package package dotc package core import Types._ import Flags._ import Contexts._ import util.SimpleMap import reporting._ class TyperState(val reporter: Reporter = ThrowingReporter) extends DotClass { /** The current constraint set */ def constraint: Constraint = new Constraint(SimpleMap.Empty) /** The currently uninstantiated TypeVars */ def undetVars: Set[TypeVar] = Set() /** A map that records for instantiated type vars their instance type. * Used only in a temporary way for contexts that may be retracted * without also retracting the type var. */ def instType: SimpleMap[TypeVar, Type] = SimpleMap.Empty def constraint_=(c: Constraint): Unit = {} def undetVars_=(vs: Set[TypeVar]): Unit = unsupported("undetVars_=") def instType_=(m: SimpleMap[TypeVar, Type]): Unit = unsupported("instType_=") def fresh: TyperState = this def commit()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = unsupported("commit") } class MutableTyperState(previous: TyperState, reporter: Reporter) extends TyperState(reporter) { private var myConstraint: Constraint = previous.constraint private var myUndetVars: Set[TypeVar] = previous.undetVars private var myInstType: SimpleMap[TypeVar, Type] = previous.instType override def constraint = myConstraint override def undetVars = myUndetVars override def instType = myInstType override def constraint_=(c: Constraint) = myConstraint = c override def undetVars_=(vs: Set[TypeVar]) = myUndetVars = vs override def instType_=(m: SimpleMap[TypeVar, Type]): Unit = myInstType = m override def fresh: TyperState = new MutableTyperState(this, new StoreReporter) /** Commit typer state so that its information is copied into current typer state * In addition (1) the owning state of undetermined or temporarily instantiated * type variables changes from this typer state to the current one. (2) Variables * that were temporarily instantiated in the current typer state are permanently * instantiated instead. */ override def commit()(implicit ctx: Context) = { var targetState = ctx.typerState targetState.constraint = constraint targetState.undetVars = undetVars targetState.instType = instType def adjustOwningState(tvar: TypeVar) = if (tvar.owningState eq this) tvar.owningState = targetState undetVars foreach adjustOwningState instType foreachKey { case tvar: TypeVar => adjustOwningState(tvar) if (tvar.owningState == targetState) { tvar.inst = instType(tvar) targetState.instType = targetState.instType remove tvar } } reporter.flush() } }