package package dotc package core import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._, Denotations._, SymDenotations._, StdNames._, Names._ import Flags._, Scopes._, Decorators._, NameOps._, util.Positions._ import scala.annotation.{ switch, meta } import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } import PartialFunction._ import collection.mutable import scala.reflect.api.{ Universe => ApiUniverse } object Definitions { val MaxFunctionArity, MaxTupleArity = 22 } /** A class defining symbols and types of standard definitions */ class Definitions(implicit ctx: Context) { import Definitions._ import ctx.{requiredClass, requiredModule, requiredPackage} private def newTypeParam(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, scope: MutableScope) = scope.enter(ctx.newSymbol(cls, name, flags | TypeParamCreationFlags, TypeBounds.empty)) private def newSyntheticTypeParam(cls: ClassSymbol, scope: MutableScope, suffix: String = "T0") = newTypeParam(cls, suffix.toTypeName.expandedName(cls), ExpandedName, scope) private def specialPolyClass(name: TypeName, flags: FlagSet, parentConstrs: Type*): ClassSymbol = { val completer = new LazyType { def complete(denot: SymDenotation): Unit = { val cls = denot.asClass.classSymbol val paramDecls = newScope val typeParam = newSyntheticTypeParam(cls, paramDecls) def instantiate(tpe: Type) = if (tpe.typeParams.nonEmpty) tpe.appliedTo(typeParam.symTypeRef) else tpe val parents = parentConstrs.toList map instantiate val parentRefs: List[TypeRef] = ctx.normalizeToRefs(parents, cls, paramDecls) = ClassInfo(ScalaPackageClass.thisType, cls, parentRefs, paramDecls) } } ctx.newClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, name, flags, completer).entered } private def newMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, info: Type, flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags): TermSymbol = ctx.newSymbol(cls, name.encode, flags | Method, info).entered.asTerm private def newPolyMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, typeParamCount: Int, resultTypeFn: PolyType => Type, flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags) = { val tparamNames = tpnme.syntheticTypeParamNames(typeParamCount) val tparamBounds = tparamNames map (_ => TypeBounds.empty) val ptype = PolyType(tparamNames)(_ => tparamBounds, resultTypeFn) newMethod(cls, name, ptype, flags) } private def newT1ParameterlessMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, resultTypeFn: PolyType => Type, flags: FlagSet) = newPolyMethod(cls, name, 1, resultTypeFn, flags) private def newT1EmptyParamsMethod(cls: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, resultTypeFn: PolyType => Type, flags: FlagSet) = newPolyMethod(cls, name, 1, pt => MethodType(Nil, Nil, resultTypeFn(pt)), flags) private def mkArityArray(name: String, arity: Int, countFrom: Int): Array[ClassSymbol] = { val arr = new Array[ClassSymbol](arity) for (i <- countFrom until arity) arr(i) = requiredClass("scala." + name + i) arr } lazy val RootClass: ClassSymbol = ctx.newPackageSymbol( NoSymbol, nme.ROOT, (root, rootcls) => ctx.rootLoader(root)).moduleClass.asClass lazy val RootPackage: TermSymbol = ctx.newSymbol( NoSymbol, nme.ROOTPKG, PackageCreationFlags, TypeRef.withSym(NoPrefix, RootClass)) lazy val EmptyPackageClass = ctx.newCompletePackageSymbol(RootClass, nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE).moduleClass.asClass lazy val EmptyPackageVal = EmptyPackageClass.sourceModule lazy val ScalaPackageVal = requiredPackage("scala") lazy val ScalaPackageClass = ScalaPackageVal.moduleClass.asClass lazy val JavaPackageVal = requiredPackage("java") lazy val JavaLangPackageVal = requiredPackage("java.lang") lazy val ObjectClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Object") lazy val AnyRefAlias: TypeSymbol = { val anyRef = ctx.newSymbol( ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyRef, EmptyFlags, TypeAlias(ObjectClass.typeConstructor)) ScalaPackageClass.enter(anyRef, ScalaPackageClass.decls) anyRef } lazy val Object_## = newMethod(ObjectClass, nme.HASHHASH, ExprType(IntType), Final) lazy val Object_== = newMethod(ObjectClass, nme.EQ, methOfAnyRef(BooleanType), Final) lazy val Object_!= = newMethod(ObjectClass, nme.NE, methOfAnyRef(BooleanType), Final) lazy val Object_eq = newMethod(ObjectClass, nme.eq, methOfAnyRef(BooleanType), Final) lazy val Object_ne = newMethod(ObjectClass,, methOfAnyRef(BooleanType), Final) lazy val Object_isInstanceOf = newT1EmptyParamsMethod(ObjectClass, nme.isInstanceOf_Ob, _ => BooleanType, Final | Synthetic) lazy val Object_asInstanceOf = newT1EmptyParamsMethod(ObjectClass, nme.asInstanceOf_Ob, PolyParam(_, 0), Final | Synthetic) lazy val Object_synchronized = newPolyMethod(ObjectClass, nme.synchronized_, 1, pt => MethodType(List(PolyParam(pt, 0)), PolyParam(pt, 0)), Final) def Object_getClass = objMethod(nme.getClass_) def Object_clone = objMethod(nme.clone_) def Object_finalize = objMethod(nme.finalize_) def Object_notify = objMethod(nme.notify_) def Object_notifyAll = objMethod(nme.notifyAll_) def Object_equals = objMethod(nme.equals_) def Object_hashCode = objMethod(nme.hashCode_) def Object_toString = objMethod(nme.toString_) private def objMethod(name: PreName) = ObjectClass.requiredMethod(name) lazy val AnyClass: ClassSymbol = ctx.newCompleteClassSymbol( ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Any, Abstract, Nil).entered lazy val AnyValClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.AnyVal") lazy val Any_== = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.EQ, methOfAny(BooleanType), Final) lazy val Any_!= = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.NE, methOfAny(BooleanType), Final) lazy val Any_equals = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.equals_, methOfAny(BooleanType)) lazy val Any_hashCode = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.hashCode_, ExprType(IntType)) lazy val Any_toString = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.toString_, ExprType(StringType)) lazy val Any_## = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.HASHHASH, ExprType(IntType), Final) // Any_getClass requires special handling. The return type is determined on // a per-call-site basis as if the function being called were actually: // // // Assuming `target.getClass()` // def getClass[T](target: T): Class[_ <: T] // // Since getClass is not actually a polymorphic method, this requires compiler // participation. At the "Any" level, the return type is Class[_] as it is in // java.lang.Object. Java also special cases the return type. lazy val Any_getClass = newMethod(AnyClass, nme.getClass_, ExprType(, Deferred) lazy val Any_isInstanceOf = newT1ParameterlessMethod(AnyClass, nme.isInstanceOf_, _ => BooleanType, Final) lazy val Any_asInstanceOf = newT1ParameterlessMethod(AnyClass, nme.asInstanceOf_, PolyParam(_, 0), Final) lazy val NotNullClass = requiredClass("scala.NotNull") lazy val NothingClass: ClassSymbol = ctx.newCompleteClassSymbol( ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Nothing, AbstractFinal, List(AnyClass.typeConstructor)).entered lazy val NullClass: ClassSymbol = ctx.newCompleteClassSymbol( ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Null, AbstractFinal, List(AnyRefAlias.typeConstructor)).entered lazy val PredefModule = requiredModule("scala.Predef") lazy val NilModule = requiredModule("scala.collection.immutable.Nil") // lazy val FunctionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Function") lazy val SingletonClass: ClassSymbol = // needed as a synthetic class because Scala 2.x refers to it in classfiles // but does not define it as an explicit class. ctx.newCompleteClassSymbol( ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Singleton, Trait | Interface | Final, List(AnyClass.typeConstructor), EmptyScope).entered lazy val SeqClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.collection.Seq") lazy val ArrayClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.Array") lazy val uncheckedStableClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass("scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedStable") lazy val UnitClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Unit", BoxedUnitClass, java.lang.Void.TYPE) lazy val BooleanClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Boolean", BoxedBooleanClass, java.lang.Boolean.TYPE) lazy val ByteClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Byte", BoxedByteClass, java.lang.Byte.TYPE) lazy val ShortClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Short", BoxedShortClass, java.lang.Short.TYPE) lazy val CharClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Char", BoxedCharClass, java.lang.Character.TYPE) lazy val IntClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Int", BoxedIntClass, java.lang.Integer.TYPE) lazy val LongClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Long", BoxedLongClass, java.lang.Long.TYPE) lazy val FloatClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Float", BoxedFloatClass, java.lang.Float.TYPE) lazy val DoubleClass = valueClassSymbol("scala.Double", BoxedDoubleClass, java.lang.Double.TYPE) lazy val BoxedUnitClass = requiredClass("scala.runtime.BoxedUnit") lazy val BoxedBooleanClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Boolean") lazy val BoxedByteClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Byte") lazy val BoxedShortClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Short") lazy val BoxedCharClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Character") lazy val BoxedIntClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Integer") lazy val BoxedLongClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Long") lazy val BoxedFloatClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Float") lazy val BoxedDoubleClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Double") lazy val ByNameParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS, Covariant, AnyType) lazy val EqualsPatternClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.EQUALS_PATTERN, EmptyFlags, AnyType) lazy val JavaRepeatedParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.JAVA_REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS, Contravariant, AnyRefType, ArrayType) lazy val RepeatedParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS, Covariant, AnyRefType, SeqType) // fundamental reference classes lazy val StringClass = requiredClass("java.lang.String") lazy val String_+ = newMethod(StringClass, nme.raw.PLUS, methOfAny(StringType), Final) lazy val StringAddClass = requiredClass("scala.runtime.StringAdd") lazy val StringAdd_+ = StringAddClass.requiredMethod(nme.raw.PLUS) lazy val PairClass = requiredClass("dotty.Pair") lazy val PartialFunctionClass = requiredClass("scala.PartialFunction") lazy val AbstractPartialFunctionClass = requiredClass("scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction") lazy val SymbolClass = requiredClass("scala.Symbol") lazy val ClassClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Class") //def Class_getMethod = requiredMethod(ClassClass, nme.getMethod_) lazy val DynamicClass = requiredClass("scala.Dynamic") lazy val OptionClass = requiredClass("scala.Option") lazy val BoxedNumberClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Number") lazy val ThrowableClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Throwable") lazy val JavaSerializableClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Serializable") lazy val ComparableClass = requiredClass("java.lang.Comparable") // Annotation base classes lazy val AnnotationClass = requiredClass("scala.annotation.Annotation") lazy val ClassfileAnnotationClass = requiredClass("scala.annotation.ClassfileAnnotation") lazy val StaticAnnotationClass = requiredClass("scala.annotation.StaticAnnotation") // Annotation classes lazy val AliasAnnot = requiredClass("dotty.annotation.internal.Alias") lazy val ChildAnnot = requiredClass("dotty.annotation.internal.Child") lazy val InvariantBetweenClass = requiredClass("dotty.annotation.internal.InvariantBetween") lazy val CovariantBetweenClass = requiredClass("dotty.annotation.internal.CovariantBetween") lazy val ContravariantBetweenClass = requiredClass("dotty.annotation.internal.ContravariantBetween") lazy val ScalaSignatureAnnot = requiredClass("scala.reflect.ScalaSignature") lazy val ScalaLongSignatureAnnot = requiredClass("scala.reflect.ScalaLongSignature") lazy val DeprecatedAnnot = requiredClass("scala.deprecated") lazy val AnnotationDefaultAnnot = requiredClass("dotty.annotation.internal.AnnotationDefault") lazy val ThrowsAnnot = requiredClass("scala.throws") lazy val UncheckedAnnot = requiredClass("scala.unchecked") // convenient one-parameter method types def methOfAny(tp: Type) = MethodType(List(AnyType), tp) def methOfAnyVal(tp: Type) = MethodType(List(AnyValType), tp) def methOfAnyRef(tp: Type) = MethodType(List(AnyRefType), tp) // Derived types def AnyType: Type = AnyClass.typeConstructor def AnyValType: Type = AnyValClass.typeConstructor def ObjectType: Type = ObjectClass.typeConstructor def AnyRefType: Type = AnyRefAlias.typeConstructor def NotNullType: Type = NotNullClass.typeConstructor def NothingType: Type = NothingClass.typeConstructor def NullType: Type = NullClass.typeConstructor def SeqType: Type = SeqClass.typeConstructor def ArrayType: Type = ArrayClass.typeConstructor def ObjectArrayType = ArrayType.appliedTo(ObjectType) def UnitType: Type = UnitClass.typeConstructor def BooleanType: Type = BooleanClass.typeConstructor def ByteType: Type = ByteClass.typeConstructor def ShortType: Type = ShortClass.typeConstructor def CharType: Type = CharClass.typeConstructor def IntType: Type = IntClass.typeConstructor def LongType: Type = LongClass.typeConstructor def FloatType: Type = FloatClass.typeConstructor def DoubleType: Type = DoubleClass.typeConstructor def PairType: Type = PairClass.typeConstructor def StringType: Type = StringClass.typeConstructor def JavaRepeatedParamType = JavaRepeatedParamClass.typeConstructor def RepeatedParamType = RepeatedParamClass.typeConstructor def ThrowableType = ThrowableClass.typeConstructor def OptionType = OptionClass.typeConstructor def ClassType(arg: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { val ctype = ClassClass.typeConstructor if (ctx.phase.erasedTypes) ctype else ctype.appliedTo(arg) } /** The enumeration type, goven a value of the enumeration */ def EnumType(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = // given (in java): "class A { enum E { VAL1 } }" // - sym: the symbol of the actual enumeration value (VAL1) // - .owner: the ModuleClassSymbol of the enumeration (object E) // - .linkedClass: the ClassSymbol of the enumeration (class E) sym.owner.linkedClass.typeConstructor object FunctionType { def apply(args: List[Type], resultType: Type) = FunctionClass(args.length).typeConstructor.appliedTo(args :+ resultType) def unapply(ft: Type) = { val tsym = ft.typeSymbol lazy val targs = ft.typeArgs if ((FunctionClasses contains tsym) && (targs.length - 1 <= MaxFunctionArity) && (FunctionClass(targs.length - 1) == tsym)) Some(targs.init, targs.last) else None } } // ----- Symbol sets --------------------------------------------------- lazy val FunctionClass = mkArityArray("Function", MaxFunctionArity, 0) lazy val TupleClass = mkArityArray("Tuple", MaxTupleArity, 2) lazy val FunctionClasses: Set[Symbol] = FunctionClass.toSet lazy val TupleClasses: Set[Symbol] = TupleClass.toSet lazy val RepeatedParamClasses: Set[Symbol] = Set(RepeatedParamClass, JavaRepeatedParamClass) /** Modules whose members are in the default namespace */ lazy val UnqualifiedModules: Set[TermSymbol] = Set(PredefModule, ScalaPackageVal, JavaLangPackageVal) /** `UnqualifiedModules` and their module classes */ lazy val UnqualifiedOwners = UnqualifiedModules ++ lazy val PhantomClasses = Set[Symbol](AnyClass, AnyValClass, NullClass, NothingClass) lazy val asInstanceOfMethods = Set[Symbol](Any_asInstanceOf, Object_asInstanceOf) lazy val isInstanceOfMethods = Set[Symbol](Any_isInstanceOf, Object_isInstanceOf) // ----- Higher kinds machinery ------------------------------------------ private var _hkTraits: Set[Symbol] = Set() /** The set of HigherKindedXYZ traits encountered so far */ def hkTraits: Set[Symbol] = _hkTraits private var hkTraitOfArity = mutable.Map[List[Int], ClassSymbol]() /** The HigherKinded trait corresponding to symbols `boundSyms` (which are assumed * to be the type parameters of a higher-kided type). This is a class symbol that * would be generated by the following schema. * * class HigherKindedXYZ { type v_n _$hk$0; ...; type v_n _$Hk$n } * * Here: * * - XYZ is a string with one letter for each variant of a bound symbols, * using `P` (positive variance), `N` (negative variance), `I` (invariant). * - v_i are the variances of the bound symbols (i.e. +, -, or empty). * - _$hk$i are hgiher-kinded parameter names, which are special treated in type application. */ def hkTrait(variances: List[Int]) = { def varianceSuffix(v: Int) = v match { case -1 => "N" case 0 => "I" case 1 => "P" } def varianceFlags(v: Int)= v match { case -1 => Contravariant case 0 => Covariant case 1 => EmptyFlags } val completer = new LazyType { def complete(denot: SymDenotation): Unit = { val cls = denot.asClass.classSymbol val paramDecls = newScope for ((v, i) <- variances.zipWithIndex) newTypeParam(cls, tpnme.higherKindedParamName(i), varianceFlags(v), paramDecls) = ClassInfo(ScalaPackageClass.thisType, cls, List(ObjectClass.typeConstructor), paramDecls) } } val traitName = tpnme.higherKindedTraitName(variances.length) ++ (variances map varianceSuffix).mkString def createTrait = { val cls = ctx.newClassSymbol( ScalaPackageClass, traitName, Trait | Interface | Synthetic, completer).entered _hkTraits += cls cls } hkTraitOfArity.getOrElseUpdate(variances, createTrait) } // ----- Value class machinery ------------------------------------------ lazy val ScalaValueClasses: collection.Set[Symbol] = Set( UnitClass, BooleanClass, ByteClass, ShortClass, CharClass, IntClass, LongClass, FloatClass, DoubleClass) private[this] val _boxedClass = mutable.Map[Symbol, Symbol]() private[this] val _unboxedClass = mutable.Map[Symbol, Symbol]() private[this] val _javaTypeToValueClass = mutable.Map[Class[_], Symbol]() private[this] val _valueClassToJavaType = mutable.Map[Symbol, Class[_]]() val boxedClass: collection.Map[Symbol, Symbol] = _boxedClass val unboxedClass: collection.Map[Symbol, Symbol] = _boxedClass val javaTypeToValueClass: collection.Map[Class[_], Symbol] = _javaTypeToValueClass val valueClassToJavaType: collection.Map[Symbol, Class[_]] = _valueClassToJavaType private def valueClassSymbol(name: String, boxed: ClassSymbol, jtype: Class[_]): ClassSymbol = { val vcls = requiredClass(name) _unboxedClass(boxed) = vcls _boxedClass(vcls) = boxed _javaTypeToValueClass(jtype) = vcls _valueClassToJavaType(vcls) = jtype vcls } def wrapArrayMethodName(elemtp: Type): TermName = { val cls = elemtp.classSymbol if (cls.isPrimitiveValueClass) nme.wrapXArray( else if (cls.derivesFrom(ObjectClass) && !cls.isPhantomClass) nme.wrapRefArray else nme.genericWrapArray } // ----- Initialization --------------------------------------------------- /** Lists core classes that don't have underlying bytecode, but are synthesized on-the-fly in every reflection universe */ lazy val syntheticCoreClasses = List( AnyRefAlias, RepeatedParamClass, JavaRepeatedParamClass, ByNameParamClass, AnyClass, AnyValClass, NullClass, NothingClass, SingletonClass, EqualsPatternClass) /** Lists core methods that don't have underlying bytecode, but are synthesized on-the-fly in every reflection universe */ lazy val syntheticCoreMethods = List( Any_==, Any_!=, Any_equals, Any_hashCode, Any_toString, Any_getClass, Any_isInstanceOf, Any_asInstanceOf, Any_##, Object_eq, Object_ne, Object_==, Object_!=, Object_##, Object_synchronized, Object_isInstanceOf, Object_asInstanceOf, String_+ ) private[this] var _isInitialized = false def isInitialized = _isInitialized def init() = if (!_isInitialized) { // force initialization of every symbol that is synthesized or hijacked by the compiler val forced = syntheticCoreClasses ++ syntheticCoreMethods ++ ScalaValueClasses _isInitialized = true } } /* import rootMirror.{getModule, getClassByName, getRequiredClass, getRequiredModule, getRequiredPackage, getClassIfDefined, getModuleIfDefined, getPackageObject, getPackageObjectIfDefined, requiredClass, requiredModule} object definitions extends DefinitionsClass /** Since both the value parameter types and the result type may * require access to the type parameter symbols, we model polymorphic * creation as a function from those symbols to (formal types, result type). * The Option is to distinguish between nullary methods and empty-param-list * methods. */ private type PolyMethodCreator = List[Symbol] => (Option[List[Type]], Type) private def enterNewClass(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, parents: List[Type], flags: Long = 0L): ClassSymbol = { val clazz = owner.newClassSymbol(name, NoPosition, flags) clazz setInfoAndEnter ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, clazz) } private def newMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, formals: List[Type], restpe: Type, flags: Long = 0L): MethodSymbol = { val msym = owner.newMethod(name.encode, NoPosition, flags) val params = msym.newSyntheticValueParams(formals) msym setInfo MethodType(params, restpe) } private def enterNewMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, formals: List[Type], restpe: Type, flags: Long = 0L): MethodSymbol = enter newMethod(owner, name, formals, restpe, flags) // the scala value classes trait ValueClassDefinitions { self: DefinitionsClass => import ClassfileConstants._ private val nameToWeight = Map[Name, Int]( tpnme.Byte -> 2, tpnme.Char -> 3, tpnme.Short -> 4, tpnme.Int -> 12, tpnme.Long -> 24, tpnme.Float -> 48, tpnme.Double -> 96 ) private val nameToTag = Map[Name, Char]( tpnme.Byte -> BYTE_TAG, tpnme.Char -> CHAR_TAG, tpnme.Short -> SHORT_TAG, tpnme.Int -> INT_TAG, tpnme.Long -> LONG_TAG, tpnme.Float -> FLOAT_TAG, tpnme.Double -> DOUBLE_TAG, tpnme.Boolean -> BOOL_TAG, tpnme.Unit -> VOID_TAG ) private def catastrophicFailure() = abort("Could not find value classes! This is a catastrophic failure. scala " + scala.util.Properties.versionString) private def valueClassSymbol(name: TypeName): ClassSymbol = { getMember(ScalaPackageClass, name) match { case x: ClassSymbol => x case _ => catastrophicFailure() } } private def valueClassCompanion(name: TermName): ModuleSymbol = { getMember(ScalaPackageClass, name) match { case x: ModuleSymbol => x case _ => catastrophicFailure() } } private def valueCompanionMember(className: Name, methodName: TermName): TermSymbol = requiredMethod(valueClassCompanion(className.toTermName).moduleClass, methodName) private def classesMap[T](f: Name => T) = symbolsMap(ScalaValueClassesNoUnit, f) private def symbolsMap[T](syms: List[Symbol], f: Name => T): Map[Symbol, T] = mapFrom(syms)(x => f( private def symbolsMapFilt[T](syms: List[Symbol], p: Name => Boolean, f: Name => T) = symbolsMap(syms filter (x => p(, f) private def boxedName(name: Name) = sn.Boxed(name.toTypeName) lazy val abbrvTag = symbolsMap(ScalaValueClasses, nameToTag) withDefaultValue OBJECT_TAG lazy val numericWeight = symbolsMapFilt(ScalaValueClasses, nameToWeight.keySet, nameToWeight) lazy val boxedModule = classesMap(x => getModule(boxedName(x))) lazy val boxedClass = classesMap(x => getClassByName(boxedName(x))) lazy val refClass = classesMap(x => getRequiredClass("scala.runtime." + x + "Ref")) lazy val volatileRefClass = classesMap(x => getRequiredClass("scala.runtime.Volatile" + x + "Ref")) lazy val boxMethod = classesMap(x => valueCompanionMember(x, lazy val unboxMethod = classesMap(x => valueCompanionMember(x, nme.unbox)) def isNumericSubClass(sub: Symbol, sup: Symbol) = ( (numericWeight contains sub) && (numericWeight contains sup) && (numericWeight(sup) % numericWeight(sub) == 0) ) /** Is symbol a numeric value class? */ def isNumericValueClass(sym: Symbol) = ScalaNumericValueClasses contains sym def isGetClass(sym: Symbol) = ( == nme.getClass_) && flattensToEmpty(sym.paramss) lazy val UnitClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Unit) lazy val ByteClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Byte) lazy val ShortClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Short) lazy val CharClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Char) lazy val IntClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Int) lazy val LongClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Long) lazy val FloatClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Float) lazy val DoubleClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Double) lazy val BooleanClass = valueClassSymbol(tpnme.Boolean) lazy val Boolean_and = requiredMethod(BooleanClass, nme.ZAND) lazy val Boolean_or = requiredMethod(BooleanClass, nme.ZOR) lazy val Boolean_not = requiredMethod(BooleanClass, nme.UNARY_!) lazy val UnitTpe = UnitClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val ByteTpe = ByteClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val ShortTpe = ShortClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val CharTpe = CharClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val IntTpe = IntClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val LongTpe = LongClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val FloatTpe = FloatClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val DoubleTpe = DoubleClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val BooleanTpe = BooleanClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val ScalaNumericValueClasses = ScalaValueClasses filterNot Set[Symbol](UnitClass, BooleanClass) lazy val ScalaValueClassesNoUnit = ScalaValueClasses filterNot (_ eq UnitClass) lazy val ScalaValueClasses: List[ClassSymbol] = List( UnitClass, BooleanClass, ByteClass, ShortClass, CharClass, IntClass, LongClass, FloatClass, DoubleClass ) def ScalaValueClassCompanions: List[Symbol] = ScalaValueClasses map (_.companionSymbol) def ScalaPrimitiveValueClasses: List[ClassSymbol] = ScalaValueClasses } abstract class DefinitionsClass extends DefinitionsApi with ValueClassDefinitions { private var isInitialized = false def isDefinitionsInitialized = isInitialized // symbols related to packages var emptypackagescope: Scope = null //debug @deprecated("Moved to rootMirror.RootPackage", "2.10.0") val RootPackage: ModuleSymbol = rootMirror.RootPackage @deprecated("Moved to rootMirror.RootClass", "2.10.0") val RootClass: ClassSymbol = rootMirror.RootClass @deprecated("Moved to rootMirror.EmptyPackage", "2.10.0") val EmptyPackage: ModuleSymbol = rootMirror.EmptyPackage @deprecated("Moved to rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass", "2.10.0") val EmptyPackageClass: ClassSymbol = rootMirror.EmptyPackageClass // It becomes tricky to create dedicated objects for other symbols because // of initialization order issues. lazy val JavaLangPackage = getRequiredPackage(sn.JavaLang) lazy val JavaLangPackageClass = JavaLangPackage.moduleClass.asClass lazy val ScalaPackage = getRequiredPackage(nme.scala_) lazy val ScalaPackageClass = ScalaPackage.moduleClass.asClass lazy val RuntimePackage = getRequiredPackage("scala.runtime") lazy val RuntimePackageClass = RuntimePackage.moduleClass.asClass lazy val JavaLangEnumClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Enum[_]] // convenient one-argument parameter lists lazy val anyparam = List(AnyClass.tpe) lazy val anyvalparam = List(AnyValClass.typeConstructor) lazy val anyrefparam = List(AnyRefClass.typeConstructor) // private parameter conveniences private def booltype = BooleanClass.tpe private def inttype = IntClass.tpe private def stringtype = StringClass.tpe def javaTypeToValueClass(jtype: Class[_]): Symbol = jtype match { case java.lang.Void.TYPE => UnitClassShort case java.lang.Byte.TYPE => ByteClass case java.lang.Character.TYPE => CharClass case java.lang.Short.TYPE => ShortClass case java.lang.Integer.TYPE => IntClass case java.lang.Long.TYPE => LongClass case java.lang.Float.TYPE => FloatClass case java.lang.Double.TYPE => DoubleClass case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE => BooleanClass case _ => NoSymbol } def valueClassToJavaType(sym: Symbol): Class[_] = sym match { case UnitClass => java.lang.Void.TYPE case ByteClass => java.lang.Byte.TYPE case CharClass => java.lang.Character.TYPE case ShortClass => java.lang.Short.TYPE case IntClass => java.lang.Integer.TYPE case LongClass => java.lang.Long.TYPE case FloatClass => java.lang.Float.TYPE case DoubleClass => java.lang.Double.TYPE case BooleanClass => java.lang.Boolean.TYPE case _ => null } /** Fully initialize the symbol, type, or scope. */ def fullyInitializeSymbol(sym: Symbol): Symbol = { sym.initialize fullyInitializeType( fullyInitializeType(sym.tpe) sym } def fullyInitializeType(tp: Type): Type = { tp.typeParams foreach fullyInitializeSymbol tp.paramss.flatten foreach fullyInitializeSymbol tp } def fullyInitializeScope(scope: Scope): Scope = { scope.sorted foreach fullyInitializeSymbol scope } /** Is this type equivalent to Any, AnyVal, or AnyRef? */ def isTrivialTopType(tp: Type) = ( tp =:= AnyClass.tpe || tp =:= AnyValClass.tpe || tp =:= AnyRefClass.tpe ) /** Does this type have a parent which is none of Any, AnyVal, or AnyRef? */ def hasNonTrivialParent(tp: Type) = tp.parents exists (t => !isTrivialTopType(tp)) private def fixupAsAnyTrait(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match { case ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) => if (parents.head.typeSymbol == AnyClass) tpe else { assert(parents.head.typeSymbol == ObjectClass, parents) ClassInfoType(AnyClass.tpe :: parents.tail, decls, clazz) } case PolyType(tparams, restpe) => PolyType(tparams, fixupAsAnyTrait(restpe)) // case _ => tpe } // top types lazy val AnyClass = enterNewClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Any, Nil, ABSTRACT) lazy val AnyRefClass = newAlias(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyRef, ObjectClass.tpe) lazy val ObjectClass = getRequiredClass(sn.Object.toString) lazy val AnyTpe = definitions.AnyClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val AnyRefTpe = definitions.AnyRefClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val ObjectTpe = definitions.ObjectClass.toTypeConstructor // Note: this is not the type alias AnyRef, it's a companion-like // object used by the @specialize annotation. lazy val AnyRefModule = getMemberModule(ScalaPackageClass, nme.AnyRef) @deprecated("Use AnyRefModule", "2.10.0") def Predef_AnyRef = AnyRefModule lazy val AnyValClass: ClassSymbol = ( member tpnme.AnyVal orElse { val anyval = enterNewClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.AnyVal, List(AnyClass.tpe, NotNullClass.tpe), ABSTRACT) val av_constr = anyval.newClassConstructor(NoPosition) enter av_constr anyval }).asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol] lazy val AnyValTpe = definitions.AnyValClass.toTypeConstructor def AnyVal_getClass = requiredMethod(AnyValClass, nme.getClass_) // bottom types lazy val RuntimeNothingClass = getClassByName(fulltpnme.RuntimeNothing) lazy val RuntimeNullClass = getClassByName(fulltpnme.RuntimeNull) sealed abstract class BottomClassSymbol(name: TypeName, parent: Symbol) extends ClassSymbol(ScalaPackageClass, NoPosition, name) { locally { this initFlags ABSTRACT | Final this setInfoAndEnter ClassInfoType(List(parent.tpe), newScope, this) } final override def isBottomClass = true } final object NothingClass extends BottomClassSymbol(tpnme.Nothing, AnyClass) { override def isSubClass(that: Symbol) = true } final object NullClass extends BottomClassSymbol(tpnme.Null, AnyRefClass) { override def isSubClass(that: Symbol) = ( (that eq AnyClass) || (that ne NothingClass) && (that isSubClass ObjectClass) ) } lazy val NothingTpe = definitions.NothingClass.toTypeConstructor lazy val NullTpe = definitions.NullClass.toTypeConstructor // exceptions and other throwables lazy val ClassCastExceptionClass = requiredClass[ClassCastException] lazy val IndexOutOfBoundsExceptionClass = getClassByName(sn.IOOBException) lazy val InvocationTargetExceptionClass = getClassByName(sn.InvTargetException) lazy val MatchErrorClass = requiredClass[MatchError] lazy val NonLocalReturnControlClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.NonLocalReturnControl[_]] lazy val NullPointerExceptionClass = getClassByName(sn.NPException) lazy val ThrowableClass = getClassByName(sn.Throwable) lazy val UninitializedErrorClass = requiredClass[UninitializedFieldError] // fundamental reference classes lazy val PartialFunctionClass = requiredClass[PartialFunction[_,_]] lazy val AbstractPartialFunctionClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction[_,_]] lazy val SymbolClass = requiredClass[scala.Symbol] lazy val StringClass = requiredClass[java.lang.String] lazy val StringModule = StringClass.linkedClassOfClass lazy val ClassClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Class[_]] def Class_getMethod = requiredMethod(ClassClass, nme.getMethod_) lazy val DynamicClass = requiredClass[Dynamic] // fundamental modules lazy val SysPackage = getPackageObject("scala.sys") def Sys_error = requiredMethod(SysPackage, nme.error) // Modules whose members are in the default namespace // SI-5941: ScalaPackage and JavaLangPackage are never ever shared between mirrors // as a result, `Int` becomes `scala.Int` and `String` becomes `java.lang.String` // I could just change `isOmittablePrefix`, but there's more to it, so I'm leaving this as a todo for now lazy val UnqualifiedModules = List(PredefModule, ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage) // Those modules and their module classes lazy val UnqualifiedOwners = UnqualifiedModules.toSet ++ lazy val PredefModule = requiredModule[scala.Predef.type] lazy val PredefModuleClass = PredefModule.moduleClass def Predef_classOf = requiredMethod(PredefModule, nme.classOf) def Predef_identity = requiredMethod(PredefModule, nme.identity) def Predef_conforms = requiredMethod(PredefModule, nme.conforms) def Predef_wrapRefArray = requiredMethod(PredefModule, nme.wrapRefArray) def Predef_??? = requiredMethod(PredefModule, nme.???) def Predef_implicitly = requiredMethod(PredefModule, nme.implicitly) /** Is `sym` a member of Predef with the given name? * Note: DON't replace this by sym == Predef_conforms/etc, as Predef_conforms is a `def` * which does a member lookup (it can't be a lazy val because we might reload Predef * during resident compilations). */ def isPredefMemberNamed(sym: Symbol, name: Name) = ( ( == name) && (sym.owner == PredefModule.moduleClass) ) /** Specialization. */ lazy val SpecializableModule = requiredModule[Specializable] lazy val GroupOfSpecializable = getMemberClass(SpecializableModule, tpnme.Group) lazy val ConsoleModule = requiredModule[scala.Console.type] lazy val ScalaRunTimeModule = requiredModule[scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.type] lazy val SymbolModule = requiredModule[scala.Symbol.type] lazy val Symbol_apply = requiredMethod(SymbolModule, nme.apply) def arrayApplyMethod = requiredMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.array_apply) def arrayUpdateMethod = requiredMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.array_update) def arrayLengthMethod = requiredMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.array_length) def arrayCloneMethod = requiredMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.array_clone) def ensureAccessibleMethod = requiredMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.ensureAccessible) def scalaRuntimeSameElements = requiredMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.sameElements) def arrayClassMethod = requiredMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.arrayClass) def arrayElementClassMethod = requiredMethod(ScalaRunTimeModule, nme.arrayElementClass) // classes with special meanings lazy val StringAddClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.StringAdd] lazy val ArrowAssocClass = getRequiredClass("scala.Predef.ArrowAssoc") // SI-5731 lazy val StringAdd_+ = requiredMethod(StringAddClass, nme.PLUS) lazy val NotNullClass = getRequiredClass("scala.NotNull") lazy val ScalaNumberClass = requiredClass[scala.math.ScalaNumber] lazy val TraitSetterAnnotationClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.TraitSetter] lazy val DelayedInitClass = requiredClass[scala.DelayedInit] def delayedInitMethod = requiredMethod(DelayedInitClass, nme.delayedInit) // a dummy value that communicates that a delayedInit call is compiler-generated // from phase UnCurry to phase Constructors // !!! This is not used anywhere (it was checked in that way.) // def delayedInitArgVal = EmptyPackageClass.newValue(NoPosition, nme.delayedInitArg) // .setInfo(UnitClass.tpe) lazy val TypeConstraintClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.TypeConstraint] lazy val SingletonClass = enterNewClass(ScalaPackageClass, tpnme.Singleton, anyparam, ABSTRACT | TRAIT | Final) lazy val SerializableClass = requiredClass[scala.Serializable] lazy val JavaSerializableClass = requiredClass[] modifyInfo fixupAsAnyTrait lazy val ComparableClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Comparable[_]] modifyInfo fixupAsAnyTrait lazy val CloneableClass = requiredClass[scala.Cloneable] lazy val JavaCloneableClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Cloneable] lazy val JavaNumberClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Number] lazy val RemoteInterfaceClass = requiredClass[java.rmi.Remote] lazy val RemoteExceptionClass = requiredClass[java.rmi.RemoteException] lazy val ByNameParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME, COVARIANT)(_ => AnyClass.tpe) lazy val EqualsPatternClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.EQUALS_PATTERN_NAME, 0L)(_ => AnyClass.tpe) lazy val JavaRepeatedParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.JAVA_REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME, COVARIANT)(tparam => arrayType(tparam.tpe)) lazy val RepeatedParamClass = specialPolyClass(tpnme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME, COVARIANT)(tparam => seqType(tparam.tpe)) def isByNameParamType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol == ByNameParamClass def isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol == RepeatedParamClass def isJavaRepeatedParamType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol == JavaRepeatedParamClass def isRepeatedParamType(tp: Type) = isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp) || isJavaRepeatedParamType(tp) def isRepeated(param: Symbol) = isRepeatedParamType(param.tpe) def isCastSymbol(sym: Symbol) = sym == Any_asInstanceOf || sym == Object_asInstanceOf def isJavaVarArgsMethod(m: Symbol) = m.isMethod && isJavaVarArgs( def isJavaVarArgs(params: Seq[Symbol]) = params.nonEmpty && isJavaRepeatedParamType(params.last.tpe) def isScalaVarArgs(params: Seq[Symbol]) = params.nonEmpty && isScalaRepeatedParamType(params.last.tpe) def isVarArgsList(params: Seq[Symbol]) = params.nonEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(params.last.tpe) def isVarArgTypes(formals: Seq[Type]) = formals.nonEmpty && isRepeatedParamType(formals.last) def hasRepeatedParam(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match { case MethodType(formals, restpe) => isScalaVarArgs(formals) || hasRepeatedParam(restpe) case PolyType(_, restpe) => hasRepeatedParam(restpe) case _ => false } def repeatedToSeq(tp: Type): Type = (tp baseType RepeatedParamClass) match { case TypeRef(_, RepeatedParamClass, arg :: Nil) => seqType(arg) case _ => tp } def seqToRepeated(tp: Type): Type = (tp baseType SeqClass) match { case TypeRef(_, SeqClass, arg :: Nil) => scalaRepeatedType(arg) case _ => tp } def isPrimitiveArray(tp: Type) = tp match { case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, arg :: Nil) => isPrimitiveValueClass(arg.typeSymbol) case _ => false } def isReferenceArray(tp: Type) = tp match { case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, arg :: Nil) => arg <:< AnyRefClass.tpe case _ => false } def isArrayOfSymbol(tp: Type, elem: Symbol) = tp match { case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, arg :: Nil) => arg.typeSymbol == elem case _ => false } lazy val MatchingStrategyClass = getRequiredClass("scala.MatchingStrategy") // collections classes lazy val ConsClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.immutable.::[_]] lazy val IterableClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Iterable[_]] lazy val IteratorClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Iterator[_]] lazy val ListClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.immutable.List[_]] lazy val SeqClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Seq[_]] lazy val StringBuilderClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.mutable.StringBuilder] lazy val TraversableClass = requiredClass[scala.collection.Traversable[_]] lazy val ListModule = requiredModule[scala.collection.immutable.List.type] lazy val List_apply = requiredMethod(ListModule, nme.apply) lazy val NilModule = requiredModule[scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type] lazy val SeqModule = requiredModule[scala.collection.Seq.type] lazy val IteratorModule = requiredModule[scala.collection.Iterator.type] lazy val Iterator_apply = requiredMethod(IteratorModule, nme.apply) // arrays and their members lazy val ArrayModule = requiredModule[scala.Array.type] lazy val ArrayModule_overloadedApply = requiredMethod(ArrayModule, nme.apply) lazy val ArrayClass = getRequiredClass("scala.Array") // requiredClass[scala.Array[_]] lazy val Array_apply = requiredMethod(ArrayClass, nme.apply) lazy val Array_update = requiredMethod(ArrayClass, nme.update) lazy val Array_length = requiredMethod(ArrayClass, nme.length) lazy val Array_clone = requiredMethod(ArrayClass, nme.clone_) // reflection / structural types lazy val SoftReferenceClass = requiredClass[java.lang.ref.SoftReference[_]] lazy val WeakReferenceClass = requiredClass[java.lang.ref.WeakReference[_]] lazy val MethodClass = getClassByName(sn.MethodAsObject) def methodClass_setAccessible = requiredMethod(MethodClass, nme.setAccessible) lazy val EmptyMethodCacheClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.EmptyMethodCache] lazy val MethodCacheClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.MethodCache] def methodCache_find = requiredMethod(MethodCacheClass, nme.find_) def methodCache_add = requiredMethod(MethodCacheClass, nme.add_) // scala.reflect lazy val ReflectPackage = requiredModule[scala.reflect.`package`.type] lazy val ReflectApiPackage = getPackageObjectIfDefined("scala.reflect.api") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful lazy val ReflectRuntimePackage = getPackageObjectIfDefined("scala.reflect.runtime") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful def ReflectRuntimeUniverse = if (ReflectRuntimePackage != NoSymbol) getMemberValue(ReflectRuntimePackage, nme.universe) else NoSymbol def ReflectRuntimeCurrentMirror = if (ReflectRuntimePackage != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(ReflectRuntimePackage, nme.currentMirror) else NoSymbol lazy val PartialManifestClass = getTypeMember(ReflectPackage, tpnme.ClassManifest) lazy val PartialManifestModule = requiredModule[scala.reflect.ClassManifestFactory.type] lazy val FullManifestClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.Manifest[_]] lazy val FullManifestModule = requiredModule[scala.reflect.ManifestFactory.type] lazy val OptManifestClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.OptManifest[_]] lazy val NoManifest = requiredModule[scala.reflect.NoManifest.type] lazy val ExprsClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.Exprs") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful lazy val ExprClass = if (ExprsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberClass(ExprsClass, tpnme.Expr) else NoSymbol def ExprSplice = if (ExprsClass != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(ExprClass, nme.splice) else NoSymbol def ExprValue = if (ExprsClass != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(ExprClass, nme.value) else NoSymbol lazy val ExprModule = if (ExprsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberModule(ExprsClass, nme.Expr) else NoSymbol lazy val ClassTagModule = requiredModule[scala.reflect.ClassTag[_]] lazy val ClassTagClass = requiredClass[scala.reflect.ClassTag[_]] lazy val TypeTagsClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.TypeTags") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful lazy val WeakTypeTagClass = if (TypeTagsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberClass(TypeTagsClass, tpnme.WeakTypeTag) else NoSymbol lazy val WeakTypeTagModule = if (TypeTagsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberModule(TypeTagsClass, nme.WeakTypeTag) else NoSymbol lazy val TypeTagClass = if (TypeTagsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberClass(TypeTagsClass, tpnme.TypeTag) else NoSymbol lazy val TypeTagModule = if (TypeTagsClass != NoSymbol) getMemberModule(TypeTagsClass, nme.TypeTag) else NoSymbol def materializeClassTag = requiredMethod(ReflectPackage, nme.materializeClassTag) def materializeWeakTypeTag = if (ReflectApiPackage != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(ReflectApiPackage, nme.materializeWeakTypeTag) else NoSymbol def materializeTypeTag = if (ReflectApiPackage != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(ReflectApiPackage, nme.materializeTypeTag) else NoSymbol lazy val ApiUniverseClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.Universe") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful def ApiUniverseReify = if (ApiUniverseClass != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(ApiUniverseClass, nme.reify) else NoSymbol lazy val JavaUniverseClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful lazy val MirrorClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.Mirror") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful lazy val TypeCreatorClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.TypeCreator") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful lazy val TreeCreatorClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.api.TreeCreator") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful lazy val MacroContextClass = getClassIfDefined("scala.reflect.macros.Context") // defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we need to be careful def MacroContextPrefix = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(MacroContextClass, nme.prefix) else NoSymbol def MacroContextPrefixType = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) getTypeMember(MacroContextClass, tpnme.PrefixType) else NoSymbol def MacroContextUniverse = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(MacroContextClass, nme.universe) else NoSymbol def MacroContextMirror = if (MacroContextClass != NoSymbol) requiredMethod(MacroContextClass, nme.mirror) else NoSymbol lazy val MacroImplAnnotation = requiredClass[scala.reflect.macros.internal.macroImpl] lazy val StringContextClass = requiredClass[scala.StringContext] def StringContext_f = requiredMethod(StringContextClass, nme.f) // Option classes lazy val OptionClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass[Option[_]] lazy val SomeClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass[Some[_]] lazy val NoneModule: ModuleSymbol = requiredModule[scala.None.type] lazy val SomeModule: ModuleSymbol = requiredModule[scala.Some.type] def compilerTypeFromTag(tt: ApiUniverse # WeakTypeTag[_]): Type = def compilerSymbolFromTag(tt: ApiUniverse # WeakTypeTag[_]): Symbol = // The given symbol represents either String.+ or StringAdd.+ def isStringAddition(sym: Symbol) = sym == String_+ || sym == StringAdd_+ def isArrowAssoc(sym: Symbol) = ArrowAssocClass.tpe.decls.toList contains sym // The given symbol is a method with the right name and signature to be a runnable java program. def isJavaMainMethod(sym: Symbol) = ( == nme.main) && ( match { case MethodType(p :: Nil, restpe) => isArrayOfSymbol(p.tpe, StringClass) && restpe.typeSymbol == UnitClass case _ => false }) // The given class has a main method. def hasJavaMainMethod(sym: Symbol): Boolean = (sym.tpe member nme.main).alternatives exists isJavaMainMethod def hasJavaMainMethod(path: String): Boolean = hasJavaMainMethod(getModuleIfDefined(path)) def isOptionType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol isSubClass OptionClass def isSomeType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol eq SomeClass def isNoneType(tp: Type) = tp.typeSymbol eq NoneModule // Product, Tuple, Function, AbstractFunction private def mkArityArray(name: String, arity: Int, countFrom: Int): Array[ClassSymbol] = { val list = countFrom to arity map (i => getRequiredClass("scala." + name + i)) list.toArray } def prepend[S >: ClassSymbol : ClassTag](elem0: S, elems: Array[ClassSymbol]): Array[S] = elem0 +: elems private def aritySpecificType[S <: Symbol](symbolArray: Array[S], args: List[Type], others: Type*): Type = { val arity = args.length if (arity >= symbolArray.length) NoType else appliedType(symbolArray(arity), args ++ others: _*) } val MaxTupleArity, MaxProductArity, MaxFunctionArity = 22 lazy val ProductClass: Array[ClassSymbol] = prepend(UnitClass, mkArityArray("Product", MaxProductArity, 1)) lazy val TupleClass: Array[Symbol] = prepend(NoSymbol, mkArityArray("Tuple", MaxTupleArity, 1)) lazy val FunctionClass = mkArityArray("Function", MaxFunctionArity, 0) lazy val AbstractFunctionClass = mkArityArray("runtime.AbstractFunction", MaxFunctionArity, 0) /** Creators for TupleN, ProductN, FunctionN. */ def tupleType(elems: List[Type]) = aritySpecificType(TupleClass, elems) def productType(elems: List[Type]) = aritySpecificType(ProductClass, elems) def functionType(formals: List[Type], restpe: Type) = aritySpecificType(FunctionClass, formals, restpe) def abstractFunctionType(formals: List[Type], restpe: Type) = aritySpecificType(AbstractFunctionClass, formals, restpe) def wrapArrayMethodName(elemtp: Type): TermName = elemtp.typeSymbol match { case ByteClass => nme.wrapByteArray case ShortClass => nme.wrapShortArray case CharClass => nme.wrapCharArray case IntClass => nme.wrapIntArray case LongClass => nme.wrapLongArray case FloatClass => nme.wrapFloatArray case DoubleClass => nme.wrapDoubleArray case BooleanClass => nme.wrapBooleanArray case UnitClass => nme.wrapUnitArray case _ => if ((elemtp <:< AnyRefClass.tpe) && !isPhantomClass(elemtp.typeSymbol)) nme.wrapRefArray else nme.genericWrapArray } @deprecated("Use isTupleType", "2.10.0") def isTupleTypeOrSubtype(tp: Type) = isTupleType(tp) def tupleField(n: Int, j: Int) = getMemberValue(TupleClass(n), nme.productAccessorName(j)) // NOTE: returns true for NoSymbol since it's included in the TupleClass array -- is this intensional? def isTupleSymbol(sym: Symbol) = TupleClass contains unspecializedSymbol(sym) def isProductNClass(sym: Symbol) = ProductClass contains sym def unspecializedSymbol(sym: Symbol): Symbol = { if (sym hasFlag SPECIALIZED) { // add initialization from its generic class constructor val genericName = nme.unspecializedName( val member = member } else sym } // Checks whether the given type is true for the given condition, // or if it is a specialized subtype of a type for which it is true. // // Origins notes: // An issue was introduced with specialization in that the implementation // of "isTupleType" in Definitions relied upon sym == TupleClass(elems.length). // This test is untrue for specialized tuples, causing mysterious behavior // because only some tuples are specialized. def isPossiblySpecializedType(tp: Type)(cond: Type => Boolean) = { cond(tp) || (tp match { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if sym hasFlag SPECIALIZED => cond(tp baseType unspecializedSymbol(sym)) case _ => false }) } // No normalization. def isTupleTypeDirect(tp: Type) = isPossiblySpecializedType(tp) { case TypeRef(_, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty => val len = args.length len <= MaxTupleArity && sym == TupleClass(len) case _ => false } def isTupleType(tp: Type) = isTupleTypeDirect(tp.normalize) lazy val ProductRootClass: ClassSymbol = requiredClass[scala.Product] def Product_productArity = requiredMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productArity) def Product_productElement = requiredMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productElement) def Product_iterator = requiredMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productIterator) def Product_productPrefix = requiredMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productPrefix) def Product_canEqual = requiredMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.canEqual_) // def Product_productElementName = requiredMethod(ProductRootClass, nme.productElementName) def productProj(z:Symbol, j: Int): TermSymbol = getMemberValue(z, nme.productAccessorName(j)) def productProj(n: Int, j: Int): TermSymbol = productProj(ProductClass(n), j) /** returns true if this type is exactly ProductN[T1,...,Tn], not some subclass */ def isExactProductType(tp: Type): Boolean = isProductNClass(tp.typeSymbol) /** if tpe <: ProductN[T1,...,TN], returns List(T1,...,TN) else Nil */ def getProductArgs(tpe: Type): List[Type] = tpe.baseClasses find isProductNClass match { case Some(x) => tpe.baseType(x).typeArgs case _ => Nil } def unapplyUnwrap(tpe:Type) = tpe.finalResultType.normalize match { case RefinedType(p :: _, _) => p.normalize case tp => tp } def functionApply(n: Int) = requiredMethod(FunctionClass(n), nme.apply) def abstractFunctionForFunctionType(tp: Type) = if (isFunctionType(tp)) abstractFunctionType(tp.typeArgs.init, tp.typeArgs.last) else NoType def isFunctionType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.normalize match { case TypeRef(_, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty => val arity = args.length - 1 // -1 is the return type arity <= MaxFunctionArity && sym == FunctionClass(arity) case _ => false } def isPartialFunctionType(tp: Type): Boolean = { val sym = tp.typeSymbol (sym eq PartialFunctionClass) || (sym eq AbstractPartialFunctionClass) } def isSeqType(tp: Type) = elementType(SeqClass, tp.normalize) != NoType def elementType(container: Symbol, tp: Type): Type = tp match { case TypeRef(_, `container`, arg :: Nil) => arg case _ => NoType } def arrayType(arg: Type) = appliedType(ArrayClass, arg) def byNameType(arg: Type) = appliedType(ByNameParamClass, arg) def iteratorOfType(tp: Type) = appliedType(IteratorClass, tp) def javaRepeatedType(arg: Type) = appliedType(JavaRepeatedParamClass, arg) def optionType(tp: Type) = appliedType(OptionClass, tp) def scalaRepeatedType(arg: Type) = appliedType(RepeatedParamClass, arg) def seqType(arg: Type) = appliedType(SeqClass, arg) def someType(tp: Type) = appliedType(SomeClass, tp) def StringArray = arrayType(StringClass.tpe) lazy val ObjectArray = arrayType(ObjectClass.tpe) def ClassType(arg: Type) = if (phase.erasedTypes || forMSIL) ClassClass.tpe else appliedType(ClassClass, arg) def EnumType(sym: Symbol) = // given (in java): "class A { enum E { VAL1 } }" // - sym: the symbol of the actual enumeration value (VAL1) // - .owner: the ModuleClassSymbol of the enumeration (object E) // - .linkedClassOfClass: the ClassSymbol of the enumeration (class E) sym.owner.linkedClassOfClass.tpe def vmClassType(arg: Type): Type = ClassType(arg) def vmSignature(sym: Symbol, info: Type): String = signature(info) // !!! /** Given a class symbol C with type parameters T1, T2, ... Tn * which have upper/lower bounds LB1/UB1, LB1/UB2, ..., LBn/UBn, * returns an existential type of the form * * C[E1, ..., En] forSome { E1 >: LB1 <: UB1 ... en >: LBn <: UBn }. */ def classExistentialType(clazz: Symbol): Type = newExistentialType(clazz.typeParams, clazz.tpe) /** Given type U, creates a Type representing Class[_ <: U]. */ def boundedClassType(upperBound: Type) = appliedTypeAsUpperBounds(ClassClass.typeConstructor, List(upperBound)) /** To avoid unchecked warnings on polymorphic classes, translate * a Foo[T] into a Foo[_] for use in the pattern matcher. */ @deprecated("Use classExistentialType", "2.10.0") def typeCaseType(clazz: Symbol): Type = classExistentialType(clazz) // // .NET backend // lazy val ComparatorClass = getRequiredClass("scala.runtime.Comparator") // System.ValueType lazy val ValueTypeClass: ClassSymbol = getClassByName(sn.ValueType) // System.MulticastDelegate lazy val DelegateClass: ClassSymbol = getClassByName(sn.Delegate) var Delegate_scalaCallers: List[Symbol] = List() // Syncnote: No protection necessary yet as only for .NET where reflection is not supported. // Symbol -> (Symbol, Type): scalaCaller -> (scalaMethodSym, DelegateType) // var Delegate_scalaCallerInfos: HashMap[Symbol, (Symbol, Type)] = _ lazy val Delegate_scalaCallerTargets: mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Symbol] = mutable.HashMap() def isCorrespondingDelegate(delegateType: Type, functionType: Type): Boolean = { isSubType(delegateType, DelegateClass.tpe) && (delegateType.member(nme.apply).tpe match { case MethodType(delegateParams, delegateReturn) => isFunctionType(functionType) && (functionType.normalize match { case TypeRef(_, _, args) => ( => { if (pt.tpe == AnyClass.tpe) definitions.ObjectClass.tpe else pt}) ::: List(delegateReturn)) == args case _ => false }) case _ => false }) } // members of class scala.Any lazy val Any_== = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.EQ, anyparam, BooleanType, Final) lazy val Any_!= = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.NE, anyparam, BooleanType, Final) lazy val Any_equals = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.equals_, anyparam, BooleanType) lazy val Any_hashCode = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.hashCode_, Nil, inttype) lazy val Any_toString = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.toString_, Nil, stringtype) lazy val Any_## = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.HASHHASH, Nil, inttype, Final) // Any_getClass requires special handling. The return type is determined on // a per-call-site basis as if the function being called were actually: // // // Assuming `target.getClass()` // def getClass[T](target: T): Class[_ <: T] // // Since getClass is not actually a polymorphic method, this requires compiler // participation. At the "Any" level, the return type is Class[_] as it is in // java.lang.Object. Java also special cases the return type. lazy val Any_getClass = enterNewMethod(AnyClass, nme.getClass_, Nil, requiredMethod(ObjectClass, nme.getClass_).tpe.resultType, DEFERRED) lazy val Any_isInstanceOf = newT1NullaryMethod(AnyClass, nme.isInstanceOf_, Final)(_ => BooleanType) lazy val Any_asInstanceOf = newT1NullaryMethod(AnyClass, nme.asInstanceOf_, Final)(_.typeConstructor) // A type function from T => Class[U], used to determine the return // type of getClass calls. The returned type is: // // 1. If T is a value type, Class[T]. // 2. If T is a phantom type (Any or AnyVal), Class[_]. // 3. If T is a local class, Class[_ <: |T|]. // 4. Otherwise, Class[_ <: T]. // // Note: AnyVal cannot be Class[_ <: AnyVal] because if the static type of the // receiver is AnyVal, it implies the receiver is boxed, so the correct // class object is that of java.lang.Integer, not Int. // // TODO: If T is final, return type could be Class[T]. Should it? def getClassReturnType(tp: Type): Type = { val sym = tp.typeSymbol if (phase.erasedTypes) ClassClass.tpe else if (isPrimitiveValueClass(sym)) ClassType(tp.widen) else { val eparams = typeParamsToExistentials(ClassClass, ClassClass.typeParams) val upperBound = ( if (isPhantomClass(sym)) AnyClass.tpe else if (sym.isLocalClass) erasure.intersectionDominator(tp.parents) else tp.widen ) existentialAbstraction( eparams, ClassType((eparams.head setInfo TypeBounds.upper(upperBound)).tpe) ) } } /** Remove references to class Object (other than the head) in a list of parents */ def removeLaterObjects(tps: List[Type]): List[Type] = tps match { case Nil => Nil case x :: xs => x :: xs.filterNot(_.typeSymbol == ObjectClass) } /** Remove all but one reference to class Object from a list of parents. */ def removeRedundantObjects(tps: List[Type]): List[Type] = tps match { case Nil => Nil case x :: xs => if (x.typeSymbol == ObjectClass) x :: xs.filterNot(_.typeSymbol == ObjectClass) else x :: removeRedundantObjects(xs) } /** Order a list of types with non-trait classes before others. */ def classesFirst(tps: List[Type]): List[Type] = { val (classes, others) = tps partition (t => t.typeSymbol.isClass && !t.typeSymbol.isTrait) if (classes.isEmpty || others.isEmpty || (tps startsWith classes)) tps else classes ::: others } /** The following transformations applied to a list of parents. * If any parent is a class/trait, all parents which normalize to * Object are discarded. Otherwise, all parents which normalize * to Object except the first one found are discarded. */ def normalizedParents(parents: List[Type]): List[Type] = { if (parents exists (t => (t.typeSymbol ne ObjectClass) && t.typeSymbol.isClass)) parents filterNot (_.typeSymbol eq ObjectClass) else removeRedundantObjects(parents) } def typeStringNoPackage(tp: Type) = "" + tp stripPrefix tp.typeSymbol.enclosingPackage.fullName + "." def briefParentsString(parents: List[Type]) = normalizedParents(parents) map typeStringNoPackage mkString " with " def parentsString(parents: List[Type]) = normalizedParents(parents) mkString " with " def typeParamsString(tp: Type) = tp match { case PolyType(tparams, _) => tparams map (_.defString) mkString ("[", ",", "]") case _ => "" } def valueParamsString(tp: Type) = tp match { case MethodType(params, _) => params map (_.defString) mkString ("(", ",", ")") case _ => "" } // members of class java.lang.{ Object, String } lazy val String_+ = enterNewMethod(StringClass, nme.raw.PLUS, anyparam, stringtype, Final) // boxed classes lazy val ObjectRefClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.ObjectRef[_]] lazy val VolatileObjectRefClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.VolatileObjectRef[_]] lazy val RuntimeStaticsModule = getRequiredModule("scala.runtime.Statics") lazy val BoxesRunTimeModule = getRequiredModule("scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime") lazy val BoxesRunTimeClass = BoxesRunTimeModule.moduleClass lazy val BoxedNumberClass = getClassByName(sn.BoxedNumber) lazy val BoxedCharacterClass = getClassByName(sn.BoxedCharacter) lazy val BoxedBooleanClass = getClassByName(sn.BoxedBoolean) lazy val BoxedByteClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Byte] lazy val BoxedShortClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Short] lazy val BoxedIntClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Integer] lazy val BoxedLongClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Long] lazy val BoxedFloatClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Float] lazy val BoxedDoubleClass = requiredClass[java.lang.Double] lazy val Boxes_isNumberOrBool = getDecl(BoxesRunTimeClass, nme.isBoxedNumberOrBoolean) lazy val Boxes_isNumber = getDecl(BoxesRunTimeClass, nme.isBoxedNumber) lazy val BoxedUnitClass = requiredClass[scala.runtime.BoxedUnit] lazy val BoxedUnitModule = getRequiredModule("scala.runtime.BoxedUnit") def BoxedUnit_UNIT = getMemberValue(BoxedUnitModule, nme.UNIT) def BoxedUnit_TYPE = getMemberValue(BoxedUnitModule, nme.TYPE_) // Annotations lazy val BridgeClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.bridge] lazy val ElidableMethodClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.elidable] lazy val ImplicitNotFoundClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.implicitNotFound] lazy val MigrationAnnotationClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.migration] lazy val ScalaStrictFPAttr = requiredClass[scala.annotation.strictfp] lazy val SerializableAttr = requiredClass[scala.annotation.serializable] // @serializable is deprecated lazy val SwitchClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.switch] lazy val TailrecClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.tailrec] lazy val VarargsClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.varargs] lazy val uncheckedStableClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedStable] lazy val uncheckedVarianceClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance] lazy val BeanPropertyAttr = requiredClass[scala.beans.BeanProperty] lazy val BooleanBeanPropertyAttr = requiredClass[scala.beans.BooleanBeanProperty] lazy val CloneableAttr = requiredClass[scala.annotation.cloneable] lazy val DeprecatedNameAttr = requiredClass[scala.deprecatedName] lazy val DeprecatedInheritanceAttr = requiredClass[scala.deprecatedInheritance] lazy val DeprecatedOverridingAttr = requiredClass[scala.deprecatedOverriding] lazy val NativeAttr = requiredClass[scala.native] lazy val RemoteAttr = requiredClass[scala.remote] lazy val ScalaInlineClass = requiredClass[scala.inline] lazy val ScalaNoInlineClass = requiredClass[scala.noinline] lazy val SerialVersionUIDAttr = requiredClass[scala.SerialVersionUID] lazy val SpecializedClass = requiredClass[scala.specialized] lazy val ThrowsClass = requiredClass[scala.throws[_]] lazy val TransientAttr = requiredClass[scala.transient] lazy val UncheckedClass = requiredClass[scala.unchecked] lazy val UnspecializedClass = requiredClass[scala.annotation.unspecialized] lazy val VolatileAttr = requiredClass[scala.volatile] // Meta-annotations lazy val BeanGetterTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.beanGetter] lazy val BeanSetterTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.beanSetter] lazy val FieldTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.field] lazy val GetterTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.getter] lazy val ParamTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.param] lazy val SetterTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.setter] lazy val ClassTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.companionClass] lazy val ObjectTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.companionObject] lazy val MethodTargetClass = requiredClass[meta.companionMethod] // TODO: module, moduleClass? package, packageObject? lazy val LanguageFeatureAnnot = requiredClass[meta.languageFeature] // Language features lazy val languageFeatureModule = getRequiredModule("scala.languageFeature") lazy val experimentalModule = getMemberModule(languageFeatureModule, nme.experimental) lazy val MacrosFeature = getLanguageFeature("macros", experimentalModule) lazy val DynamicsFeature = getLanguageFeature("dynamics") lazy val PostfixOpsFeature = getLanguageFeature("postfixOps") lazy val ReflectiveCallsFeature = getLanguageFeature("reflectiveCalls") lazy val ImplicitConversionsFeature = getLanguageFeature("implicitConversions") lazy val HigherKindsFeature = getLanguageFeature("higherKinds") lazy val ExistentialsFeature = getLanguageFeature("existentials") def isMetaAnnotation(sym: Symbol): Boolean = metaAnnotations(sym) || ( // Trying to allow for deprecated locations sym.isAliasType && isMetaAnnotation( ) lazy val metaAnnotations = Set[Symbol]( FieldTargetClass, ParamTargetClass, GetterTargetClass, SetterTargetClass, BeanGetterTargetClass, BeanSetterTargetClass ) lazy val AnnotationDefaultAttr: ClassSymbol = { val attr = enterNewClass(RuntimePackageClass, tpnme.AnnotationDefaultATTR, List(AnnotationClass.tpe)) // This attribute needs a constructor so that modifiers in parsed Java code make sense enter attr.newClassConstructor(NoPosition) attr } @deprecated("Moved to rootMirror.getClass", "2.10.0") def getClass(fullname: Name): ClassSymbol = rootMirror.getClassByName(fullname) @deprecated("Moved to rootMirror.getModule", "2.10.0") def getModule(fullname: Name): ModuleSymbol = rootMirror.getModule(fullname) private def fatalMissingSymbol(owner: Symbol, name: Name, what: String = "member") = { throw new FatalError(owner + " does not have a " + what + " " + name) } def getLanguageFeature(name: String, owner: Symbol = languageFeatureModule): Symbol = getMember(owner, newTypeName(name)) def termMember(owner: Symbol, name: String): Symbol = def typeMember(owner: Symbol, name: String): Symbol = def findNamedMember(fullName: Name, root: Symbol): Symbol = { val segs = nme.segments(fullName.toString, fullName.isTermName) if (segs.isEmpty || segs.head != root.simpleName) NoSymbol else findNamedMember(segs.tail, root) } def findNamedMember(segs: List[Name], root: Symbol): Symbol = if (segs.isEmpty) root else findNamedMember(segs.tail, member segs.head) def getMember(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = { getMemberIfDefined(owner, name) orElse { if (phase.flatClasses && name.isTypeName && !owner.isPackageObjectOrClass) { val pkg = owner.owner val flatname = nme.flattenedName(, name) getMember(pkg, flatname) } else fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name) } } def getMemberValue(owner: Symbol, name: Name): TermSymbol = { getMember(owner, name.toTermName) match { case x: TermSymbol => x case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "member value") } } def getMemberModule(owner: Symbol, name: Name): ModuleSymbol = { getMember(owner, name.toTermName) match { case x: ModuleSymbol => x case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "member object") } } def getTypeMember(owner: Symbol, name: Name): TypeSymbol = { getMember(owner, name.toTypeName) match { case x: TypeSymbol => x case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "type member") } } def getMemberClass(owner: Symbol, name: Name): ClassSymbol = { val y = getMember(owner, name.toTypeName) getMember(owner, name.toTypeName) match { case x: ClassSymbol => x case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "member class") } } def requiredMethod(owner: Symbol, name: Name): TermSymbol = { getMember(owner, name.toTermName) match { // todo. member symbol becomes a term symbol in cleanup. is this a bug? // case x: MethodSymbol => x case x: TermSymbol => x case _ => fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "method") } } def getMemberIfDefined(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = /** Using getDecl rather than getMember may avoid issues with * OverloadedTypes turning up when you don't want them, if you * know the method in question is uniquely declared in the given owner. */ def getDecl(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = { getDeclIfDefined(owner, name) orElse fatalMissingSymbol(owner, name, "decl") } def getDeclIfDefined(owner: Symbol, name: Name): Symbol = def packageExists(packageName: String): Boolean = getModuleIfDefined(packageName).isPackage private def newAlias(owner: Symbol, name: TypeName, alias: Type): AliasTypeSymbol = owner.newAliasType(name) setInfoAndEnter alias private def specialPolyClass(name: TypeName, flags: Long)(parentFn: Symbol => Type): ClassSymbol = { val clazz = enterNewClass(ScalaPackageClass, name, Nil) val tparam = clazz.newSyntheticTypeParam("T0", flags) val parents = List(AnyRefClass.tpe, parentFn(tparam)) clazz setInfo GenPolyType(List(tparam), ClassInfoType(parents, newScope, clazz)) } def newPolyMethod(typeParamCount: Int, owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: Long)(createFn: PolyMethodCreator): MethodSymbol = { val msym = owner.newMethod(name.encode, NoPosition, flags) val tparams = msym.newSyntheticTypeParams(typeParamCount) val mtpe = createFn(tparams) match { case (Some(formals), restpe) => MethodType(msym.newSyntheticValueParams(formals), restpe) case (_, restpe) => NullaryMethodType(restpe) } msym setInfoAndEnter genPolyType(tparams, mtpe) } /** T1 means one type parameter. */ def newT1NullaryMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: Long)(createFn: Symbol => Type): MethodSymbol = { newPolyMethod(1, owner, name, flags)(tparams => (None, createFn(tparams.head))) } def newT1NoParamsMethod(owner: Symbol, name: TermName, flags: Long)(createFn: Symbol => Type): MethodSymbol = { newPolyMethod(1, owner, name, flags)(tparams => (Some(Nil), createFn(tparams.head))) } lazy val boxedClassValues = boxedClass.values.toSet[Symbol] lazy val isUnbox = unboxMethod.values.toSet[Symbol] lazy val isBox = boxMethod.values.toSet[Symbol] /** Is symbol a phantom class for which no runtime representation exists? */ lazy val isPhantomClass = Set[Symbol](AnyClass, AnyValClass, NullClass, NothingClass) /** Lists core classes that don't have underlying bytecode, but are synthesized on-the-fly in every reflection universe */ lazy val syntheticCoreClasses = List( AnnotationDefaultAttr, // #2264 RepeatedParamClass, JavaRepeatedParamClass, ByNameParamClass, AnyClass, AnyRefClass, AnyValClass, NullClass, NothingClass, SingletonClass, EqualsPatternClass ) /** Lists core methods that don't have underlying bytecode, but are synthesized on-the-fly in every reflection universe */ lazy val syntheticCoreMethods = List( Any_==, Any_!=, Any_equals, Any_hashCode, Any_toString, Any_getClass, Any_isInstanceOf, Any_asInstanceOf, Any_##, Object_eq, Object_ne, Object_==, Object_!=, Object_##, Object_synchronized, Object_isInstanceOf, Object_asInstanceOf, String_+ ) /** Lists core classes that do have underlying bytecode, but are adjusted on-the-fly in every reflection universe */ lazy val hijackedCoreClasses = List( ComparableClass, JavaSerializableClass ) /** Lists symbols that are synthesized or hijacked by the compiler. * * Such symbols either don't have any underlying bytecode at all ("synthesized") * or get loaded from bytecode but have their metadata adjusted ("hijacked"). */ lazy val symbolsNotPresentInBytecode = syntheticCoreClasses ++ syntheticCoreMethods ++ hijackedCoreClasses /** Is the symbol that of a parent which is added during parsing? */ lazy val isPossibleSyntheticParent = ProductClass.toSet[Symbol] + ProductRootClass + SerializableClass private lazy val boxedValueClassesSet = boxedClass.values.toSet[Symbol] + BoxedUnitClass /** Is symbol a value class? */ def isPrimitiveValueClass(sym: Symbol) = ScalaValueClasses contains sym def isNonUnitValueClass(sym: Symbol) = isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) && (sym != UnitClass) def isSpecializableClass(sym: Symbol) = isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) || (sym == AnyRefClass) def isPrimitiveValueType(tp: Type) = isPrimitiveValueClass(tp.typeSymbol) /** Is symbol a boxed value class, e.g. java.lang.Integer? */ def isBoxedValueClass(sym: Symbol) = boxedValueClassesSet(sym) /** If symbol is a value class (boxed or not), return the unboxed * value class. Otherwise, NoSymbol. */ def unboxedValueClass(sym: Symbol): Symbol = if (isPrimitiveValueClass(sym)) sym else if (sym == BoxedUnitClass) UnitClass else => (kvp._2: Symbol, kvp._1)).getOrElse(sym, NoSymbol) /** Is type's symbol a numeric value class? */ def isNumericValueType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match { case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => isNumericValueClass(sym) case _ => false } // todo: reconcile with javaSignature!!! def signature(tp: Type): String = { def erasure(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case st: SubType => erasure(st.supertype) case RefinedType(parents, _) => erasure(parents.head) case _ => tp } def flatNameString(sym: Symbol, separator: Char): String = if (sym == NoSymbol) "" // be more resistant to error conditions, e.g. neg/t3222.scala else if (sym.owner.isPackageClass) sym.javaClassName else flatNameString(sym.owner, separator) + nme.NAME_JOIN_STRING + sym.simpleName def signature1(etp: Type): String = { if (etp.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) "[" + signature1(erasure(etp.normalize.typeArgs.head)) else if (isPrimitiveValueClass(etp.typeSymbol)) abbrvTag(etp.typeSymbol).toString() else "L" + flatNameString(etp.typeSymbol, '/') + ";" } val etp = erasure(tp) if (etp.typeSymbol == ArrayClass) signature1(etp) else flatNameString(etp.typeSymbol, '.') } /** Surgery on the value classes. Without this, AnyVals defined in source * files end up with an AnyRef parent. It is likely there is a better way * to evade that AnyRef. */ private def setParents(sym: Symbol, parents: List[Type]): Symbol = sym.rawInfo match { case ClassInfoType(_, scope, clazz) => sym setInfo ClassInfoType(parents, scope, clazz) case _ => sym } def init() { if (isInitialized) return // force initialization of every symbol that is synthesized or hijacked by the compiler val forced = symbolsNotPresentInBytecode isInitialized = true } //init var nbScalaCallers: Int = 0 def newScalaCaller(delegateType: Type): MethodSymbol = { assert(forMSIL, "scalaCallers can only be created if target is .NET") // object: reference to object on which to call (scala-)method val paramTypes: List[Type] = List(ObjectClass.tpe) val name = newTermName("$scalaCaller$$" + nbScalaCallers) // tparam => resultType, which is the resultType of PolyType, i.e. the result type after applying the // type parameter =-> a MethodType in this case // TODO: set type bounds manually (-> MulticastDelegate), see newTypeParam val newCaller = enterNewMethod(DelegateClass, name, paramTypes, delegateType, Final | STATIC) // val newCaller = newPolyMethod(DelegateClass, name, // tparam => MethodType(paramTypes, tparam.typeConstructor)) setFlag (Final | STATIC) Delegate_scalaCallers = Delegate_scalaCallers ::: List(newCaller) nbScalaCallers += 1 newCaller } // def addScalaCallerInfo(scalaCaller: Symbol, methSym: Symbol, delType: Type) { // assert(Delegate_scalaCallers contains scalaCaller) // Delegate_scalaCallerInfos += (scalaCaller -> (methSym, delType)) // } def addScalaCallerInfo(scalaCaller: Symbol, methSym: Symbol) { assert(Delegate_scalaCallers contains scalaCaller) Delegate_scalaCallerTargets += (scalaCaller -> methSym) } } } */