Import[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (expr: Tree[T], selectors: List[Tree[Untyped]]) extends DenotingTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Import[T] } /** package pid { stats } */ case class PackageDef[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (pid: RefTree[T], stats: List[Tree[T]]) extends ProxyTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = PackageDef[T] def forwardTo = pid } /** arg @annot */ case class Annotated[-T >: Untyped] private[ast] (annot: Tree[T], arg: Tree[T]) extends ProxyTree[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Annotated[T] def forwardTo = arg } trait WithoutTypeOrPos[-T >: Untyped] extends Tree[T] { override def tpe: T @uncheckedVariance = NoType.asInstanceOf[T] override def withTypeUnchecked(tpe: Type) = this.asInstanceOf[ThisTree[Type]] override def pos = NoPosition override def setPos(pos: Position) = {} } /** Temporary class that results from translation of ModuleDefs * (and possibly other statements). * The contained trees will be integrated when transformed with * a `transform(List[Tree])` call. */ case class Thicket[-T >: Untyped](trees: List[Tree[T]]) extends Tree[T] with WithoutTypeOrPos[T] { type ThisTree[-T >: Untyped] = Thicket[T] override def isEmpty: Boolean = trees.isEmpty override def toList: List[Tree[T]] = flatten(trees) override def toString = if (isEmpty) "EmptyTree" else "Thicket(" + trees.mkString(", ") + ")" override def withPos(pos: Position): this.type = { val newTrees = new Thicket[T](newTrees).asInstanceOf[this.type] } } class EmptyValDef[T >: Untyped] extends ValDef[T]( Modifiers[T](Private), nme.WILDCARD, genericEmptyTree[T], genericEmptyTree[T]) with WithoutTypeOrPos[T] { override def isEmpty: Boolean = true } val theEmptyTree: Thicket[Type] = Thicket(Nil) val theEmptyValDef = new EmptyValDef[Type] def genericEmptyValDef[T >: Untyped]: ValDef[T] = theEmptyValDef.asInstanceOf[ValDef[T]] def genericEmptyTree[T >: Untyped]: Thicket[T] = theEmptyTree.asInstanceOf[Thicket[T]] def flatten[T >: Untyped](trees: List[Tree[T]]): List[Tree[T]] = { var buf: ListBuffer[Tree[T]] = null var xs = trees while (xs.nonEmpty) { xs.head match { case Thicket(elems) => if (buf == null) { buf = new ListBuffer var ys = trees while (ys ne xs) { buf += ys.head ys = ys.tail } } for (elem <- elems) { assert(!elem.isInstanceOf[Thicket[_]]) buf += elem } case tree => if (buf != null) buf += tree } xs = xs.tail } if (buf != null) buf.toList else trees } // ----- Generic Tree Instances, inherited from `tpt` and `untpd`. abstract class Instance[T >: Untyped <: Type] extends DotClass { inst => type Modifiers = Trees.Modifiers[T] type Tree = Trees.Tree[T] type TypTree = Trees.TypTree[T] type TermTree = Trees.TermTree[T] type PatternTree = Trees.PatternTree[T] type DenotingTree = Trees.DenotingTree[T] type ProxyTree = Trees.ProxyTree[T] type NameTree = Trees.NameTree[T] type RefTree = Trees.RefTree[T] type DefTree = Trees.DefTree[T] type MemberDef = Trees.MemberDef[T] type ValOrDefDef = Trees.ValOrDefDef[T] type Ident = Trees.Ident[T] type BackquotedIdent = Trees.BackquotedIdent[T] type Select = Trees.Select[T] type SelectWithSig = Trees.SelectWithSig[T] type This = Trees.This[T] type Super = Trees.Super[T] type Apply = Trees.Apply[T] type TypeApply = Trees.TypeApply[T] type Literal = Trees.Literal[T] type New = Trees.New[T] type Pair = Trees.Pair[T] type Typed = Trees.Typed[T] type NamedArg = Trees.NamedArg[T] type Assign = Trees.Assign[T] type Block = Trees.Block[T] type If = Trees.If[T] type Closure = Trees.Closure[T] type Match = Trees.Match[T] type CaseDef = Trees.CaseDef[T] type Return = Trees.Return[T] type Try = Trees.Try[T] type Throw = Trees.Throw[T] type SeqLiteral = Trees.SeqLiteral[T] type JavaSeqLiteral = Trees.JavaSeqLiteral[T] type TypeTree = Trees.TypeTree[T] type SingletonTypeTree = Trees.SingletonTypeTree[T] type SelectFromTypeTree = Trees.SelectFromTypeTree[T] type AndTypeTree = Trees.AndTypeTree[T] type OrTypeTree = Trees.OrTypeTree[T] type RefinedTypeTree = Trees.RefinedTypeTree[T] type AppliedTypeTree = Trees.AppliedTypeTree[T] type ByNameTypeTree = Trees.ByNameTypeTree[T] type TypeBoundsTree = Trees.TypeBoundsTree[T] type Bind = Trees.Bind[T] type Alternative = Trees.Alternative[T] type UnApply = Trees.UnApply[T] type ValDef = Trees.ValDef[T] type DefDef = Trees.DefDef[T] type TypeDef = Trees.TypeDef[T] type Template = Trees.Template[T] type Import = Trees.Import[T] type PackageDef = Trees.PackageDef[T] type Annotated = Trees.Annotated[T] type Thicket = Trees.Thicket[T] val EmptyTree: Thicket = genericEmptyTree val EmptyValDef: ValDef = genericEmptyValDef // ----- Auxiliary creation methods ------------------ def Modifiers(flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags, privateWithin: TypeName = tpnme.EMPTY, annotations: List[Tree] = Nil) = new Modifiers(flags, privateWithin, annotations) def Thicket(trees: List[Tree]): Thicket = new Thicket(trees) def Thicket(): Thicket = EmptyTree def Thicket(x1: Tree, x2: Tree): Thicket = Thicket(x1 :: x2 :: Nil) def Thicket(x1: Tree, x2: Tree, x3: Tree): Thicket = Thicket(x1 :: x2 :: x3 :: Nil) def flatTree(xs: List[Tree]): Tree = flatten(xs) match { case x :: Nil => x case ys => Thicket(ys) } // ----- Position handling ----------------------------------------- def foreachSubTreeOf(tree: Tree)(f: Tree => Unit): Unit = { val traverser = new TreeTraverser { def traverse(tree: Tree) = foldOver(f(tree), tree) } traverser.traverse(tree) } // ----- Helper classes for copying, transforming, accumulating ----------------- val cpy: TreeCopier abstract class TreeCopier { def postProcess(tree: Tree, copied: untpd.Tree): copied.ThisTree[T] def finalize(tree: Tree, copied: untpd.Tree): copied.ThisTree[T] = postProcess(tree, copied withPos tree.pos) def Ident(tree: Tree, name: Name): Ident = tree match { case tree: BackquotedIdent => if (name == tree else finalize(tree, new BackquotedIdent(name)) case tree: Ident if (name == => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Ident(name)) } def Select(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, name: Name): Select = tree match { case tree: SelectWithSig => if ((qualifier eq tree.qualifier) && (name == tree else finalize(tree, new SelectWithSig(qualifier, name, tree.sig)) case tree: Select if (qualifier eq tree.qualifier) && (name == => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Select(qualifier, name)) } def This(tree: Tree, qual: TypeName): This = tree match { case tree: This if (qual == tree.qual) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.This(qual)) } def Super(tree: Tree, qual: Tree, mix: TypeName): Super = tree match { case tree: Super if (qual eq tree.qual) && (mix == tree.mix) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Super(qual, mix)) } def Apply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): Apply = tree match { case tree: Apply if (fun eq && (args eq tree.args) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Apply(fun, args)) } def TypeApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, args: List[Tree]): TypeApply = tree match { case tree: TypeApply if (fun eq && (args eq tree.args) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TypeApply(fun, args)) } def Literal(tree: Tree, const: Constant): Literal = tree match { case tree: Literal if (const == tree.const) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Literal(const)) } def New(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree): New = tree match { case tree: New if (tpt eq tree.tpt) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.New(tpt)) } def Pair(tree: Tree, left: Tree, right: Tree): Pair = tree match { case tree: Pair if (left eq tree.left) && (right eq tree.right) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Pair(left, right)) } def Typed(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, tpt: Tree): Typed = tree match { case tree: Typed if (expr eq tree.expr) && (tpt eq tree.tpt) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Typed(expr, tpt)) } def NamedArg(tree: Tree, name: Name, arg: Tree): NamedArg = tree match { case tree: NamedArg if (name == && (arg eq tree.arg) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.NamedArg(name, arg)) } def Assign(tree: Tree, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree): Assign = tree match { case tree: Assign if (lhs eq tree.lhs) && (rhs eq tree.rhs) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Assign(lhs, rhs)) } def Block(tree: Tree, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree): Block = tree match { case tree: Block if (stats eq tree.stats) && (expr eq tree.expr) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Block(stats, expr)) } def If(tree: Tree, cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree): If = tree match { case tree: If if (cond eq tree.cond) && (thenp eq tree.thenp) && (elsep eq tree.elsep) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.If(cond, thenp, elsep)) } def Closure(tree: Tree, env: List[Tree], meth: Tree, tpt: Tree): Closure = tree match { case tree: Closure if (env eq tree.env) && (meth eq tree.meth) && (tpt eq tree.tpt) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Closure(env, meth, tpt)) } def Match(tree: Tree, selector: Tree, cases: List[CaseDef]): Match = tree match { case tree: Match if (selector eq tree.selector) && (cases eq tree.cases) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Match(selector, cases)) } def CaseDef(tree: Tree, pat: Tree, guard: Tree, body: Tree): CaseDef = tree match { case tree: CaseDef if (pat eq tree.pat) && (guard eq tree.guard) && (body eq tree.body) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.CaseDef(pat, guard, body)) } def Return(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, from: Tree): Return = tree match { case tree: Return if (expr eq tree.expr) && (from eq tree.from) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Return(expr, from)) } def Try(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, handler: Tree, finalizer: Tree): Try = tree match { case tree: Try if (expr eq tree.expr) && (handler eq tree.handler) && (finalizer eq tree.finalizer) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Try(expr, handler, finalizer)) } def Throw(tree: Tree, expr: Tree): Throw = tree match { case tree: Throw if (expr eq tree.expr) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Throw(expr)) } def SeqLiteral(tree: Tree, elems: List[Tree]): SeqLiteral = tree match { case tree: JavaSeqLiteral => if (elems eq tree.elems) tree else finalize(tree, new JavaSeqLiteral(elems)) case tree: SeqLiteral if (elems eq tree.elems) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.SeqLiteral(elems)) } def TypeTree(tree: Tree, original: Tree): TypeTree = tree match { case tree: TypeTree if original eq tree.original => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TypeTree(original)) } def SingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree, ref: Tree): SingletonTypeTree = tree match { case tree: SingletonTypeTree if (ref eq tree.ref) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.SingletonTypeTree(ref)) } def SelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree, qualifier: Tree, name: Name): SelectFromTypeTree = tree match { case tree: SelectFromTypeTree if (qualifier eq tree.qualifier) && (name == => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name)) } def AndTypeTree(tree: Tree, left: Tree, right: Tree): AndTypeTree = tree match { case tree: AndTypeTree if (left eq tree.left) && (right eq tree.right) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.AndTypeTree(left, right)) } def OrTypeTree(tree: Tree, left: Tree, right: Tree): OrTypeTree = tree match { case tree: OrTypeTree if (left eq tree.left) && (right eq tree.right) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.OrTypeTree(left, right)) } def RefinedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, refinements: List[Tree]): RefinedTypeTree = tree match { case tree: RefinedTypeTree if (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (refinements eq tree.refinements) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements)) } def AppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree, tpt: Tree, args: List[Tree]): AppliedTypeTree = tree match { case tree: AppliedTypeTree if (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (args eq tree.args) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args)) } def ByNameTypeTree(tree: Tree, result: Tree): ByNameTypeTree = tree match { case tree: ByNameTypeTree if (result eq tree.result) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ByNameTypeTree(result)) } def TypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree): TypeBoundsTree = tree match { case tree: TypeBoundsTree if (lo eq tree.lo) && (hi eq tree.hi) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi)) } def Bind(tree: Tree, name: Name, body: Tree): Bind = tree match { case tree: Bind if (name eq && (body eq tree.body) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Bind(name, body)) } def Alternative(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]): Alternative = tree match { case tree: Alternative if (trees eq tree.trees) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Alternative(trees)) } def UnApply(tree: Tree, fun: Tree, implicits: List[Tree], patterns: List[Tree]): UnApply = tree match { case tree: UnApply if (fun eq && (implicits eq tree.implicits) && (patterns eq tree.patterns) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns)) } def ValDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): ValDef = tree match { case tree: ValDef if (mods == tree.mods) && (name == && (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (rhs eq tree.rhs) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs)) } def DefDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: TermName, tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree): DefDef = tree match { case tree: DefDef if (mods == tree.mods) && (name == && (tparams eq tree.tparams) && (vparamss eq tree.vparamss) && (tpt eq tree.tpt) && (rhs eq tree.rhs) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs)) } def TypeDef(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers, name: TypeName, rhs: Tree, tparams: List[untpd.TypeDef] = Nil): TypeDef = tree match { case tree: TypeDef if (mods == tree.mods) && (name == && (rhs eq tree.rhs) && (tparams eq tree.tparams) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs)) } def Template(tree: Tree, constr: DefDef, parents: List[Tree], self: ValDef, body: List[Tree]): Template = tree match { case tree: Template if (constr eq tree.constr) && (parents eq tree.parents) && (self eq tree.self) && (body eq tree.body) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Template(constr, parents, self, body)) } def Import(tree: Tree, expr: Tree, selectors: List[untpd.Tree]): Import = tree match { case tree: Import if (expr eq tree.expr) && (selectors eq tree.selectors) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Import(expr, selectors)) } def PackageDef(tree: Tree, pid: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef = tree match { case tree: PackageDef if (pid eq && (stats eq tree.stats) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.PackageDef(pid, stats)) } def Annotated(tree: Tree, annot: Tree, arg: Tree): Annotated = tree match { case tree: Annotated if (annot eq tree.annot) && (arg eq tree.arg) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Annotated(annot, arg)) } def Thicket(tree: Tree, trees: List[Tree]): Thicket = tree match { case tree: Thicket if (trees eq tree.trees) => tree case _ => finalize(tree, untpd.Thicket(trees)) } } abstract class TreeMap(val cpy: TreeCopier = inst.cpy) { def transform(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = tree match { case Ident(name) => tree case Select(qualifier, name) => cpy.Select(tree, transform(qualifier), name) case This(qual) => tree case Super(qual, mix) => cpy.Super(tree, transform(qual), mix) case Apply(fun, args) => cpy.Apply(tree, transform(fun), transform(args)) case TypeApply(fun, args) => cpy.TypeApply(tree, transform(fun), transform(args)) case New(tpt) => cpy.New(tree, transform(tpt)) case Typed(expr, tpt) => cpy.Typed(tree, transform(expr), transform(tpt)) case NamedArg(name, arg) => cpy.NamedArg(tree, name, transform(arg)) case Assign(lhs, rhs) => cpy.Assign(tree, transform(lhs), transform(rhs)) case Closure(env, meth, tpt) => cpy.Closure(tree, transform(env), transform(meth), transform(tpt)) case Return(expr, from) => cpy.Return(tree, transform(expr), transformSub(from)) case Throw(expr) => cpy.Throw(tree, transform(expr)) case TypeTree(original) => tree case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => cpy.SingletonTypeTree(tree, transform(ref)) case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name) => cpy.SelectFromTypeTree(tree, transform(qualifier), name) case AndTypeTree(left, right) => cpy.AndTypeTree(tree, transform(left), transform(right)) case OrTypeTree(left, right) => cpy.OrTypeTree(tree, transform(left), transform(right)) case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements) => cpy.RefinedTypeTree(tree, transform(tpt), transformSub(refinements)) case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => cpy.AppliedTypeTree(tree, transform(tpt), transform(args)) case ByNameTypeTree(result) => cpy.ByNameTypeTree(tree, transform(result)) case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => cpy.TypeBoundsTree(tree, transform(lo), transform(hi)) case Bind(name, body) => cpy.Bind(tree, name, transform(body)) case Alternative(trees) => cpy.Alternative(tree, transform(trees)) case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) => cpy.UnApply(tree, transform(fun), transform(implicits), transform(patterns)) case EmptyValDef => tree case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => cpy.ValDef(tree, mods, name, transform(tpt), transform(rhs)) case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) => cpy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, transformSub(tparams), vparamss mapConserve (transformSub(_)), transform(tpt), transform(rhs)) case tree @ TypeDef(mods, name, rhs) => cpy.TypeDef(tree, mods, name, transform(rhs), tree.tparams) case Template(constr, parents, self, body) => cpy.Template(tree, transformSub(constr), transform(parents), transformSub(self), transformStats(body)) case Import(expr, selectors) => cpy.Import(tree, transform(expr), selectors) case PackageDef(pid, stats) => cpy.PackageDef(tree, transformSub(pid), transformStats(stats)) case Thicket(trees) => val trees1 = transform(trees) if (trees1 eq trees) tree else Thicket(trees1) case Literal(const) => tree case Pair(left, right) => cpy.Pair(tree, transform(left), transform(right)) case Block(stats, expr) => cpy.Block(tree, transformStats(stats), transform(expr)) case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => cpy.If(tree, transform(cond), transform(thenp), transform(elsep)) case Match(selector, cases) => cpy.Match(tree, transform(selector), transformSub(cases)) case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => cpy.CaseDef(tree, transform(pat), transform(guard), transform(body)) case Try(block, handler, finalizer) => cpy.Try(tree, transform(block), transform(handler), transform(finalizer)) case SeqLiteral(elems) => cpy.SeqLiteral(tree, transform(elems)) case Annotated(annot, arg) => cpy.Annotated(tree, transform(annot), transform(arg)) } def transformStats(trees: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = transform(trees) def transform(trees: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = flatten(trees mapConserve (transform(_))) def transformSub[Tr <: Tree](tree: Tr)(implicit ctx: Context): Tr = transform(tree).asInstanceOf[Tr] def transformSub[Tr <: Tree](trees: List[Tr])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tr] = transform(trees).asInstanceOf[List[Tr]] } abstract class TreeAccumulator[X] extends ((X, Tree) => X) { def apply(x: X, tree: Tree): X def apply(x: X, trees: Traversable[Tree]): X = (x /: trees)(apply) def foldOver(x: X, tree: Tree): X = tree match { case Ident(name) => x case Select(qualifier, name) => this(x, qualifier) case This(qual) => x case Super(qual, mix) => this(x, qual) case Apply(fun, args) => this(this(x, fun), args) case TypeApply(fun, args) => this(this(x, fun), args) case Literal(const) => x case New(tpt) => this(x, tpt) case Pair(left, right) => this(this(x, left), right) case Typed(expr, tpt) => this(this(x, expr), tpt) case NamedArg(name, arg) => this(x, arg) case Assign(lhs, rhs) => this(this(x, lhs), rhs) case Block(stats, expr) => this(this(x, stats), expr) case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => this(this(this(x, cond), thenp), elsep) case Closure(env, meth, tpt) => this(this(this(x, env), meth), tpt) case Match(selector, cases) => this(this(x, selector), cases) case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => this(this(this(x, pat), guard), body) case Return(expr, from) => this(this(x, expr), from) case Try(block, handler, finalizer) => this(this(this(x, block), handler), finalizer) case Throw(expr) => this(x, expr) case SeqLiteral(elems) => this(x, elems) case TypeTree(original) => x case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => this(x, ref) case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name) => this(x, qualifier) case AndTypeTree(left, right) => this(this(x, left), right) case OrTypeTree(left, right) => this(this(x, left), right) case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements) => this(this(x, tpt), refinements) case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => this(this(x, tpt), args) case ByNameTypeTree(result) => this(x, result) case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => this(this(x, lo), hi) case Bind(name, body) => this(x, body) case Alternative(trees) => this(x, trees) case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) => this(this(this(x, fun), implicits), patterns) case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => this(this(x, tpt), rhs) case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) => this(this((this(x, tparams) /: vparamss)(apply), tpt), rhs) case TypeDef(mods, name, rhs) => this(x, rhs) case Template(constr, parents, self, body) => this(this(this(this(x, constr), parents), self), body) case Import(expr, selectors) => this(x, expr) case PackageDef(pid, stats) => this(this(x, pid), stats) case Annotated(annot, arg) => this(this(x, annot), arg) case Thicket(ts) => this(x, ts) } } abstract class TreeTraverser extends TreeAccumulator[Unit] { def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit def apply(x: Unit, tree: Tree) = traverse(tree) } /** Fold `f` over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order */ class DeepFolder[X](f: (X, Tree) => X) extends TreeAccumulator[X] { def apply(x: X, tree: Tree): X = foldOver(f(x, tree), tree) } /** Fold `f` over all tree nodes, in depth-first, prefix order, but don't visit * subtrees where `f` returns a different result for the root, i.e. `f(x, root) ne x`. */ class ShallowFolder[X](f: (X, Tree) => X) extends TreeAccumulator[X] { def apply(x: X, tree: Tree): X = { val x1 = f(x, tree) if (x1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] ne x1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) x1 else foldOver(x1, tree) } } } } // ----- Helper functions and classes --------------------------------------- /* abstract class FullTreeTransformer[T >: Untyped, C] { var sharedMemo: Map[SharedTree[T], SharedTree[T]] = Map() def transform(tree: Tree[T], c: C): Tree[T] = tree match { case Ident(name) => finishIdent(tree, tree, c, plugins) case Select(qualifier, name) => finishSelect(tree.derivedSelect(transform(qualifier, c), name), tree, c, plugins) case This(qual) => finishThis(tree, tree, c, plugins) case Super(qual, mix) => finishSuper(tree.derivedSuper(transform(qual, c), mix), tree, c, plugins) case Apply(fun, args) => finishApply(tree.derivedApply(transform(fun, c), transform(args, c)), tree, c, plugins) case TypeApply(fun, args) => finishTypeApply(tree.derivedTypeApply(transform(fun, c), transform(args, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Literal(const) => finishLiteral(tree, tree, c, plugins) case New(tpt) => finishNew(tree.derivedNew(transform(tpt, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Pair(left, right) => finishPair(tree.derivedPair(transform(left, c), transform(right, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Typed(expr, tpt) => finishTyped(tree.derivedTyped(transform(expr, c), transform(tpt, c)), tree, c, plugins) case NamedArg(name, arg) => finishNamedArg(tree.derivedNamedArg(name, transform(arg, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Assign(lhs, rhs) => finishAssign(tree.derivedAssign(transform(lhs, c), transform(rhs, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Block(stats, expr) => finishBlock(tree.derivedBlock(transform(stats, c), transform(expr, c)), tree, c, plugins) case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => finishIf(tree.derivedIf(transform(cond, c), transform(thenp, c), transform(elsep, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Closure(env, meth, tpt) => finishClosure(tree.derivedClosure(transform(env, c), transformSub(meth, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Match(selector, cases) => finishMatch(tree.derivedMatch(transform(selector, c), transformSub(cases, c)), tree, c, plugins) case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => finishCaseDef(tree.derivedCaseDef(transform(pat, c), transform(guard, c), transform(body, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Return(expr, from) => finishReturn(tree.derivedReturn(transform(expr, c), transform(from, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Try(block, handler, finalizer) => finishTry(tree.derivedTry(transform(block, c), transform(handler, c), transform(finalizer, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Throw(expr) => finishThrow(tree.derivedThrow(transform(expr, c)), tree, c, plugins) case SeqLiteral(elems) => finishSeqLiteral(tree.derivedSeqLiteral(transform(elems, c)), tree, c, plugins) case TypeTree(original) => finishTypeTree(tree, tree, c, plugins) case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => finishSingletonTypeTree(tree.derivedSingletonTypeTree(transform(ref, c)), tree, c, plugins) case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name) => finishSelectFromTypeTree(tree.derivedSelectFromTypeTree(transform(qualifier, c), name), tree, c, plugins) case AndTypeTree(left, right) => finishAndTypeTree(tree.derivedAndTypeTree(transform(left, c), transform(right, c)), tree, c, plugins) case OrTypeTree(left, right) => finishOrTypeTree(tree.derivedOrTypeTree(transform(left, c), transform(right, c)), tree, c, plugins) case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refinements) => finishRefinedTypeTree(tree.derivedRefinedTypeTree(transform(tpt, c), transformSub(refinements, c)), tree, c, plugins) case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => finishAppliedTypeTree(tree.derivedAppliedTypeTree(transform(tpt, c), transform(args, c)), tree, c, plugins) case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => finishTypeBoundsTree(tree.derivedTypeBoundsTree(transform(lo, c), transform(hi, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Bind(name, body) => finishBind(tree.derivedBind(name, transform(body, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Alternative(trees) => finishAlternative(tree.derivedAlternative(transform(trees, c)), tree, c, plugins) case UnApply(fun, args) => finishUnApply(tree.derivedUnApply(transform(fun, c), transform(args, c)), tree, c, plugins) case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => finishValDef(tree.derivedValDef(mods, name, transform(tpt, c), transform(rhs, c)), tree, c, plugins) case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) => finishDefDef(tree.derivedDefDef(mods, name, transformSub(tparams, c), vparamss mapConserve (transformSub(_, c)), transform(tpt, c), transform(rhs, c)), tree, c, plugins) case tree @ TypeDef(mods, name, rhs) => finishTypeDef(tree.derivedTypeDef(mods, name, transform(rhs, c), tree.tparams), tree, c, plugins) case Template(constr, parents, self, body) => finishTemplate(tree.derivedTemplate(transformSub(constr, c), transform(parents, c), transformSub(self, c), transform(body, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Import(expr, selectors) => finishImport(tree.derivedImport(transform(expr, c), selectors), tree, c, plugins) case PackageDef(pid, stats) => finishPackageDef(tree.derivedPackageDef(transformSub(pid, c), transform(stats, c)), tree, c, plugins) case Annotated(annot, arg) => finishAnnotated(tree.derivedAnnotated(transform(annot, c), transform(arg, c)), tree, c, plugins) case EmptyTree => finishEmptyTree(tree, tree, c, plugins) case tree @ SharedTree(shared) => finishSharedTree( sharedMemo get tree match { case Some(tree1) => tree1 case None => val tree1 = tree.derivedSharedTree(transform(shared, c)) sharedMemo = sharedMemo.updated(tree, tree1) tree1 }, tree, c, plugins) } def transform(trees: List[Tree[T]], c: C): List[Tree[T]] = flatten(trees) mapConserve (transform(_, c)) def transformSub(tree: Tree[T], c: C): tree.ThisTree[T] = transform(tree, c).asInstanceOf[tree.ThisTree[T]] def transformSub[TT <: Tree[T]](trees: List[TT], c: C): List[TT] = transform(trees, c).asInstanceOf[List[TT]] type Plugins >: Null def plugins: Plugins = null def finishIdent(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishSelect(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishThis(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishSuper(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishApply(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishTypeApply(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishLiteral(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishNew(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishPair(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishTyped(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishNamedArg(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishAssign(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishFunction(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishBlock(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishIf(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishClosure(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishMatch(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishCaseDef(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishReturn(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishTry(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishThrow(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishSeqLiteral(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishTypeTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishSingletonTypeTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishSelectFromTypeTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishAndTypeTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishOrTypeTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishRefinedTypeTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishAppliedTypeTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishTypeBoundsTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishBind(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishAlternative(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishUnApply(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishValDef(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishDefDef(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishTypeDef(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishTemplate(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishImport(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishPackageDef(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishAnnotated(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishEmptyTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree def finishSharedTree(tree: Tree[T], old: Tree[T], c: C, plugins: Plugins) = tree } */