package import Types._, Symbols._, Contexts._ /** Substitution operations on types. See the corresponding `subst` and * `substThis` methods on class Type for an explanation. */ trait Substituters { this: Context => final def subst(tp: Type, from: PolyType, to: PolyType, map: SubstPolyMap = null): Type = tp match { case tp @ PolyParam(pt, n) => if (pt eq from) PolyParam(to, n) else tp case tp: NamedType => if (tp.symbol.isStatic) tp else tp.derivedNamedType(subst(tp.prefix, from, to, map), case ThisType(_) | MethodParam(_, _) | NoPrefix => tp case _ => val substMap = if (map != null) map else new SubstPolyMap(from, to) tp match { case tp: AppliedType => tp.derivedAppliedType( substMap(tp.tycon), tp.typeArgs mapConserve substMap) case _ => substMap mapOver tp } } final def subst(tp: Type, from: MethodType, to: MethodType, map: SubstMethodMap): Type = tp match { case tp @ MethodParam(mt, n) => if (mt eq from) MethodParam(to, n) else tp case tp: NamedType => if (tp.symbol.isStatic) tp else tp.derivedNamedType(subst(tp.prefix, from, to, map), case ThisType(_) | PolyParam(_, _) | NoPrefix => tp case _ => val substMap = if (map != null) map else new SubstMethodMap(from, to) tp match { case tp: AppliedType => tp.derivedAppliedType( substMap(tp.tycon), tp.typeArgs mapConserve substMap) case _ => substMap mapOver tp } } final def subst1(tp: Type, from: Symbol, to: Type, map: Subst1Map): Type = { tp match { case tp: NamedType => val sym = tp.symbol if (tp.prefix eq NoPrefix) { if (sym eq from) return if (to.exists) to else tp } if (sym.isStatic) tp else tp.derivedNamedType(subst1(tp.prefix, from, to, map), case ThisType(_) | MethodParam(_, _) | PolyParam(_, _) | NoPrefix => tp case _ => val substMap = if (map != null) map else new Subst1Map(from, to) tp match { case tp: AppliedType => tp.derivedAppliedType( substMap(tp.tycon), tp.typeArgs mapConserve substMap) case _ => substMap mapOver tp } } } final def subst2(tp: Type, from1: Symbol, to1: Type, from2: Symbol, to2: Type, map: Subst2Map): Type = { tp match { case tp: NamedType => val sym = tp.symbol if (tp.prefix eq NoPrefix) { if (sym eq from1) return if (to1.exists) to1 else tp if (sym eq from2) return if (to2.exists) to2 else tp } if (sym.isStatic) tp else tp.derivedNamedType(subst2(tp.prefix, from1, to1, from2, to2, map), case ThisType(_) | MethodParam(_, _) | PolyParam(_, _) | NoPrefix => tp case _ => val substMap = if (map != null) map else new Subst2Map(from1, to1, from2, to2) tp match { case tp: AppliedType => tp.derivedAppliedType( substMap(tp.tycon), tp.typeArgs mapConserve substMap) case _ => substMap mapOver tp } } } final def subst(tp: Type, from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type], map: SubstMap): Type = { tp match { case tp: NamedType => val sym = tp.symbol if (tp.prefix eq NoPrefix) { var fs = from var ts = to while (fs.nonEmpty) { if (fs.head eq sym) return if (ts.head.exists) ts.head else tp fs = fs.tail ts = ts.tail } } if (sym.isStatic) tp else tp.derivedNamedType(subst(tp.prefix, from, to, map), case ThisType(_) | MethodParam(_, _) | PolyParam(_, _) | NoPrefix => tp case _ => val substMap = if (map != null) map else new SubstMap(from, to) tp match { case tp: AppliedType => tp.derivedAppliedType( substMap(tp.tycon), tp.typeArgs mapConserve substMap) case _ => substMap mapOver tp } } } final def substThis(tp: Type, from: ClassSymbol, to: Type, map: SubstThisMap): Type = tp match { case tp @ ThisType(clazz) => if (clazz eq from) to else tp case tp: NamedType => if (tp.symbol.isStatic) tp else tp.derivedNamedType(substThis(tp.prefix, from, to, map), case MethodParam(_, _) | PolyParam(_, _) | NoPrefix => tp case _ => val substMap = if (map != null) map else new SubstThisMap(from, to) tp match { case tp: AppliedType => tp.derivedAppliedType( substMap(tp.tycon), tp.typeArgs mapConserve substMap) case _ => substMap mapOver tp } } final def substThis(tp: Type, from: RefinedType, to: Type, map: SubstRefinedThisMap): Type = tp match { case tp @ RefinedThis(rt) => if (rt eq from) to else tp case tp: NamedType => if (tp.symbol.isStatic) tp else tp.derivedNamedType(substThis(tp.prefix, from, to, map), case ThisType(_) | MethodParam(_, _) | PolyParam(_, _) | NoPrefix => tp case _ => val substMap = if (map != null) map else new SubstRefinedThisMap(from, to) tp match { case tp: AppliedType => tp.derivedAppliedType( substMap(tp.tycon), tp.typeArgs mapConserve substMap) case _ => substMap mapOver tp } } final class SubstPolyMap(from: PolyType, to: PolyType) extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type) = subst(tp, from, to, this) } final class SubstMethodMap(from: MethodType, to: MethodType) extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type) = subst(tp, from, to, this) } final class Subst1Map(from: Symbol, to: Type) extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type) = subst1(tp, from, to, this) } final class Subst2Map(from1: Symbol, to1: Type, from2: Symbol, to2: Type) extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type) = subst2(tp, from1, to1, from2, to2, this) } final class SubstMap(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type]) extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type): Type = subst(tp, from, to, this) } final class SubstThisMap(from: ClassSymbol, to: Type) extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type): Type = substThis(tp, from, to, this) } final class SubstRefinedThisMap(from: RefinedType, to: Type) extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type): Type = substThis(tp, from, to, this) } }