package package core import Decorators._ import Periods._ import Names._ import Phases._ import Types._ import Symbols._ import SubTypers._ import collection.mutable import collection.immutable.BitSet object Contexts { val NoContext: Context = null abstract class Context extends Periods with Substituters with TypeOps { implicit val ctx: Context = this val underlying: Context val root: RootContext val period: Period def constraints: Constraints def subTyper: SubTyper def names: NameTable def phase: Phase = ??? def erasedTypes: Boolean = ??? } abstract class SubContext(val underlying: Context) extends Context { val root: RootContext = underlying.root val period: Period = underlying.period val constraints = underlying.constraints def names: NameTable = root.names lazy val subTyper = if (constraints eq underlying.constraints) underlying.subTyper else new SubTyper(this) } class RootContext extends Context with Transformers { val underlying: Context = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("RootContext.underlying") def subTyper: SubTyper = ??? val root: RootContext = this val period = Nowhere val names: NameTable = new NameTable val variance = 1 var lastPhaseId: Int = NoPhaseId lazy val definitions = new Definitions()(this) val constraints: Constraints = Map() // Symbols state /** A map from a superclass id to the class that has it */ private[core] var classOfId = new Array[ClassSymbol](InitialSuperIdsSize) /** A map from a superclass to its superclass id */ private[core] val superIdOfClass = new mutable.HashMap[ClassSymbol, Int] /** The last allocate superclass id */ private[core] var lastSuperId = -1 /** Allocate and return next free superclass id */ private[core] def nextSuperId: Int = { lastSuperId += 1; if (lastSuperId >= classOfId.length) { val tmp = new Array[ClassSymbol](classOfId.length * 2) classOfId.copyToArray(tmp) classOfId = tmp } lastSuperId } // SymDenotations state private[core] val uniqueBits = new util.HashSet[BitSet]("superbits", 1024) // Types state private[core] val uniques = new util.HashSet[Type]("uniques", initialUniquesCapacity) { override def hash(x: Type): Int = x.hash } // TypeOps state private[core] var volatileRecursions: Int = 0 private[core] val pendingVolatiles = new mutable.HashSet[Type] } /** Initial size of superId table */ private final val InitialSuperIdsSize = 4096 /** Initial capacity of uniques HashMap */ private[core] final val initialUniquesCapacity = 50000 /** How many recursive calls to isVolatile are performed before * logging starts. */ private[core] final val LogVolatileThreshold = 50 }