package package core import util.common._ import Symbols._ import Flags._ import Names._ import StdNames._, NameOps._ import Scopes._ import Constants._ import Contexts._ import Annotations._ import SymDenotations._ import Decorators._ import Denotations._ import Periods._ import util.Positions.Position import util.Stats._ import util.{DotClass, SimpleMap} import ast.tpd._ import ast.TreeTypeMap import printing.Texts._ import ast.untpd import import printing.Printer import Hashable._ import Uniques._ import collection.{mutable, Seq, breakOut} import config.Config import config.Printers._ import annotation.tailrec import language.implicitConversions object Types { private var recCount = 0 // used temporarily for debugging. TODO: remove private var nextId = 0 /** The class of types. * The principal subclasses and sub-objects are as follows: * * Type -+- ProxyType --+- NamedType ----+--- TypeRef * | | \ * | +- SingletonType-+-+- TermRef * | | | * | | +--- ThisType * | | +--- SuperType * | | +--- ConstantType * | | +--- MethodParam * | | +--- RefinedThis * | +- PolyParam * | +- RefinedType * | +- TypeBounds * | +- ExprType * | +- AnnotatedType * | +- TypeVar * | * +- GroundType -+- AndType * +- OrType * +- MethodType -----+- ImplicitMethodType * | +- JavaMethodType * +- PolyType * +- ClassInfo * | * +- NoType * +- NoPrefix * +- ErrorType * +- WildcardType */ abstract class Type extends DotClass with Hashable with printing.Showable { // ----- Tests ----------------------------------------------------- val uniqId = { nextId = nextId + 1 // if(nextId == 19555) // println("foo") nextId } /** Is this type different from NoType? */ def exists: Boolean = true /** This type, if it exists, otherwise `that` type */ def orElse(that: => Type) = if (exists) this else that /** Is this type a value type? */ final def isValueType: Boolean = this.isInstanceOf[ValueType] /** Does this type denote a stable reference (i.e. singleton type)? */ final def isStable(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = this match { case tp: TermRef => tp.termSymbol.isStable case _: SingletonType => true case NoPrefix => true case _ => false } /** Is this type a (possibly aliased and/or partially applied) type reference * to the given type symbol? * @sym The symbol to compare to. It must be a class symbol or abstract type. * It makes no sense for it to be an alias type because isRef would always * return false in that case. */ def isRef(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = stripTypeVar match { case this1: TypeRef => val thissym = this1.symbol if (thissym.isAliasType) else thissym eq sym case this1: RefinedType => // make sure all refinements are type arguments this1.parent.isRef(sym) && this.argInfos.nonEmpty case _ => false } /** Is this type a (neither aliased nor applied) reference to class `sym`? */ def isDirectRef(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = stripTypeVar match { case this1: TypeRef => == && // avoid forcing info if names differ (this1.symbol eq sym) case _ => false } /** Is this type an instance of a non-bottom subclass of the given class `cls`? */ final def derivesFrom(cls: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = this match { case tp: TypeRef => val sym = tp.symbol if (sym.isClass) sym.derivesFrom(cls) else tp.underlying.derivesFrom(cls) case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.derivesFrom(cls) case tp: AndType => tp.tp1.derivesFrom(cls) || tp.tp2.derivesFrom(cls) case tp: OrType => tp.tp1.derivesFrom(cls) && tp.tp2.derivesFrom(cls) case tp: JavaArrayType => cls == defn.ObjectClass case _ => false } /** A type T is a legal prefix in a type selection T#A if * T is stable or T contains no abstract types except possibly A. * !!! Todo: What about non-final vals that contain abstract types? */ final def isLegalPrefixFor(selector: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = isStable || { val absTypeNames = memberNames(abstractTypeNameFilter) if (absTypeNames.nonEmpty) typr.println(s"abstract type members of ${this.showWithUnderlying()}: $absTypeNames") absTypeNames.isEmpty || absTypeNames.head == selector && absTypeNames.tail.isEmpty } /** Is this type guaranteed not to have `null` as a value? * For the moment this is only true for modules, but it could * be refined later. */ final def isNotNull(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = classSymbol is ModuleClass /** Is this type produced as a repair for an error? */ final def isError(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = stripTypeVar match { case ErrorType => true case tp => (tp.typeSymbol is Erroneous) || (tp.termSymbol is Erroneous) } /** Is some part of this type produced as a repair for an error? */ final def isErroneous(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = existsPart(_.isError) /** Does the type carry an annotation that is an instance of `cls`? */ final def hasAnnotation(cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = stripTypeVar match { case AnnotatedType(annot, tp) => (annot matches cls) || (tp hasAnnotation cls) case _ => false } /** Does this type occur as a part of type `that`? */ final def occursIn(that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = that existsPart (this == _) /** Is this a type of a repeated parameter? */ def isRepeatedParam(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = typeSymbol eq defn.RepeatedParamClass /** Is this the type of a method that has a repeated parameter type as * last parameter type? */ def isVarArgsMethod(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = this match { case tp: PolyType => tp.resultType.isVarArgsMethod case MethodType(_, paramTypes) => paramTypes.nonEmpty && paramTypes.last.isRepeatedParam case _ => false } /** Is this an alias TypeBounds? */ def isAlias: Boolean = this match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => lo eq hi case _ => false } /** Is this type a transitive refinement of the given type? * This is true if the type consists of 0 or more refinements or other * non-singleton proxies that lead to the `prefix` type. ClassInfos with * the same class are counted as equal for this purpose. */ def refines(prefix: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = { val prefix1 = prefix.dealias def loop(tp: Type): Boolean = (tp eq prefix1) || { tp match { case base: ClassInfo => prefix1 match { case prefix1: ClassInfo => base.cls eq prefix1.cls case _ => false } case base: SingletonType => false case base: TypeProxy => loop(base.underlying) case _ => false } } loop(this) } // ----- Higher-order combinators ----------------------------------- /** Returns true if there is a part of this type that satisfies predicate `p`. */ final def existsPart(p: Type => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = new ExistsAccumulator(p).apply(false, this) /** Returns true if all parts of this type satisfy predicate `p`. */ final def forallParts(p: Type => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = !existsPart(!p(_)) /** Performs operation on all parts of this type */ final def foreachPart(p: Type => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = new ForeachAccumulator(p).apply((), this) /** The parts of this type which are type or term refs */ final def namedParts(implicit ctx: Context): collection.Set[NamedType] = namedPartsWith(alwaysTrue) /** The parts of this type which are type or term refs and which * satisfy predicate `p`. */ def namedPartsWith(p: NamedType => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): collection.Set[NamedType] = new NamedPartsAccumulator(p).apply(mutable.LinkedHashSet(), this) /** Map function `f` over elements of an AndType, rebuilding with function `g` */ def mapReduceAnd[T](f: Type => T)(g: (T, T) => T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = stripTypeVar match { case AndType(tp1, tp2) => g(tp1.mapReduceAnd(f)(g), tp2.mapReduceAnd(f)(g)) case _ => f(this) } /** Map function `f` over elements of an OrType, rebuilding with function `g` */ final def mapReduceOr[T](f: Type => T)(g: (T, T) => T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = stripTypeVar match { case OrType(tp1, tp2) => g(tp1.mapReduceOr(f)(g), tp2.mapReduceOr(f)(g)) case _ => f(this) } // ----- Associated symbols ---------------------------------------------- /** The type symbol associated with the type */ final def typeSymbol(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = this match { case tp: TypeRef => tp.symbol case tp: ClassInfo => tp.cls // case ThisType(cls) => cls // needed? case tp: SingletonType => NoSymbol case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.typeSymbol case _ => NoSymbol } /** The least class or trait of which this type is a subtype, or * NoSymbol if none exists (either because this type is not a * value type, or because superclasses are ambiguous). */ final def classSymbol(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = this match { case ConstantType(constant) => constant.tpe.classSymbol case tp: TypeRef => val sym = tp.symbol if (sym.isClass) sym else tp.underlying.classSymbol case tp: ClassInfo => tp.cls case tp: SingletonType => NoSymbol case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.classSymbol case AndType(l, r) => val lsym = l.classSymbol val rsym = r.classSymbol if (lsym isSubClass rsym) lsym else if (rsym isSubClass lsym) rsym else NoSymbol case OrType(l, r) => // TODO does not conform to spec val lsym = l.classSymbol val rsym = r.classSymbol if (lsym isSubClass rsym) rsym else if (rsym isSubClass lsym) lsym else NoSymbol case _ => NoSymbol } /** The least (wrt <:<) set of class symbols of which this type is a subtype */ final def classSymbols(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassSymbol] = this match { case tp: ClassInfo => tp.cls :: Nil case tp: TypeRef => val sym = tp.symbol if (sym.isClass) sym.asClass :: Nil else tp.underlying.classSymbols case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.classSymbols case AndType(l, r) => l.classSymbols union r.classSymbols case OrType(l, r) => l.classSymbols intersect r.classSymbols // TODO does not conform to spec case _ => Nil } /** The term symbol associated with the type */ final def termSymbol(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = this match { case tp: TermRef => tp.symbol case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.termSymbol case _ => NoSymbol } /** The base classes of this type as determined by ClassDenotation * in linearization order, with the class itself as first element. * For AndTypes/OrTypes, the union/intersection of the operands' baseclasses. * Inherited by all type proxies. `Nil` for all other types. */ final def baseClasses(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassSymbol] = track("baseClasses") { this match { case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.baseClasses case tp: ClassInfo => tp.cls.baseClasses case AndType(tp1, tp2) => tp1.baseClasses union tp2.baseClasses case OrType(tp1, tp2) => tp1.baseClasses intersect tp2.baseClasses case _ => Nil } } // ----- Member access ------------------------------------------------- /** The scope of all declarations of this type. * Defined by ClassInfo, inherited by type proxies. * Empty scope for all other types. */ final def decls(implicit ctx: Context): Scope = this match { case tp: ClassInfo => tp.decls case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.decls case _ => EmptyScope } /** A denotation containing the declaration(s) in this type with the given name. * The result is either a SymDenotation or a MultiDenotation of SymDenotations. * The info(s) are the original symbol infos, no translation takes place. */ final def decl(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = track("decl") { findDecl(name, EmptyFlags) } /** A denotation containing the non-private declaration(s) in this type with the given name */ final def nonPrivateDecl(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = track("nonPrivateDecl") { findDecl(name, Private) } /** A denotation containing the declaration(s) in this type with the given * name, as seen from prefix type `pre`. Declarations that have a flag * in `excluded` are omitted. */ final def findDecl(name: Name, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = this match { case tp: ClassInfo => tp.decls.denotsNamed(name).filterExcluded(excluded).toDenot(NoPrefix) case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.findDecl(name, excluded) case ErrorType => ctx.newErrorSymbol(classSymbol orElse defn.RootClass, name) case _ => NoDenotation } /** The member of this type with the given name */ final def member(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = /*>|>*/ track("member") /*<|<*/ { findMember(name, widenIfUnstable, EmptyFlags) } /** The non-private member of this type with the given name. */ final def nonPrivateMember(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = track("nonPrivateMember") { findMember(name, widenIfUnstable, Flags.Private) } /** Find member of this type with given name and * produce a denotation that contains the type of the member * as seen from given prefix `pre`. Exclude all members that have * flags in `excluded` from consideration. */ final def findMember(name: Name, pre: Type, excluded: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = try { recCount += 1 assert(recCount < 40) @tailrec def go(tp: Type): Denotation = tp match { case tp: RefinedType => if (name eq tp.refinedName) goRefined(tp) else go(tp.parent) case tp: ThisType => goThis(tp) case tp: TypeRef => tp.denot.findMember(name, pre, excluded) case tp: TermRef => go (tp.underlying match { case mt: MethodType if mt.paramTypes.isEmpty && (tp.symbol is Stable) => mt.resultType case tp1 => tp1 }) case tp: TypeProxy => go(tp.underlying) case tp: ClassInfo => tp.cls.findMember(name, pre, excluded) case AndType(l, r) => goAnd(l, r) case OrType(l, r) => goOr(l, r) case tp: JavaArrayType => defn.ObjectType.findMember(name, pre, excluded) case ErrorType => ctx.newErrorSymbol(pre.classSymbol orElse defn.RootClass, name) case _ => NoDenotation } def goRefined(tp: RefinedType) = { val pdenot = go(tp.parent) val rinfo = tp.refinedInfo.substThis(tp, pre) if (name.isTypeName) { // simplified case that runs more efficiently val jointInfo = if (rinfo.isAlias) rinfo else & rinfo pdenot.asSingleDenotation.derivedSingleDenotation(pdenot.symbol, jointInfo) } else pdenot & (new JointRefDenotation(NoSymbol, rinfo, Period.allInRun(ctx.runId)), pre) } def goThis(tp: ThisType) = { val d = go(tp.underlying) if (d.exists) d else // There is a special case to handle: // trait Super { this: Sub => private class Inner {} println(this.Inner) } // class Sub extends Super // When resolving Super.this.Inner, the normal logic goes to the self type and // looks for Inner from there. But this fails because Inner is private. // We fix the problem by having the following fallback case, which links up the // member in Super instead of Sub. // As an example of this in the wild, see // loadClassWithPrivateInnerAndSubSelf in ShowClassTests go(tp.cls.typeRef) orElse d } def goAnd(l: Type, r: Type) = go(l) & (go(r), pre) def goOr(l: Type, r: Type) = go(l) | (go(r), pre) go(this) } catch { case ex: MergeError => throw new MergeError(s"${ex.getMessage} as members of type ${}") case ex: Throwable => println(i"findMember exception for $this: ${this.widen} member $name") throw ex // DEBUG } finally { recCount -= 1 } /** The set of names of members of this type that pass the given name filter * when seen as members of `pre`. More precisely, these are all * of members `name` such that `keepOnly(pre, name)` is `true`. * @note: OK to use a Set[Name] here because Name hashcodes are replayable, * hence the Set will always give the same names in the same order. */ final def memberNames(keepOnly: NameFilter, pre: Type = this)(implicit ctx: Context): Set[Name] = this match { case tp: ClassInfo => tp.cls.memberNames(keepOnly) filter (keepOnly(pre, _)) case tp: RefinedType => val ns = tp.parent.memberNames(keepOnly, pre) if (keepOnly(pre, tp.refinedName)) ns + tp.refinedName else ns case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.memberNames(keepOnly, pre) case tp: AndType => tp.tp1.memberNames(keepOnly, pre) | tp.tp2.memberNames(keepOnly, pre) case tp: OrType => tp.tp1.memberNames(keepOnly, pre) & tp.tp2.memberNames(keepOnly, pre) case _ => Set() } def memberDenots(keepOnly: NameFilter, f: (Name, mutable.Buffer[SingleDenotation]) => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context): Seq[SingleDenotation] = { val buf = mutable.ArrayBuffer[SingleDenotation]() for (name <- memberNames(keepOnly)) f(name, buf) buf } /** The set of abstract term members of this type. */ final def abstractTermMembers(implicit ctx: Context): Seq[SingleDenotation] = track("abstractTermMembers") { memberDenots(abstractTermNameFilter, (name, buf) => buf ++= member(name).altsWith(_ is Deferred)) } /** The set of abstract type members of this type. */ final def abstractTypeMembers(implicit ctx: Context): Seq[SingleDenotation] = track("abstractTypeMembers") { memberDenots(abstractTypeNameFilter, (name, buf) => buf += member(name).asSingleDenotation) } /** The set of type members of this type */ final def typeMembers(implicit ctx: Context): Seq[SingleDenotation] = track("typeMembers") { memberDenots(typeNameFilter, (name, buf) => buf += member(name).asSingleDenotation) } /** The set of implicit members of this type */ final def implicitMembers(implicit ctx: Context): List[TermRef] = track("implicitMembers") { memberDenots(implicitFilter, (name, buf) => buf ++= member(name).altsWith(_ is Implicit)) => TermRef.withSig(this, d.symbol.asTerm)) } /** The info of `sym`, seen as a member of this type. */ final def memberInfo(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =, sym.owner) /** This type seen as if it were the type of a member of prefix type `pre` * declared in class `cls`. */ final def asSeenFrom(pre: Type, cls: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = track("asSeenFrom") { if (!cls.membersNeedAsSeenFrom(pre)) this else ctx.asSeenFrom(this, pre, cls, null) } // ----- Subtype-related -------------------------------------------- /** Is this type a subtype of that type? */ final def <:<(that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = track("<:<") { ctx.typeComparer.topLevelSubType(this, that) } /** Is this type the same as that type? * This is the case iff `this <:< that` and `that <:< this`. */ final def =:=(that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = track("=:=") { ctx.typeComparer.isSameType(this, that) } /** Is this type a legal type for a member that overrides another * member of type `that`? This is the same as `<:<`, except that * the types ()T and => T are identified, and T is seen as overriding * either type. */ final def overrides(that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { def result(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case ExprType(_) | MethodType(Nil, _) => tp.resultType case _ => tp } this <:< that || { val rthat = result(that) (rthat ne that) && result(this) <:< rthat } } /** Is this type close enough to that type so that members * with the two type would override each other?d * This means: * - Either both types are polytypes with the same number of * type parameters and their result types match after renaming * corresponding type parameters * - Or both types are (possibly nullary) method types with equivalent parameter types * and matching result types * - Or both types are equivalent * - Or phase.erasedTypes is false and both types are neither method nor * poly types. */ def matches(that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = if (Config.newMatch) this.signature matches that.signature else track("matches") { ctx.typeComparer.matchesType( this, that, alwaysMatchSimple = !ctx.phase.erasedTypes) } /** This is the same as `matches` except that it also matches => T with T and * vice versa. */ def matchesLoosely(that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = (this matches that) || { val thisResult = this.widenExpr val thatResult = that.widenExpr (this eq thisResult) != (that eq thatResult) && (thisResult matchesLoosely thatResult) } /** The basetype TypeRef of this type with given class symbol, * but without including any type arguments */ final def baseTypeRef(base: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = /*ctx.traceIndented(s"$this baseTypeRef $base")*/ /*>|>*/ track("baseTypeRef") /*<|<*/ { base.denot match { case classd: ClassDenotation => classd.baseTypeRefOf(this) case _ => NoType } } def & (that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = track("&") { ctx.typeComparer.glb(this, that) } def | (that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = track("|") { ctx.typeComparer.lub(this, that) } // ----- Unwrapping types ----------------------------------------------- /** Map a TypeVar to either its instance if it is instantiated, or its origin, * if not, until the result is no longer a TypeVar. Identity on all other types. */ def stripTypeVar(implicit ctx: Context): Type = this /** Widen from singleton type to its underlying non-singleton * base type by applying one or more `underlying` dereferences, * Also go from => T to T. * Identity for all other types. Example: * * class Outer { class C ; val x: C } * def o: Outer * .widen = o.C */ final def widen(implicit ctx: Context): Type = widenSingleton match { case tp: ExprType => tp.resultType.widen case tp => tp } /** Widen from singleton type to its underlying non-singleton * base type by applying one or more `underlying` dereferences. */ final def widenSingleton(implicit ctx: Context): Type = stripTypeVar match { case tp: SingletonType if !tp.isOverloaded => tp.underlying.widenSingleton case _ => this } /** Widen from ExprType type to its result type. * (Note: no stripTypeVar needed because TypeVar's can't refer to ExprTypes.) */ final def widenExpr: Type = this match { case tp: ExprType => tp.resultType case _ => this } /** Widen type if it is unstable (i.e. an EpxprType, or Termref to unstable symbol */ final def widenIfUnstable(implicit ctx: Context): Type = stripTypeVar match { case tp: ExprType => tp.resultType.widenIfUnstable case tp: TermRef if !tp.symbol.isStable => tp.underlying.widenIfUnstable case _ => this } /** Follow aliases and derefernces LazyRefs and instantiated TypeVars until type * is no longer alias type, LazyRef, or instantiated type variable. */ final def dealias(implicit ctx: Context): Type = this match { case tp: TypeRef => match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo eq hi => hi.dealias case _ => tp } case tp: TypeVar => val tp1 = tp.instanceOpt if (tp1.exists) tp1.dealias else tp case tp: LazyRef => tp.ref.dealias case tp => tp } /** Peform successive widenings and dealiasings until none can be applied anymore */ final def widenDealias(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val res = this.widen.dealias if (res eq this) res else res.widenDealias } /** Widen from constant type to its underlying non-constant * base type. */ final def deconst(implicit ctx: Context): Type = stripTypeVar match { case tp: ConstantType => tp.value.tpe case _ => this } /** If this is a refinement type, the unrefined parent, * else the type itself. */ final def unrefine(implicit ctx: Context): Type = stripTypeVar match { case tp @ RefinedType(tycon, _) => tycon.unrefine case _ => this } /** If this is a (possibly aliased, annotated, and/or parameterized) reference to * a class, the class type ref, otherwise NoType. */ def underlyingClassRef(implicit ctx: Context): Type = dealias match { case tp: TypeRef => if (tp.symbol.isClass) tp else if (tp.symbol.isAliasType) tp.underlying.underlyingClassRef else NoType case tp: TypeVar => tp.underlying.underlyingClassRef case tp: AnnotatedType => tp.underlying.underlyingClassRef case tp: RefinedType => tp.underlying.underlyingClassRef case _ => NoType } /** The chain of underlying types as long as type is a TypeProxy. * Useful for diagnostics */ def underlyingChain(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = this match { case tp: TypeProxy => tp :: tp.underlying.underlyingChain case _ => Nil } /** A prefix-less refined this or a termRef to a new skolem symbol * that has the given type as info */ def narrow(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = TermRef(NoPrefix, ctx.newSkolem(this)) // ----- Normalizing typerefs over refined types ---------------------------- /** If this is a refinement type that has a refinement for `name` (which might be followed * by other refinements), and the refined info is a type alias, return the alias, * otherwise return NoType. Used to reduce types of the form * * P { ... type T = / += / -= U ... } # T * * to just U. Does not perform the reduction if the resulting type would contain * a reference to the "this" of the current refined type. */ def lookupRefined(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { def dependsOnRefinedThis(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.stripTypeVar match { case tp @ TypeRef(RefinedThis(rt), _) if rt refines this => match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo eq hi => dependsOnRefinedThis(hi) case _ => true } case RefinedThis(rt) => rt refines this case tp: NamedType => !tp.symbol.isStatic && dependsOnRefinedThis(tp.prefix) case tp: RefinedType => dependsOnRefinedThis(tp.refinedInfo) || dependsOnRefinedThis(tp.parent) case tp: TypeBounds => dependsOnRefinedThis(tp.lo) || dependsOnRefinedThis(tp.hi) case tp: AnnotatedType => dependsOnRefinedThis(tp.underlying) case tp: AndOrType => dependsOnRefinedThis(tp.tp1) || dependsOnRefinedThis(tp.tp2) case _ => false } def loop(pre: Type): Type = pre.stripTypeVar match { case pre: RefinedType => if (pre.refinedName ne name) loop(pre.parent) else this.member(name).info match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if (lo eq hi) && !dependsOnRefinedThis(hi) => hi case _ => NoType } case RefinedThis(rt) => rt.lookupRefined(name) case pre: WildcardType => WildcardType case _ => NoType } loop(this) } /** The type , reduced if possible */ def select(name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = name match { case name: TermName => TermRef.all(this, name) case name: TypeName => TypeRef(this, name).reduceProjection } /** The type , reduced if possible, with given denotation if unreduced */ def select(name: Name, denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = name match { case name: TermName => TermRef(this, name, denot) case name: TypeName => TypeRef(this, name, denot).reduceProjection } /** The type with given symbol, reduced if possible */ def select(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (sym.isTerm) TermRef(this, sym.asTerm) else TypeRef(this, sym.asType).reduceProjection // ----- Access to parts -------------------------------------------- /** The normalized prefix of this type is: * For an alias type, the normalized prefix of its alias * For all other named type and class infos: the prefix. * Inherited by all other type proxies. * `NoType` for all other types. */ final def normalizedPrefix(implicit ctx: Context): Type = this match { case tp: NamedType => if ( else tp.prefix case tp: ClassInfo => tp.prefix case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.normalizedPrefix case _ => NoType } /** For a ClassInfo type, its parents, * Inherited by all type proxies. Empty for all other types. * Overwritten in ClassInfo, where parents is cached. */ def parents(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeRef] = this match { case tp: TypeProxy => tp.underlying.parents case _ => List() } /** The first parent of this type, AnyRef if list of parents is empty */ def firstParent(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef = parents match { case p :: _ => p case _ => defn.AnyClass.typeRef } /** The parameter types of a PolyType or MethodType, Empty list for others */ final def paramTypess: List[List[Type]] = this match { case mt: MethodType => mt.paramTypes :: mt.resultType.paramTypess case pt: PolyType => pt.resultType.paramTypess case _ => Nil } /** The parameter types in the first parameter section of a PolyType or MethodType, Empty list for others */ final def firstParamTypes: List[Type] = this match { case mt: MethodType => mt.paramTypes case pt: PolyType => pt.resultType.firstParamTypes case _ => Nil } /** Is this either not a method at all, or a parameterless method? */ final def isParameterless: Boolean = this match { case mt: MethodType => false case pt: PolyType => pt.resultType.isParameterless case _ => true } /** The resultType of a PolyType, MethodType, or ExprType, the type itself for others */ def resultType: Type = this /** The final result type of a PolyType, MethodType, or ExprType, after skipping * all parameter sections, the type itself for all others. */ def finalResultType: Type = resultType match { case mt: MethodType => mt.resultType.finalResultType case pt: PolyType => pt.resultType.finalResultType case _ => resultType } /** This type seen as a TypeBounds */ final def bounds(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = this match { case tp: TypeBounds => tp case ci: ClassInfo => TypeAlias(ci.typeRef) case wc: WildcardType => wc.optBounds match { case bounds: TypeBounds => bounds case NoType => TypeBounds.empty } case _ => TypeAlias(this) } /** The type parameter with given `name`. This tries first `decls` * in order not to provoke a cycle by forcing the info. If that yields * no symbol it tries `member` as an alternative. */ def typeParamNamed(name: TypeName)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = classSymbol.decls.lookup(name) orElse member(name).symbol /** If this is a prototype with some ignored component, reveal one more * layer of it. Otherwise the type itself. */ def deepenProto(implicit ctx: Context): Type = this // ----- Substitutions ----------------------------------------------------- /** Substitute all types that refer in their symbol attribute to * one of the symbols in `from` by the corresponding types in `to`. */ final def subst(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (from.isEmpty) this else { val from1 = from.tail if (from1.isEmpty) ctx.subst1(this, from.head, to.head, null) else { val from2 = from1.tail if (from2.isEmpty) ctx.subst2(this, from.head, to.head, from1.head, to.tail.head, null) else ctx.subst(this, from, to, null) } } /** Same as `subst` but follows aliases as a fallback. When faced with a reference * to an alias type, where normal substiution does not yield a new type, the * substitution is instead applied to the alias. If that yields a new type, * this type is returned, outherwise the original type (not the alias) is returned. * A use case for this method is if one wants to substitute the type parameters * of a class and also wants to substitute any parameter accessors that alias * the type parameters. */ final def substDealias(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.substDealias(this, from, to, null) /** Substitute all types of the form `PolyParam(from, N)` by * `PolyParam(to, N)`. */ final def subst(from: BindingType, to: BindingType)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.subst(this, from, to, null) /** Substitute all occurrences of `This(cls)` by `tp` */ final def substThis(cls: ClassSymbol, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.substThis(this, cls, tp, null) /** As substThis, but only is class is a static owner (i.e. a globally accessible object) */ final def substThisUnlessStatic(cls: ClassSymbol, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (cls.isStaticOwner) this else ctx.substThis(this, cls, tp, null) /** Substitute all occurrences of `RefinedThis(rt)` by `tp` */ final def substThis(rt: RefinedType, tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.substThis(this, rt, tp, null) /** Substitute a bound type by some other type */ final def substParam(from: ParamType, to: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.substParam(this, from, to, null) /** Substitute bound types by some other types */ final def substParams(from: BindingType, to: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.substParams(this, from, to, null) /** Substitute all occurrences of symbols in `from` by references to corresponding symbols in `to` */ final def substSym(from: List[Symbol], to: List[Symbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = ctx.substSym(this, from, to, null) // ----- misc ----------------------------------------------------------- /** Turn type into a function type. * @pre this is a non-dependent method type. * @param drop The number of trailing parameters that should be dropped * when forming the function type. */ def toFunctionType(dropLast: Int = 0)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = this match { case mt @ MethodType(_, formals) if !mt.isDependent => val formals1 = if (dropLast == 0) formals else formals dropRight dropLast defn.FunctionType( formals1 mapConserve (_.underlyingIfRepeated(mt.isJava)), mt.resultType) } /** The signature of this type. This is by default NotAMethod, * but is overridden for PolyTypes, MethodTypes, and TermRefWithSignature types. * (the reason why we deviate from the "final-method-with-pattern-match-in-base-class" * pattern is that method signatures use caching, so encapsulation * is improved using an OO scheme). */ def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = Signature.NotAMethod /** Convert to text */ def toText(printer: Printer): Text = printer.toText(this) /** Utility method to show the underlying type of a TypeProxy chain together * with the proxy type itself. */ def showWithUnderlying(n: Int = 1)(implicit ctx: Context): String = this match { case tp: TypeProxy if n > 0 => s"$show with underlying ${tp.underlying.showWithUnderlying(n - 1)}" case _ => show } type VarianceMap = SimpleMap[TypeVar, Integer] /** All occurrences of type vars in this type that satisfy predicate * `include` mapped to their variances (-1/0/1) in this type, where * -1 means: only covariant occurrences * +1 means: only covariant occurrences * 0 means: mixed or non-variant occurrences */ def variances(include: TypeVar => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): VarianceMap = track("variances") { val accu = new TypeAccumulator[VarianceMap] { def apply(vmap: VarianceMap, t: Type): VarianceMap = t match { case t: TypeVar if !t.isInstantiated && (ctx.typerState.constraint contains t) && include(t) => val v = vmap(t) if (v == null) vmap.updated(t, variance) else if (v == variance) vmap else vmap.updated(t, 0) case _ => foldOver(vmap, t) } } accu(SimpleMap.Empty, this) } /** A simplified version of this type which is equivalent wrt =:= to this type. * This applies a typemap to the type which (as all typemaps) follows type * variable instances and reduces typerefs over refined types. It also * re-evaluates all occurrences of And/OrType with &/| because * what was a union or intersection of type variables might be a simpler type * after the type variables are instantiated. Finally, it * maps poly params in the current constraint set back to their type vars. */ def simplified(implicit ctx: Context) = ctx.simplify(this, null) /** Approximations of union types: We replace a union type Tn | ... | Tn * by the smallest intersection type of baseclass instances of T1,...,Tn. * Example: Given * * trait C[+T] * trait D * class A extends C[A] with D * class B extends C[B] with D with E * * we approximate `A | B` by `C[A | B] with D` */ def approximateUnion(implicit ctx: Context) = ctx.approximateUnion(this) /** customized hash code of this type. * NotCached for uncached types. Cached types * compute hash and use it as the type's hashCode. */ def hash: Int } // end Type // ----- Type categories ---------------------------------------------- /** A marker trait for cached types */ trait CachedType extends Type /** A marker trait for type proxies. * Each implementation is expected to redefine the `underlying` method. */ abstract class TypeProxy extends Type { /** The type to which this proxy forwards operations. */ def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type } // Every type has to inherit one of the following four abstract type classes., // which determine whether the type is cached, and whether // it is a proxy of some other type. The duplication in their methods // is for efficiency. /** Instances of this class are cached and are not proxies. */ abstract class CachedGroundType extends Type with CachedType { private[this] var myHash = HashUnknown final def hash = { if (myHash == HashUnknown) { myHash = computeHash if (myHash == HashUnknown) myHash = HashUnknownAlt } myHash } override final def hashCode = if (hash == NotCached) System.identityHashCode(this) else hash def computeHash: Int } /** Instances of this class are cached and are proxies. */ abstract class CachedProxyType extends TypeProxy with CachedType { protected[this] var myHash = HashUnknown final def hash = { if (myHash == HashUnknown) { myHash = computeHash if (myHash == HashUnknown) myHash = HashUnknownAlt } myHash } override final def hashCode = if (hash == NotCached) System.identityHashCode(this) else hash def computeHash: Int } /** Instances of this class are uncached and are not proxies. */ abstract class UncachedGroundType extends Type { final def hash = NotCached if (monitored) { record(s"uncachable") record(s"uncachable: $getClass") } } /** Instances of this class are uncached and are proxies. */ abstract class UncachedProxyType extends TypeProxy { final def hash = NotCached if (monitored) { record(s"uncachable") record(s"uncachable: $getClass") } } /** A marker trait for types that apply only to type symbols */ trait TypeType extends Type /** A marker trait for types that apply only to term symbols */ trait TermType extends Type /** A marker trait for types that can be types of values or prototypes of value types */ trait ValueTypeOrProto extends TermType /** A marker trait for types that can be types of values */ trait ValueType extends ValueTypeOrProto /** A marker trait for types that are guaranteed to contain only a * single non-null value (they might contain null in addition). */ trait SingletonType extends TypeProxy with ValueType { def isOverloaded(implicit ctx: Context) = false } /** A marker trait for types that bind other types that refer to them. * Instances are: PolyType, MethodType, RefinedType. */ trait BindingType extends Type /** A trait for proto-types, used as expected types in typer */ trait ProtoType extends Type { def isMatchedBy(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean def fold[T](x: T, ta: TypeAccumulator[T])(implicit ctx: Context): T def map(tm: TypeMap)(implicit ctx: Context): ProtoType } /** Implementations of this trait cache the resukts of `narrow`. */ trait NarrowCached extends Type { private var myNarrow: TermRef = null override def narrow(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = { if (myNarrow eq null) myNarrow = super.narrow myNarrow } } // --- NamedTypes ------------------------------------------------------------------ /** A NamedType of the form Prefix # name */ abstract class NamedType extends CachedProxyType with ValueType { val prefix: Type val name: Name type ThisType >: this.type <: NamedType assert(prefix.isValueType || (prefix eq NoPrefix), s"invalid prefix $prefix") private[this] var lastDenotation: Denotation = _ private[this] var lastSymbol: Symbol = _ private[this] var checkedPeriod = Nowhere // Invariants: // (1) checkedPeriod != Nowhere => lastDenotation != null // (2) lastDenotation != null => lastSymbol != null /** There is a denotation computed which is valid (somewhere in) the * current run. */ def denotationIsCurrent(implicit ctx: Context) = lastDenotation != null && lastDenotation.validFor.runId == ctx.runId /** The the denotation is current, its symbol, otherwise NoDenotation. * * Note: This operation does not force the denotation, and is therefore * timing dependent. It should only be used if the outcome of the * essential computation does not depend on the symbol being present or not. * It's currently used to take an optimized path in substituters and * type accumulators, as well as to be safe in diagnostiic printing. * Normally, it's better to use `symbol`, not `currentSymbol`. */ def currentSymbol(implicit ctx: Context) = if (denotationIsCurrent) symbol else NoSymbol /** The denotation currently denoted by this type */ final def denot(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = { val now = ctx.period if (checkedPeriod == now) lastDenotation else denotAt(now) } /** A first fall back to do a somewhat more expensive calculation in case the first * attempt in `denot` does not yield a denotation. */ private def denotAt(now: Period)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = { val d = lastDenotation if (d != null && (d.validFor contains now)) { checkedPeriod = now d } else computeDenot } /** A second fallback to recompute the denotation if necessary */ private def computeDenot(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = { val savedEphemeral = ctx.typerState.ephemeral ctx.typerState.ephemeral = false try { val d = lastDenotation match { case null => val sym = lastSymbol if (sym == null) loadDenot else denotOfSym(sym) case d: SymDenotation => if ( d.validFor.runId == ctx.runId || ctx.stillValid(d) || this.isInstanceOf[WithFixedSym]) d.current else { val newd = loadDenot if (newd.exists) newd else d.staleSymbolError } case d => if (d.validFor.runId != ctx.period.runId) loadDenot // The following branch was used to avoid an assertErased error. // It's idea was to void keeping non-sym denotations after erasure // since they violate the assertErased contract. But the problem is // that when seen again in an earlier phase the denotation is // still seen as a SymDenotation, whereas it should be a SingleDenotation. // That's why the branch is disabled. // // else if (ctx.erasedTypes && lastSymbol != null) // denotOfSym(lastSymbol) else d.current } if (ctx.typerState.ephemeral) record("ephemeral cache miss: loadDenot") else if (d.exists) { // Avoid storing NoDenotations in the cache - we will not be able to recover from // them. The situation might arise that a type has NoDenotation in some later // phase but a defined denotation earlier (e.g. a TypeRef to an abstract type // is undefined after erasure.) We need to be able to do time travel back and // forth also in these cases. lastDenotation = d lastSymbol = d.symbol checkedPeriod = ctx.period } d } finally ctx.typerState.ephemeral |= savedEphemeral } private def denotOfSym(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = { val d = sym.denot val owner = d.owner if (owner.isTerm) d else d.asSeenFrom(prefix) } private def checkSymAssign(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = assert( (lastSymbol eq sym) || (lastSymbol eq null) || (lastSymbol.defRunId != sym.defRunId) || (lastSymbol.defRunId == NoRunId) || (lastSymbol.infoOrCompleter == ErrorType || defn.overriddenBySynthetic.contains(lastSymbol) // for overriddenBySynthetic symbols a TermRef such as SomeCaseClass.this.hashCode // might be rewritten from Object#hashCode to the hashCode generated at SyntheticMethods ), s"data race? overwriting symbol of ${} / $this / ${this.getClass} / ${} / ${}") protected def sig: Signature = Signature.NotAMethod private[dotc] def withDenot(denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): ThisType = if (sig != denot.signature) withSig(denot.signature).withDenot(denot).asInstanceOf[ThisType] else { setDenot(denot) this } private[dotc] final def setDenot(denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { if (Config.checkNoDoubleBindings) if (ctx.settings.YnoDoubleBindings.value) checkSymAssign(denot.symbol) lastDenotation = denot lastSymbol = denot.symbol } private[dotc] def withSym(sym: Symbol, signature: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): ThisType = if (sig != signature) withSig(signature).withSym(sym, signature).asInstanceOf[ThisType] else { setSym(sym) this } private[dotc] final def setSym(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { if (Config.checkNoDoubleBindings) if (ctx.settings.YnoDoubleBindings.value) checkSymAssign(sym) uncheckedSetSym(sym) } private[dotc] final def uncheckedSetSym(sym: Symbol): Unit = { lastDenotation = null lastSymbol = sym checkedPeriod = Nowhere } private def withSig(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): NamedType = TermRef.withSig(prefix, name.asTermName, sig) protected def loadDenot(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = { val d = asMemberOf(prefix) if (d.exists || ctx.phaseId == FirstPhaseId || !lastDenotation.isInstanceOf[SymDenotation]) d else { // name has changed; try load in earlier phase and make current val d = loadDenot(ctx.withPhase(ctx.phaseId - 1)).current if (d.exists) d else throw new Error(s"failure to reload $this of class $getClass") } } protected def asMemberOf(prefix: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (name.isInheritedName) prefix.nonPrivateMember(name.revertInherited) else prefix.member(name) /** (1) Reduce a type-ref `W # X` or `W { ... } # U`, where `W` is a wildcard type * to an (unbounded) wildcard type. * * (2) Reduce a type-ref `T { X = U; ... } # X` to `U` * provided `U` does not refer with a RefinedThis to the * refinement type `T { X = U; ... }` */ def reduceProjection(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val reduced = prefix.lookupRefined(name) if (reduced.exists) reduced else this } def symbol(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = { val now = ctx.period if (checkedPeriod == now || lastDenotation == null && lastSymbol != null) lastSymbol else denot.symbol } /** Retrieves currently valid symbol without necessarily updating denotation. * Assumes that symbols do not change between periods in the same run. * Used to get the class underlying a ThisType. */ private[Types] def stableInRunSymbol(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = if (checkedPeriod.runId == ctx.runId) lastSymbol else symbol def info(implicit ctx: Context): Type = def isType = isInstanceOf[TypeRef] def isTerm = isInstanceOf[TermRef] /** Guard against cycles that can arise if given `op` * follows info. The prblematic cases are a type alias to itself or * bounded by itself or a val typed as itself: * * type T <: T * val x: x.type * * These are errors but we have to make sure that operations do * not loop before the error is detected. */ final def controlled[T](op: => T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = try { ctx.underlyingRecursions += 1 if (ctx.underlyingRecursions < LogPendingUnderlyingThreshold) op else if (ctx.pendingUnderlying contains this) throw CyclicReference(symbol) else try { ctx.pendingUnderlying += this op } finally { ctx.pendingUnderlying -= this } } finally { ctx.underlyingRecursions -= 1 } def derivedSelect(prefix: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (prefix eq this.prefix) this else { val res = prefix.lookupRefined(name) if (res.exists) res else newLikeThis(prefix) } /** Create a NamedType of the same kind as this type, but with a new prefix. */ protected def newLikeThis(prefix: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): NamedType = NamedType(prefix, name) /** Create a NamedType of the same kind as this type, but with a "inherited name". * This is necessary to in situations like the following: * * class B { def m: T1 } * class C extends B { private def m: T2; ... C.m } * object C extends C * object X { ... C.m } * * The two references of C.m in class C and object X refer to different * definitions: The one in C refers to C#m whereas the one in X refers to B#m. * But the type C.m must have only one denotation, so it can't refer to two * members depending on context. * * In situations like this, the reference in X would get the type * `.shadowed` to make clear that we mean the inherited member, not * the private one. * * Note: An alternative, possibly more robust scheme would be to give * private members special names. A private definition would have a special * name (say m' in the example above), but would be entered in its enclosing * under both private and public names, so it could still be found by looking up * the public name. */ final def shadowed(implicit ctx: Context): NamedType = NamedType(prefix, name.inheritedName) override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case that: NamedType => == && this.prefix == that.prefix && !that.isInstanceOf[TermRefWithSignature] && !that.isInstanceOf[WithFixedSym] case _ => false } } abstract case class TermRef(override val prefix: Type, name: TermName) extends NamedType with SingletonType { type ThisType = TermRef //assert(name.toString != "") override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val d = denot if (d.isOverloaded) NoType else } override def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = denot.signature override def isOverloaded(implicit ctx: Context) = denot.isOverloaded private def rewrap(sd: SingleDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context) = TermRef.withSigAndDenot(prefix, name, sd.signature, sd) def alternatives(implicit ctx: Context): List[TermRef] = denot.alternatives map rewrap def altsWith(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TermRef] = denot.altsWith(p) map rewrap } abstract case class TypeRef(override val prefix: Type, name: TypeName) extends NamedType { type ThisType = TypeRef override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = info } final class TermRefWithSignature(prefix: Type, name: TermName, override val sig: Signature) extends TermRef(prefix, name) { assert(prefix ne NoPrefix) override def signature(implicit ctx: Context) = sig override def loadDenot(implicit ctx: Context): Denotation = { val d = super.loadDenot if (sig eq Signature.OverloadedSignature) d else d.atSignature(sig) } override def newLikeThis(prefix: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = { val candidate = TermRef.withSig(prefix, name, sig) if (symbol.exists && !candidate.symbol.exists) { // recompute from previous symbol val ownSym = symbol val newd = asMemberOf(prefix) candidate.withDenot(asMemberOf(prefix).suchThat(_ eq ownSym)) } else candidate } override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case that: TermRefWithSignature => this.prefix == that.prefix && == && this.sig == that.sig case _ => false } override def computeHash = doHash((name, sig), prefix) } trait WithFixedSym extends NamedType { def fixedSym: Symbol assert(fixedSym ne NoSymbol) uncheckedSetSym(fixedSym) override def withDenot(denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): ThisType = { assert(denot.symbol eq fixedSym) setDenot(denot) this } override def withSym(sym: Symbol, signature: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): ThisType = unsupported("withSym") override def newLikeThis(prefix: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): NamedType = NamedType.withFixedSym(prefix, fixedSym) override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case that: WithFixedSym => this.prefix == that.prefix && (this.fixedSym eq that.fixedSym) case _ => false } override def computeHash = doHash(fixedSym, prefix) } final class CachedTermRef(prefix: Type, name: TermName, hc: Int) extends TermRef(prefix, name) { assert(prefix ne NoPrefix) myHash = hc override def computeHash = unsupported("computeHash") } final class CachedTypeRef(prefix: Type, name: TypeName, hc: Int) extends TypeRef(prefix, name) { assert(prefix ne NoPrefix) myHash = hc override def computeHash = unsupported("computeHash") } final class TermRefWithFixedSym(prefix: Type, name: TermName, val fixedSym: TermSymbol) extends TermRef(prefix, name) with WithFixedSym final class TypeRefWithFixedSym(prefix: Type, name: TypeName, val fixedSym: TypeSymbol) extends TypeRef(prefix, name) with WithFixedSym /** Assert current phase does not have erasure semantics */ private def assertUnerased()(implicit ctx: Context) = if (Config.checkUnerased) assert(!ctx.phase.erasedTypes) object NamedType { def apply(prefix: Type, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (name.isTermName) TermRef.all(prefix, name.asTermName) else TypeRef(prefix, name.asTypeName) def apply(prefix: Type, name: Name, denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (name.isTermName) TermRef(prefix, name.asTermName, denot) else TypeRef(prefix, name.asTypeName, denot) def withFixedSym(prefix: Type, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (sym.isType) TypeRef.withFixedSym(prefix,, sym.asType) else TermRef.withFixedSym(prefix,, sym.asTerm) def withSymAndName(prefix: Type, sym: Symbol, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): NamedType = if (sym.isType) TypeRef.withSymAndName(prefix, sym.asType, name.asTypeName) else TermRef.withSymAndName(prefix, sym.asTerm, name.asTermName) } object TermRef { /** Create term ref with given name, without specifying a signature. * Its meaning is the (potentially multi-) denotation of the member(s) * of prefix with given name. */ def all(prefix: Type, name: TermName)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = { ctx.uniqueNamedTypes.enterIfNew(prefix, name).asInstanceOf[TermRef] } /** Create term ref referring to given symbol, taking the signature * from the symbol if it is completed, or creating a term ref without * signature, if symbol is not yet completed. */ def apply(prefix: Type, sym: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = withSymAndName(prefix, sym, /** Create term ref to given initial denotation, taking the signature * from the denotation if it is completed, or creating a term ref without * signature, if denotation is not yet completed. */ def apply(prefix: Type, name: TermName, denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = { if ((prefix eq NoPrefix) || denot.symbol.isFresh || ctx.erasedTypes) apply(prefix, denot.symbol.asTerm) else denot match { case denot: SymDenotation if denot.isCompleted => withSig(prefix, name, denot.signature) case _ => all(prefix, name) } } withDenot denot /** Create a non-member term ref (which cannot be reloaded using `member`), * with given prefix, name, and signature */ def withFixedSym(prefix: Type, name: TermName, sym: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = unique(new TermRefWithFixedSym(prefix, name, sym)) /** Create a term ref referring to given symbol with given name, taking the signature * from the symbol if it is completed, or creating a term ref without * signature, if symbol is not yet completed. This is very similar to TermRef(Type, Symbol), * except for two differences: * (1) The symbol might not yet have a denotation, so the name needs to be given explicitly. * (2) The name in the term ref need not be the same as the name of the Symbol. */ def withSymAndName(prefix: Type, sym: TermSymbol, name: TermName)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = if ((prefix eq NoPrefix) || sym.isFresh || ctx.erasedTypes) withFixedSym(prefix, name, sym) else if (sym.defRunId != NoRunId && sym.isCompleted) withSig(prefix, name, sym.signature) withSym (sym, sym.signature) else all(prefix, name) withSym (sym, Signature.NotAMethod) /** Create a term ref to given symbol, taking the signature from the symbol * (which must be completed). */ def withSig(prefix: Type, sym: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = if ((prefix eq NoPrefix) || sym.isFresh || ctx.erasedTypes) withFixedSym(prefix,, sym) else withSig(prefix,, sym.signature).withSym(sym, sym.signature) /** Create a term ref with given prefix, name and signature */ def withSig(prefix: Type, name: TermName, sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = unique(new TermRefWithSignature(prefix, name, sig)) /** Create a term ref with given prefix, name, signature, and initial denotation */ def withSigAndDenot(prefix: Type, name: TermName, sig: Signature, denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = { if ((prefix eq NoPrefix) || denot.symbol.isFresh || ctx.erasedTypes) withFixedSym(prefix,, denot.symbol.asTerm) else withSig(prefix, name, sig) } withDenot denot } object TypeRef { /** Create type ref with given prefix and name */ def apply(prefix: Type, name: TypeName)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef = ctx.uniqueNamedTypes.enterIfNew(prefix, name).asInstanceOf[TypeRef] /** Create type ref to given symbol */ def apply(prefix: Type, sym: TypeSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef = withSymAndName(prefix, sym, /** Create a non-member type ref (which cannot be reloaded using `member`), * with given prefix, name, and symbol. */ def withFixedSym(prefix: Type, name: TypeName, sym: TypeSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef = unique(new TypeRefWithFixedSym(prefix, name, sym)) /** Create a type ref referring to given symbol with given name. * This is very similar to TypeRef(Type, Symbol), * except for two differences: * (1) The symbol might not yet have a denotation, so the name needs to be given explicitly. * (2) The name in the type ref need not be the same as the name of the Symbol. */ def withSymAndName(prefix: Type, sym: TypeSymbol, name: TypeName)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef = if ((prefix eq NoPrefix) || sym.isFresh) withFixedSym(prefix, name, sym) else apply(prefix, name).withSym(sym, Signature.NotAMethod) /** Create a type ref with given name and initial denotation */ def apply(prefix: Type, name: TypeName, denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeRef = { if ((prefix eq NoPrefix) || denot.symbol.isFresh) apply(prefix, denot.symbol.asType) else apply(prefix, name) } withDenot denot } // --- Other SingletonTypes: ThisType/SuperType/ConstantType --------------------------- /** The type cls.this * @param tref A type ref which indicates the class `cls`. * Note: we do not pass a class symbol directly, because symbols * do not survive runs whereas typerefs do. */ abstract case class ThisType(tref: TypeRef) extends CachedProxyType with SingletonType { def cls(implicit ctx: Context): ClassSymbol = tref.stableInRunSymbol.asClass override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (ctx.erasedTypes) tref else cls.classInfo.selfType override def computeHash = doHash(tref) } final class CachedThisType(tref: TypeRef) extends ThisType(tref) object ThisType { /** Normally one should use ClassSymbol#thisType instead */ def raw(tref: TypeRef)(implicit ctx: Context) = unique(new CachedThisType(tref)) } /** The type of a super reference cls.super where * `thistpe` is cls.this and `supertpe` is the type of the value referenced * by `super`. */ abstract case class SuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type) extends CachedProxyType with SingletonType { override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = supertpe def derivedSuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if ((thistpe eq this.thistpe) && (supertpe eq this.supertpe)) this else SuperType(thistpe, supertpe) override def computeHash = doHash(thistpe, supertpe) } final class CachedSuperType(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type) extends SuperType(thistpe, supertpe) object SuperType { def apply(thistpe: Type, supertpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { assert(thistpe != NoPrefix) unique(new CachedSuperType(thistpe, supertpe)) } } /** A constant type with single `value`. */ abstract case class ConstantType(value: Constant) extends CachedProxyType with SingletonType { override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = value.tpe override def computeHash = doHash(value) } final class CachedConstantType(value: Constant) extends ConstantType(value) object ConstantType { def apply(value: Constant)(implicit ctx: Context) = { assertUnerased() unique(new CachedConstantType(value)) } } case class LazyRef(refFn: () => Type) extends UncachedProxyType with ValueType { lazy val ref = refFn() override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = ref override def toString = s"LazyRef($ref)" } // --- Refined Type --------------------------------------------------------- /** A refined type parent { refinement } * @param refinedName The name of the refinement declaration * @param infoFn: A function that produces the info of the refinement declaration, * given the refined type itself. */ abstract case class RefinedType(parent: Type, refinedName: Name) extends CachedProxyType with BindingType with ValueType { val refinedInfo: Type override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = parent private def checkInst(implicit ctx: Context): this.type = { if (Config.checkLambdaVariance) refinedInfo match { case refinedInfo: TypeBounds if refinedInfo.variance != 0 && refinedName.isLambdaArgName => val cls = parent.LambdaClass(forcing = false) if (cls.exists) assert(refinedInfo.variance == cls.typeParams.apply(refinedName.lambdaArgIndex).variance, s"variance mismatch for $this, $cls, ${cls.typeParams}, ${cls.typeParams.apply(refinedName.lambdaArgIndex).variance}, ${refinedInfo.variance}") case _ => } this } /** Derived refined type, with a twist: A refinement with a higher-kinded type param placeholder * is transformed to a refinement of the original type parameter if that one exists. */ def derivedRefinedType(parent: Type, refinedName: Name, refinedInfo: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): RefinedType = { lazy val underlyingTypeParams = parent.rawTypeParams if ((parent eq this.parent) && (refinedName eq this.refinedName) && (refinedInfo eq this.refinedInfo)) this else if ( refinedName.isLambdaArgName //&& { println(s"deriving $refinedName $parent $underlyingTypeParams"); true } && refinedName.lambdaArgIndex < underlyingTypeParams.length && !parent.isLambda) derivedRefinedType(parent.EtaExpand, refinedName, refinedInfo) else RefinedType(parent, refinedName, rt => refinedInfo.substThis(this, RefinedThis(rt))) } override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case that: RefinedType => this.parent == that.parent && this.refinedName == that.refinedName && this.refinedInfo == that.refinedInfo case _ => false } override def computeHash = doHash(refinedName, refinedInfo, parent) override def toString = s"RefinedType($parent, $refinedName, $refinedInfo)" } class CachedRefinedType(parent: Type, refinedName: Name, infoFn: RefinedType => Type) extends RefinedType(parent, refinedName) { val refinedInfo = infoFn(this) } class PreHashedRefinedType(parent: Type, refinedName: Name, override val refinedInfo: Type, hc: Int) extends RefinedType(parent, refinedName) { myHash = hc override def computeHash = unsupported("computeHash") } object RefinedType { def make(parent: Type, names: List[Name], infoFns: List[RefinedType => Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (names.isEmpty) parent else make(RefinedType(parent, names.head, infoFns.head), names.tail, infoFns.tail) def apply(parent: Type, name: Name, infoFn: RefinedType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): RefinedType = { assert(!ctx.erasedTypes) ctx.base.uniqueRefinedTypes.enterIfNew(new CachedRefinedType(parent, name, infoFn)).checkInst } def apply(parent: Type, name: Name, info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): RefinedType = { assert(!ctx.erasedTypes) ctx.base.uniqueRefinedTypes.enterIfNew(parent, name, info).checkInst } } // --- AndType/OrType --------------------------------------------------------------- trait AndOrType extends ValueType { // todo: check where we can simplify using AndOrType def tp1: Type def tp2: Type def isAnd: Boolean def derivedAndOrType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type // needed? } abstract case class AndType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) extends CachedGroundType with AndOrType { def isAnd = true def derivedAndType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if ((tp1 eq this.tp1) && (tp2 eq this.tp2)) this else AndType.make(tp1, tp2) def derived_& (tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if ((tp1 eq this.tp1) && (tp2 eq this.tp2)) this else tp1 & tp2 def derivedAndOrType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = derivedAndType(tp1, tp2) override def computeHash = doHash(tp1, tp2) } final class CachedAndType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) extends AndType(tp1, tp2) object AndType { def apply(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { assert(tp1.isInstanceOf[ValueType] && tp2.isInstanceOf[ValueType]) unchecked(tp1, tp2) } def unchecked(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { assertUnerased() unique(new CachedAndType(tp1, tp2)) } def make(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (tp1 eq tp2) tp1 else apply(tp1, tp2) } abstract case class OrType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) extends CachedGroundType with AndOrType { assert(tp1.isInstanceOf[ValueType] && tp2.isInstanceOf[ValueType]) def isAnd = false def derivedOrType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if ((tp1 eq this.tp1) && (tp2 eq this.tp2)) this else OrType.make(tp1, tp2) def derivedAndOrType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = derivedOrType(tp1, tp2) override def computeHash = doHash(tp1, tp2) } final class CachedOrType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type) extends OrType(tp1, tp2) object OrType { def apply(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { assertUnerased() unique(new CachedOrType(tp1, tp2)) } def make(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (tp1 eq tp2) tp1 else apply(tp1, tp2) } // ----- Method types: MethodType/ExprType/PolyType ------------------------------- // Note: method types are cached whereas poly types are not. The reason // is that most poly types are cyclic via poly params, // and therefore two different poly types would never be equal. /** A trait that mixes in functionality for signature caching */ trait MethodicType extends Type { private[this] var mySignature: Signature = _ private[this] var mySignatureRunId: Int = NoRunId protected def computeSignature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature protected def resultSignature(implicit ctx: Context) = try resultType match { case rtp: MethodicType => rtp.signature case tp => Signature(tp, isJava = false) } catch { case ex: AssertionError => println(i"failure while taking result signture of $this: $resultType") throw ex } final override def signature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = { if (ctx.runId != mySignatureRunId) { mySignature = computeSignature mySignatureRunId = ctx.runId } mySignature } } trait MethodOrPoly extends MethodicType abstract case class MethodType(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type]) (resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type) extends CachedGroundType with BindingType with TermType with MethodOrPoly with NarrowCached { thisMethodType => override val resultType = resultTypeExp(this) assert(resultType.exists) def isJava = false def isImplicit = false private[this] var myIsDependent: Boolean = _ private[this] var myIsDepKnown = false /** Does result type contain references to parameters of this method type? */ def isDependent(implicit ctx: Context) = { if (!myIsDepKnown) { val isDepAcc = new TypeAccumulator[Boolean] { def apply(x: Boolean, tp: Type) = x || { tp match { case MethodParam(`thisMethodType`, _) => true case tp @ TypeRef(MethodParam(`thisMethodType`, _), name) => match { // follow type arguments to avoid dependency case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo eq hi => apply(x, hi) case _ => true } case _ => foldOver(x, tp) } } } myIsDependent = isDepAcc(false, resultType) myIsDepKnown = true } myIsDependent } protected def computeSignature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = resultSignature.prepend(paramTypes, isJava) def derivedMethodType(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type], restpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if ((paramNames eq this.paramNames) && (paramTypes eq this.paramTypes) && (restpe eq this.resultType)) this else { val restpeFn = (x: MethodType) => restpe.subst(this, x) if (isJava) JavaMethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(restpeFn) else if (isImplicit) ImplicitMethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(restpeFn) else MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(restpeFn) } def instantiate(argTypes: => List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (isDependent) resultType.substParams(this, argTypes) else resultType override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case that: MethodType => this.paramNames == that.paramNames && this.paramTypes == that.paramTypes && this.resultType == that.resultType case _ => false } override def computeHash = doHash(paramNames, resultType, paramTypes) protected def prefixString = "MethodType" override def toString = s"$prefixString($paramNames, $paramTypes, $resultType)" } final class CachedMethodType(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type])(resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type) extends MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(resultTypeExp) { override def equals(that: Any) = super.equals(that) && that.isInstanceOf[CachedMethodType] } final class JavaMethodType(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type])(resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type) extends MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(resultTypeExp) { override def isJava = true override def equals(that: Any) = super.equals(that) && that.isInstanceOf[JavaMethodType] override def computeHash = addDelta(super.computeHash, 1) override protected def prefixString = "JavaMethodType" } final class ImplicitMethodType(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type])(resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type) extends MethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(resultTypeExp) { override def isImplicit = true override def equals(that: Any) = super.equals(that) && that.isInstanceOf[ImplicitMethodType] override def computeHash = addDelta(super.computeHash, 2) override protected def prefixString = "ImplicitMethodType" } abstract class MethodTypeCompanion { def apply(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type])(resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): MethodType def apply(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): MethodType = apply(paramNames, paramTypes)(_ => resultType) def apply(paramTypes: List[Type])(resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): MethodType = apply(nme.syntheticParamNames(paramTypes.length), paramTypes)(resultTypeExp) def apply(paramTypes: List[Type], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): MethodType = apply(nme.syntheticParamNames(paramTypes.length), paramTypes, resultType) def fromSymbols(params: List[Symbol], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { def paramInfo(param: Symbol): Type = match { case AnnotatedType(annot, tp) if annot matches defn.RepeatedAnnot => val typeSym = assert(typeSym == defn.SeqClass || typeSym == defn.ArrayClass) tp.translateParameterized(typeSym, defn.RepeatedParamClass) case tp => tp } def transformResult(mt: MethodType) = resultType.subst(params, (0 until params.length).toList map (MethodParam(mt, _))) apply(params map (, params map paramInfo)(transformResult _) } } object MethodType extends MethodTypeCompanion { def apply(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type])(resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = unique(new CachedMethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(resultTypeExp)) } object JavaMethodType extends MethodTypeCompanion { def apply(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type])(resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = unique(new JavaMethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(resultTypeExp)) } object ImplicitMethodType extends MethodTypeCompanion { def apply(paramNames: List[TermName], paramTypes: List[Type])(resultTypeExp: MethodType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = unique(new ImplicitMethodType(paramNames, paramTypes)(resultTypeExp)) } abstract case class ExprType(override val resultType: Type) extends CachedProxyType with TermType with MethodicType { override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = resultType protected def computeSignature(implicit ctx: Context): Signature = resultSignature def derivedExprType(resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (resultType eq this.resultType) this else ExprType(resultType) override def computeHash = doHash(resultType) } final class CachedExprType(resultType: Type) extends ExprType(resultType) object ExprType { def apply(resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = { assertUnerased() unique(new CachedExprType(resultType)) } } case class PolyType(paramNames: List[TypeName])(paramBoundsExp: PolyType => List[TypeBounds], resultTypeExp: PolyType => Type) extends CachedGroundType with BindingType with TermType with MethodOrPoly { val paramBounds = paramBoundsExp(this) override val resultType = resultTypeExp(this) protected def computeSignature(implicit ctx: Context) = resultSignature def instantiate(argTypes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = resultType.substParams(this, argTypes) def instantiateBounds(argTypes: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeBounds] = paramBounds.mapConserve(_.substParams(this, argTypes).bounds) def derivedPolyType(paramNames: List[TypeName], paramBounds: List[TypeBounds], restpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if ((paramNames eq this.paramNames) && (paramBounds eq this.paramBounds) && (restpe eq this.resultType)) this else duplicate(paramNames, paramBounds, restpe) def duplicate(paramNames: List[TypeName] = this.paramNames, paramBounds: List[TypeBounds] = this.paramBounds, restpe: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = PolyType(paramNames)( x => paramBounds mapConserve (_.subst(this, x).bounds), x => restpe.subst(this, x)) // need to override hashCode and equals to be object identity // because paramNames by itself is not discriminatory enough override def equals(other: Any) = this eq other.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] override def computeHash = identityHash override def toString = s"PolyType($paramNames, $paramBounds, $resultType)" } object PolyType { def fromSymbols(tparams: List[Symbol], resultType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (tparams.isEmpty) resultType else { def transform(pt: PolyType, tp: Type) = tp.subst(tparams, (0 until tparams.length).toList map (PolyParam(pt, _))) apply(tparams map ( pt => tparams map (tparam => transform(pt,, pt => transform(pt, resultType)) } } // ----- Bound types: MethodParam, PolyParam, RefinedThis -------------------------- abstract class BoundType extends CachedProxyType with ValueType { type BT <: BindingType def binder: BT // Dotty deviation: copyBoundType was copy, but // dotty generates copy methods always automatically, and therefore // does not accept same-named method definitions in subclasses. // Scala2x, on the other hand, requires them (not sure why!) def copyBoundType(bt: BT): Type } abstract class ParamType extends BoundType { def paramNum: Int } abstract case class MethodParam(binder: MethodType, paramNum: Int) extends ParamType with SingletonType { type BT = MethodType override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = binder.paramTypes(paramNum) def copyBoundType(bt: BT) = new MethodParamImpl(bt, paramNum) // need to customize hashCode and equals to prevent infinite recursion for dep meth types. override def computeHash = addDelta(System.identityHashCode(binder), paramNum) override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case that: MethodParam => (this.binder eq that.binder) && this.paramNum == that.paramNum case _ => false } override def toString = s"MethodParam(${binder.paramNames(paramNum)})" } class MethodParamImpl(binder: MethodType, paramNum: Int) extends MethodParam(binder, paramNum) object MethodParam { def apply(binder: MethodType, paramNum: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): MethodParam = { assertUnerased() new MethodParamImpl(binder, paramNum) } } case class PolyParam(binder: PolyType, paramNum: Int) extends ParamType { type BT = PolyType def copyBoundType(bt: BT) = PolyParam(bt, paramNum) /** Looking only at the structure of `bound`, is one of the following true? * - fromBelow and param <:< bound * - !fromBelow and param >:> bound */ def occursIn(bound: Type, fromBelow: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = bound.stripTypeVar match { case bound: PolyParam => bound == this case bound: AndOrType => def occ1 = occursIn(bound.tp1, fromBelow) def occ2 = occursIn(bound.tp2, fromBelow) if (fromBelow == bound.isAnd) occ1 && occ2 else occ1 || occ2 case _ => false } override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = binder.paramBounds(paramNum) // no customized hashCode/equals needed because cycle is broken in PolyType override def toString = s"PolyParam(${binder.paramNames(paramNum)})" override def computeHash = doHash(paramNum, binder) } case class RefinedThis(binder: RefinedType) extends BoundType with SingletonType { type BT = RefinedType override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context) = binder def copyBoundType(bt: BT) = RefinedThis(bt) // need to customize hashCode and equals to prevent infinite recursion for // refinements that refer to the refinement type via this override def computeHash = addDelta(binder.identityHash, 41) override def equals(that: Any) = that match { case that: RefinedThis => this.binder eq that.binder case _ => false } override def toString = s"RefinedThis(${binder.hashCode})" } // ------------ Type variables ---------------------------------------- /** A type variable is essentially a switch that models some part of a substitution. * It is first linked to `origin`, a poly param that's in the current constraint set. * It can then be (once) instantiated to some other type. The instantiation is * recorded in the type variable itself, or else, if the current type state * is different from the variable's creation state (meaning unrolls are possible) * in the current typer state. Every type variable is referred to by exactly * one inferred type parameter in a TypeApply tree. * * @param origin The parameter that's tracked by the type variable. * @param creatorState The typer state in which the variable was created. * @param owningTree The function part of the TypeApply tree tree that introduces * the type variable. */ final class TypeVar(val origin: PolyParam, creatorState: TyperState, val owningTree: untpd.Tree) extends CachedProxyType with ValueType { /** The permanent instance type of the the variable, or NoType is none is given yet */ private[core] var inst: Type = NoType /** The state owning the variable. This is at first `creatorState`, but it can * be changed to an enclosing state on a commit. */ private[core] var owningState = creatorState /** The instance type of this variable, or NoType if the variable is currently * uninstantiated */ def instanceOpt(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if (inst.exists) inst else ctx.typerState.instType(this) /** Is the variable already instantiated? */ def isInstantiated(implicit ctx: Context) = instanceOpt.exists /** Instantiate variable with given type */ private def instantiateWith(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { assert(tp ne this, s"self instantiation of ${}, constraint = ${}") typr.println(s"instantiating ${} with ${}") assert(ctx.typerState.constraint contains this) // !!! DEBUG if ((ctx.typerState eq owningState) && !ctx.typeComparer.subtypeCheckInProgress) inst = tp ctx.typerState.constraint = ctx.typerState.constraint.replace(origin, tp) tp } /** Instantiate variable from the constraints over its `origin`. * If `fromBelow` is true, the variable is instantiated to the lub * of its lower bounds in the current constraint; otherwise it is * instantiated to the glb of its upper bounds. However, a lower bound * instantiation can be a singleton type only if the upper bound * is also a singleton type. */ def instantiate(fromBelow: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { def upperBound = ctx.typerState.constraint.bounds(origin).hi def isSingleton(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match { case tp: SingletonType => true case AndType(tp1, tp2) => isSingleton(tp1) | isSingleton(tp2) case OrType(tp1, tp2) => isSingleton(tp1) & isSingleton(tp2) case _ => false } def isFullyDefined(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match { case tp: TypeVar => tp.isInstantiated && isFullyDefined(tp.instanceOpt) case tp: TypeProxy => isFullyDefined(tp.underlying) case tp: AndOrType => isFullyDefined(tp.tp1) && isFullyDefined(tp.tp2) case _ => true } def isOrType(tp: Type): Boolean = tp.stripTypeVar.dealias match { case tp: OrType => true case AndType(tp1, tp2) => isOrType(tp1) | isOrType(tp2) case RefinedType(parent, _) => isOrType(parent) case WildcardType(bounds: TypeBounds) => isOrType(bounds.hi) case _ => false } // First, solve the constraint. var inst = ctx.typeComparer.approximation(origin, fromBelow) // Then, approximate by (1.) and (2.) and simplify as follows. // 1. If instance is from below and is a singleton type, yet // upper bound is not a singleton type, widen the instance. if (fromBelow && isSingleton(inst) && !isSingleton(upperBound)) inst = inst.widen inst = inst.simplified // 2. If instance is from below and is a fully-defined union type, yet upper bound // is not a union type, approximate the union type from above by an intersection // of all common base types. if (fromBelow && isOrType(inst) && isFullyDefined(inst) && !isOrType(upperBound)) inst = inst.approximateUnion instantiateWith(inst) } /** Unwrap to instance (if instantiated) or origin (if not), until result * is no longer a TypeVar */ override def stripTypeVar(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val inst = instanceOpt if (inst.exists) inst.stripTypeVar else origin } /** If the variable is instantiated, its instance, otherwise its origin */ override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val inst = instanceOpt if (inst.exists) inst else { ctx.typerState.ephemeral = true origin } } override def computeHash: Int = identityHash override def equals(that: Any) = this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] override def toString = { def instStr = if (inst.exists) s" -> $inst" else "" s"TypeVar($origin$instStr)" } } // ------ ClassInfo, Type Bounds ------------------------------------------------------------ /** Roughly: the info of a class during a period. * @param prefix The prefix on which parents, decls, and selfType need to be rebased. * @param cls The class symbol. * @param classParents The parent types of this class. * These are all normalized to be TypeRefs by moving any refinements * to be member definitions of the class itself. * @param decls The symbols defined directly in this class. * @param selfInfo The type of `this` in this class, if explicitly given, * NoType otherwise. If class is compiled from source, can also * be a reference to the self symbol containing the type. */ abstract case class ClassInfo( prefix: Type, cls: ClassSymbol, classParents: List[TypeRef], decls: Scope, selfInfo: DotClass /* should be: Type | Symbol */) extends CachedGroundType with TypeType { /** The self type of a class is the conjunction of * - the explicit self type if given (or the info of a given self symbol), and * - the fully applied reference to the class itself. */ def selfType(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { if (selfTypeCache == null) { def fullRef = fullyAppliedRef(cls.typeRef, cls.typeParams) def withFullRef(tp: Type): Type = if (ctx.erasedTypes) fullRef else AndType(tp, fullRef) selfTypeCache = selfInfo match { case NoType => fullRef case tp: Type => if (cls is Module) tp else withFullRef(tp) case self: Symbol => assert(!(cls is Module)) withFullRef( } } selfTypeCache } private var selfTypeCache: Type = null private def fullyAppliedRef(base: Type, tparams: List[TypeSymbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tparams match { case tparam :: tparams1 => fullyAppliedRef( RefinedType(base,, TypeRef(cls.thisType, tparam).toBounds(tparam)), tparams1) case nil => base } def rebase(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = if ((prefix eq cls.owner.thisType) || !cls.owner.isClass || ctx.erasedTypes) tp else tp.substThis(cls.owner.asClass, prefix) private var typeRefCache: Type = null def typeRef(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { def clsDenot = if (prefix eq cls.owner.thisType) cls.denot else cls.denot.copySymDenotation(info = this) if (typeRefCache == null) typeRefCache = if ((cls is PackageClass) || cls.owner.isTerm) prefix select cls else prefix select (, clsDenot) typeRefCache } // cached because baseType needs parents private var parentsCache: List[TypeRef] = null /** The parent type refs as seen from the given prefix */ override def parents(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeRef] = { if (parentsCache == null) parentsCache = cls.classParents.mapConserve(rebase(_).asInstanceOf[TypeRef]) parentsCache } /** The parent types with all type arguments */ def instantiatedParents(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] = parents mapConserve { pref => ((pref: Type) /: pref.classSymbol.typeParams) { (parent, tparam) => val targSym = decls.lookup( if (targSym.exists) RefinedType(parent,, else parent } } def derivedClassInfo(prefix: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (prefix eq this.prefix) this else ClassInfo(prefix, cls, classParents, decls, selfInfo) def derivedClassInfo(prefix: Type = this.prefix, classParents: List[TypeRef] = classParents, decls: Scope = this.decls, selfInfo: DotClass = this.selfInfo)(implicit ctx: Context) = if ((prefix eq this.prefix) && (classParents eq this.classParents) && (decls eq this.decls) && (selfInfo eq this.selfInfo)) this else ClassInfo(prefix, cls, classParents, decls, selfInfo) override def computeHash = doHash(cls, prefix) override def toString = s"ClassInfo($prefix, $cls)" } final class CachedClassInfo(prefix: Type, cls: ClassSymbol, classParents: List[TypeRef], decls: Scope, selfInfo: DotClass) extends ClassInfo(prefix, cls, classParents, decls, selfInfo) object ClassInfo { def apply(prefix: Type, cls: ClassSymbol, classParents: List[TypeRef], decls: Scope, selfInfo: DotClass = NoType)(implicit ctx: Context) = unique(new CachedClassInfo(prefix, cls, classParents, decls, selfInfo)) } /** Type bounds >: lo <: hi */ abstract case class TypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type) extends CachedProxyType with TypeType { assert(lo.isInstanceOf[TermType]) assert(hi.isInstanceOf[TermType]) def variance: Int = 0 override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = hi def derivedTypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type, variance: Int = this.variance)(implicit ctx: Context) = if ((lo eq this.lo) && (hi eq this.hi) && (variance == this.variance)) this else TypeBounds(lo, hi, variance) /** pre: this is a type alias */ def derivedTypeAlias(tp: Type, variance: Int = this.variance)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (lo eq tp) this else TypeAlias(tp, variance) /** If this is an alias, a derived alias with the new variance, * Otherwise the type itself. */ def withVariance(variance: Int)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (lo ne hi) this else derivedTypeBounds(lo, hi, variance) def contains(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = tp match { case tp: TypeBounds => lo <:< tp.lo && tp.hi <:< hi case _ => lo <:< tp && tp <:< hi } def & (that: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = { val v = this commonVariance that if (v != 0 && (this.lo eq this.hi) && (that.lo eq that.hi)) if (v > 0) derivedTypeAlias(this.hi & that.hi, v) else derivedTypeAlias(this.lo | that.lo, v) else derivedTypeBounds(this.lo | that.lo, this.hi & that.hi, v) } def | (that: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = { val v = this commonVariance that if (v != 0 && (this.lo eq this.hi) && (that.lo eq that.hi)) if (v > 0) derivedTypeAlias(this.hi | that.hi, v) else derivedTypeAlias(this.lo & that.lo, v) else derivedTypeBounds(this.lo & that.lo, this.hi | that.hi, v) } override def & (that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = that match { case that: TypeBounds => this & that case _ => super.& (that) } override def | (that: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = that match { case that: TypeBounds => this | that case _ => super.| (that) } /** If this type and that type have the same variance, this variance, otherwise 0 */ final def commonVariance(that: TypeBounds): Int = (this.variance + that.variance) / 2 override def toString = if (lo eq hi) s"TypeAlias($lo)" else s"TypeBounds($lo, $hi)" override def computeHash = unsupported("computeHash") } class CachedTypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type, hc: Int) extends TypeBounds(lo, hi) { myHash = hc } final class CoTypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type, hc: Int) extends CachedTypeBounds(lo, hi, hc) { override def variance = 1 override def toString = "Co" + super.toString } final class ContraTypeBounds(lo: Type, hi: Type, hc: Int) extends CachedTypeBounds(lo, hi, hc) { override def variance = -1 override def toString = "Contra" + super.toString } object TypeBounds { def apply(lo: Type, hi: Type, variance: Int = 0)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeBounds = ctx.uniqueTypeBounds.enterIfNew(lo, hi, variance) def empty(implicit ctx: Context) = apply(defn.NothingType, defn.AnyType) def upper(hi: Type, variance: Int = 0)(implicit ctx: Context) = apply(defn.NothingType, hi, variance) def lower(lo: Type, variance: Int = 0)(implicit ctx: Context) = apply(lo, defn.AnyType, variance) } object TypeAlias { def apply(tp: Type, variance: Int = 0)(implicit ctx: Context) = TypeBounds(tp, tp, variance) def unapply(tp: Type): Option[Type] = tp match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo eq hi => Some(lo) case _ => None } } // ----- Annotated and Import types ----------------------------------------------- /** An annotated type tpe @ annot */ case class AnnotatedType(annot: Annotation, tpe: Type) extends UncachedProxyType with ValueType { // todo: cache them? but this makes only sense if annotations and trees are also cached. override def underlying(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tpe def derivedAnnotatedType(annot: Annotation, tpe: Type) = if ((annot eq this.annot) && (tpe eq this.tpe)) this else AnnotatedType(annot, tpe) } object AnnotatedType { def make(annots: List[Annotation], underlying: Type) = if (annots.isEmpty) underlying else (underlying /: annots)((tp, ann) => AnnotatedType(ann, tp)) } // Special type objects and classes ----------------------------------------------------- /** The type of an erased array */ abstract case class JavaArrayType(elemType: Type) extends CachedGroundType with ValueType { override def computeHash = doHash(elemType) def derivedJavaArrayType(elemtp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (elemtp eq this.elemType) this else JavaArrayType(elemtp) } final class CachedJavaArrayType(elemType: Type) extends JavaArrayType(elemType) object JavaArrayType { def apply(elemType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = unique(new CachedJavaArrayType(elemType)) } /** The type of an import clause tree */ case class ImportType(expr: Tree) extends UncachedGroundType /** Sentinal for "missing type" */ case object NoType extends CachedGroundType { override def exists = false override def computeHash = hashSeed } /** Missing prefix */ case object NoPrefix extends CachedGroundType { override def computeHash = hashSeed } abstract class ErrorType extends UncachedGroundType with ValueType object ErrorType extends ErrorType /** Wildcard type, possibly with bounds */ abstract case class WildcardType(optBounds: Type) extends CachedGroundType with TermType { def derivedWildcardType(optBounds: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (optBounds eq this.optBounds) this else WildcardType(optBounds.asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]) override def computeHash = doHash(optBounds) } final class CachedWildcardType(optBounds: Type) extends WildcardType(optBounds) object WildcardType extends WildcardType(NoType) { def apply(bounds: TypeBounds)(implicit ctx: Context) = unique(new CachedWildcardType(bounds)) } /** An extractor for single abstract method types. * A type is a SAM type if it is a reference to a class or trait, which * * - has a single abstract method with a method type (ExprType * and PolyType not allowed!) * - can be instantiated without arguments or with just () as argument. * * The pattern `SAMType(denot)` matches a SAM type, where `denot` is the * denotation of the single abstract method as a member of the type. */ object SAMType { def zeroParamClass(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp match { case tp: ClassInfo => def zeroParams(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match { case pt: PolyType => zeroParams(pt.resultType) case mt: MethodType => mt.paramTypes.isEmpty && !mt.resultType.isInstanceOf[MethodType] case et: ExprType => true case _ => false } if ((tp.cls is Trait) || zeroParams( tp // !!! needs to be adapted once traits have parameters else NoType case tp: TypeRef => zeroParamClass(tp.underlying) case tp: RefinedType => zeroParamClass(tp.underlying) case tp: TypeBounds => zeroParamClass(tp.underlying) case tp: TypeVar => zeroParamClass(tp.underlying) case _ => NoType } def isInstantiatable(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = zeroParamClass(tp) match { case cinfo: ClassInfo => val tref = tp.narrow val selfType = cinfo.selfType.asSeenFrom(tref, cinfo.cls) tref <:< selfType case _ => false } def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[SingleDenotation] = if (isInstantiatable(tp)) { val absMems = tp.abstractTermMembers // println(s"absMems: ${absMems map ( mkString ", "}") if (absMems.size == 1) match { case mt: MethodType if !mt.isDependent => Some(absMems.head) case _ => None } else if (tp isRef defn.PartialFunctionClass) // To maintain compatibility with 2.x, we treat PartialFunction specially, // pretending it is a SAM type. In the future it would be better to merge // Function and PartialFunction, have Function1 contain a isDefinedAt method // def isDefinedAt(x: T) = true // and overwrite that method whenever the function body is a sequence of // case clauses. absMems.find( == nme.apply) else None } else None } // ----- TypeMaps -------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract class TypeMap(implicit protected val ctx: Context) extends (Type => Type) { thisMap => protected def stopAtStatic = true def apply(tp: Type): Type protected var variance = 1 /** Map this function over given type */ def mapOver(tp: Type): Type = { implicit val ctx: Context = this.ctx // Dotty deviation: implicits need explicit type tp match { case tp: NamedType => if (stopAtStatic && tp.symbol.isStatic) tp else tp.derivedSelect(this(tp.prefix)) case _: ThisType | _: BoundType | NoPrefix => tp case tp: RefinedType => tp.derivedRefinedType(this(tp.parent), tp.refinedName, this(tp.refinedInfo)) case tp: TypeBounds => def mapOverBounds = { val lo = tp.lo val hi = tp.hi if (lo eq hi) { val saved = variance variance = variance * tp.variance val lo1 = this(lo) variance = saved tp.derivedTypeAlias(lo1) } else { variance = -variance val lo1 = this(lo) variance = -variance tp.derivedTypeBounds(lo1, this(hi)) } } mapOverBounds case tp: MethodType => def mapOverMethod = { variance = -variance val ptypes1 = tp.paramTypes mapConserve this variance = -variance tp.derivedMethodType(tp.paramNames, ptypes1, this(tp.resultType)) } mapOverMethod case tp: ExprType => tp.derivedExprType(this(tp.resultType)) case tp: PolyType => def mapOverPoly = { variance = -variance val bounds1 = tp.paramBounds.mapConserve(this).asInstanceOf[List[TypeBounds]] variance = -variance tp.derivedPolyType( tp.paramNames, bounds1, this(tp.resultType)) } mapOverPoly case tp @ SuperType(thistp, supertp) => tp.derivedSuperType(this(thistp), this(supertp)) case tp: LazyRef => LazyRef(() => this(tp.ref)) case tp: ClassInfo => mapClassInfo(tp) case tp: TypeVar => val inst = tp.instanceOpt if (inst.exists) apply(inst) else tp case tp: AndOrType => tp.derivedAndOrType(this(tp.tp1), this(tp.tp2)) case tp @ AnnotatedType(annot, underlying) => val underlying1 = this(underlying) if (underlying1 eq underlying) tp else underlying1 case tp @ WildcardType => tp.derivedWildcardType(mapOver(tp.optBounds)) case tp: JavaArrayType => tp.derivedJavaArrayType(this(tp.elemType)) case tp: ProtoType => case _ => tp } } private def treeTypeMap = new TreeTypeMap(typeMap = this) def mapOver(syms: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = ctx.mapSymbols(syms, treeTypeMap) def mapOver(scope: Scope): Scope = { val elems = scope.toList val elems1 = mapOver(elems) if (elems1 eq elems) scope else newScopeWith(elems1: _*) } def mapOver(annot: Annotation): Annotation = annot.derivedAnnotation(mapOver(annot.tree)) def mapOver(tree: Tree): Tree = treeTypeMap(tree) /** Can be overridden. By default, only the prefix is mapped. */ protected def mapClassInfo(tp: ClassInfo): ClassInfo = tp.derivedClassInfo(this(tp.prefix)) def andThen(f: Type => Type): TypeMap = new TypeMap { override def stopAtStatic = thisMap.stopAtStatic def apply(tp: Type) = f(thisMap(tp)) } } /** A type map that maps also parents and self type of a ClassInfo */ abstract class DeepTypeMap(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeMap { override def mapClassInfo(tp: ClassInfo) = { val prefix1 = this(tp.prefix) val parents1 = (tp.parents mapConserve this).asInstanceOf[List[TypeRef]] val selfInfo1 = tp.selfInfo match { case selfInfo: Type => this(selfInfo) case selfInfo => selfInfo } tp.derivedClassInfo(prefix1, parents1, tp.decls, selfInfo1) } } object IdentityTypeMap extends TypeMap()(NoContext) { override def stopAtStatic = true def apply(tp: Type) = tp } // ----- TypeAccumulators ---------------------------------------------------- abstract class TypeAccumulator[T](implicit protected val ctx: Context) extends ((T, Type) => T) { protected def stopAtStatic = true def apply(x: T, tp: Type): T protected def applyToAnnot(x: T, annot: Annotation): T = x // don't go into annotations protected var variance = 1 def foldOver(x: T, tp: Type): T = tp match { case tp: TypeRef => if (stopAtStatic && tp.symbol.isStatic) x else { val tp1 = tp.prefix.lookupRefined( this(x, if (tp1.exists) tp1 else tp.prefix) } case tp: TermRef => if (stopAtStatic && tp.currentSymbol.isStatic) x else this(x, tp.prefix) case _: ThisType | _: BoundType | NoPrefix => x case tp: RefinedType => this(this(x, tp.parent), tp.refinedInfo) case bounds @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) => if (lo eq hi) { val saved = variance variance = variance * bounds.variance val result = this(x, lo) variance = saved result } else { variance = -variance val y = this(x, lo) variance = -variance this(y, hi) } case tp @ MethodType(pnames, ptypes) => variance = -variance val y = foldOver(x, ptypes) variance = -variance this(y, tp.resultType) case ExprType(restpe) => this(x, restpe) case tp @ PolyType(pnames) => variance = -variance val y = foldOver(x, tp.paramBounds) variance = -variance this(y, tp.resultType) case SuperType(thistp, supertp) => this(this(x, thistp), supertp) case tp @ ClassInfo(prefix, _, _, _, _) => this(x, prefix) case tp: AndOrType => this(this(x, tp.tp1), tp.tp2) case AnnotatedType(annot, underlying) => this(applyToAnnot(x, annot), underlying) case tp: TypeVar => this(x, tp.underlying) case tp: WildcardType => this(x, tp.optBounds) case tp: JavaArrayType => this(x, tp.elemType) case tp: ProtoType => tp.fold(x, this) case _ => x } final def foldOver(x: T, ts: List[Type]): T = ts match { case t :: ts1 => foldOver(apply(x, t), ts1) case nil => x } } class ExistsAccumulator(p: Type => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeAccumulator[Boolean] { override def stopAtStatic = false def apply(x: Boolean, tp: Type) = x || p(tp) || foldOver(x, tp) } class ForeachAccumulator(p: Type => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeAccumulator[Unit] { override def stopAtStatic = false def apply(x: Unit, tp: Type): Unit = foldOver(p(tp), tp) } class NamedPartsAccumulator(p: NamedType => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) extends TypeAccumulator[mutable.Set[NamedType]] { override def stopAtStatic = false def maybeAdd(x: mutable.Set[NamedType], tp: NamedType) = if (p(tp)) x += tp else x val seen: mutable.Set[Type] = mutable.Set() def apply(x: mutable.Set[NamedType], tp: Type): mutable.Set[NamedType] = if (seen contains tp) x else { seen += tp tp match { case tp: TermRef => apply(foldOver(maybeAdd(x, tp), tp), tp.underlying) case tp: TypeRef => foldOver(maybeAdd(x, tp), tp) case tp: ThisType => apply(x, tp.underlying) case tp: ConstantType => apply(x, tp.underlying) case tp: MethodParam => apply(x, tp.underlying) case tp: PolyParam => apply(x, tp.underlying) case _ => foldOver(x, tp) } } } // ----- Name Filters -------------------------------------------------- /** A name filter selects or discards a member name of a type `pre`. * To enable efficient caching, name filters have to satisfy the * following invariant: If `keep` is a name filter, and `pre` has * class `C` as a base class, then * * keep(pre, name) implies keep(C.this, name) */ abstract class NameFilter { def apply(pre: Type, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean } /** A filter for names of abstract types of a given type */ object abstractTypeNameFilter extends NameFilter { def apply(pre: Type, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = name.isTypeName && { val mbr = pre.member(name) (mbr.symbol is Deferred) && { match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => lo ne hi case _ => false } } } } /** A filter for names of deferred term definitions of a given type */ object abstractTermNameFilter extends NameFilter { def apply(pre: Type, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = name.isTermName && (pre member name).hasAltWith(_.symbol is Deferred) } object typeNameFilter extends NameFilter { def apply(pre: Type, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = name.isTypeName } object takeAllFilter extends NameFilter { def apply(pre: Type, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = true } object implicitFilter extends NameFilter { /** A dummy filter method. * Implicit filtering is handled specially in computeMemberNames, so * no post-filtering is needed. */ def apply(pre: Type, name: Name)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = true } // ----- Exceptions ------------------------------------------------------------- class TypeError(msg: String) extends Exception(msg) class FatalTypeError(msg: String) extends TypeError(msg) class MalformedType(pre: Type, denot: Denotation, absMembers: Set[Name]) extends FatalTypeError( s"""malformed type: $pre is not a legal prefix for $denot because it contains abstract type member${if (absMembers.size == 1) "" else "s"} ${absMembers.mkString(", ")}""") class CyclicReference private (val denot: SymDenotation) extends FatalTypeError(s"cyclic reference involving $denot") { def show(implicit ctx: Context) = s"cyclic reference involving ${}" } object CyclicReference { def apply(denot: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): CyclicReference = { val ex = new CyclicReference(denot) if (!(ctx.mode is typer.Mode.CheckCyclic)) { cyclicErrors.println(ex.getMessage) for (elem <- ex.getStackTrace take 40) cyclicErrors.println(elem.toString) } ex } } class MergeError(msg: String) extends FatalTypeError(msg) // ----- Debug --------------------------------------------------------- var debugTrace = false val watchList = List[String]( ) map (_.toTypeName) def isWatched(tp: Type) = tp match { case TypeRef(_, name) => watchList contains name case _ => false } // ----- Decorator implicits -------------------------------------------- implicit def decorateTypeApplications(tpe: Type): TypeApplications = new TypeApplications(tpe) }