package package core import import Chars.isOperatorPart import scala.annotation.switch import import Names._, StdNames._, Contexts._, Symbols._ import Decorators.StringDecorator object NameOps { final object compactify { lazy val md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5") /** COMPACTIFY * * The hashed name has the form (prefix + marker + md5 + marker + suffix), where * - prefix/suffix.length = MaxNameLength / 4 * - md5.length = 32 * * We obtain the formula: * * FileNameLength = 2*(MaxNameLength / 4) + 2.marker.length + 32 + 6 * * (+6 for ".class"). MaxNameLength can therefore be computed as follows: */ def apply(s: String)(implicit ctx: Context): String = { val marker = "$$$$" val limit: Int = ctx.settings.maxClassfileName.value val MaxNameLength = (limit - 6) min 2 * (limit - 6 - 2 * marker.length - 32) def toMD5(s: String, edge: Int): String = { val prefix = s take edge val suffix = s takeRight edge val cs = s.toArray val bytes = Codec toUTF8 cs md5 update bytes val md5chars = (md5.digest() map (b => (b & 0xFF).toHexString)).mkString prefix + marker + md5chars + marker + suffix } if (s.length <= MaxNameLength) s else toMD5(s, MaxNameLength / 4) } } implicit class NameDecorator(val name: Name) extends AnyVal { import nme._ def isConstructorName = name == CONSTRUCTOR || name == MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR def isExceptionResultName = name startsWith EXCEPTION_RESULT_PREFIX def isImplClassName = name endsWith IMPL_CLASS_SUFFIX def isLocalDummyName = name startsWith LOCALDUMMY_PREFIX def isLoopHeaderLabel = (name startsWith WHILE_PREFIX) || (name startsWith DO_WHILE_PREFIX) def isProtectedAccessorName = name startsWith PROTECTED_PREFIX def isSuperAccessorName = name startsWith SUPER_PREFIX def isReplWrapperName = name containsSlice INTERPRETER_IMPORT_WRAPPER def isSetterName = name endsWith SETTER_SUFFIX def isTraitSetterName = isSetterName && (name containsSlice TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR) def isSingletonName = name endsWith SINGLETON_SUFFIX def isModuleName = name endsWith MODULE_SUFFIX def isModuleVarName(name: Name): Boolean = name.stripAnonNumberSuffix endsWith MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX def isLocalName = name.isInstanceOf[LocalName] /** Is name a variable name? */ def isVariableName: Boolean = { val first = name.head (((first.isLower && first.isLetter) || first == '_') && (name != false_) && (name != true_) && (name != null_)) } def isOpAssignmentName: Boolean = name match { case raw.NE | raw.LE | raw.GE | EMPTY => false case _ => name.last == '=' && name.head != '=' && isOperatorPart(name.head) } /** If the name ends with $nn where nn are * all digits, strip the $ and the digits. * Otherwise return the argument. */ def stripAnonNumberSuffix: Name = { var pos = name.length while (pos > 0 && name(pos - 1).isDigit) pos -= 1 if (pos <= 0 || pos == name.length || name(pos - 1) != '$') name else name take (pos - 1) } def stripModuleSuffix: Name = if (isModuleName) name dropRight MODULE_SUFFIX.length else name /** Translate a name into a list of simple TypeNames and TermNames. * In all segments before the last, type/term is determined by whether * the following separator char is '.' or '#'. The last segment * is of the same type as the original name. * * Examples: * * package foo { * object Lorax { object Wog ; class Wog } * class Lorax { object Zax ; class Zax } * } * * f("foo.Lorax".toTermName) == List("foo": Term, "Lorax": Term) // object Lorax * f("foo.Lorax".toTypeName) == List("foo": Term, "Lorax": Type) // class Lorax * f("Lorax.Wog".toTermName) == List("Lorax": Term, "Wog": Term) // object Wog * f("Lorax.Wog".toTypeName) == List("Lorax": Term, "Wog": Type) // class Wog * f("Lorax#Zax".toTermName) == List("Lorax": Type, "Zax": Term) // object Zax * f("Lorax#Zax".toTypeName) == List("Lorax": Type, "Zax": Type) // class Zax * * Note that in actual scala syntax you cannot refer to object Zax without an * instance of Lorax, so Lorax#Zax could only mean the type. One might think * that Lorax#Zax.type would work, but this is not accepted by the parser. * For the purposes of referencing that object, the syntax is allowed. */ def segments: List[Name] = { def mkName(name: Name, follow: Char): Name = if (follow == '.') name.toTermName else name.toTypeName name.indexWhere(ch => ch == '.' || ch == '#') match { case -1 => if (name.isEmpty) scala.Nil else name :: scala.Nil case idx => mkName(name take idx, name(idx)) :: (name drop (idx + 1)).segments } } /** If name length exceeds allowable limit, replace part of it by hash */ def compactified(implicit ctx: Context): TermName = termName(compactify(name.toString)) } // needed??? private val Boxed = Map[TypeName, TypeName]( tpnme.Boolean -> jtpnme.BoxedBoolean, tpnme.Byte -> jtpnme.BoxedByte, tpnme.Char -> jtpnme.BoxedCharacter, tpnme.Short -> jtpnme.BoxedShort, tpnme.Int -> jtpnme.BoxedInteger, tpnme.Long -> jtpnme.BoxedLong, tpnme.Float -> jtpnme.BoxedFloat, tpnme.Double -> jtpnme.BoxedDouble) // needed??? implicit class TypeNameDecorator(val name: TypeName) extends AnyVal { def isUnboxedName = Boxed contains name def boxedName: TypeName = Boxed(name) /** The expanded name of `name` relative to this class `base` with given `separator` */ def expandedName(base: Symbol, separator: Name = nme.EXPAND_SEPARATOR)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeName = (base.fullName('$') ++ separator ++ name).toTypeName } implicit class TermNameDecorator(val name: TermName) extends AnyVal { import nme._ /** The expanded name of `name` relative to this class `base` with given `separator` */ def expandedName(base: Symbol, separator: Name = EXPAND_SEPARATOR)(implicit ctx: Context): TermName = (base.fullName('$') ++ separator ++ name).toTermName /** The expanded setter name of `name` relative to this class `base` */ def expandedSetterName(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TermName = expandedName(base, separator = TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR) def getterName: TermName = name match { case name: LocalName => name.toGlobalName case name => name } def getterToSetter: TermName = name ++ SETTER_SUFFIX def setterToGetter: TermName = { val p = name.indexOfSlice(TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR) if (p >= 0) (name drop (p + TRAIT_SETTER_SEPARATOR.length)).asTermName.setterToGetter else name.take(name.length - SETTER_SUFFIX.length).asTermName } /** Nominally, name$default$N, encoded for */ def defaultGetterName(pos: Int): TermName = { val prefix = if (name.isConstructorName) DEFAULT_GETTER_INIT else name prefix ++ DEFAULT_GETTER ++ pos.toString } /** Nominally, name from name$default$N, CONSTRUCTOR for */ def defaultGetterToMethod: TermName = { val p = name.indexOfSlice(DEFAULT_GETTER) if (p >= 0) { val q = name.take(p).asTermName // i.e., if (q.decoded == CONSTRUCTOR.toString) CONSTRUCTOR else q if (q == DEFAULT_GETTER_INIT) CONSTRUCTOR else q } else name } /** The name of a super-accessor */ def superAccessorName: TermName = SUPER_PREFIX ++ name /** The name of an accessor for protected symbols. */ def protectedAccessorName: TermName = PROTECTED_PREFIX ++ name /** The name of a setter for protected symbols. Used for inherited Java fields. */ def protectedSetterName(name: Name): TermName = PROTECTED_SET_PREFIX ++ name def moduleVarName: TermName = name ++ MODULE_VAR_SUFFIX /** The name unary_x for a prefix operator x */ def toUnaryName: TermName = name match { case raw.MINUS => UNARY_- case raw.PLUS => UNARY_+ case raw.TILDE => UNARY_~ case raw.BANG => UNARY_! case _ => name } /** The name of a method which stands in for a primitive operation * during structural type dispatch. */ def primitiveInfixMethodName: TermName = name match { case OR => takeOr case XOR => takeXor case AND => takeAnd case EQ => testEqual case NE => testNotEqual case ADD => add case SUB => subtract case MUL => multiply case DIV => divide case MOD => takeModulo case LSL => shiftSignedLeft case LSR => shiftLogicalRight case ASR => shiftSignedRight case LT => testLessThan case LE => testLessOrEqualThan case GE => testGreaterOrEqualThan case GT => testGreaterThan case ZOR => takeConditionalOr case ZAND => takeConditionalAnd case _ => NO_NAME } /** Postfix/prefix, really. */ def primitivePostfixMethodName: TermName = name match { case UNARY_! => takeNot case UNARY_+ => positive case UNARY_- => negate case UNARY_~ => complement case `toByte` => toByte case `toShort` => toShort case `toChar` => toCharacter case `toInt` => toInteger case `toLong` => toLong case `toFloat` => toFloat case `toDouble` => toDouble case _ => NO_NAME } def primitiveMethodName: TermName = primitiveInfixMethodName match { case NO_NAME => primitivePostfixMethodName case name => name } } }