package package core import annotation.tailrec import Symbols._ import Contexts._, Names._, Phases._, printing.Texts._, printing.Printer, printing.Showable import util.Positions.Position, util.SourcePosition import collection.mutable.ListBuffer import import scala.language.implicitConversions /** This object provides useful implicit decorators for types defined elsewhere */ object Decorators { /** Turns Strings into PreNames, adding toType/TermName methods */ implicit class StringDecorator(val s: String) extends AnyVal with PreName { def toTypeName: TypeName = typeName(s) def toTermName: TermName = termName(s) def toText(printer: Printer): Text = Str(s) } /** Implements a findSymbol method on iterators of Symbols that * works like find but avoids Option, replacing None with NoSymbol. */ implicit class SymbolIteratorDecorator(val it: Iterator[Symbol]) extends AnyVal { final def findSymbol(p: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = { while (it.hasNext) { val sym = if (p(sym)) return sym } NoSymbol } } final val MaxFilterRecursions = 1000 /** Implements filterConserve, zipWithConserve methods * on lists that avoid dupliation of list nodes where feasible. */ implicit class ListDecorator[T](val xs: List[T]) extends AnyVal { @inline final def mapconserve[U](f: T => U): List[U] = { @tailrec def loop(mapped: ListBuffer[U], unchanged: List[U], pending: List[T]): List[U] = if (pending.isEmpty) { if (mapped eq null) unchanged else mapped.prependToList(unchanged) } else { val head0 = pending.head val head1 = f(head0) if (head1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq head0.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) loop(mapped, unchanged, pending.tail) else { val b = if (mapped eq null) new ListBuffer[U] else mapped var xc = unchanged while (xc ne pending) { b += xc.head xc = xc.tail } b += head1 val tail0 = pending.tail loop(b, tail0.asInstanceOf[List[U]], tail0) } } loop(null, xs.asInstanceOf[List[U]], xs) } /** Like `xs filter p` but returns list `xs` itself - instead of a copy - * if `p` is true for all elements and `xs` is not longer * than `MaxFilterRecursions`. */ def filterConserve(p: T => Boolean): List[T] = { def loop(xs: List[T], nrec: Int): List[T] = xs match { case Nil => xs case x :: xs1 => if (nrec < MaxFilterRecursions) { val ys1 = loop(xs1, nrec + 1) if (p(x)) if (ys1 eq xs1) xs else x :: ys1 else ys1 } else xs filter p } loop(xs, 0) } /** Like `(xs, ys)`, but returns list `xs` itself * - instead of a copy - if function `f` maps all elements of * `xs` to themselves. Also, it is required that `ys` is at least * as long as `xs`. */ def zipWithConserve[U](ys: List[U])(f: (T, U) => T): List[T] = if (xs.isEmpty) xs else { val x1 = f(xs.head, ys.head) val xs1 = xs.tail.zipWithConserve(ys.tail)(f) if ((x1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq xs.head.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) && (xs1 eq xs.tail)) xs else x1 :: xs1 } final def hasSameLengthAs[U](ys: List[U]): Boolean = { @tailrec def loop(xs: List[T], ys: List[U]): Boolean = if (xs.isEmpty) ys.isEmpty else ys.nonEmpty && loop(xs.tail, ys.tail) loop(xs, ys) } /** Union on lists seen as sets */ def | (ys: List[T]): List[T] = xs ++ (ys filterNot (xs contains _)) /** Intersection on lists seen as sets */ def & (ys: List[T]): List[T] = xs filter (ys contains _) } implicit class ListOfListDecorator[T](val xss: List[List[T]]) extends AnyVal { def nestedMap[U](f: T => U): List[List[U]] = xss map (_ map f) def nestedMapconserve[U](f: T => U): List[List[U]] = xss mapconserve (_ mapconserve f) } implicit class TextToString(val text: Text) extends AnyVal { def show(implicit ctx: Context) = text.mkString(ctx.settings.pageWidth.value) } /** Implements a test whether a list of strings representing phases contains * a given phase. The test returns true if the given phase starts with * one of the names in the list of strings, or if the list of strings * contains "all". */ implicit class PhaseListDecorator(val names: List[String]) extends AnyVal { def containsPhase(phase: Phase): Boolean = phase match { case phase: TreeTransformer => phase.transformations.exists(trans => containsPhase(trans.phase)) case _ => names exists (n => n == "all" || phase.phaseName.startsWith(n)) } } implicit def sourcePos(pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): SourcePosition = ctx.source.atPos(pos) /** The i"..." string interpolator adds two features to the s interpolator: * 1) On all Showables, `show` is called instead of `toString` * 2) Lists can be formatted using the desired separator between two `%` signs, * eg `i"myList = (${myList}%, %)"` */ implicit class StringInterpolators(val sc: StringContext) extends AnyVal { def i(args: Any*)(implicit ctx: Context): String = { def treatArg(arg: Any, suffix: String): (Any, String) = arg match { case arg: Seq[_] if suffix.nonEmpty && suffix.head == '%' => val (rawsep, rest) = suffix.tail.span(_ != '%') val sep = StringContext.treatEscapes(rawsep) if (rest.nonEmpty) (arg map treatSingleArg mkString sep, rest.tail) else (arg, suffix) case _ => (treatSingleArg(arg), suffix) } def treatSingleArg(arg: Any) : Any = try arg match { case arg: Showable => case _ => arg } catch { case ex: Exception => s"(missing due to $ex)" } val prefix :: suffixes = val (args1, suffixes1) = (args, suffixes), _)).unzip new StringContext(prefix :: suffixes1.toList: _*).s(args1: _*) } /** Lifted from scala.reflect.internal.util * A safe combination of [[scala.collection.immutable.StringLike#stripMargin]] * and [[scala.StringContext#raw]]. * * The margin of each line is defined by whitespace leading up to a '|' character. * This margin is stripped '''before''' the arguments are interpolated into to string. * * String escape sequences are '''not''' processed; this interpolater is designed to * be used with triple quoted Strings. * * {{{ * scala> val foo = "f|o|o" * foo: String = f|o|o * scala> sm"""|${foo} * |""" * res0: String = * "f|o|o * " * }}} */ final def sm(args: Any*): String = { def isLineBreak(c: Char) = c == '\n' || c == '\f' // compatible with StringLike#isLineBreak def stripTrailingPart(s: String) = { val (pre, post) = s.span(c => !isLineBreak(c)) pre + post.stripMargin } val stripped: List[String] = match { case head :: tail => head.stripMargin :: (tail map stripTrailingPart) case Nil => Nil } new StringContext(stripped: _*).raw(args: _*) } } }