package package core import Types._, Contexts._, util.Stats._, Hashable._, Names._ import util.HashSet /** Defines operation `unique` for hash-consing types. * Also defines specialized hash sets for hash consing uniques of a specific type. * All sets offer a `enterIfNew` method which checks whether a type * with the given parts exists already and creates a new one if not. */ object Uniques { private def recordCaching(tp: Type): Unit = recordCaching(tp.hash, tp.getClass) private def recordCaching(h: Int, clazz: Class[_]): Unit = if (h == NotCached) { record("uncached-types") record(s"uncached: $clazz") } else { record("cached-types") record(s"cached: $clazz") } def unique[T <: Type](tp: T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = { if (monitored) recordCaching(tp) if (tp.hash == NotCached) tp else if (monitored) { val size = ctx.uniques.size val result = ctx.uniques.findEntryOrUpdate(tp).asInstanceOf[T] if (ctx.uniques.size > size) record(s"fresh unique ${tp.getClass}") result } else ctx.uniques.findEntryOrUpdate(tp).asInstanceOf[T] } /* !!! DEBUG ensuring ( result => tp.toString == result.toString || { println(s"cache mismatch; tp = $tp, cached = $result") false } ) */ final class NamedTypeUniques extends HashSet[NamedType]("uniqueNamedTypes", initialUniquesCapacity) with Hashable { override def hash(x: NamedType): Int = x.hash private def findPrevious(h: Int, prefix: Type, name: Name): NamedType = { var e = findEntryByHash(h) while (e != null) { if ((e.prefix == prefix) && ( eq name)) return e e = nextEntryByHash(h) } e } def enterIfNew(prefix: Type, name: Name): NamedType = { val h = doHash(name, prefix) if (monitored) recordCaching(h, classOf[CachedTermRef]) def newType = if (name.isTypeName) new CachedTypeRef(prefix, name.asTypeName, h) else new CachedTermRef(prefix, name.asTermName, h) if (h == NotCached) newType else { val r = findPrevious(h, prefix, name) if (r ne null) r else addEntryAfterScan(newType) } } } final class TypeBoundsUniques extends HashSet[TypeBounds]("uniqueTypeBounds", initialUniquesCapacity) with Hashable { override def hash(x: TypeBounds): Int = x.hash private def findPrevious(h: Int, lo: Type, hi: Type, variance: Int): TypeBounds = { var e = findEntryByHash(h) while (e != null) { if ((e.lo == lo) && (e.hi == hi) && (e.variance == variance)) return e e = nextEntryByHash(h) } e } def enterIfNew(lo: Type, hi: Type, variance: Int): TypeBounds = { val h = doHash(variance, lo, hi) if (monitored) recordCaching(h, classOf[TypeBounds]) def newBounds = if (variance == 0) new CachedTypeBounds(lo, hi, h) else if (variance == 1) new CoTypeBounds(lo, hi, h) else new ContraTypeBounds(lo, hi, h) if (h == NotCached) newBounds else { val r = findPrevious(h, lo, hi, variance) if (r ne null) r else addEntryAfterScan(newBounds) } } } final class RefinedUniques extends HashSet[RefinedType]("uniqueRefinedTypes", initialUniquesCapacity) with Hashable { override val hashSeed = classOf[CachedRefinedType].hashCode // some types start life as CachedRefinedTypes, need to have same hash seed override def hash(x: RefinedType): Int = x.hash private def findPrevious(h: Int, parent: Type, refinedName: Name, refinedInfo: Type): RefinedType = { var e = findEntryByHash(h) while (e != null) { if ((e.parent == parent) && (e.refinedName eq refinedName) && (e.refinedInfo == refinedInfo)) return e e = nextEntryByHash(h) } e } def enterIfNew(parent: Type, refinedName: Name, refinedInfo: Type): RefinedType = { val h = doHash(refinedName, refinedInfo, parent) def newType = new PreHashedRefinedType(parent, refinedName, refinedInfo, h) if (monitored) recordCaching(h, classOf[PreHashedRefinedType]) if (h == NotCached) newType else { val r = findPrevious(h, parent, refinedName, refinedInfo) if (r ne null) r else addEntryAfterScan(newType) } } def enterIfNew(rt: RefinedType) = { if (monitored) recordCaching(rt) if (rt.hash == NotCached) rt else { val r = findPrevious(rt.hash, rt.parent, rt.refinedName, rt.refinedInfo) if (r ne null) r else addEntryAfterScan(rt) } } } }