package package dotc package core import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._ import util.SimpleMap import collection.mutable import printing.{Printer, Showable} import printing.Texts._ import config.Config import config.Printers._ object Constraint { /** The type of `Constraint#myMap` */ type ParamInfo = SimpleMap[PolyType, Array[Type]] /** The type of `Constraint#dependents */ type DependentMap = SimpleMap[PolyType, Array[Set[PolyParam]]] /** The type of functions that include or exclude a `PolyParam` in or from a set*/ private type DepDelta = (Set[PolyParam], PolyParam) => Set[PolyParam] private val addDep: DepDelta = (_ + _) private val removeDep: DepDelta = (_ - _) private val NoTypeBounds = new TypeBounds(WildcardType, WildcardType){} /** An accumulator that changes dependencies on `param`. * @param param The parameter to which changed dependencies refer. * @param ofVariance Include `PolyParams` occurring at this variance in the dependencies. * @param delta The dependency change to perform (add or remove). */ private class ChangeDependencies(param: PolyParam, ofVariance: Int, delta: DepDelta)(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeAccumulator[DependentMap] { def apply(deps: DependentMap, tp: Type): DependentMap = tp match { case tp @ PolyParam(pt, n) if this.variance == 0 || this.variance == ofVariance => val oldDeps = deps(pt) val original = safeSelect(oldDeps, n) val changed = delta(original, param) if (original eq changed) deps else { val newDeps = if (oldDeps == null) new Array[Set[PolyParam]](pt.paramBounds.length) else oldDeps.clone newDeps(n) = changed deps.updated(pt, newDeps) } case _ => foldOver(deps, tp) } } /** `deps(n)`, except that `Set()` is returned if `deps` or `deps(n)` are null */ private def safeSelect(deps: Array[Set[PolyParam]], n: Int) : Set[PolyParam] = if (deps == null || deps(n) == null) Set() else deps(n) } import Constraint._ /** Constraint over undetermined type parameters * @param myMap a map from PolyType to arrays. * Each array contains twice the number of entries as there a type parameters * in the PolyType. The first half of the array contains the type bounds that constrain the * polytype's type parameters. The second half might contain type variables that * track the corresponding parameters, or is left empty (filled with nulls). * An instantiated type parameter is represented by having its instance type in * the corresponding array entry. * @param dependents a map from PolyTypes to arrays of Sets of PolyParams. * The i'th set in an array corresponding to polytype `pt` contains * those dependent `PolyParam`s `dp` that have `PolyParam(pt, i)` in their bounds in * significant position. A position is significant if solving the * constraint for `(pt, i)` with a type higher than its lower bound * would lead to a constraint for `dp` that was not looser than * the existing constraint. Specifically, it means that all poly params * appearing covariantly in the lower bound and contravariantly in the * upper bound, as well as all poly params appearing nonvariantly are * significant. * The `dependents` map is maintained and queried only of `Config.trackConstrDeps` is set. */ class Constraint(private val myMap: ParamInfo, private val dependents: DependentMap) extends Showable { /** Does the constraint's domain contain the type parameters of `pt`? */ def contains(pt: PolyType): Boolean = myMap(pt) != null /** Does the constraint's domain contain the type parameter `param`? */ def contains(param: PolyParam): Boolean = { val entries = myMap(param.binder) entries != null && entries(param.paramNum).isInstanceOf[TypeBounds] } /** Does this constraint contain the type variable `tvar` and is it uninstantiated? */ def contains(tvar: TypeVar): Boolean = { val origin = tvar.origin val entries = myMap(origin.binder) val pnum = origin.paramNum entries != null && isBounds(entries(pnum)) && (typeVar(entries, pnum) eq tvar) } /** The number of type parameters in the given entry array */ private def paramCount(entries: Array[Type]) = entries.length >> 1 /** The type variable corresponding to parameter numbered `n`, null if none was created */ private def typeVar(entries: Array[Type], n: Int): Type = entries(paramCount(entries) + n) private def isBounds(tp: Type) = tp.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds] /** The constraint for given type parameter `param`, or NoType if `param` is not part of * the constraint domain. */ def at(param: PolyParam): Type = { val entries = myMap(param.binder) if (entries == null) NoType else entries(param.paramNum) } /** The constraint bounds for given type parameter `param`. * @pre `param` is not part of the constraint domain. */ def bounds(param: PolyParam): TypeBounds = at(param).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds] /** The type variable corresponding to parameter `param`, or * NoType, if `param` is not in constrained or is not paired with a type variable. */ def typeVarOfParam(param: PolyParam): Type = { val entries = myMap(param.binder) if (entries == null) NoType else { val tvar = typeVar(entries, param.paramNum) if (tvar != null) tvar else NoType } } /** Change dependencies in map `deps` to reflect new parameter bounds. * @param deps The map to change * @param pt the polytype that contains the parameters which might have new bounds * @param entries the entries for the parameters which might have new bounds * @param delta the change operation, one of `addDep` or `removeDep`. * @param cmpEntries the comparison entries or `null` if no such entries exist. * As an optimization, only bounds that differ between `entries` * and `cmpEntries` will record their dependencies. */ def changeDependencies(deps: DependentMap, pt: PolyType, entries: Array[Type], delta: DepDelta, cmpEntries: Array[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): DependentMap = { val limit = paramCount(entries) def loop(deps: DependentMap, n: Int): DependentMap = { if (n >= limit) deps else { val newDeps = entries(n) match { case bounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) => val cmpBounds = if (cmpEntries == null) NoTypeBounds else cmpEntries(n) match { case bounds: TypeBounds => bounds case _ => NoTypeBounds } if (cmpBounds eq bounds) deps else { val param = PolyParam(pt, n) val deps1 = if (cmpBounds.lo eq lo) deps else new ChangeDependencies(param, 1, delta).apply(deps, lo) val deps2 = if (cmpBounds.hi eq hi) deps1 else new ChangeDependencies(param, -1, delta).apply(deps1, hi) deps2 } case _ => deps } loop(newDeps, n + 1) } } if (Config.trackConstrDeps) loop(deps, 0) else deps } /** Change dependencies to reflect all changes between the bounds in `oldMap` and `newMap`. */ def diffDependencies(deps: DependentMap, oldMap: ParamInfo, newMap: ParamInfo)(implicit ctx: Context): DependentMap = if (Config.trackConstrDeps) { var d = deps oldMap foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => val newEntries = newMap(poly) if (newEntries ne entries) d = changeDependencies(d, poly, entries, removeDep, newEntries) } newMap foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => val oldEntries = oldMap(poly) if (oldEntries ne entries) d = changeDependencies(d, poly, entries, addDep, oldEntries) } d } else deps /** The set of parameters that depend directly on `param` * according to what's stored in `dependents`. */ def dependentParams(param: PolyParam): Set[PolyParam] = safeSelect(dependents(param.binder), param.paramNum) /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by adding or replacing * the entries corresponding to `pt` with `entries`. */ private def updateEntries(pt: PolyType, entries: Array[Type])(implicit ctx: Context) : Constraint = { val res = new Constraint( myMap.updated(pt, entries), changeDependencies(dependents, pt, entries, addDep, myMap(pt))) //assert(res.domainPolys.filter(pt => // == "Ensuring").length < 2) //DEBUG if (Config.checkConstraintsNonCyclic) checkNonCyclic(pt, entries) ctx.runInfo.recordConstraintSize(res, res.myMap.size) res } /** Check that no constrained parameter in `pt` contains itself as a bound */ def checkNonCyclic(pt: PolyType, entries: Array[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = for ((entry, i) <- entries.zipWithIndex) { val param = PolyParam(pt, i) entry match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => assert(!param.occursIn(lo, fromBelow = true), s"$param occurs below $lo") assert(!param.occursIn(hi, fromBelow = false), s"$param occurs above $hi") case _ => } } /** Check that no constrained parameter contains itself as a bound */ def checkNonCyclic()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { for (pt <- domainPolys) checkNonCyclic(pt, myMap(pt)) } /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by updating * the entry for parameter `param` to `tpe`. * @pre `this contains param`. */ def updated(param: PolyParam, tpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Constraint = { val newEntries = myMap(param.binder).clone newEntries(param.paramNum) = tpe updateEntries(param.binder, newEntries) } /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by mapping * `op` over all entries of `poly`. * @pre `this contains poly`. */ def transformed(poly: PolyType, op: Type => Type)(implicit ctx: Context) : Constraint = updateEntries(poly, myMap(poly) map op) /** A new constraint with all entries coming from `pt` removed. */ def remove(pt: PolyType)(implicit ctx: Context) = new Constraint( myMap remove pt, changeDependencies(dependents, pt, myMap(pt), removeDep, null)) /** Is entry associated with `pt` removable? * @param removedParam The index of a parameter which is still present in the * entry array, but is going to be removed at the same step, * or -1 if no such parameter exists. */ def isRemovable(pt: PolyType, removedParam: Int = -1): Boolean = { val entries = myMap(pt) var noneLeft = true var i = paramCount(entries) while (noneLeft && i > 0) { i -= 1 if (i != removedParam && isBounds(entries(i))) noneLeft = false else typeVar(entries, i) match { case tv: TypeVar => if (!tv.inst.exists) noneLeft = false // need to keep line around to compute instType case _ => } } noneLeft } /** Drop parameter `PolyParam(poly, n)` from `bounds`, * replacing with Nothing in the lower bound and by `Any` in the upper bound. */ def dropParamIn(bounds: TypeBounds, poly: PolyType, n: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = { def drop(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case tp: AndOrType => val tp1 = drop(tp.tp1) val tp2 = drop(tp.tp2) if (!tp1.exists) tp2 else if (!tp2.exists) tp1 else tp case PolyParam(`poly`, `n`) => NoType case _ => tp } def approx(tp: Type, limit: Type): Type = { val tp1 = drop(tp) if (tp1.exists || !tp.exists) tp1 else limit } bounds.derivedTypeBounds( approx(bounds.lo, defn.NothingType), approx(bounds.hi, defn.AnyType)) } /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by removing * the type parameter `param` from the domain and replacing all occurrences * of the parameter elsewhere in the constraint by type `tp`. */ private def uncheckedReplace(param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Constraint = { def subst(poly: PolyType, entries: Array[Type]) = { var result = entries var i = 0 while (i < paramCount(entries)) { entries(i) match { case oldBounds: TypeBounds => val newBounds = oldBounds.substParam(param, tp).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds] if (oldBounds ne newBounds) { if (result eq entries) result = entries.clone result(i) = dropParamIn(newBounds, poly, i) } case _ => } i += 1 } result } val pt = param.binder val constr1 = if (isRemovable(pt, param.paramNum)) remove(pt) else updated(param, tp) val substMap = constr1.myMap mapValues subst val result = new Constraint( substMap, diffDependencies(constr1.dependents, constr1.myMap, substMap)) if (Config.checkConstraintsNonCyclic) result.checkNonCyclic() result } /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by removing * the type parameter `param` from the domain and replacing all occurrences * of the parameter elsewhere in the constraint by type `tp`. * `tp` is another polyparam, applies the necessary unifications to avoud a cyclic * constraint. */ def replace(param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Constraint = tp.dealias.stripTypeVar match { case tp: PolyParam if this contains tp => val bs = bounds(tp) if (tp == param) this else if (param.occursIn(bs.lo, fromBelow = true) || param.occursIn(bs.hi, fromBelow = false)) unify(tp, param).uncheckedReplace(param, tp) else uncheckedReplace(param, tp) case _ => uncheckedReplace(param, tp) } /** A constraint resulting by adding p2 = p1 to this constraint, and at the same * time transferring all bounds of p2 to p1 */ def unify(p1: PolyParam, p2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Constraint = { val p1Bounds = dropParamIn(bounds(p1), p2.binder, p2.paramNum) & dropParamIn(bounds(p2), p1.binder, p1.paramNum) this.updated(p1, p1Bounds).updated(p2, TypeAlias(p1)) } /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by adding * entries for all type parameters of `poly`. */ def add(poly: PolyType, tvars: List[TypeVar] = Nil)(implicit ctx: Context) : Constraint = { val nparams = poly.paramNames.length val entries = new Array[Type](nparams * 2) poly.paramBounds.copyToArray(entries, 0) tvars.copyToArray(entries, nparams) updateEntries(poly, entries) } /** The polytypes constrained by this constraint */ def domainPolys: List[PolyType] = myMap.keys /** The polytype parameters constrained by this constraint */ def domainParams: List[PolyParam] = for { (poly, entries) <- myMap.toList n <- 0 until paramCount(entries) if isBounds(entries(n)) } yield PolyParam(poly, n) /** Check whether predicate holds for all parameters in constraint */ def forallParams(p: PolyParam => Boolean): Boolean = { myMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) if (isBounds(entries(i)) && !p(PolyParam(poly, i))) return false } true } /** Perform operation `op` on all typevars, or only on uninstantiated * typevars, depending on whether `uninstOnly` is set or not. */ def foreachTypeVar(op: TypeVar => Unit): Unit = myMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) { typeVar(entries, i) match { case tv: TypeVar if !tv.inst.exists => op(tv) case _ => } } } private var myUninstVars: mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeVar] = null /** The uninstantiated typevars of this constraint */ def uninstVars: collection.Seq[TypeVar] = { if (myUninstVars == null) { myUninstVars = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeVar] myMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) { typeVar(entries, i) match { case tv: TypeVar if isBounds(entries(i)) => myUninstVars += tv case _ => } } } } myUninstVars } def constrainedTypesText(printer: Printer): Text = Text(domainPolys map (_.toText(printer)), ", ") def constraintText(indent: Int, printer: Printer): Text = { val assocs = for (param <- domainParams) yield (" " * indent) ~ param.toText(printer) ~ at(param).toText(printer) Text(assocs, "\n") } override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = { val header: Text = "Constraint(" val uninstVarsText = " uninstVars = " ~ Text(uninstVars map (_.toText(printer)), ", ") ~ ";" val constrainedText = " constrained types = " ~ constrainedTypesText(printer) ~ ";" val constraintsText = " constraint = " ~ constraintText(3, printer) ~ ")" Text.lines(List(header, uninstVarsText, constrainedText, constraintsText)) } } trait ConstraintRunInfo { self: RunInfo => private var maxSize = 0 private var maxConstraint: Constraint = _ def recordConstraintSize(c: Constraint, size: Int) = if (size > maxSize) { maxSize = size maxConstraint = c } def printMaxConstraint()(implicit ctx: Context) = if (maxSize > 0) typr.println(s"max constraint = ${}") }