package package dotc package core import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._, Flags._, Names._, NameOps._, Denotations._ import Decorators._ import StdNames.{nme, tpnme} import collection.mutable import printing.Disambiguation.disambiguated import util.{Stats, DotClass, SimpleMap} import config.Config import config.Printers._ import TypeErasure.{erasedLub, erasedGlb} import TypeApplications._ import scala.util.control.NonFatal /** Provides methods to compare types. */ class TypeComparer(initctx: Context) extends DotClass with ConstraintHandling { implicit val ctx: Context = initctx val state = ctx.typerState import state.constraint private var pendingSubTypes: mutable.Set[(Type, Type)] = null private var recCount = 0 private var needsGc = false /** Is a subtype check in progress? In that case we may not * permanently instantiate type variables, because the corresponding * constraint might still be retracted and the instantiation should * then be reversed. */ def subtypeCheckInProgress: Boolean = { val result = recCount > 0 if (result) { constr.println("*** needsGC ***") needsGc = true } result } /** For statistics: count how many isSubTypes are part of successful comparisons */ private var successCount = 0 private var totalCount = 0 private var myAnyClass: ClassSymbol = null private var myNothingClass: ClassSymbol = null private var myNullClass: ClassSymbol = null private var myObjectClass: ClassSymbol = null private var myAnyType: TypeRef = null private var myNothingType: TypeRef = null def AnyClass = { if (myAnyClass == null) myAnyClass = defn.AnyClass myAnyClass } def NothingClass = { if (myNothingClass == null) myNothingClass = defn.NothingClass myNothingClass } def NullClass = { if (myNullClass == null) myNullClass = defn.NullClass myNullClass } def ObjectClass = { if (myObjectClass == null) myObjectClass = defn.ObjectClass myObjectClass } def AnyType = { if (myAnyType == null) myAnyType = AnyClass.typeRef myAnyType } def NothingType = { if (myNothingType == null) myNothingType = NothingClass.typeRef myNothingType } // Subtype testing `<:<` def topLevelSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = { if (tp2 eq NoType) return false if ((tp2 eq tp1) || (tp2 eq WildcardType)) return true try isSubType(tp1, tp2) finally if (Config.checkConstraintsSatisfiable) assert(isSatisfiable, } protected def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = ctx.traceIndented(s"isSubType ${traceInfo(tp1, tp2)}", subtyping) /*<|<*/ { if (tp2 eq NoType) false else if (tp1 eq tp2) true else { val saved = constraint val savedSuccessCount = successCount try { recCount = recCount + 1 val result = if (recCount < Config.LogPendingSubTypesThreshold) firstTry(tp1, tp2) else monitoredIsSubType(tp1, tp2) recCount = recCount - 1 if (!result) constraint = saved else if (recCount == 0 && needsGc) { state.gc() needsGc = false } if (Stats.monitored) recordStatistics(result, savedSuccessCount) result } catch { case NonFatal(ex) => if (ex.isInstanceOf[AssertionError]) showGoal(tp1, tp2) recCount -= 1 constraint = saved successCount = savedSuccessCount throw ex } } } private def monitoredIsSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = { if (pendingSubTypes == null) { pendingSubTypes = new mutable.HashSet[(Type, Type)] ctx.log(s"!!! deep subtype recursion involving ${} <:< ${}, constraint = ${}") ctx.log(s"!!! constraint = ${}") //if (ctx.settings.YnoDeepSubtypes.value) { // new Error("deep subtype").printStackTrace() //} assert(!ctx.settings.YnoDeepSubtypes.value) if (Config.traceDeepSubTypeRecursions && !this.isInstanceOf[ExplainingTypeComparer]) ctx.log(TypeComparer.explained(implicit ctx => ctx.typeComparer.isSubType(tp1, tp2))) } val p = (tp1, tp2) !pendingSubTypes(p) && { try { pendingSubTypes += p firstTry(tp1, tp2) } finally { pendingSubTypes -= p } } } private def firstTry(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp2 match { case tp2: NamedType => def compareNamed(tp1: Type, tp2: NamedType): Boolean = { implicit val ctx: Context = this.ctx match { case info2: TypeAlias => isSubType(tp1, info2.alias) case _ => tp1 match { case tp1: NamedType => match { case info1: TypeAlias => if (isSubType(info1.alias, tp2)) return true if (tp1.prefix.isStable) return false // If tp1.prefix is stable, the alias does contain all information about the original ref, so // there's no need to try something else. (This is important for performance). // To see why we cannot in general stop here, consider: // // trait C { type A } // trait D { type A = String } // (C & D)#A <: C#A // // Following the alias leads to the judgment `String <: C#A` which is false. // However the original judgment should be true. case _ => } val sym1 = tp1.symbol if ((sym1 ne NoSymbol) && (sym1 eq tp2.symbol)) ctx.erasedTypes || sym1.isStaticOwner || isSubType(tp1.prefix, tp2.prefix) || thirdTryNamed(tp1, tp2) else ( ( eq && isSubType(tp1.prefix, tp2.prefix) && tp1.signature == tp2.signature && !tp1.isInstanceOf[WithFixedSym] && !tp2.isInstanceOf[WithFixedSym] ) || compareHkApply(tp1, tp2, inOrder = true) || compareHkApply(tp2, tp1, inOrder = false) || thirdTryNamed(tp1, tp2) case _ => compareHkApply(tp2, tp1, inOrder = false) || secondTry(tp1, tp2) } } } compareNamed(tp1, tp2) case tp2: ProtoType => isMatchedByProto(tp2, tp1) case tp2: BoundType => tp2 == tp1 || secondTry(tp1, tp2) case tp2: TypeVar => isSubType(tp1, tp2.underlying) case tp2: WildcardType => def compareWild = tp2.optBounds match { case TypeBounds(_, hi) => isSubType(tp1, hi) case NoType => true } compareWild case tp2: LazyRef => !tp2.evaluating && isSubType(tp1, tp2.ref) case tp2: AnnotatedType => isSubType(tp1, tp2.tpe) // todo: refine? case tp2: ThisType => def compareThis = { val cls2 = tp2.cls tp1 match { case tp1: ThisType => // We treat two prefixes A.this, B.this as equivalent if // A's selftype derives from B and B's selftype derives from A. val cls1 = tp1.cls cls1.classInfo.selfType.derivesFrom(cls2) && cls2.classInfo.selfType.derivesFrom(cls1) case tp1: NamedType if && cls2.eq(tp1.widen.typeSymbol) => cls2.isStaticOwner || isSubType(tp1.prefix, cls2.owner.thisType) || secondTry(tp1, tp2) case _ => secondTry(tp1, tp2) } } compareThis case tp2: SuperType => def compareSuper = tp1 match { case tp1: SuperType => isSubType(tp1.thistpe, tp2.thistpe) && isSameType(tp1.supertpe, tp2.supertpe) case _ => secondTry(tp1, tp2) } compareSuper case AndType(tp21, tp22) => isSubType(tp1, tp21) && isSubType(tp1, tp22) case OrType(tp21, tp22) => if (tp21.stripTypeVar eq tp22.stripTypeVar) isSubType(tp1, tp21) else secondTry(tp1, tp2) case TypeErasure.ErasedValueType(tycon1, underlying2) => def compareErasedValueType = tp1 match { case TypeErasure.ErasedValueType(tycon2, underlying1) => (tycon1.symbol eq tycon2.symbol) && isSameType(underlying1, underlying2) case _ => secondTry(tp1, tp2) } compareErasedValueType case ErrorType => true case _ => secondTry(tp1, tp2) } private def secondTry(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp1 match { case tp1: NamedType => match { case info1: TypeAlias => if (isSubType(info1.alias, tp2)) return true if (tp1.prefix.isStable) return false case _ => } compareHkApply(tp1, tp2, inOrder = true) || thirdTry(tp1, tp2) case tp1: PolyParam => def flagNothingBound = { if (!frozenConstraint && tp2.isRef(defn.NothingClass) && state.isGlobalCommittable) { def msg = s"!!! instantiated to Nothing: $tp1, constraint = ${}" if (Config.failOnInstantiationToNothing) assert(false, msg) else ctx.log(msg) } true } def comparePolyParam = || isSubTypeWhenFrozen(bounds(tp1).hi, tp2) || { if (canConstrain(tp1)) addConstraint(tp1, tp2, fromBelow = false) && flagNothingBound else thirdTry(tp1, tp2) } comparePolyParam case tp1: ThisType => val cls1 = tp1.cls tp2 match { case tp2: TermRef if && cls1.eq(tp2.widen.typeSymbol) => cls1.isStaticOwner || isSubType(cls1.owner.thisType, tp2.prefix) || thirdTry(tp1, tp2) case _ => thirdTry(tp1, tp2) } case tp1: SkolemType => tp2 match { case tp2: SkolemType if !ctx.phase.isTyper && <:< => true case _ => thirdTry(tp1, tp2) } case tp1: TypeVar => isSubType(tp1.underlying, tp2) case tp1: WildcardType => def compareWild = tp1.optBounds match { case TypeBounds(lo, _) => isSubType(lo, tp2) case _ => true } compareWild case tp1: LazyRef => // If `tp1` is in train of being evaluated, don't force it // because that would cause an assertionError. Return false instead. // See i859.scala for an example where we hit this case. !tp1.evaluating && isSubType(tp1.ref, tp2) case tp1: AnnotatedType => isSubType(tp1.tpe, tp2) case AndType(tp11, tp12) => if (tp11.stripTypeVar eq tp12.stripTypeVar) isSubType(tp11, tp2) else thirdTry(tp1, tp2) case OrType(tp11, tp12) => isSubType(tp11, tp2) && isSubType(tp12, tp2) case ErrorType => true case _ => thirdTry(tp1, tp2) } private def thirdTryNamed(tp1: Type, tp2: NamedType): Boolean = match { case TypeBounds(lo2, _) => def compareGADT: Boolean = { val gbounds2 = ctx.gadt.bounds(tp2.symbol) (gbounds2 != null) && (isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp1, gbounds2.lo) || narrowGADTBounds(tp2, tp1, isUpper = false)) } ((frozenConstraint || !isCappable(tp1)) && isSubType(tp1, lo2) || compareGADT || fourthTry(tp1, tp2)) case _ => val cls2 = tp2.symbol if (cls2.isClass) { val base = tp1.baseTypeRef(cls2) if (base.exists && (base ne tp1)) return isSubType(base, tp2) if (cls2 == defn.SingletonClass && tp1.isStable) return true } fourthTry(tp1, tp2) } private def thirdTry(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp2 match { case tp2: NamedType => thirdTryNamed(tp1, tp2) case tp2: PolyParam => def comparePolyParam = (ctx.mode is Mode.TypevarsMissContext) || isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp1, bounds(tp2).lo) || { if (canConstrain(tp2)) addConstraint(tp2, tp1.widenExpr, fromBelow = true) else fourthTry(tp1, tp2) } comparePolyParam case tp2: RefinedType => def compareRefinedSlow: Boolean = { val name2 = tp2.refinedName isSubType(tp1, tp2.parent) && (name2 == nme.WILDCARD || hasMatchingMember(name2, tp1, tp2)) } def compareRefined: Boolean = { val tp1w = tp1.widen val skipped2 = skipMatching(tp1w, tp2) if ((skipped2 eq tp2) || !Config.fastPathForRefinedSubtype) tp1 match { case tp1: AndType => // Delay calling `compareRefinedSlow` because looking up a member // of an `AndType` can lead to a cascade of subtyping checks // This twist is needed to make collection/generic/ParFactory.scala compile fourthTry(tp1, tp2) || compareRefinedSlow case _ => compareRefinedSlow || fourthTry(tp1, tp2) || compareHkLambda(tp2, tp1, inOrder = false) || compareAliasedRefined(tp2, tp1, inOrder = false) } else // fast path, in particular for refinements resulting from parameterization. isSubType(tp1, skipped2) && isSubRefinements(tp1w.asInstanceOf[RefinedType], tp2, skipped2) } compareRefined case tp2: RecType => val tp1stable = ensureStableSingleton(tp1) isSubType(fixRecs(tp1stable, tp1stable.widenExpr), tp2.substRecThis(tp2, tp1stable)) case OrType(tp21, tp22) => // Rewrite T1 <: (T211 & T212) | T22 to T1 <: (T211 | T22) and T1 <: (T212 | T22) // and analogously for T1 <: T21 | (T221 & T222) // `|' types to the right of <: are problematic, because // we have to choose one constraint set or another, which might cut off // solutions. The rewriting delays the point where we have to choose. tp21 match { case AndType(tp211, tp212) => return isSubType(tp1, OrType(tp211, tp22)) && isSubType(tp1, OrType(tp212, tp22)) case _ => } tp22 match { case AndType(tp221, tp222) => return isSubType(tp1, OrType(tp21, tp221)) && isSubType(tp1, OrType(tp21, tp222)) case _ => } eitherIsSubType(tp1, tp21, tp1, tp22) || fourthTry(tp1, tp2) case tp2 @ MethodType(_, formals2) => def compareMethod = tp1 match { case tp1 @ MethodType(_, formals1) => (tp1.signature sameParams tp2.signature) && matchingParams(formals1, formals2, tp1.isJava, tp2.isJava) && tp1.isImplicit == tp2.isImplicit && // needed? isSubType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1)) case _ => false } compareMethod case tp2: PolyType => def comparePoly = tp1 match { case tp1: PolyType => (tp1.signature sameParams tp2.signature) && matchingTypeParams(tp1, tp2) && isSubType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1)) case _ => false } comparePoly case tp2 @ ExprType(restpe2) => def compareExpr = tp1 match { // We allow ()T to be a subtype of => T. // We need some subtype relationship between them so that e.g. // def toString and def toString() don't clash when seen // as members of the same type. And it seems most logical to take // ()T <:< => T, since everything one can do with a => T one can // also do with a ()T by automatic () insertion. case tp1 @ MethodType(Nil, _) => isSubType(tp1.resultType, restpe2) case _ => isSubType(tp1.widenExpr, restpe2) } compareExpr case tp2 @ TypeBounds(lo2, hi2) => def compareTypeBounds = tp1 match { case tp1 @ TypeBounds(lo1, hi1) => (tp2.variance > 0 && tp1.variance >= 0 || (lo2 eq NothingType) || isSubType(lo2, lo1)) && (tp2.variance < 0 && tp1.variance <= 0 || (hi2 eq AnyType) || isSubType(hi1, hi2)) case tp1: ClassInfo => tp2 contains tp1 case _ => false } compareTypeBounds case ClassInfo(pre2, cls2, _, _, _) => def compareClassInfo = tp1 match { case ClassInfo(pre1, cls1, _, _, _) => (cls1 eq cls2) && isSubType(pre1, pre2) case _ => false } compareClassInfo case _ => fourthTry(tp1, tp2) } private def fourthTry(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp1 match { case tp1: TypeRef => match { case TypeBounds(_, hi1) => def compareGADT = { val gbounds1 = ctx.gadt.bounds(tp1.symbol) (gbounds1 != null) && (isSubTypeWhenFrozen(gbounds1.hi, tp2) || narrowGADTBounds(tp1, tp2, isUpper = true)) } isSubType(hi1, tp2) || compareGADT case _ => def isNullable(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.dealias match { case tp: TypeRef => tp.symbol.isNullableClass case tp: RefinedOrRecType => isNullable(tp.parent) case AndType(tp1, tp2) => isNullable(tp1) && isNullable(tp2) case OrType(tp1, tp2) => isNullable(tp1) || isNullable(tp2) case _ => false } (tp1.symbol eq NothingClass) && tp2.isInstanceOf[ValueType] || (tp1.symbol eq NullClass) && isNullable(tp2) } case tp1: SingletonType => /** if `tp2 == p.type` and `p: q.type` then try `tp1 <:< q.type` as a last effort.*/ def comparePaths = tp2 match { case tp2: TermRef => match { case tp2i: TermRef => isSubType(tp1, tp2i) case ExprType(tp2i: TermRef) if ( > => // After getters, val x: T becomes def x: T isSubType(tp1, tp2i) case _ => false } case _ => false } isNewSubType(tp1.underlying.widenExpr, tp2) || comparePaths case tp1: RefinedType => isNewSubType(tp1.parent, tp2) || compareHkLambda(tp1, tp2, inOrder = true) || compareAliasedRefined(tp1, tp2, inOrder = true) case tp1: RecType => isNewSubType(tp1.parent, tp2) case AndType(tp11, tp12) => // Rewrite (T111 | T112) & T12 <: T2 to (T111 & T12) <: T2 and (T112 | T12) <: T2 // and analogously for T11 & (T121 | T122) & T12 <: T2 // `&' types to the left of <: are problematic, because // we have to choose one constraint set or another, which might cut off // solutions. The rewriting delays the point where we have to choose. tp11 match { case OrType(tp111, tp112) => return isSubType(AndType(tp111, tp12), tp2) && isSubType(AndType(tp112, tp12), tp2) case _ => } tp12 match { case OrType(tp121, tp122) => return isSubType(AndType(tp11, tp121), tp2) && isSubType(AndType(tp11, tp122), tp2) case _ => } eitherIsSubType(tp11, tp2, tp12, tp2) case JavaArrayType(elem1) => def compareJavaArray = tp2 match { case JavaArrayType(elem2) => isSubType(elem1, elem2) case _ => tp2 isRef ObjectClass } compareJavaArray case tp1: ExprType if > => // getters might have converted T to => T, need to compensate. isSubType(tp1.widenExpr, tp2) case _ => false } /** Test whether `tp1` has a base type of the form `B[T1, ..., Tn]` where * - `B` derives from one of the class symbols of `tp2`, * - the type parameters of `B` match one-by-one the variances of `tparams`, * - `B` satisfies predicate `p`. */ private def testLifted(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, tparams: List[TypeSymbol], p: Type => Boolean): Boolean = { val classBounds = tp2.member(tpnme.hkApply).info.classSymbols def recur(bcs: List[ClassSymbol]): Boolean = bcs match { case bc :: bcs1 => val baseRef = tp1.baseTypeRef(bc) (classBounds.exists(bc.derivesFrom) && variancesConform(baseRef.typeParams, tparams) && p(baseRef.appliedTo(tp1.baseArgInfos(bc))) || recur(bcs1)) case nil => false } recur(tp1.baseClasses) } /** If `projection` is a hk projection T#$apply with a constrainable poly param * as type constructor and `other` is not a hk projection, then perform the following * steps: * * (1) If not `inOrder` then perform the next steps until they all succeed * for each base type of other which * - derives from a class bound of `projection`, * - has the same number of type parameters than `projection` * - has type parameter variances which conform to those of `projection`. * If `inOrder` then perform the same steps on the original `other` type. * * (2) Try to eta expand the constructor of `other`. * * (3a) In mode `TypevarsMissConetxt` replace the projection's hk constructor parameter * by the eta expansion of step (2) reapplied to the projection's arguments. * (3b) In normal mode, try to unify the projection's hk constructor parameter with * the eta expansion of step(2) * * (4) If `inOrder`, test `projection <: other` else test `other <: projection`. */ def compareHkApply(projection: NamedType, other: Type, inOrder: Boolean): Boolean = { def tryInfer(tp: Type): Boolean = ctx.traceIndented(i"compareHK($projection, $other, inOrder = $inOrder, constr = $tp)", subtyping) { tp match { case tp: TypeVar => tryInfer(tp.underlying) case param: PolyParam if canConstrain(param) => def unifyWith(liftedOther: Type): Boolean = { subtyping.println(i"unify with $liftedOther") liftedOther.typeConstructor.widen match { case tycon: TypeRef if tycon.isEtaExpandable && tycon.typeParams.nonEmpty => val (ok, projection1) = if ( (true, EtaExpansion(tycon).appliedTo(projection.argInfos)) else (tryInstantiate(param, EtaExpansion(tycon)), projection) ok && (if (inOrder) isSubType(projection1, other) else isSubType(other, projection1)) case _ => false } } val hkTypeParams = param.typeParams subtyping.println(i"classBounds = ${projection.prefix.member(tpnme.hkApply).info.classSymbols}") subtyping.println(i"base classes = ${other.baseClasses}") subtyping.println(i"type params = $hkTypeParams") if (inOrder) unifyWith(other) else testLifted(other, projection.prefix, hkTypeParams, unifyWith) case _ => false } } == tpnme.hkApply && !other.isHKApply && tryInfer(projection.prefix.typeConstructor.dealias) } /** Compare type lambda with non-lambda type. */ def compareHkLambda(rt: RefinedType, other: Type, inOrder: Boolean) = rt match { case TypeLambda(vs, args, body) => other.isInstanceOf[TypeRef] && args.length == other.typeParams.length && { val applied = other.appliedTo(argRefs(rt, args.length)) if (inOrder) isSubType(body, applied) else body match { case body: TypeBounds => body.contains(applied) case _ => isSubType(applied, body) } } case _ => false } /** Say we are comparing a refined type `P{type M = U}` or `P{type M >: L <: U}`. * If P#M refers to a BaseTypeArg aliased to some other typeref P#N, * do the same comparison with `P{type N = U}` or `P{type N >: L <: U}`, respectively. * This allows to handle situations involving named type params like this one: * * trait Lambda[type Elem] * trait Lst[T] extends Lambda[T] * * compareAliasedRefined is necessary so we establish that * * Lst[Int] = Lst[Elem = Int] */ private def compareAliasedRefined(rt: RefinedType, other: Type, inOrder: Boolean) = { val mbr = refinedSymbol(rt) && { match { case TypeAlias(TypeRef(_, aliasName)) => val rt1 = rt.derivedRefinedType(rt.parent, aliasName, rt.refinedInfo) subtyping.println(i"rewiring $rt to $rt1 in comparison with $other") if (inOrder) isSubType(rt1, other) else isSubType(other, rt1) case _ => false } } } /** Replace any top-level recursive type `{ z => T }` in `tp` with * `[z := anchor]T`. */ private def fixRecs(anchor: SingletonType, tp: Type): Type = { def fix(tp: Type): Type = tp.stripTypeVar match { case tp: RecType => fix(tp.parent).substRecThis(tp, anchor) case tp @ RefinedType(parent, rname, rinfo) => tp.derivedRefinedType(fix(parent), rname, rinfo) case tp: PolyParam => fixOrElse(bounds(tp).hi, tp) case tp: TypeProxy => fixOrElse(tp.underlying, tp) case tp: AndOrType => tp.derivedAndOrType(fix(tp.tp1), fix(tp.tp2)) case tp => tp } def fixOrElse(tp: Type, fallback: Type) = { val tp1 = fix(tp) if (tp1 ne tp) tp1 else fallback } fix(tp) } /** The symbol referred to in the refinement of `rt` */ private def refinedSymbol(rt: RefinedType) = rt.parent.member(rt.refinedName).symbol /** Returns true iff either `tp11 <:< tp21` or `tp12 <:< tp22`, trying at the same time * to keep the constraint as wide as possible. Specifically, if * * tp11 <:< tp12 = true with post-constraint c1 * tp12 <:< tp22 = true with post-constraint c2 * * and c1 subsumes c2, then c2 is kept as the post-constraint of the result, * otherwise c1 is kept. * * This method is used to approximate a solution in one of the following cases * * T1 & T2 <:< T3 * T1 <:< T2 | T3 * * In the first case (the second one is analogous), we have a choice whether we * want to establish the subtyping judgement using * * T1 <:< T3 or T2 <:< T3 * * as a precondition. Either precondition might constrain type variables. * The purpose of this method is to pick the precondition that constrains less. * The method is not complete, because sometimes there is no best solution. Example: * * A? & B? <: T * * Here, each precondition leads to a different constraint, and neither of * the two post-constraints subsumes the other. */ private def eitherIsSubType(tp11: Type, tp21: Type, tp12: Type, tp22: Type) = { val preConstraint = constraint isSubType(tp11, tp21) && { val leftConstraint = constraint constraint = preConstraint if (!(isSubType(tp12, tp22) && subsumes(leftConstraint, constraint, preConstraint))) constraint = leftConstraint true } || isSubType(tp12, tp22) } /** Like tp1 <:< tp2, but returns false immediately if we know that * the case was covered previously during subtyping. */ private def isNewSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = if (isCovered(tp1) && isCovered(tp2)) { //println(s"useless subtype: $tp1 <:< $tp2") false } else isSubType(tp1, tp2) /** Does type `tp1` have a member with name `name` whose normalized type is a subtype of * the normalized type of the refinement `tp2`? * Normalization is as follows: If `tp2` contains a skolem to its refinement type, * rebase both itself and the member info of `tp` on a freshly created skolem type. */ protected def hasMatchingMember(name: Name, tp1: Type, tp2: RefinedType): Boolean = { val rebindNeeded = tp2.refinementRefersToThis val base = if (rebindNeeded) ensureStableSingleton(tp1) else tp1 val rinfo2 = if (rebindNeeded) tp2.refinedInfo.substRefinedThis(tp2, base) else tp2.refinedInfo def qualifies(m: SingleDenotation) = isSubType(, rinfo2) def memberMatches(mbr: Denotation): Boolean = mbr match { // inlined hasAltWith for performance case mbr: SingleDenotation => qualifies(mbr) case _ => mbr hasAltWith qualifies } /*>|>*/ ctx.traceIndented(i"hasMatchingMember($base . $name :? ${tp2.refinedInfo}) ${base.member(name)} $rinfo2", subtyping) /*<|<*/ { memberMatches(base member name) || tp1.isInstanceOf[SingletonType] && { // special case for situations like: // class C { type T } // val foo: C // foo.type <: C { type T = foo.T } rinfo2 match { case rinfo2: TypeAlias => !defn.isBottomType(base.widen) && (base select name) =:= rinfo2.alias case _ => false } } } } final def ensureStableSingleton(tp: Type): SingletonType = tp.stripTypeVar match { case tp: SingletonType if tp.isStable => tp case tp: ValueType => SkolemType(tp) case tp: TypeProxy => ensureStableSingleton(tp.underlying) } /** Skip refinements in `tp2` which match corresponding refinements in `tp1`. * "Match" means: * - they appear in the same order, * - they refine the same names, * - the refinement in `tp1` is an alias type, and * - neither refinement refers back to the refined type via a refined this. * @return The parent type of `tp2` after skipping the matching refinements. */ private def skipMatching(tp1: Type, tp2: RefinedType): Type = tp1 match { case tp1 @ RefinedType(parent1, name1, rinfo1: TypeAlias) if name1 == tp2.refinedName && !tp2.refinementRefersToThis && !tp1.refinementRefersToThis => tp2.parent match { case parent2: RefinedType => skipMatching(parent1, parent2) case parent2 => parent2 } case _ => tp2 } /** Are refinements in `tp1` pairwise subtypes of the refinements of `tp2` * up to parent type `limit`? * @pre `tp1` has the necessary number of refinements, they are type aliases, * and their names match the corresponding refinements in `tp2`. * Further, no refinement refers back to the refined type via a refined this. * The precondition is established by `skipMatching`. */ private def isSubRefinements(tp1: RefinedType, tp2: RefinedType, limit: Type): Boolean = { def hasSubRefinement(tp1: RefinedType, refine2: Type): Boolean = { isSubType(tp1.refinedInfo, refine2) || { // last effort: try to adapt variances of higher-kinded types if this is sound. val adapted2 = refine2.adaptHkVariances(tp1.parent.member(tp1.refinedName) && hasSubRefinement(tp1, adapted2) } } hasSubRefinement(tp1, tp2.refinedInfo) && ( (tp2.parent eq limit) || isSubRefinements( tp1.parent.asInstanceOf[RefinedType], tp2.parent.asInstanceOf[RefinedType], limit)) } /** A type has been covered previously in subtype checking if it * is some combination of TypeRefs that point to classes, where the * combiners are RefinedTypes, RecTypes, AndTypes or AnnotatedTypes. * One exception: Refinements referring to basetype args are never considered * to be already covered. This is necessary because such refined types might * still need to be compared with a compareAliasRefined. */ private def isCovered(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.dealias.stripTypeVar match { case tp: TypeRef => tp.symbol.isClass && tp.symbol != NothingClass && tp.symbol != NullClass case tp: ProtoType => false case tp: RefinedType => isCovered(tp.parent) && !refinedSymbol(tp).is(BaseTypeArg) case tp: RecType => isCovered(tp.parent) case tp: AnnotatedType => isCovered(tp.underlying) case AndType(tp1, tp2) => isCovered(tp1) && isCovered(tp2) case _ => false } /** Defer constraining type variables when compared against prototypes */ def isMatchedByProto(proto: ProtoType, tp: Type) = tp.stripTypeVar match { case tp: PolyParam if constraint contains tp => true case _ => proto.isMatchedBy(tp) } /** Can type `tp` be constrained from above by adding a constraint to * a typevar that it refers to? In that case we have to be careful not * to approximate with the lower bound of a type in `thirdTry`. Instead, * we should first unroll `tp1` until we hit the type variable and bind the * type variable with (the corresponding type in) `tp2` instead. */ private def isCappable(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match { case tp: PolyParam => constraint contains tp case tp: TypeProxy => isCappable(tp.underlying) case tp: AndOrType => isCappable(tp.tp1) || isCappable(tp.tp2) case _ => false } /** Narrow gadt.bounds for the type parameter referenced by `tr` to include * `bound` as an upper or lower bound (which depends on `isUpper`). * Test that the resulting bounds are still satisfiable. */ private def narrowGADTBounds(tr: NamedType, bound: Type, isUpper: Boolean): Boolean = && { val tparam = tr.symbol typr.println(s"narrow gadt bound of $tparam: ${} from ${if (isUpper) "above" else "below"} to $bound ${bound.isRef(tparam)}") !bound.isRef(tparam) && { val oldBounds = ctx.gadt.bounds(tparam) val newBounds = if (isUpper) TypeBounds(oldBounds.lo, oldBounds.hi & bound) else TypeBounds(oldBounds.lo | bound, oldBounds.hi) isSubType(newBounds.lo, newBounds.hi) && { ctx.gadt.setBounds(tparam, newBounds); true } } } // Tests around `matches` /** A function implementing `tp1` matches `tp2`. */ final def matchesType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, relaxed: Boolean): Boolean = tp1.widen match { case tp1: MethodType => tp2.widen match { case tp2: MethodType => tp1.isImplicit == tp2.isImplicit && matchingParams(tp1.paramTypes, tp2.paramTypes, tp1.isJava, tp2.isJava) && matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1), relaxed) case tp2 => relaxed && tp1.paramNames.isEmpty && matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2, relaxed) } case tp1: PolyType => tp2.widen match { case tp2: PolyType => sameLength(tp1.paramNames, tp2.paramNames) && matchesType(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1), relaxed) case _ => false } case _ => tp2.widen match { case _: PolyType => false case tp2: MethodType => relaxed && tp2.paramNames.isEmpty && matchesType(tp1, tp2.resultType, relaxed) case tp2 => relaxed || isSameType(tp1, tp2) } } /** Are `syms1` and `syms2` parameter lists with pairwise equivalent types? */ private def matchingParams(formals1: List[Type], formals2: List[Type], isJava1: Boolean, isJava2: Boolean): Boolean = formals1 match { case formal1 :: rest1 => formals2 match { case formal2 :: rest2 => (isSameTypeWhenFrozen(formal1, formal2) || isJava1 && (formal2 isRef ObjectClass) && (formal1 isRef AnyClass) || isJava2 && (formal1 isRef ObjectClass) && (formal2 isRef AnyClass)) && matchingParams(rest1, rest2, isJava1, isJava2) case nil => false } case nil => formals2.isEmpty } /** Do poly types `poly1` and `poly2` have type parameters that * have the same bounds (after renaming one set to the other)? */ private def matchingTypeParams(poly1: PolyType, poly2: PolyType): Boolean = (poly1.paramBounds corresponds poly2.paramBounds)((b1, b2) => isSameType(b1, b2.subst(poly2, poly1))) // Type equality =:= /** Two types are the same if are mutual subtypes of each other */ def isSameType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = if (tp1 eq NoType) false else if (tp1 eq tp2) true else isSubType(tp1, tp2) && isSubType(tp2, tp1) /** Same as `isSameType` but also can be applied to overloaded TermRefs, where * two overloaded refs are the same if they have pairwise equal alternatives */ def isSameRef(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = ctx.traceIndented(s"isSameRef($tp1, $tp2") { def isSubRef(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp1 match { case tp1: TermRef if tp1.isOverloaded => tp1.alternatives forall (isSubRef(_, tp2)) case _ => tp2 match { case tp2: TermRef if tp2.isOverloaded => tp2.alternatives exists (isSubRef(tp1, _)) case _ => isSubType(tp1, tp2) } } isSubRef(tp1, tp2) && isSubRef(tp2, tp1) } /** The greatest lower bound of two types */ def glb(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = /*>|>*/ ctx.traceIndented(s"glb(${}, ${})", subtyping, show = true) /*<|<*/ { if (tp1 eq tp2) tp1 else if (!tp1.exists) tp2 else if (!tp2.exists) tp1 else if ((tp1 isRef AnyClass) || (tp2 isRef NothingClass)) tp2 else if ((tp2 isRef AnyClass) || (tp1 isRef NothingClass)) tp1 else tp2 match { // normalize to disjunctive normal form if possible. case OrType(tp21, tp22) => tp1 & tp21 | tp1 & tp22 case _ => tp1 match { case OrType(tp11, tp12) => tp11 & tp2 | tp12 & tp2 case _ => val t1 = mergeIfSub(tp1, tp2) if (t1.exists) t1 else { val t2 = mergeIfSub(tp2, tp1) if (t2.exists) t2 else tp1 match { case tp1: ConstantType => tp2 match { case tp2: ConstantType => // Make use of the fact that the intersection of two constant types // types which are not subtypes of each other is known to be empty. // Note: The same does not apply to singleton types in general. // E.g. we could have a pattern match against `x.type & y.type` // which might succeed if `x` and `y` happen to be the same ref // at run time. It would not work to replace that with `Nothing`. // However, maybe we can still apply the replacement to // types which are not explicitly written. defn.NothingType case _ => andType(tp1, tp2) } case _ => andType(tp1, tp2) } } } } } /** The greatest lower bound of a list types */ final def glb(tps: List[Type]): Type = ((defn.AnyType: Type) /: tps)(glb) /** The least upper bound of two types * @note We do not admit singleton types in or-types as lubs. */ def lub(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = /*>|>*/ ctx.traceIndented(s"lub(${}, ${})", subtyping, show = true) /*<|<*/ { if (tp1 eq tp2) tp1 else if (!tp1.exists) tp1 else if (!tp2.exists) tp2 else if ((tp1 isRef AnyClass) || (tp2 isRef NothingClass)) tp1 else if ((tp2 isRef AnyClass) || (tp1 isRef NothingClass)) tp2 else { val t1 = mergeIfSuper(tp1, tp2) if (t1.exists) t1 else { val t2 = mergeIfSuper(tp2, tp1) if (t2.exists) t2 else { val tp1w = tp1.widen val tp2w = tp2.widen if ((tp1 ne tp1w) || (tp2 ne tp2w)) lub(tp1w, tp2w) else orType(tp1w, tp2w) // no need to check subtypes again } } } } /** The least upper bound of a list of types */ final def lub(tps: List[Type]): Type = ((defn.NothingType: Type) /: tps)(lub) /** Merge `t1` into `tp2` if t1 is a subtype of some &-summand of tp2. */ private def mergeIfSub(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = if (isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp1, tp2)) if (isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp2, tp1)) tp2 else tp1 // keep existing type if possible else tp2 match { case tp2 @ AndType(tp21, tp22) => val lower1 = mergeIfSub(tp1, tp21) if (lower1 eq tp21) tp2 else if (lower1.exists) lower1 & tp22 else { val lower2 = mergeIfSub(tp1, tp22) if (lower2 eq tp22) tp2 else if (lower2.exists) tp21 & lower2 else NoType } case _ => NoType } /** Merge `tp1` into `tp2` if tp1 is a supertype of some |-summand of tp2. */ private def mergeIfSuper(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = if (isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp2, tp1)) if (isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp1, tp2)) tp2 else tp1 // keep existing type if possible else tp2 match { case tp2 @ OrType(tp21, tp22) => val higher1 = mergeIfSuper(tp1, tp21) if (higher1 eq tp21) tp2 else if (higher1.exists) higher1 | tp22 else { val higher2 = mergeIfSuper(tp1, tp22) if (higher2 eq tp22) tp2 else if (higher2.exists) tp21 | higher2 else NoType } case _ => NoType } /** Form a normalized conjunction of two types. * Note: For certain types, `&` is distributed inside the type. This holds for * all types which are not value types (e.g. TypeBounds, ClassInfo, * ExprType, MethodType, PolyType). Also, when forming an `&`, * instantiated TypeVars are dereferenced and annotations are stripped. * Finally, refined types with the same refined name are * opportunistically merged. * * Sometimes, the conjunction of two types cannot be formed because * the types are in conflict of each other. In particular: * * 1. Two different class types are conflicting. * 2. A class type conflicts with a type bounds that does not include the class reference. * 3. Two method or poly types with different (type) parameters but the same * signature are conflicting * * In these cases, a MergeError is thrown. */ final def andType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, erased: Boolean = ctx.erasedTypes) = ctx.traceIndented(s"glb(${}, ${})", subtyping, show = true) { val t1 = distributeAnd(tp1, tp2) if (t1.exists) t1 else { val t2 = distributeAnd(tp2, tp1) if (t2.exists) t2 else if (erased) erasedGlb(tp1, tp2, isJava = false) else liftIfHK(tp1, tp2, AndType(_, _)) } } /** Form a normalized conjunction of two types. * Note: For certain types, `|` is distributed inside the type. This holds for * all types which are not value types (e.g. TypeBounds, ClassInfo, * ExprType, MethodType, PolyType). Also, when forming an `|`, * instantiated TypeVars are dereferenced and annotations are stripped. * * Sometimes, the disjunction of two types cannot be formed because * the types are in conflict of each other. (@see `andType` for an enumeration * of these cases). In cases of conflict a `MergeError` is raised. * * @param erased Apply erasure semantics. If erased is true, instead of creating * an OrType, the lub will be computed using TypeCreator#erasedLub. */ final def orType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, erased: Boolean = ctx.erasedTypes) = { val t1 = distributeOr(tp1, tp2) if (t1.exists) t1 else { val t2 = distributeOr(tp2, tp1) if (t2.exists) t2 else if (erased) erasedLub(tp1, tp2) else liftIfHK(tp1, tp2, OrType(_, _)) } } /** `op(tp1, tp2)` unless `tp1` and `tp2` are type-constructors with at least * some unnamed type parameters. * In the latter case, combine `tp1` and `tp2` under a type lambda like this: * * [X1, ..., Xn] -> op(tp1[X1, ..., Xn], tp2[X1, ..., Xn]) * * Note: There is a tension between named and positional parameters here, which * is impossible to resolve completely. Say you have * * C[type T], D[type U] * * Then do you expand `C & D` to `[T] -> C[T] & D[T]` or not? Under the named * type parameter interpretation, this would be wrong whereas under the traditional * higher-kinded interpretation this would be required. The problem arises from * allowing both interpretations. A possible remedy is to be somehow stricter * in where we allow which interpretation. */ private def liftIfHK(tp1: Type, tp2: Type, op: (Type, Type) => Type) = { val tparams1 = tp1.typeParams val tparams2 = tp2.typeParams def onlyNamed(tparams: List[TypeSymbol]) = tparams.forall(! if (tparams1.isEmpty || tparams2.isEmpty || onlyNamed(tparams1) && onlyNamed(tparams2)) op(tp1, tp2) else if (tparams1.length != tparams2.length) mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) else hkCombine(tp1, tp2, tparams1, tparams2, op) } /** Try to distribute `&` inside type, detect and handle conflicts * @pre !(tp1 <: tp2) && !(tp2 <:< tp1) -- these cases were handled before */ private def distributeAnd(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = tp1 match { // opportunistically merge same-named refinements // this does not change anything semantically (i.e. merging or not merging // gives =:= types), but it keeps the type smaller. case tp1: RefinedType => tp2 match { case tp2: RefinedType if tp1.refinedName == tp2.refinedName => tp1.derivedRefinedType( tp1.parent & tp2.parent, tp1.refinedName, tp1.refinedInfo & tp2.refinedInfo.substRefinedThis(tp2, RefinedThis(tp1))) case _ => NoType } case tp1: RecType => tp1.rebind(distributeAnd(tp1.parent, tp2)) case tp1: TypeBounds => tp2 match { case tp2: TypeBounds => tp1 & tp2 case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1 contains tp2 => tp2 case _ => mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) } case tp1: ClassInfo => tp2 match { case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1.cls eq tp2.cls => tp1.derivedClassInfo(tp1.prefix & tp2.prefix) case tp2: TypeBounds if tp2 contains tp1 => tp1 case _ => mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) } case tp1 @ MethodType(names1, formals1) => tp2 match { case tp2 @ MethodType(names2, formals2) if matchingParams(formals1, formals2, tp1.isJava, tp2.isJava) && tp1.isImplicit == tp2.isImplicit => tp1.derivedMethodType( mergeNames(names1, names2, nme.syntheticParamName), formals1, tp1.resultType & tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1)) case _ => mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) } case tp1: PolyType => tp2 match { case tp2: PolyType if matchingTypeParams(tp1, tp2) => tp1.derivedPolyType( mergeNames(tp1.paramNames, tp2.paramNames, tpnme.syntheticTypeParamName), tp1.paramBounds, tp1.resultType & tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1)) case _ => mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) } case ExprType(rt1) => tp2 match { case ExprType(rt2) => ExprType(rt1 & rt2) case _ => rt1 & tp2 } case tp1: TypeVar if tp1.isInstantiated => tp1.underlying & tp2 case tp1: AnnotatedType => tp1.underlying & tp2 case _ => NoType } /** Try to distribute `|` inside type, detect and handle conflicts * Note that, unlike for `&`, a disjunction cannot be pushed into * a refined or applied type. Example: * * List[T] | List[U] is not the same as List[T | U]. * * The rhs is a proper supertype of the lhs. */ private def distributeOr(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = tp1 match { case tp1: TypeBounds => tp2 match { case tp2: TypeBounds => tp1 | tp2 case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1 contains tp2 => tp1 case _ => mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) } case tp1: ClassInfo => tp2 match { case tp2: ClassInfo if tp1.cls eq tp2.cls => tp1.derivedClassInfo(tp1.prefix | tp2.prefix) case tp2: TypeBounds if tp2 contains tp1 => tp2 case _ => mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) } case tp1 @ MethodType(names1, formals1) => tp2 match { case tp2 @ MethodType(names2, formals2) if matchingParams(formals1, formals2, tp1.isJava, tp2.isJava) && tp1.isImplicit == tp2.isImplicit => tp1.derivedMethodType( mergeNames(names1, names2, nme.syntheticParamName), formals1, tp1.resultType | tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1)) case _ => mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) } case tp1: PolyType => tp2 match { case tp2: PolyType if matchingTypeParams(tp1, tp2) => tp1.derivedPolyType( mergeNames(tp1.paramNames, tp2.paramNames, tpnme.syntheticTypeParamName), tp1.paramBounds, tp1.resultType | tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1)) case _ => mergeConflict(tp1, tp2) } case ExprType(rt1) => ExprType(rt1 | tp2.widenExpr) case tp1: TypeVar if tp1.isInstantiated => tp1.underlying | tp2 case tp1: AnnotatedType => tp1.underlying | tp2 case _ => NoType } /** Handle merge conflict by throwing a `MergeError` exception */ private def mergeConflict(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Type = { def showType(tp: Type) = tp match { case ClassInfo(_, cls, _, _, _) => cls.showLocated case bounds: TypeBounds => i"type bounds $bounds" case _ => } throw new MergeError(s"cannot merge ${showType(tp1)} with ${showType(tp2)}", tp1, tp2) } /** Merge two lists of names. If names in corresponding positions match, keep them, * otherwise generate new synthetic names. */ private def mergeNames[N <: Name](names1: List[N], names2: List[N], syntheticName: Int => N): List[N] = { for ((name1, name2, idx) <- (names1, names2, 0 until names1.length).zipped) yield if (name1 == name2) name1 else syntheticName(idx) }.toList /** Show type, handling type types better than the default */ private def showType(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = tp match { case ClassInfo(_, cls, _, _, _) => cls.showLocated case bounds: TypeBounds => "type bounds" + case _ => } /** A comparison function to pick a winner in case of a merge conflict */ private def isAsGood(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = tp1 match { case tp1: ClassInfo => tp2 match { case tp2: ClassInfo => isSubTypeWhenFrozen(tp1.prefix, tp2.prefix) || (tp1.cls.owner derivesFrom tp2.cls.owner) case _ => false } case tp1: PolyType => tp2 match { case tp2: PolyType => tp1.typeParams.length == tp2.typeParams.length && isAsGood(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType.subst(tp2, tp1)) case _ => false } case tp1: MethodType => tp2 match { case tp2: MethodType => def asGoodParams(formals1: List[Type], formals2: List[Type]) = (formals2 corresponds formals1)(isSubTypeWhenFrozen) asGoodParams(tp1.paramTypes, tp2.paramTypes) && (!asGoodParams(tp2.paramTypes, tp1.paramTypes) || isAsGood(tp1.resultType, tp2.resultType)) case _ => false } case _ => false } /** A new type comparer of the same type as this one, using the given context. */ def copyIn(ctx: Context) = new TypeComparer(ctx) // ----------- Diagnostics -------------------------------------------------- /** A hook for showing subtype traces. Overridden in ExplainingTypeComparer */ def traceIndented[T](str: String)(op: => T): T = op private def traceInfo(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = s"${} <:< ${}" + { if (ctx.settings.verbose.value || Config.verboseExplainSubtype) { s" ${tp1.getClass}, ${tp2.getClass}" + (if (frozenConstraint) " frozen" else "") + (if (ctx.mode is Mode.TypevarsMissContext) " tvars-miss-ctx" else "") } else "" } /** Show subtype goal that led to an assertion failure */ def showGoal(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { println(disambiguated(implicit ctx => s"assertion failure for ${} <:< ${}, frozen = $frozenConstraint")) def explainPoly(tp: Type) = tp match { case tp: PolyParam => ctx.echo(s"polyparam ${} found in ${}") case tp: TypeRef if tp.symbol.exists => ctx.echo(s"typeref ${} found in ${}") case tp: TypeVar => ctx.echo(s"typevar ${}, origin = ${tp.origin}") case _ => ctx.echo(s"${} is a ${tp.getClass}") } explainPoly(tp1) explainPoly(tp2) } /** Record statistics about the total number of subtype checks * and the number of "successful" subtype checks, i.e. checks * that form part of a subtype derivation tree that's ultimately successful. */ def recordStatistics(result: Boolean, prevSuccessCount: Int) = { // Stats.record(s"isSubType ${} <:< ${}") totalCount += 1 if (result) successCount += 1 else successCount = prevSuccessCount if (recCount == 0) { Stats.record("successful subType", successCount) Stats.record("total subType", totalCount) successCount = 0 totalCount = 0 } } } object TypeComparer { /** Show trace of comparison operations when performing `op` as result string */ def explained[T](op: Context => T)(implicit ctx: Context): String = { val nestedCtx = ctx.fresh.setTypeComparerFn(new ExplainingTypeComparer(_)) op(nestedCtx) nestedCtx.typeComparer.toString } } /** A type comparer that can record traces of subtype operations */ class ExplainingTypeComparer(initctx: Context) extends TypeComparer(initctx) { private var indent = 0 private val b = new StringBuilder private var skipped = false override def traceIndented[T](str: String)(op: => T): T = if (skipped) op else { indent += 2 b append "\n" append (" " * indent) append "==> " append str val res = op b append "\n" append (" " * indent) append "<== " append str append " = " append show(res) indent -= 2 res } private def show(res: Any) = res match { case res: printing.Showable if !ctx.settings.Yexplainlowlevel.value => case _ => String.valueOf(res) } override def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = traceIndented(s"${show(tp1)} <:< ${show(tp2)}${if (Config.verboseExplainSubtype) s" ${tp1.getClass} ${tp2.getClass}" else ""}${if (frozenConstraint) " frozen" else ""}") { super.isSubType(tp1, tp2) } override def hasMatchingMember(name: Name, tp1: Type, tp2: RefinedType): Boolean = traceIndented(s"hasMatchingMember(${show(tp1)} . $name, ${show(tp2.refinedInfo)}), member = ${show(tp1.member(name).info)}") { super.hasMatchingMember(name, tp1, tp2) } override def lub(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = traceIndented(s"lub(${show(tp1)}, ${show(tp2)})") { super.lub(tp1, tp2) } override def glb(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) = traceIndented(s"glb(${show(tp1)}, ${show(tp2)})") { super.glb(tp1, tp2) } override def addConstraint(param: PolyParam, bound: Type, fromBelow: Boolean): Boolean = traceIndented(s"add constraint $param ${if (fromBelow) ">:" else "<:"} $bound $frozenConstraint") { super.addConstraint(param, bound, fromBelow) } override def copyIn(ctx: Context) = new ExplainingTypeComparer(ctx) override def compareHkApply(projection: NamedType, other: Type, inOrder: Boolean) = if ( == tpnme.hkApply) traceIndented(i"compareHkApply $projection, $other, $inOrder") { super.compareHkApply(projection, other, inOrder) } else super.compareHkApply(projection, other, inOrder) override def compareHkLambda(rt: RefinedType, other: Type, inOrder: Boolean) = if (rt.refinedName == tpnme.hkApply) traceIndented(i"compareHkLambda $rt, $other, $inOrder") { super.compareHkLambda(rt, other, inOrder) } else super.compareHkLambda(rt, other, inOrder) override def toString = "Subtype trace:" + { try b.toString finally b.clear() } }