package package core import Periods._ import Transformers._ import Names._ import Flags._ import java.lang.AssertionError import Decorators._ import Symbols._ import Contexts._ import SymDenotations._ import Types._, Annotations._ import Denotations.{Denotation, SingleDenotation, MultiDenotation} import collection.mutable import object Symbols { /** A Symbol represents a Scala definition/declaration or a package. */ abstract class Symbol(denotf: Symbol => SymDenotation) extends DotClass { type Name <: Names.Name /** Is symbol different from NoSymbol? */ def exists = true /** This symbol, if it exists, otherwise the result of evaluating `that` */ def orElse(that: => Symbol) = if (exists) this else that def filter(p: Symbol => Boolean): Symbol = if (p(this)) this else NoSymbol /** The last denotation of this symbol */ private[this] var lastDenot: SymDenotation = denotf(this) /** The current denotation of this symbol */ final def denot(implicit ctx: Context): SymDenotation = { var denot = lastDenot if (!(denot.validFor contains ctx.period)) denot = denot.current.asInstanceOf[SymDenotation] denot } /** Subclass tests and casts */ def isType: Boolean = false def isTerm: Boolean = false def isClass: Boolean = false def asTerm: TermSymbol = asInstanceOf[TermSymbol] def asType: TypeSymbol = asInstanceOf[TypeSymbol] def asClass: ClassSymbol = asInstanceOf[ClassSymbol] /** A unique, densely packed integer tag for each class symbol, -1 * for all other symbols. To save memory, this method * should be called only if class is a super class of some other class. */ def superId: Int = -1 // --------- Forwarders for sym methods -------------------------- /** Special case tests for flags that are known a-priori and do not need loading * flags. */ def isModule(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.isModule def isModuleObj(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.isModuleVal def isModuleClass(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.isModuleClass def isPackage(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.isPackage def isPackageObj(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.isPackageVal def isPackageClass(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.isPackageClass /** The current owner of this symbol */ final def owner(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.owner /** The current name of this symbol */ final def name(implicit ctx: Context): Name =[Name] /** The current type info of this symbol */ final def info(implicit ctx: Context): Type = /** The current flag set of this symbol */ final def flags(implicit ctx: Context): FlagSet = denot.flags /** The current privateWithin boundary of this symbol, NoSymbol if no boundary is given. */ final def privateWithin(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.privateWithin /** The current annotations of this symbol */ final def annotations(implicit ctx: Context): List[Annotation] = denot.annotations /** Does this symbol have an annotation matching the given class symbol? */ final def hasAnnotation(cls: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.hasAnnotation(cls) /** The chain of owners of this symbol, starting with the symbol itself */ final def ownersIterator(implicit ctx: Context): Iterator[Symbol] = denot.ownersIterator /** Same as `ownersIterator contains sym` but more efficient. */ final def hasTransOwner(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.hasTransOwner(sym) /** The owner, skipping package objects. */ def effectiveOwner(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.effectiveOwner /** If this is a package object or its implementing class, its owner: otherwise this. */ def skipPackageObject(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = if (this is PackageObject) owner else this /** The top-level class containing this symbol, except for a toplevel module * its module class */ def topLevelClass(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.topLevelClass /** The package containing this symbol */ def enclosingPackage(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.enclosingPackage /** The source or class file from which this symbol was generated, null if not applicable. */ final def associatedFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile = denot.associatedFile /** The class file from which this symbol was generated, null if not applicable. */ final def binaryFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile = denot.binaryFile /** The source or class file from which this symbol was generated, null if not applicable. */ final def sourceFile(implicit ctx: Context): AbstractFile = denot.sourceFile /** Is this symbol defined in the same compilation unit as that symbol? */ final def isCoDefinedWith(that: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isCoDefinedWith(that) /** The class with the same (type-) name as this module or module class, * which is the defined in the same compilation unit. * NoSymbol if this class does not exist. */ final def companionClass(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.companionClass /** The module object with the same (term-) name as this class or module class, * which is the defined in the same compilation unit. * NoSymbol if this class does not exist. */ final def companionModule(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.companionModule /** If this is a class, the module class of its companion object. * If this is a module class, its companion class. * NoSymbol otherwise. */ final def linkedClass(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.linkedClass /** Is this symbol a subclass of the given class? */ final def isSubClass(cls: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isSubClass(cls) /** Is this class symbol a subclass of `cls`, * and is this class symbol also different from Null or Nothing? */ final def isNonBottomSubClass(cls: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isNonBottomSubClass(cls) /** Is this symbol a subclass of `base` or a companion object of such a subclass? */ final def isSubClassOrCompanion(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isSubClassOrCompanion(base) /** The class that encloses the owner of the current context * and that is a subclass of this class. */ final def enclosingSubClass(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.enclosingSubClass ///** Is this symbol a proper subclass of the given class? */ //def isProperSubClass(cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = (this ne cls) && this.isSubClass(cls) /** The non-private symbol whose type matches the type of this symbol * in in given class. * * @param inClass The class containing the symbol's definition * @param site The base type from which member types are computed */ final def matchingSymbol(inClass: Symbol, site: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.matchingSymbol(inClass, site) /** The symbol, in class `inClass`, that is overridden by this symbol. */ final def overriddenSymbol(inClass: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.overriddenSymbol(inClass) /** All symbols overriden by this symbol. */ final def allOverriddenSymbols(implicit ctx: Context): Iterator[Symbol] = denot.allOverriddenSymbols /** The class or term symbol up to which this symbol is accessible, * or RootClass if it is public. As java protected statics are * otherwise completely inaccessible in scala, they are treated * as public. * @param base */ final def accessBoundary(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.accessBoundary(base) /** Is this symbol contained in `boundary`? */ final def isContainedIn(boundary: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isContainedIn(boundary) /** Is this symbol accessible whenever `that` symbol is accessible? * Does not take into account status of protected members. */ final def isAsAccessibleAs(that: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isAsAccessibleAs(that) /** Is this symbol a non-value class? */ final def isNonValueClass(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isNonValueClass /** Is this symbol accessible as a member of tree with type `pre`? * @param pre The type of the tree from which the selection is made * @param superAccess Access is via super */ final def isAccessibleFrom(pre: Type, superAccess: Boolean = false)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isAccessibleFrom(pre, superAccess) def show(implicit ctx: Context): String = def showLocated(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.showLocated(this) def showDef(implicit ctx: Context): String = ctx.printer.showDef(this) /** The type parameters of a class symbol, Nil for all other symbols */ def typeParams(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeSymbol] = denot.typeParams /** The type This(cls), where cls is this class symbol */ def thisType(implicit ctx: Context): Type = denot.thisType /** Is this symbol the root class or its companion object? */ def isRoot(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isRoot /** If this is a module symbol, the class defining its template, otherwise NoSymbol. */ def moduleClass(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = denot.moduleClass /** A copy of this symbol with the same denotation */ def copy(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = unsupported("copy") /** A copy of this symbol with the same denotation but a new owner */ def copy(owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = unsupported("copy") /** Can a term with this symbol be a stable value? */ def isStable(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isStable /** Is this symbol static (i.e. with no outer instance)? */ def isStatic(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isStatic /** Does this symbol denote a class that defines static symbols? */ final def isStaticOwner(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isStaticOwner // def isOverridable: Boolean = !!! need to enforce that classes cannot be redefined // def isSkolem: Boolean = ??? // def isAbstractType: Boolean = ??? // def newAbstractType(name: TypeName, info: TypeBounds): TypeSymbol = ??? // def newAbstractTerm(name: TermName, tpe: Type): TypeSymbol = ??? //def isMethod(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = denot.isMethod } class TermSymbol(denotf: Symbol => SymDenotation) extends Symbol(denotf) { type Name = TermName override def isTerm = true override def copy(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = copy(owner) override def copy(owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = new TermSymbol(denot.copy(_, owner)) } class TypeSymbol(denotf: Symbol => SymDenotation) extends Symbol(denotf) { type Name = TypeName override def isType = true override def copy(implicit ctx: Context): TypeSymbol = copy(owner) override def copy(owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeSymbol = new TypeSymbol(denot.copy(_, owner)) /** The type representing the type constructor for this type symbol */ def typeConstructor(implicit ctx: Context): Type = denot.typeConstructor /** The variance of this type parameter as an Int, with * +1 = Covariant, -1 = Contravariant, 0 = Nonvariant */ def variance(implicit ctx: Context): Int = denot.variance } class ClassSymbol(denotf: ClassSymbol => ClassDenotation) extends TypeSymbol(s => denotf(s.asClass)) { override def isClass = true override def copy(implicit ctx: Context): ClassSymbol = copy(owner) override def copy(owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassSymbol = new ClassSymbol(classDenot.copyClass(_, owner)) private var superIdHint: Int = -1 final def classDenot(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDenotation = denot.asInstanceOf[ClassDenotation] def selfType(implicit ctx: Context): Type = classDenot.selfType /** The base classes of this class in linearization order, * with the class itself as first element.x */ def baseClasses(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassSymbol] = classDenot.baseClasses // override def typeTemplate(implicit ctx: Context): Type = classDenot.typeTemplate def superId(implicit ctx: Context): Int = { val hint = superIdHint if (hint >= 0 && hint <= ctx.lastSuperId && (ctx.classOfId(hint) eq this)) hint else { val id = ctx.superIdOfClass get this match { case Some(id) => id case None => val id = ctx.nextSuperId ctx.superIdOfClass(this) = id ctx.classOfId(id) = this id } superIdHint = id id } } } class ErrorSymbol(underlying: Symbol, msg: => String)(implicit ctx: Context) extends Symbol(sym => underlying.denot) { override def isType = underlying.isType override def isTerm = underlying.isTerm } object NoSymbol extends Symbol(sym => NoDenotation) { override def exists = false } implicit def defn(implicit ctx: Context): Definitions = ctx.definitions implicit def toFlagSet(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): FlagSet = sym.flags }