package package core import Types._ import Contexts._ import Symbols._ import Decorators._ import util.Stats._ import util.common._ import Names._ import NameOps._ import Flags._ import StdNames.tpnme import util.Positions.Position import config.Printers._ import collection.mutable object TypeApplications { /** Assert type is not a TypeBounds instance and return it unchanged */ val noBounds = (tp: Type) => tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => throw new AssertionError("no TypeBounds allowed") case _ => tp } /** If `tp` is a TypeBounds instance return its lower bound else return `tp` */ val boundsToLo = (tp: Type) => tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => tp.lo case _ => tp } /** If `tp` is a TypeBounds instance return its upper bound else return `tp` */ val boundsToHi = (tp: Type) => tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => tp.hi case _ => tp } } import TypeApplications._ /** A decorator that provides methods for modeling type application */ class TypeApplications(val self: Type) extends AnyVal { /** The type parameters of this type are: * For a ClassInfo type, the type parameters of its class. * For a typeref referring to a class, the type parameters of the class. * For a typeref referring to an alias or abstract type, the type parameters of * its right hand side or upper bound. * For a refinement type, the type parameters of its parent, unless the refinement * re-binds the type parameter with a type-alias. * For any other non-singleton type proxy, the type parameters of its underlying type. * For any other type, the empty list. */ final def typeParams(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeSymbol] = /*>|>*/ track("typeParams") /*<|<*/ { self match { case tp: ClassInfo => tp.cls.typeParams case tp: TypeRef => val tsym = tp.typeSymbol if (tsym.isClass) tsym.typeParams else tp.underlying.typeParams case tp: RefinedType => val tparams = tp.parent.typeParams tp.refinedInfo match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo eq hi => tparams.filterNot( == tp.refinedName) case _ => tparams } case tp: SingletonType => Nil case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.typeParams case _ => Nil } } /** The type parameters of the underlying class. * This is like `typeParams`, except for 3 differences. * First, it does not adjust type parameters in refined types. I.e. type arguments * do not remove corresponding type parameters. * Second, it will return Nil for BoundTypes because we might get a NullPointer exception * on PolyParam#underlying otherwise (demonstrated by showClass test). * Third, it won't return higher-kinded type parameters, i.e. the type parameters of * an abstract type are always empty. */ final def rawTypeParams(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeSymbol] = { self match { case tp: ClassInfo => tp.cls.typeParams case tp: TypeRef => val tsym = tp.typeSymbol if (tsym.isClass) tsym.typeParams else if (tsym.isAliasType) tp.underlying.rawTypeParams else Nil case _: BoundType | _: SingletonType => Nil case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.rawTypeParams case _ => Nil } } /** If type `tp` is equal, aliased-to, or upperbounded-by a type of the form * `LambdaXYZ { ... }`, the class symbol of that type, otherwise NoSymbol. * symbol of that type, otherwise NoSymbol. * @param forcing if set, might force completion. If not, never forces * but returns NoSymbol when it would have to otherwise. */ def LambdaClass(forcing: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = track("LambdaClass") { self.stripTypeVar match { case self: TypeRef => val sym = self.symbol if (sym.isLambdaTrait) sym else if (sym.isClass || sym.isCompleting && !forcing) NoSymbol else case self: TypeProxy => self.underlying.LambdaClass(forcing) case _ => NoSymbol }} /** Is type `tp` equal, aliased-to, or upperbounded-by a type of the form * `LambdaXYZ { ... }`? */ def isLambda(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = LambdaClass(forcing = true).exists /** Same is `isLambda`, except that symbol denotations are not forced * Symbols in completion count as not lambdas. */ def isSafeLambda(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = LambdaClass(forcing = false).exists /** Is type `tp` a Lambda with all Arg$ fields fully instantiated? */ def isInstantiatedLambda(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = tp.isSafeLambda && tp.typeParams.isEmpty /** Encode the type resulting from applying this type to given arguments */ final def appliedTo(args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = /*>|>*/ track("appliedTo") /*<|<*/ { def matchParams(tp: Type, tparams: List[TypeSymbol], args: List[Type]): Type = args match { case arg :: args1 => if (tparams.isEmpty) { println(s"applied type mismatch: $self $args, typeParams = $typeParams, tsym = ${self.typeSymbol.debugString}") // !!! DEBUG println(s"precomplete decls = ${"\n ")}") } val tparam = tparams.head val arg1 = if ((tparam is HigherKinded) && !arg.isLambda && arg.typeParams.nonEmpty) arg.EtaExpand else arg val tp1 = RefinedType(tp,, arg1.toBounds(tparam)) matchParams(tp1, tparams.tail, args1) case nil => tp } /** Instantiate type `tp` with `args`. * @param original The original type for which we compute the type parameters * This makes a difference for refinement types, because * refinements bind type parameters and thereby remove them * from `typeParams`. */ def instantiate(tp: Type, original: Type): Type = tp match { case tp: TypeRef => val tsym = tp.symbol if (tsym.isAliasType) tp.underlying.appliedTo(args) else { val safeTypeParams = if (tsym.isClass || !tp.typeSymbol.isCompleting) original.typeParams else { ctx.warning(i"encountered F-bounded higher-kinded type parameters for $tsym; assuming they are invariant") defn.lambdaTrait(args map alwaysZero).typeParams } matchParams(tp, safeTypeParams, args) } case tp: RefinedType => tp.derivedRefinedType( instantiate(tp.parent, original), tp.refinedName, tp.refinedInfo) case tp: TypeProxy => instantiate(tp.underlying, original) case tp: PolyType => tp.instantiate(args) case ErrorType => tp } if (args.isEmpty || ctx.erasedTypes) self else { val res = instantiate(self, self) if (isInstantiatedLambda(res)) else res } } final def appliedTo(arg: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = appliedTo(arg :: Nil) final def appliedTo(arg1: Type, arg2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = appliedTo(arg1 :: arg2 :: Nil) /** Turn this type, which is used as an argument for * type parameter `tparam`, into a TypeBounds RHS */ final def toBounds(tparam: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = self match { case self: TypeBounds => // this can happen for wildcard args self case _ => val v = tparam.variance if (v > 0 && !(tparam is Local) && !(tparam is ExpandedTypeParam)) TypeBounds.upper(self) else if (v < 0 && !(tparam is Local) && !(tparam is ExpandedTypeParam)) TypeBounds.lower(self) else TypeAlias(self, v) } /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`. * Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances. */ final def baseArgInfos(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = if (self derivesFrom base) base.typeParams map (param => self.member( else Nil /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`. * Existential types in arguments are disallowed. */ final def baseArgTypes(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve noBounds /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`. * Existential types in arguments are approximanted by their lower bound. */ final def baseArgTypesLo(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve boundsToLo /** The type arguments of this type's base type instance wrt.`base`. * Existential types in arguments are approximanted by their upper bound. */ final def baseArgTypesHi(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = baseArgInfos(base) mapConserve boundsToHi /** The first type argument of the base type instance wrt `base` of this type */ final def firstBaseArgInfo(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = base.typeParams match { case param :: _ if self derivesFrom base => self.member( case _ => NoType } /** The base type including all type arguments and applicable refinements * of this type. Refinements are applicable if they refine a member of * the parent type which furthermore is not a name-mangled type parameter. * Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances. */ final def baseTypeWithArgs(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.traceIndented(s"btwa ${} wrt $base", core, show = true) { def default = self.baseTypeRef(base).appliedTo(baseArgInfos(base)) self match { case tp: TypeRef => match { case TypeBounds(_, hi) => hi.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case _ => default } case tp @ RefinedType(parent, name) if !tp.member(name) => val pbase = parent.baseTypeWithArgs(base) if (pbase.member(name).exists) RefinedType(pbase, name, tp.refinedInfo) else pbase case tp: TermRef => tp.underlying.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case AndType(tp1, tp2) => tp1.baseTypeWithArgs(base) & tp2.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case OrType(tp1, tp2) => tp1.baseTypeWithArgs(base) | tp2.baseTypeWithArgs(base) case _ => default } } /** Translate a type of the form From[T] to To[T], keep other types as they are. * `from` and `to` must be static classes, both with one type parameter, and the same variance. */ def translateParameterized(from: ClassSymbol, to: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (self.derivesFrom(from)) if (ctx.erasedTypes) to.typeRef else RefinedType(to.typeRef,, self.member( else self /** If this is repeated parameter type, its underlying Seq type, * or, if isJava is true, Array type, else the type itself. */ def underlyingIfRepeated(isJava: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (self.isRepeatedParam) translateParameterized(defn.RepeatedParamClass, defn.SeqClass) else self /** If this is an encoding of a (partially) applied type, return its arguments, * otherwise return Nil. * Existential types in arguments are returned as TypeBounds instances. */ final def argInfos(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = { var tparams: List[TypeSymbol] = null def recur(tp: Type, refineCount: Int): mutable.ListBuffer[Type] = tp.stripTypeVar match { case tp @ RefinedType(tycon, name) => val buf = recur(tycon, refineCount + 1) if (buf == null) null else { if (tparams == null) tparams = tycon.typeParams if (buf.size < tparams.length) { val tparam = tparams(buf.size) if (name == buf += tp.refinedInfo.argInfo(tparam) else null } else null } case _ => if (refineCount == 0) null else new mutable.ListBuffer[Type] } val buf = recur(self, 0) if (buf == null) Nil else buf.toList } /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are disallowed */ def argTypes(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve noBounds /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are approximated by their lower bound */ def argTypesLo(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve boundsToLo /** Argument types where existential types in arguments are approximated by their upper bound */ def argTypesHi(implicit ctx: Context) = argInfos mapConserve boundsToHi /** The core type without any type arguments. * @param `typeArgs` must be the type arguments of this type. */ final def withoutArgs(typeArgs: List[Type]): Type = typeArgs match { case _ :: typeArgs1 => val RefinedType(tycon, _) = self tycon.withoutArgs(typeArgs1) case nil => self } /** If this is the image of a type argument to type parameter `tparam`, * recover the type argument, otherwise NoType. */ final def argInfo(tparam: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = self match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => if (lo eq hi) hi else { val v = tparam.variance if (v > 0 && (lo isRef defn.NothingClass)) hi else if (v < 0 && (hi isRef defn.AnyClass)) lo else self // it's wildcard type; return its bounds } case _ => NoType } /** The element type of a sequence or array */ def elemType(implicit ctx: Context): Type = firstBaseArgInfo(defn.SeqClass) orElse firstBaseArgInfo(defn.ArrayClass) /** Given a type alias * * type T[boundSyms] = p.C[targs] * * produce its equivalent right hand side RHS that makes no reference to the bound * symbols on the left hand side. I.e. the type alias can be replaced by * * type T = RHS * * There are two strategies how this is achieved. * 1st strategy: Applies if `C` is a class such that every bound symbol in `boundSyms` * appears as an argument in `targs`, and in the same order. Then the rewriting replaces * bound symbols by references to the parameters of class C. Example: * * Say we have: * * class Triple[type T1, type T2, type T3] * type A[X] = Triple[(X, X), X, String] * * Then this is rewritable, as `X` appears as second type argument to `Triple`. * Occurrences of `X` are rewritten to `this.T2` and the whole definition becomes: * * type A = Triple { type T1 = (this.T2, this.T2); type T3 = String } * * 2nd strategy: Used as a fallback if 1st strategy does not apply. It rewrites * the RHS to a typed lambda abstraction. */ def parameterizeWith(boundSyms: List[Symbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { def matchParams(bsyms: List[Symbol], tparams: List[Symbol], targs: List[Type], correspondingParamName: Map[Symbol, TypeName]): Type = { if (bsyms.isEmpty) { val correspondingNames = correspondingParamName.values.toSet def replacements(rt: RefinedType): List[Type] = for (sym <- boundSyms) yield TypeRef(RefinedThis(rt), correspondingParamName(sym)) def rewrite(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case tp @ RefinedType(parent, name: TypeName) => if (correspondingNames contains name) rewrite(parent) else RefinedType( rewrite(parent), name, rt => tp.refinedInfo.subst(boundSyms, replacements(rt))) case tp => tp } rewrite(self) } else if (tparams.isEmpty || targs.isEmpty) LambdaAbstract(boundSyms) else if (bsyms.head == targs.head.typeSymbol) matchParams(bsyms.tail, tparams.tail, targs.tail, correspondingParamName + (bsyms.head -> else matchParams(bsyms, tparams.tail, targs.tail, correspondingParamName) } val cls = self.typeSymbol if (cls.isClass) matchParams(boundSyms, cls.typeParams, argInfos, Map()) else LambdaAbstract(boundSyms) } /** The typed lambda abstraction of this type `T` relative to `boundSyms`. * This is: * * LambdaXYZ{ type Apply = subst(T) } * * where XYZ reflets that variances of the bound symbols and * `subst` is a substitution that replaces every bound symbol sym_i by * `this.Arg$i`. * * TypeBounds are lambda abstracting by lambda abstracting their upper bound. */ def LambdaAbstract(boundSyms: List[Symbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { def expand(tp: Type) = { val lambda = defn.lambdaTrait( val substitutedRHS = (rt: RefinedType) => { val argRefs = => RefinedThis(rt).select(tpnme.lambdaArgName(i))) tp.subst(boundSyms, argRefs).bounds.withVariance(1) } val res = RefinedType(lambda.typeRef, tpnme.Apply, substitutedRHS) //println(i"lambda abstract $self wrt $boundSyms%, % --> $res") res } self match { case self @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) => self.derivedTypeBounds(lo, expand(TypeBounds.upper(hi))) case _ => expand(self) } } /** Convert a type constructor `TC` with type parameters `T1, ..., Tn` to * * LambdaXYZ { Apply = TC[$hkArg$0, ..., $hkArg$n] } * * where XYZ is a corresponds to the variances of the type parameters. */ def EtaExpand(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val tparams = typeParams self.appliedTo(tparams map (_.typeRef)).LambdaAbstract(tparams) } /** Test whether this type has a base type `B[T1, ..., Tn]` where the type parameters * of `B` match one-by-one the variances of `tparams`, and where the lambda * abstracted type * * LambdaXYZ { type Apply = B[$hkArg$0, ..., $hkArg$n] } * { type $hkArg$0 = T1; ...; type $hkArg$n = Tn } * * satisfies predicate `p`. Try base types in the order of ther occurrence in `baseClasses`. * A type parameter matches a varianve V if it has V as its variance or if V == 0. */ def testLifted(tparams: List[Symbol], p: Type => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = { def tryLift(bcs: List[ClassSymbol]): Boolean = bcs match { case bc :: bcs1 => val tp = self.baseTypeWithArgs(bc) val targs = tp.argInfos val tycon = tp.withoutArgs(targs) def variancesMatch(param1: Symbol, param2: Symbol) = param2.variance == param2.variance || param2.variance == 0 if ((tycon.typeParams corresponds tparams)(variancesMatch)) { val expanded = tycon.EtaExpand val lifted = (expanded /: targs) { (partialInst, targ) => val tparam = partialInst.typeParams.head RefinedType(partialInst,, targ.bounds.withVariance(tparam.variance)) } ctx.traceIndented(i"eta lifting $self --> $lifted", hk) { p(lifted) || tryLift(bcs1) } } else tryLift(bcs1) case nil => false } if (tparams.isEmpty) false else if (typeParams.nonEmpty) p(EtaExpand) else tryLift(self.baseClasses) } }