package package core import Trees._, Positions._, Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, Flags._ import SymDenotations._, Symbols._, StdNames._, Annotations._ object TypedTrees { class TypeTreeGen { implicit def pos(implicit ctx: Context): Position = ctx.position def defPos(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = ctx.position union sym.coord.toPosition def Modifiers(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Modifiers[Type] = Trees.Modifiers[Type]( sym.flags & ModifierFlags, if (sym.privateWithin.exists) else tpnme.EMPTY, sym.annotations map (_.tree)) def Ident(tp: NamedType)(implicit ctx: Context): Ident[Type] = Trees.Ident( def Select(pre: TypedTree, tp: NamedType)(implicit ctx: Context): Select[Type] = Trees.Select(pre, def This(cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): This[Type] = Trees.This( def Super(qual: TypedTree, mixin: Symbol = NoSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Super[Type] = { val cls = qual.tpe.typeSymbol val (owntype, mix) = if (mixin.exists) (mixin.typeConstructor, else (ctx.glb(, tpnme.EMPTY) Trees.Super(qual, mix).withType(SuperType(qual.tpe, owntype)) } def Apply(fn: TypedTree, args: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): Apply[Type] = { val fntpe @ MethodType(pnames, ptypes) = fn.tpe assert(sameLength(ptypes, args)) Trees.Apply(fn, args).withType(fntpe.instantiate(args map (_.tpe))) } def TypeApply(fn: TypedTree, args: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): TypeApply[Type] = { val fntpe @ PolyType(pnames) = fn.tpe assert(sameLength(pnames, args)) Trees.TypeApply(fn, args).withType(fntpe.instantiate(args map (_.tpe))) } def Literal(const: Constant)(implicit ctx: Context): Literal[Type] = Trees.Literal(const).withType(const.tpe) def New(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): New[Type] = Trees.New(TypeTree(tp)) def Pair(left: TypedTree, right: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Pair[Type] = Trees.Pair(left, right).withType(defn.PairType.appliedTo(left.tpe, right.tpe)) def Typed(expr: TypedTree, tpt: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Typed[Type] = Trees.Typed(expr, tpt).withType(tpt.tpe) def NamedArg[Type](name: Name, arg: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context) = Trees.NamedArg(name, arg).withType(arg.tpe) def Assign(lhs: TypedTree, rhs: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Assign[Type] = Trees.Assign(lhs, rhs).withType(defn.UnitType) def Function(vparams: List[ValDef[Type]], body: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Function[Type] = Trees.Function(vparams, body) .withType(defn.FunctionType(vparams map (_.tpt.tpe), body.tpe)) def Block(stats: List[TypedTree], expr: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Block[Type] = Trees.Block(stats, expr).withType(expr.tpe) // !!! need to make sure that type does not refer to locals def If(cond: TypedTree, thenp: TypedTree, elsep: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): If[Type] = Trees.If(cond, thenp, elsep).withType(thenp.tpe | elsep.tpe) def Match(selector: TypedTree, cases: List[CaseDef[Type]])(implicit ctx: Context): Match[Type] = Trees.Match(selector, cases).withType(ctx.lub(cases map (_.body.tpe))) def CaseDef(pat: TypedTree, guard: TypedTree, body: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): CaseDef[Type] = Trees.CaseDef(pat, guard, body).withType(body.tpe) def Return(expr: TypedTree, from: Ident[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Return[Type] = Trees.Return(expr, from).withType(defn.NothingType) def Throw(expr: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Throw[Type] = Trees.Throw(expr).withType(defn.NothingType) def ArrayValue(elemtpt: TypedTree, elems: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): ArrayValue[Type] = Trees.ArrayValue(elemtpt, elems).withType(defn.ArrayType.appliedTo(elemtpt.tpe)) def TypeTree(tp: Type, original: TypedTree = EmptyTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeTree[Type] = Trees.TypeTree(original).withType(tp) def SingletonTypeTree(ref: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): SingletonTypeTree[Type] = Trees.SingletonTypeTree(ref).withType(ref.tpe) def SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier: TypedTree, name: TypeName)(implicit ctx: Context): SelectFromTypeTree[Type] = Trees.SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, name).withType(TypeRef(qualifier.tpe, name)) def AndTypeTree(left: TypedTree, right: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): AndTypeTree[Type] = Trees.AndTypeTree(left, right).withType(left.tpe & right.tpe) def OrTypeTree(left: TypedTree, right: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): OrTypeTree[Type] = Trees.OrTypeTree(left, right).withType(left.tpe | right.tpe) def RefineTypeTree(tpt: TypedTree, refinements: List[DefTree[Type]])(implicit ctx: Context): RefineTypeTree[Type] = { def refineType(tp: Type, refinement: Symbol): Type = RefinedType(tp,, Trees.RefineTypeTree(tpt, refinements) .withType((tpt.tpe /: (refinements map (_.symbol)))(refineType)) } def refineType(tp: Type, refinement: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = RefinedType(tp,, def AppliedTypeTree(tpt: TypedTree, args: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): AppliedTypeTree[Type] = Trees.AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args).withType(tpt.tpe.appliedTo(args map (_.tpe))) def TypeBoundsTree(lo: TypedTree, hi: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBoundsTree[Type] = Trees.TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi).withType(TypeBounds(lo.tpe, hi.tpe)) def Bind(sym: Symbol, body: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Bind[Type] = Trees.Bind(, body)(defPos(sym)).withType( def Alternative(trees: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): Alternative[Type] = Trees.Alternative(trees).withType(ctx.lub(trees map (_.tpe))) def UnApply(fun: TypedTree, args: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): UnApply[Type] = Trees.UnApply(fun, args).withType(fun.tpe match { case MethodType(_, paramTypes) => paramTypes.head }) def refType(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = NamedType(sym.owner.thisType, sym) def ValDef(sym: TermSymbol, rhs: TypedTree = EmptyTree)(implicit ctx: Context): ValDef[Type] = Trees.ValDef(Modifiers(sym),, TypeTree(, rhs)(defPos(sym)) .withType(refType(sym)) def DefDef(sym: TermSymbol, rhs: TypedTree = EmptyTree)(implicit ctx: Context): DefDef[Type] = { val (tparams, mtp) = match { case tp: PolyType => def paramBounds(trefs: List[TypeRef]): List[Type] = tp.paramBounds map new InstPolyMap(tp, trefs) val tparams = ctx.newTypeParams(sym, tp.paramNames, EmptyFlags, paramBounds) (tparams, tp.instantiate(tparams map (_.typeConstructor))) case tp => (Nil, tp) } def valueParamss(tp: Type): (List[List[TermSymbol]], Type) = tp match { case tp @ MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes) => def valueParam(name: TermName, info: Type): TermSymbol = ctx.newSymbol(sym, name, TermParam, info) val params = (paramNames, paramTypes) val (paramss, rtp) = valueParamss(tp.instantiate(params map (_.typeConstructor))) (params :: paramss, rtp) case tp => (Nil, tp) } val (vparamss, rtp) = valueParamss(mtp) Trees.DefDef( Modifiers(sym),, tparams map TypeDef, vparamss map (_ map (ValDef(_))), TypeTree(rtp), rhs)(defPos(sym)) .withType(refType(sym)) } def TypeDef(sym: TypeSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeDef[Type] = Trees.TypeDef(Modifiers(sym),, TypeTree( .withType(refType(sym)) def ClassDef(cls: ClassSymbol, typeParams: List[TypeSymbol], body: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): ClassDef[Type] = { val parents = map (TypeTree(_)) val selfType = if (cls.selfType eq cls.typeConstructor) EmptyValDef else ValDef(ctx.newSelfSym(cls)) def isOwnTypeParamAccessor(stat: TypedTree) = stat.symbol.owner == cls && (stat.symbol is TypeParam) val (tparamAccessors, rest) = body partition isOwnTypeParamAccessor val tparams = (typeParams map TypeDef) ++ (tparamAccessors collect { case td: TypeDef[_] if !(typeParams contains td.symbol) => td }) val findLocalDummy = new FindLocalDummyAccumulator(cls) val localDummy = ((NoSymbol: Symbol) /: body)(findLocalDummy) .orElse(ctx.newLocalDummy(cls)) val impl = Trees.Template(parents, selfType, rest) .withType(refType(localDummy)) Trees.ClassDef(Modifiers(cls),, tparams, impl)(defPos(cls)) .withType(refType(cls)) } def Import(expr: TypedTree, selectors: List[UntypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): Import[Type] = Trees.Import(expr, selectors).withType(refType(ctx.newImportSymbol(expr))) def PackageDef(pid: RefTree[Type], stats: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): PackageDef[Type] = Trees.PackageDef(pid, stats).withType(refType(pid.symbol)) def Annotated(annot: TypedTree, arg: TypedTree)(implicit ctx: Context): Annotated[Type] = Trees.Annotated(annot, arg).withType(AnnotatedType(List(Annotation(annot)), arg.tpe)) def EmptyTree: TypedTree = Trees.EmptyTree[Type] def EmptyValDef: ValDef[Type] = Trees.EmptyValDef[Type] // ---------------------------------------------------------- def New(tp: Type, args: List[TypedTree])(implicit ctx: Context): Apply[Type] = Apply( Select( New(tp), TermRef(tp.normalizedPrefix, tp.typeSymbol.primaryConstructor.asTerm)), args) } object tpd extends TypeTreeGen class FindLocalDummyAccumulator(cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context) extends TreeAccumulator[Symbol, Type] { def apply(sym: Symbol, tree: TypedTree) = if (sym.exists) sym else if (tree.isDef) { val owner = tree.symbol.owner if (owner.isLocalDummy && owner.owner == cls) owner else if (owner == cls) foldOver(sym, tree) else sym } else foldOver(sym, tree) } }