package package dotc package core import SymDenotations.{ SymDenotation, NoDenotation } import Contexts.{Context, ContextBase} import Names.{Name, PreName} import Names.TypeName import Symbols.NoSymbol import Symbols._ import Types._, Periods._, Flags._, Transformers._ import printing.Texts._ import printing.Printer import io.AbstractFile import Decorators.SymbolIteratorDecorator /** Denotations represent the meaning of symbols and named types. * The following diagram shows how the principal types of denotations * and their denoting entities relate to each other. Lines ending in * a down-arrow `v` are member methods. The two methods shown in the diagram are * "symbol" and "deref". Both methods are parameterized by the current context, * and are effectively indexed by current period. * * Lines ending in a horizontal line mean subtying (right is a subtype of left). * * NamedType------NamedTypeWithSignature * * | | Symbol---------ClassSymbol * | | | | * | denot | denot | denot | denot * v v v v * Denotation-+-----SingleDenotation-+------SymDenotation-+----ClassDenotation * | | * +-----MultiDenotation | * | * +--UniqueRefDenotation * +--JointRefDenotation * * Here's a short summary of the classes in this diagram. * * NamedType A type consisting of a prefix type and a name, with fields * prefix: Type * name: Name * NamedTypeWithSignature A named type that has in addition a signature to select an overloaded variant, with new field * signature: Signature * Symbol A label for a definition or declaration in one compiler run * ClassSymbol A symbol representing a class * Denotation The meaning of a named type or symbol during a period * MultiDenotation A denotation representing several overloaded members * SingleDenotation A denotation representing a non-overloaded member or definition, with main fields * symbol: Symbol * info: Type * UniqueRefDenotation A denotation referring to a single definition with some member type * JointRefDenotation A denotation referring to a member that could resolve to several definitions * SymDenotation A denotation representing a single definition with its original type, with main fields * name: Name * owner: Symbol * flags: Flags * privateWithin: Symbol * annotations: List[Annotation] * ClassDenotation A denotation representing a single class definition. */ object Denotations { /** The signature of a denotation. * Overloaded denotations with the same name are distinguished by * their signatures. A signature is a list of the fully qualified names * of the type symbols of the erasure of the parameters of the * denotation. For instance a definition * * def f(x: Int)(y: List[String]): String * * would have signature * * List("scala.Int".toTypeName, "scala.collection.immutable.List".toTypeName) * * TODO: discriminate on result type as well !!! */ type Signature = List[TypeName] /** The signature of a val or parameterless def, as opposed * to List(), which is the signature of a zero-parameter def. */ val NotAMethod: Signature = List(Names.EmptyTypeName) /** A denotation is the result of resolving * a name (either simple identifier or select) during a given period. * * Denotations can be combined with `&` and `|`. * & is conjunction, | is disjunction. * * `&` will create an overloaded denotation from two * non-overloaded denotations if their signatures differ. * Analogously `|` of two denotations with different signatures will give * an empty denotation `NoDenotation`. * * A denotation might refer to `NoSymbol`. This is the case if the denotation * was produced from a disjunction of two denotations with different symbols * and there was no common symbol in a superclass that could substitute for * both symbols. Here is an example: * * Say, we have: * * class A { def f: A } * class B { def f: B } * val x: A | B = if (test) new A else new B * val y = x.f * * Then the denotation of `y` is `SingleDenotation(NoSymbol, A | B)`. */ abstract class Denotation extends DotClass with printing.Showable { /** The referencing symbol, exists only for non-overloaded denotations */ def symbol: Symbol /** The type info of the denotation, exists only for non-overloaded denotations */ def info: Type /** The period during which this denotation is valid. */ def validFor: Period /** Is this a reference to a type symbol? */ def isType: Boolean /** Is this a reference to a term symbol? */ def isTerm: Boolean = !isType /** Is this denotation overloaded? */ def isOverloaded = isInstanceOf[MultiDenotation] /** The signature of the denotation */ def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature /** Resolve overloaded denotation to pick the one with the given signature */ def atSignature(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation /** The variant of this denotation that's current in the given context. */ def current(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation /** Is this denotation different from NoDenotation or an ErrorDenotation? */ def exists: Boolean = true /** If this denotation does not exist, fallback to alternative */ def orElse(that: => Denotation) = if (this.exists) this else that /** The set of alternative single-denotations making up this denotation */ def alternatives: List[SingleDenotation] = altsWith(scala.Function.const(true)) /** The alternatives of this denotation that satisfy the predicate `p`. */ def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation] /** The unique alternative of this denotation that satisfies the predicate `p`, * or NoDenotation if no satisfying alternative exists. * @throws TypeError if there is at more than one alternative that satisfies `p`. */ def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean): SingleDenotation /** Does this denotation have an alternative that satisfies the predicate `p`? */ def hasAltWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): Boolean /** Find member of this denotation with given name and * produce a denotation that contains the type of the member * as seen from given prefix `pre`. Exclude all members that have * flags in `excluded` from consideration. */ def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = info.findMember(name, pre, excluded) /** If this denotation is overloaded, filter with given predicate. * If result is still overloaded throw a TypeError. * Note: disambiguate is slightly different from suchThat in that * single-denotations that do not satisfy the predicate are left alone * (whereas suchThat would map them to NoDenotation). */ def disambiguate(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = this match { case sdenot: SingleDenotation => sdenot case mdenot => suchThat(p) orElse NoQualifyingRef(alternatives) } /** Return symbol in this denotation that satisfies the given predicate. * Return a stubsymbol denotation is a missing ref. * Throw a `TypeError` if predicate fails to disambiguate symbol or no alternative matches. */ def requiredSymbol(p: Symbol => Boolean, source: AbstractFile = null)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = disambiguate(p) match { case MissingRef(ownerd, name) => ctx.newStubSymbol(ownerd.symbol, name, source) case NoDenotation | _: NoQualifyingRef => throw new TypeError(s"None of the alternatives of $this satisfies required predicate") case denot => denot.symbol } def requiredMethod(name: PreName)(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = info.member(name.toTermName).requiredSymbol(_ is Method).asTerm /** The denotation that has a type matching `targetType` when seen * as a member of type `site`, `NoDenotation` if none exists. */ def matchingDenotation(site: Type, targetType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = if (isOverloaded) atSignature(targetType.signature).matchingDenotation(site, targetType) else if (exists && !(site.memberInfo(symbol) matches targetType)) NoDenotation else this.asInstanceOf[SingleDenotation] /** Form a denotation by conjoining with denotation `that` */ def & (that: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = if (this eq that) this else if (!this.exists) that else if (!that.exists) this else that match { case that: SingleDenotation => val r = mergeDenot(this, that) if (r.exists) r else MultiDenotation(this, that) case that @ MultiDenotation(denot1, denot2) => this & denot1 & denot2 } /** Try to merge denot1 and denot2 without adding a new signature. * If unsuccessful, return NoDenotation. */ private def mergeDenot(denot1: Denotation, denot2: SingleDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = denot1 match { case denot1 @ MultiDenotation(denot11, denot12) => val d1 = mergeDenot(denot11, denot2) if (d1.exists) denot1.derivedMultiDenotation(d1, denot2) else { val d2 = mergeDenot(denot12, denot2) if (d2.exists) denot1.derivedMultiDenotation(denot11, d2) else NoDenotation } case denot1: SingleDenotation => if (denot1 eq denot2) denot1 else if (denot1.signature != denot2.signature) NoDenotation else { val sym1 = denot1.symbol if (sym1.isClass || sym1.isAliasType) denot1 else { val sym2 = denot2.symbol if (sym2.isClass || sym2.isAliasType) denot2 else { // if sym1, sym2 exist, they are abstract types or term symbols val info1 = val info2 = val sym1Eligible = sym1.isAsConcrete(sym2) val sym2Eligible = sym2.isAsConcrete(sym1) if (sym1Eligible && info1 <:< info2) denot1 else if (sym2Eligible && info2 <:< info1) denot2 else new JointRefDenotation( if (sym2Eligible) sym2 else sym1, info1 & info2, denot1.validFor & denot2.validFor) } } } } /** Form a choice between this denotation and that one. * @param pre The prefix type of the members of the denotation, used * to determine an accessible symbol if it exists. */ def | (that: Denotation)(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = { def lubSym(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Symbol = { def qualifies(sym: Symbol) = sym.isAccessibleFrom(pre) && sym2.owner.isSubClass(sym.owner) sym1.allOverriddenSymbols findSymbol qualifies } def throwError = throw new MatchError(s"$this | $that") if (this eq that) this else if (!this.exists) this else if (!that.exists) that else this match { case denot1 @ MultiDenotation(denot11, denot12) => denot1.derivedMultiDenotation((denot11 | that)(pre), (denot12 | that)(pre)) case _ => that match { case denot2 @ MultiDenotation(denot21, denot22) => denot2.derivedMultiDenotation((this | denot21)(pre), (this | denot22)(pre)) case denot2: SingleDenotation => this match { case denot1: SingleDenotation => if (denot1.signature != denot2.signature) NoDenotation else new JointRefDenotation( lubSym(denot1.symbol, denot2.symbol), |, denot1.validFor & denot2.validFor) case _ => throwError } case _ => throwError } } } def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this) } /** An overloaded denotation consisting of the alternatives of both given denotations. */ case class MultiDenotation(denot1: Denotation, denot2: Denotation) extends Denotation { final def symbol = unsupported("symbol") final def info = unsupported("info") final def validFor = denot1.validFor & denot2.validFor final def isType = false def signature(implicit ctx: Context) = unsupported("signature") def atSignature(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = denot1.atSignature(sig) orElse denot2.atSignature(sig) def current(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = derivedMultiDenotation(denot1.current, denot2.current) def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation] = denot1.altsWith(p) ++ denot2.altsWith(p) def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean): SingleDenotation = { val sd1 = denot1.suchThat(p) val sd2 = denot2.suchThat(p) if (sd1.exists) if (sd2.exists) throw new TypeError(s"failure to disambiguate overloaded reference $this") else sd1 else sd2 } def hasAltWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): Boolean = denot1.hasAltWith(p) || denot2.hasAltWith(p) def derivedMultiDenotation(d1: Denotation, d2: Denotation) = if ((d1 eq denot1) && (d2 eq denot2)) this else MultiDenotation(d1, d2) override def toString = alternatives.mkString(" ") } /** A non-overloaded denotation */ abstract class SingleDenotation extends Denotation with PreDenotation { override def isType = info.isInstanceOf[TypeType] override def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = { if (isType) NotAMethod else info match { case tp: PolyType => tp.resultType match { case mt: MethodType => mt.signature case _ => List() } case mt: MethodType => mt.signature case _ => NotAMethod } } def derivedSingleDenotation(symbol: Symbol, info: Type): SingleDenotation = if ((symbol eq this.symbol) && (info eq this else newLikeThis(symbol, info) protected def newLikeThis(symbol: Symbol, info: Type): SingleDenotation = this def orElse(that: => SingleDenotation) = if (this.exists) this else that def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): List[SingleDenotation] = if (p(symbol)) this :: Nil else Nil def suchThat(p: Symbol => Boolean): SingleDenotation = if (p(symbol)) this else NoDenotation def hasAltWith(p: Symbol => Boolean): Boolean = p(symbol) def atSignature(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = if (sig == signature) this else NoDenotation // ------ Transformations ----------------------------------------- private[this] var _validFor: Period = Nowhere def validFor = _validFor def validFor_=(p: Period) = _validFor = p /** The next SingleDenotation in this run, with wrap-around from last to first. * * There may be several `SingleDenotation`s with different validity * representing the same underlying definition at different phases. * These are called a "flock". Flock members are generated by * @See current. Flock members are connected in a ring * with their `nextInRun` fields. * * There are the following invariants concerning flock members * * 1) validity periods are non-overlapping * 2) the union of all validity periods is a contiguous * interval. */ var nextInRun: SingleDenotation = this /** The version of this SingleDenotation that was valid in the first phase * of this run. */ def initial: SingleDenotation = { var current = nextInRun while (current.validFor.code > this._validFor.code) current = current.nextInRun current } /** Produce a denotation that is valid for the given context. * Usually called when !(validFor contains ctx.period) * (even though this is not a precondition). * If the runId of the context is the same as runId of this denotation, * the right flock member is located, or, if it does not exist yet, * created by invoking a transformer (@See Transformers). * If the runId's differ, but this denotation is a SymDenotation * and its toplevel owner class or module * is still a member of its enclosing package, then the whole flock * is brought forward to be valid in the new runId. Otherwise * the symbol is stale, which constitutes an internal error. */ def current(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = { val currentPeriod = ctx.period val valid = _validFor def bringForward(): Unit = { this match { case NoDenotation => validFor = Period(currentPeriod.runId, validFor.firstPhaseId, validFor.lastPhaseId) return case denot: SymDenotation => val top = denot.topLevelSym if ( == top) { var d: SingleDenotation = denot do { d.validFor = Period(currentPeriod.runId, d.validFor.firstPhaseId, d.validFor.lastPhaseId) d = d.nextInRun } while (d ne denot) return } case _ => } assert(false, s"stale symbol; ${symbol.showLocated}, defined in run ${valid.runId} is referred to in run ${currentPeriod.runId}") } if (valid.runId != currentPeriod.runId) { bringForward() current } else { var cur = this if (currentPeriod.code > valid.code) { // search for containing period as long as nextInRun increases. var next = nextInRun while (next.validFor.code > valid.code && !(next.validFor contains currentPeriod)) { cur = next next = next.nextInRun } if (next.validFor.code > valid.code) { // in this case, next.validFor contains currentPeriod cur = next } else { // not found, cur points to highest existing variant var startPid = cur.validFor.lastPhaseId + 1 val transformers = ctx.transformersFor(cur) val transformer = transformers.nextTransformer(startPid) next = transformer transform cur if (next eq cur) startPid = cur.validFor.firstPhaseId else { cur.nextInRun = next cur = next } cur.validFor = Period( currentPeriod.runId, startPid, transformer.lastPhaseId) } } else { // currentPeriod < valid; in this case a version must exist // but to be defensive we check for infinite loop anyway var cnt = 0 do { cur = cur.nextInRun cnt += 1 assert(cnt <= MaxPossiblePhaseId) } while (!(cur.validFor contains currentPeriod)) } cur } } final def asSymDenotation = asInstanceOf[SymDenotation] override def toString = if (symbol == NoSymbol) symbol.toString else s"" // ------ PreDenotation ops ---------------------------------------------- final def first = this final def toDenot(implicit ctx: Context) = this final def containsSig(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context) = exists && signature == sig final def filterDisjoint(denots: PreDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = if (denots.containsSig(signature)) NoDenotation else this def disjointAsSeenFrom(denots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = if (isType) filterDisjoint(denots).asSeenFrom(pre) else asSeenFrom(pre).filterDisjoint(denots) final def filterExcluded(excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = if (excluded.isEmpty) this else this match { case thisd: SymDenotation => if (thisd is excluded) NoDenotation else this case _ => if (symbol is excluded) NoDenotation else this } def asSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = { val owner = this match { case thisd: SymDenotation => thisd.owner case _ => if (symbol.exists) symbol.owner else NoSymbol } if (!owner.membersNeedAsSeenFrom(pre)) this else derivedSingleDenotation(symbol, info.asSeenFrom(pre, owner)) } } class UniqueRefDenotation( val symbol: Symbol, val info: Type, initValidFor: Period) extends SingleDenotation { validFor = initValidFor override protected def newLikeThis(s: Symbol, i: Type): SingleDenotation = new UniqueRefDenotation(s, i, validFor) } class JointRefDenotation( val symbol: Symbol, val info: Type, initValidFor: Period) extends SingleDenotation { validFor = initValidFor override protected def newLikeThis(s: Symbol, i: Type): SingleDenotation = new JointRefDenotation(s, i, validFor) } class ErrorDenotation(implicit ctx: Context) extends SingleDenotation { override def exists = false val symbol = NoSymbol val info = NoType validFor = Period.allInRun(ctx.runId) } case class MissingRef(val owner: SingleDenotation, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ErrorDenotation case class NoQualifyingRef(alts: List[SingleDenotation])(implicit ctx: Context) extends ErrorDenotation // --------------- PreDenotations ------------------------------------------------- /** A PreDenotation represents a group of single denotations * It is used as an optimization to avoid forming MultiDenotations too eagerly. */ trait PreDenotation { /** A denotation in the group exists */ def exists: Boolean /** First denotation in the group */ def first: Denotation /** Convert to full denotation by &-ing all elements */ def toDenot(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation /** Group contains a denotation with given signature */ def containsSig(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean /** Keep only those denotations in this group which have a signature * that's not already defined by `denots`. */ def filterDisjoint(denots: PreDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation def disjointAsSeenFrom(denots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation /** Keep only those denotations in this group whose flags do not intersect * with `excluded`. */ def filterExcluded(excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation /** The denotation with info(s) as seen from prefix type */ def asSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation /** The union of two groups. */ def union(that: PreDenotation) = if (!this.exists) that else if (!that.exists) this else DenotUnion(this, that) } case class DenotUnion(denots1: PreDenotation, denots2: PreDenotation) extends PreDenotation { assert(denots1.exists && denots2.exists) def exists = true def first = denots1.first def toDenot(implicit ctx: Context) = denots1.toDenot & denots2.toDenot def containsSig(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context) = (denots1 containsSig sig) || (denots2 containsSig sig) def filterDisjoint(denots: PreDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation = derivedUnion(denots1 filterDisjoint denots, denots2 filterDisjoint denots) def disjointAsSeenFrom(denots: PreDenotation, pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation = derivedUnion(denots1.disjointAsSeenFrom(denots, pre), denots2.disjointAsSeenFrom(denots, pre)) def filterExcluded(excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation = derivedUnion(denots1.filterExcluded(excluded), denots2.filterExcluded(excluded)) def asSeenFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): PreDenotation = derivedUnion(denots1.asSeenFrom(pre), denots2.asSeenFrom(pre)) private def derivedUnion(denots1: PreDenotation, denots2: PreDenotation) = if ((denots1 eq this.denots1) && (denots2 eq this.denots2)) this else denots1 union denots2 } // --------------- Context Base Trait ------------------------------- trait DenotationsBase { this: ContextBase => /** The current denotation of the static reference given by path, * or a MissingRef or NoQualifyingRef instance, if it does not exist. */ def staticRef(path: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = { def recur(path: Name, len: Int): Denotation = { val point = path.lastIndexOf('.', len - 1) val owner = if (point > 0) recur(path.toTermName, point).disambiguate(_.isParameterless) else if (path.isTermName) defn.RootClass.denot else defn.EmptyPackageClass.denot if (!owner.exists) owner else { val name = path slice (point + 1, len) val result = if (result ne NoDenotation) result else { val alt = missingHook(owner.symbol.moduleClass, name) if (alt.exists) alt.denot else MissingRef(owner, name) } } } recur(path, path.length) } /** If we are looking for a non-existing term name in a package, * assume it is a package for which we do not have a directory and * enter it. */ def missingHook(owner: Symbol, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = if ((owner is Package) && name.isTermName) ctx.newCompletePackageSymbol(owner, name.asTermName).entered else NoSymbol } }