package package dotc package core import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._, Decorators._ import util.SimpleMap import collection.mutable import printing.{Printer, Showable} import printing.Texts._ import config.Config import config.Printers._ import collection.immutable.BitSet import reflect.ClassTag import annotation.tailrec object OrderingConstraint { type ArrayValuedMap[T] = SimpleMap[GenericType, Array[T]] /** The type of `OrderingConstraint#boundsMap` */ type ParamBounds = ArrayValuedMap[Type] /** The type of `OrderingConstraint#lowerMap`, `OrderingConstraint#upperMap` */ type ParamOrdering = ArrayValuedMap[List[PolyParam]] /** A new constraint with given maps */ private def newConstraint(boundsMap: ParamBounds, lowerMap: ParamOrdering, upperMap: ParamOrdering)(implicit ctx: Context) : OrderingConstraint = { val result = new OrderingConstraint(boundsMap, lowerMap, upperMap) if (Config.checkConstraintsNonCyclic) result.checkNonCyclic() ctx.runInfo.recordConstraintSize(result, result.boundsMap.size) result } /** A lens for updating a single entry array in one of the three constraint maps */ abstract class ConstraintLens[T <: AnyRef: ClassTag] { def entries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType): Array[T] def updateEntries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType, entries: Array[T])(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint def initial: T def apply(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType, idx: Int) = { val es = entries(c, poly) if (es == null) initial else es(idx) } /** The `current` constraint but with the entry for `param` updated to `entry`. * `current` is used linearly. If it is different from `prev` it is * known to be dead after the call. Hence it is OK to update destructively * parts of `current` which are not shared by `prev`. */ def update(prev: OrderingConstraint, current: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType, idx: Int, entry: T)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = { var es = entries(current, poly) if (es != null && (es(idx) eq entry)) current else { val result = if (es == null) { es = Array.fill(poly.paramNames.length)(initial) updateEntries(current, poly, es) } else if (es ne entries(prev, poly)) current // can re-use existing entries array. else { es = es.clone updateEntries(current, poly, es) } es(idx) = entry result } } def update(prev: OrderingConstraint, current: OrderingConstraint, param: PolyParam, entry: T)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = update(prev, current, param.binder, param.paramNum, entry) def map(prev: OrderingConstraint, current: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType, idx: Int, f: T => T)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = update(prev, current, poly, idx, f(apply(current, poly, idx))) def map(prev: OrderingConstraint, current: OrderingConstraint, param: PolyParam, f: T => T)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = map(prev, current, param.binder, param.paramNum, f) } val boundsLens = new ConstraintLens[Type] { def entries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType): Array[Type] = c.boundsMap(poly) def updateEntries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType, entries: Array[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = newConstraint(c.boundsMap.updated(poly, entries), c.lowerMap, c.upperMap) def initial = NoType } val lowerLens = new ConstraintLens[List[PolyParam]] { def entries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType): Array[List[PolyParam]] = c.lowerMap(poly) def updateEntries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType, entries: Array[List[PolyParam]])(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = newConstraint(c.boundsMap, c.lowerMap.updated(poly, entries), c.upperMap) def initial = Nil } val upperLens = new ConstraintLens[List[PolyParam]] { def entries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType): Array[List[PolyParam]] = c.upperMap(poly) def updateEntries(c: OrderingConstraint, poly: GenericType, entries: Array[List[PolyParam]])(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = newConstraint(c.boundsMap, c.lowerMap, c.upperMap.updated(poly, entries)) def initial = Nil } } import OrderingConstraint._ /** Constraint over undetermined type parameters that keeps separate maps to * reflect parameter orderings. * @param boundsMap a map from PolyType to arrays. * Each array contains twice the number of entries as there a type parameters * in the PolyType. The first half of the array contains the type bounds that constrain the * polytype's type parameters. The second half might contain type variables that * track the corresponding parameters, or is left empty (filled with nulls). * An instantiated type parameter is represented by having its instance type in * the corresponding array entry. The dual use of arrays for poly params * and typevars is to save space and hopefully gain some speed. * * @param lowerMap a map from PolyTypes to arrays. Each array entry corresponds * to a parameter P of the polytype; it contains all constrained parameters * Q that are known to be smaller than P, i.e. Q <: P. * @param upperMap a map from PolyTypes to arrays. Each array entry corresponds * to a parameter P of the polytype; it contains all constrained parameters * Q that are known to be greater than P, i.e. P <: Q. */ class OrderingConstraint(private val boundsMap: ParamBounds, private val lowerMap : ParamOrdering, private val upperMap : ParamOrdering) extends Constraint { type This = OrderingConstraint // ----------- Basic indices -------------------------------------------------- /** The number of type parameters in the given entry array */ private def paramCount(entries: Array[Type]) = entries.length >> 1 /** The type variable corresponding to parameter numbered `n`, null if none was created */ private def typeVar(entries: Array[Type], n: Int): Type = entries(paramCount(entries) + n) /** The `boundsMap` entry corresponding to `param` */ def entry(param: PolyParam): Type = { val entries = boundsMap(param.binder) if (entries == null) NoType else entries(param.paramNum) } // ----------- Contains tests -------------------------------------------------- def contains(pt: GenericType): Boolean = boundsMap(pt) != null def contains(param: PolyParam): Boolean = { val entries = boundsMap(param.binder) entries != null && isBounds(entries(param.paramNum)) } def contains(tvar: TypeVar): Boolean = { val origin = tvar.origin val entries = boundsMap(origin.binder) val pnum = origin.paramNum entries != null && isBounds(entries(pnum)) && (typeVar(entries, pnum) eq tvar) } private def isBounds(tp: Type) = tp.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds] // ---------- Dependency handling ---------------------------------------------- def lower(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = lowerLens(this, param.binder, param.paramNum) def upper(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = upperLens(this, param.binder, param.paramNum) def minLower(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = { val all = lower(param) all.filterNot(p => all.exists(isLess(p, _))) } def minUpper(param: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = { val all = upper(param) all.filterNot(p => all.exists(isLess(_, p))) } def exclusiveLower(param: PolyParam, butNot: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = lower(param).filterNot(isLess(_, butNot)) def exclusiveUpper(param: PolyParam, butNot: PolyParam): List[PolyParam] = upper(param).filterNot(isLess(butNot, _)) // ---------- Info related to PolyParams ------------------------------------------- def isLess(param1: PolyParam, param2: PolyParam): Boolean = upper(param1).contains(param2) def nonParamBounds(param: PolyParam): TypeBounds = entry(param).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds] def fullLowerBound(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = (nonParamBounds(param).lo /: minLower(param))(_ | _) def fullUpperBound(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = (nonParamBounds(param).hi /: minUpper(param))(_ & _) def fullBounds(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = nonParamBounds(param).derivedTypeBounds(fullLowerBound(param), fullUpperBound(param)) def typeVarOfParam(param: PolyParam): Type = { val entries = boundsMap(param.binder) if (entries == null) NoType else { val tvar = typeVar(entries, param.paramNum) if (tvar != null) tvar else NoType } } // ---------- Adding PolyTypes -------------------------------------------------- /** The list of parameters P such that, for a fresh type parameter Q: * * Q <: tp implies Q <: P and isUpper = true, or * tp <: Q implies P <: Q and isUpper = false */ def dependentParams(tp: Type, isUpper: Boolean): List[PolyParam] = tp match { case param: PolyParam if contains(param) => param :: (if (isUpper) upper(param) else lower(param)) case tp: AndOrType => val ps1 = dependentParams(tp.tp1, isUpper) val ps2 = dependentParams(tp.tp2, isUpper) if (isUpper == tp.isAnd) ps1.union(ps2) else ps1.intersect(ps2) case _ => Nil } /** The bound type `tp` without constrained parameters which are clearly * dependent. A parameter in an upper bound is clearly dependent if it appears * in a hole of a context H given by: * * H = [] * H & T * T & H * * (the idea is that a parameter P in a H context is guaranteed to be a supertype of the * bounded parameter.) * Analogously, a parameter in a lower bound is clearly dependent if it appears * in a hole of a context H given by: * * L = [] * L | T * T | L * * "Clearly dependent" is not synonymous with "dependent" in the sense * it is defined in `dependentParams`. Dependent parameters are handled * in `updateEntry`. The idea of stripping off clearly dependent parameters * and to handle them separately is for efficiency, so that type expressions * used as bounds become smaller. * * @param isUpper If true, `bound` is an upper bound, else a lower bound. */ private def stripParams(tp: Type, paramBuf: mutable.ListBuffer[PolyParam], isUpper: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp match { case param: PolyParam if contains(param) => if (!paramBuf.contains(param)) paramBuf += param NoType case tp: AndOrType if isUpper == tp.isAnd => val tp1 = stripParams(tp.tp1, paramBuf, isUpper) val tp2 = stripParams(tp.tp2, paramBuf, isUpper) if (tp1.exists) if (tp2.exists) tp.derivedAndOrType(tp1, tp2) else tp1 else tp2 case _ => tp } /** The bound type `tp` without clearly dependent parameters. * A top or bottom type if type consists only of dependent parameters. * @param isUpper If true, `bound` is an upper bound, else a lower bound. */ private def normalizedType(tp: Type, paramBuf: mutable.ListBuffer[PolyParam], isUpper: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = stripParams(tp, paramBuf, isUpper) .orElse(if (isUpper) defn.AnyType else defn.NothingType) def add(poly: GenericType, tvars: List[TypeVar])(implicit ctx: Context): This = { assert(!contains(poly)) val nparams = poly.paramNames.length val entries1 = new Array[Type](nparams * 2) poly.paramBounds.copyToArray(entries1, 0) tvars.copyToArray(entries1, nparams) newConstraint(boundsMap.updated(poly, entries1), lowerMap, upperMap).init(poly) } /** Split dependent parameters off the bounds for parameters in `poly`. * Update all bounds to be normalized and update ordering to account for * dependent parameters. */ private def init(poly: GenericType)(implicit ctx: Context): This = { var current = this val loBuf, hiBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[PolyParam] var i = 0 while (i < poly.paramNames.length) { val param = PolyParam(poly, i) val bounds = nonParamBounds(param) val lo = normalizedType(bounds.lo, loBuf, isUpper = false) val hi = normalizedType(bounds.hi, hiBuf, isUpper = true) current = updateEntry(current, param, bounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo, hi)) current = (current /: loBuf)(order(_, _, param)) current = (current /: hiBuf)(order(_, param, _)) loBuf.clear() hiBuf.clear() i += 1 } if (Config.checkConstraintsNonCyclic) checkNonCyclic() current } // ---------- Updates ------------------------------------------------------------ /** Add the fact `param1 <: param2` to the constraint `current` and propagate * `<:<` relationships between parameters ("edges") but not bounds. */ private def order(current: This, param1: PolyParam, param2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): This = if (param1 == param2 || current.isLess(param1, param2)) this else { assert(contains(param1)) assert(contains(param2)) val newUpper = param2 :: exclusiveUpper(param2, param1) val newLower = param1 :: exclusiveLower(param1, param2) val current1 = (current /: newLower)(, _, _, newUpper ::: _)) val current2 = (current1 /: newUpper)(, _, _, newLower ::: _)) current2 } def addLess(param1: PolyParam, param2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): This = order(this, param1, param2) def updateEntry(current: This, param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): This = { var current1 = boundsLens.update(this, current, param, tp) tp match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => for (p <- dependentParams(lo, isUpper = false)) current1 = order(current1, p, param) for (p <- dependentParams(hi, isUpper = true)) current1 = order(current1, param, p) case _ => } current1 } def updateEntry(param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): This = updateEntry(this, param, tp) def unify(p1: PolyParam, p2: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): This = { val p1Bounds = (nonParamBounds(p1) & nonParamBounds(p2)).substParam(p2, p1) updateEntry(p1, p1Bounds).replace(p2, p1) } def narrowBound(param: PolyParam, bound: Type, isUpper: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): This = { val oldBounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) = nonParamBounds(param) val newBounds = if (isUpper) oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo, hi & bound) else oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(lo | bound, hi) updateEntry(param, newBounds) } // ---------- Removals ------------------------------------------------------------ /** A new constraint which is derived from this constraint by removing * the type parameter `param` from the domain and replacing all top-level occurrences * of the parameter elsewhere in the constraint by type `tp`, or a conservative * approximation of it if that is needed to avoid cycles. * Occurrences nested inside a refinement or prefix are not affected. * * The reason we need to substitute top-level occurrences of the parameter * is to deal with situations like the following. Say we have in the constraint * * P <: Q & String * Q * * and we replace Q with P. Then substitution gives * * P <: P & String * * this would be a cyclic constraint is therefore changed by `normalize` and * `recombine` below to * * P <: String * * approximating the RHS occurrence of P with Any. Without the substitution we * would not find out where we need to approximate. Occurrences of parameters * that are not top-level are not affected. */ def replace(param: PolyParam, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): OrderingConstraint = { val replacement = tp.dealias.stripTypeVar if (param == replacement) this else { assert(replacement.isValueType) val poly = param.binder val idx = param.paramNum def removeParam(ps: List[PolyParam]) = ps.filterNot(p => p.binder.eq(poly) && p.paramNum == idx) def replaceParam(tp: Type, atPoly: GenericType, atIdx: Int): Type = tp match { case bounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) => def recombine(andor: AndOrType, op: (Type, Boolean) => Type, isUpper: Boolean): Type = { val tp1 = op(andor.tp1, isUpper) val tp2 = op(andor.tp2, isUpper) if ((tp1 eq andor.tp1) && (tp2 eq andor.tp2)) andor else if (andor.isAnd) tp1 & tp2 else tp1 | tp2 } def normalize(tp: Type, isUpper: Boolean): Type = tp match { case p: PolyParam if p.binder == atPoly && p.paramNum == atIdx => if (isUpper) defn.AnyType else defn.NothingType case tp: AndOrType if isUpper == tp.isAnd => recombine(tp, normalize, isUpper) case _ => tp } def replaceIn(tp: Type, isUpper: Boolean): Type = tp match { case `param` => normalize(replacement, isUpper) case tp: AndOrType if isUpper == tp.isAnd => recombine(tp, replaceIn, isUpper) case _ => tp.substParam(param, replacement) } bounds.derivedTypeBounds(replaceIn(lo, isUpper = false), replaceIn(hi, isUpper = true)) case _ => tp.substParam(param, replacement) } var current = if (isRemovable(poly)) remove(poly) else updateEntry(param, replacement) current.foreachParam {(p, i) => current =, current, p, i, replaceParam(_, p, i)) current =, current, p, i, removeParam) current =, current, p, i, removeParam) } current } } def remove(pt: GenericType)(implicit ctx: Context): This = { def removeFromOrdering(po: ParamOrdering) = { def removeFromBoundss(key: GenericType, bndss: Array[List[PolyParam]]): Array[List[PolyParam]] = { val bndss1 = ne pt)) if (bndss.corresponds(bndss1)(_ eq _)) bndss else bndss1 } po.remove(pt).mapValuesNow(removeFromBoundss) } newConstraint(boundsMap.remove(pt), removeFromOrdering(lowerMap), removeFromOrdering(upperMap)) } def isRemovable(pt: GenericType): Boolean = { val entries = boundsMap(pt) @tailrec def allRemovable(last: Int): Boolean = if (last < 0) true else typeVar(entries, last) match { case tv: TypeVar => tv.inst.exists && allRemovable(last - 1) case _ => false } allRemovable(paramCount(entries) - 1) } // ---------- Exploration -------------------------------------------------------- def domainPolys: List[GenericType] = boundsMap.keys def domainParams: List[PolyParam] = for { (poly, entries) <- boundsMap.toList n <- 0 until paramCount(entries) if entries(n).exists } yield PolyParam(poly, n) def forallParams(p: PolyParam => Boolean): Boolean = { boundsMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) if (isBounds(entries(i)) && !p(PolyParam(poly, i))) return false } true } def foreachParam(p: (GenericType, Int) => Unit): Unit = boundsMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => 0.until(poly.paramNames.length).foreach(p(poly, _)) } def foreachTypeVar(op: TypeVar => Unit): Unit = boundsMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) { typeVar(entries, i) match { case tv: TypeVar if !tv.inst.exists => op(tv) case _ => } } } def & (other: Constraint)(implicit ctx: Context) = { def merge[T](m1: ArrayValuedMap[T], m2: ArrayValuedMap[T], join: (T, T) => T): ArrayValuedMap[T] = { var merged = m1 def mergeArrays(xs1: Array[T], xs2: Array[T]) = { val xs = xs1.clone for (i <- xs.indices) xs(i) = join(xs1(i), xs2(i)) xs } m2.foreachBinding { (poly, xs2) => merged = merged.updated(poly, if (m1.contains(poly)) mergeArrays(m1(poly), xs2) else xs2) } merged } def mergeParams(ps1: List[PolyParam], ps2: List[PolyParam]) = (ps1 /: ps2)((ps1, p2) => if (ps1.contains(p2)) ps1 else p2 :: ps1) def mergeEntries(e1: Type, e2: Type): Type = e1 match { case e1: TypeBounds => e2 match { case e2: TypeBounds => e1 & e2 case _ if e1 contains e2 => e2 case _ => mergeError } case _ if e1 eq e2 => e1 case _ => mergeError } def mergeError = throw new AssertionError(i"cannot merge $this with $other") val that = other.asInstanceOf[OrderingConstraint] new OrderingConstraint( merge(this.boundsMap, that.boundsMap, mergeEntries), merge(this.lowerMap, that.lowerMap, mergeParams), merge(this.upperMap, that.upperMap, mergeParams)) } override def checkClosed()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { def isFreePolyParam(tp: Type) = tp match { case PolyParam(binder: GenericType, _) => !contains(binder) case _ => false } def checkClosedType(tp: Type, where: String) = if (tp != null) assert(!tp.existsPart(isFreePolyParam), i"unclosed constraint: $this refers to $tp in $where") boundsMap.foreachBinding((_, tps) => tps.foreach(checkClosedType(_, "bounds"))) lowerMap.foreachBinding((_, paramss) => paramss.foreach(_.foreach(checkClosedType(_, "lower")))) upperMap.foreachBinding((_, paramss) => paramss.foreach(_.foreach(checkClosedType(_, "upper")))) } private var myUninstVars: mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeVar] = _ /** The uninstantiated typevars of this constraint */ def uninstVars: collection.Seq[TypeVar] = { if (myUninstVars == null) { myUninstVars = new mutable.ArrayBuffer[TypeVar] boundsMap.foreachBinding { (poly, entries) => for (i <- 0 until paramCount(entries)) { typeVar(entries, i) match { case tv: TypeVar if !tv.inst.exists && isBounds(entries(i)) => myUninstVars += tv case _ => } } } } myUninstVars } // ---------- Cyclic checking ------------------------------------------- def checkNonCyclic()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = domainParams.foreach(checkNonCyclic) private def checkNonCyclic(param: PolyParam)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = assert(!isLess(param, param), i"cyclic constraint involving $param in $this") // ---------- toText ----------------------------------------------------- override def toText(printer: Printer): Text = { def entryText(tp: Type) = tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => tp.toText(printer) case _ => " := " ~ tp.toText(printer) } val indent = 3 val header: Text = "Constraint(" val uninstVarsText = " uninstVars = " ~ Text(uninstVars map (_.toText(printer)), ", ") ~ ";" val constrainedText = " constrained types = " ~ Text(domainPolys map (_.toText(printer)), ", ") val boundsText = " bounds = " ~ { val assocs = for (param <- domainParams) yield (" " * indent) ~ param.toText(printer) ~ entryText(entry(param)) Text(assocs, "\n") } val orderingText = " ordering = " ~ { val deps = for { param <- domainParams ups = minUpper(param) if ups.nonEmpty } yield (" " * indent) ~ param.toText(printer) ~ " <: " ~ Text(, ", ") Text(deps, "\n") } Text.lines(List(header, uninstVarsText, constrainedText, boundsText, orderingText, ")")) } override def toString: String = { def entryText(tp: Type): String = tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => tp.toString case _ =>" := " + tp } val constrainedText = " constrained types = " + domainPolys.mkString("\n") val boundsText = " bounds = " + { val assocs = for (param <- domainParams) yield param.binder.paramNames(param.paramNum) + ": " + entryText(entry(param)) assocs.mkString("\n") } constrainedText + "\n" + boundsText } }