package package dotc package core package pickling import ast.Trees._ import PickleFormat._ import core._ import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, Names._, Constants._, Decorators._, Annotations._, StdNames.tpnme, NameOps._ import collection.mutable import NameOps._ import TastyBuffer._ class TreePickler(pickler: TastyPickler) { val buf = new TreeBuffer pickler.newSection("ASTs", buf) import buf._ import pickler.nameBuffer.{nameIndex, fullNameIndex} import ast.tpd._ private val symRefs = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Addr] private val forwardSymRefs = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Addr]] private val pickledTypes = new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Type, Any] // Value type is really Addr, but that's not compatible with null private def withLength(op: => Unit) = { val lengthAddr = reserveRef(relative = true) op fillRef(lengthAddr, currentAddr, relative = true) } def addrOfSym(sym: Symbol): Option[Addr] = { symRefs.get(sym) } def preRegister(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = tree match { case tree: MemberDef => if (!symRefs.contains(tree.symbol)) symRefs(tree.symbol) = NoAddr case _ => } def registerDef(sym: Symbol): Unit = { symRefs(sym) = currentAddr forwardSymRefs.get(sym) match { case Some(refs) => refs.foreach(fillRef(_, currentAddr, relative = false)) forwardSymRefs -= sym case None => } } private def pickleName(name: Name): Unit = writeNat(nameIndex(name).index) private def pickleName(name: TastyName): Unit = writeNat(nameIndex(name).index) private def pickleNameAndSig(name: Name, sig: Signature) = { val Signature(params, result) = sig pickleName(TastyName.Signed(nameIndex(name),, fullNameIndex(result))) } private def pickleName(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = if (sym is Flags.ExpandedName) pickleName(TastyName.Expanded( nameIndex(, nameIndex( else pickleName( private def pickleSymRef(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = symRefs.get(sym) match { case Some(label) => if (label != NoAddr) writeRef(label) else pickleForwardSymRef(sym) case None => ctx.log(i"pickling reference to as yet undefined $sym in ${sym.owner}", sym.pos) pickleForwardSymRef(sym) } private def pickleForwardSymRef(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = { val ref = reserveRef(relative = false) assert(!, sym) forwardSymRefs(sym) = ref :: forwardSymRefs.getOrElse(sym, Nil) } private def isLocallyDefined(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = symRefs.get(sym) match { case Some(label) => assert(sym.exists); label != NoAddr case None => false } def pickle(trees: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = { def qualifiedName(sym: Symbol): TastyName = if (sym.isRoot || sym.owner.isRoot) TastyName.Simple( else TastyName.Qualified(nameIndex(qualifiedName(sym.owner)), nameIndex( def pickleConstant(c: Constant): Unit = c.tag match { case UnitTag => writeByte(UNITconst) case BooleanTag => writeByte(if (c.booleanValue) TRUEconst else FALSEconst) case ByteTag => writeByte(BYTEconst) writeInt(c.byteValue) case ShortTag => writeByte(SHORTconst) writeInt(c.shortValue) case CharTag => writeByte(CHARconst) writeNat(c.charValue) case IntTag => writeByte(INTconst) writeInt(c.intValue) case LongTag => writeByte(LONGconst) writeLongInt(c.longValue) case FloatTag => writeByte(FLOATconst) writeInt(java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(c.floatValue)) case DoubleTag => writeByte(DOUBLEconst) writeLongInt(java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(c.doubleValue)) case StringTag => writeByte(STRINGconst) writeNat(nameIndex(c.stringValue).index) case NullTag => writeByte(NULLconst) case ClazzTag => writeByte(CLASSconst) pickleType(c.typeValue) case EnumTag => writeByte(ENUMconst) pickleType(c.symbolValue.termRef) } def pickleType(tpe0: Type, richTypes: Boolean = false): Unit = try { val tpe = tpe0.stripTypeVar val prev = pickledTypes.get(tpe) if (prev == null) { pickledTypes.put(tpe, currentAddr) pickleNewType(tpe, richTypes) } else { writeByte(SHARED) writeRef(prev.asInstanceOf[Addr]) } } catch { case ex: AssertionError => println(i"error when pickling type $tpe0") throw ex } def pickleNewType(tpe: Type, richTypes: Boolean): Unit = try { tpe match { case ConstantType(value) => pickleConstant(value) case tpe: TypeRef if && => pickleType( case tpe: WithFixedSym => val sym = tpe.symbol if ( { writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREFpkg else TERMREFpkg) pickleName(qualifiedName(sym)) } else { assert(tpe.prefix == NoPrefix) def pickleRef() = { writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREFdirect else TERMREFdirect) pickleSymRef(sym) } if (sym is Flags.BindDefinedType) { registerDef(sym) writeByte(BIND) withLength { pickleName( pickleType( pickleRef() } } else pickleRef() } case tpe: TermRefWithSignature => writeByte(TERMREF) pickleNameAndSig(, tpe.signature); pickleType(tpe.prefix) case tpe: NamedType => if ( == tpnme.Apply && tpe.prefix.argInfos.nonEmpty && tpe.prefix.isInstantiatedLambda) // instantiated lambdas are pickled as APPLIEDTYPE; #Apply will // be reconstituted when unpickling. pickleType(tpe.prefix) else if (isLocallyDefined(tpe.symbol)) { writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREFsymbol else TERMREFsymbol) pickleSymRef(tpe.symbol); pickleType(tpe.prefix) } else { writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREF else TERMREF) pickleName(; pickleType(tpe.prefix) } case tpe: ThisType => writeByte(THIS) pickleType(tpe.tref) case tpe: SuperType => writeByte(SUPERtype) withLength { pickleType(tpe.thistpe); pickleType(tpe.supertpe)} case tpe: SkolemType => writeByte(SKOLEMtype) writeRef(pickledTypes.get(tpe.binder).asInstanceOf[Addr]) case tpe: RefinedType => val args = tpe.argInfos(interpolate = false) if (args.isEmpty) { writeByte(REFINEDtype) withLength { pickleType(tpe.parent) pickleName(tpe.refinedName) pickleType(tpe.refinedInfo, richTypes = true) } } else { writeByte(APPLIEDtype) withLength { pickleType(tpe.withoutArgs(args)); args.foreach(pickleType(_)) } } case tpe: TypeAlias => writeByte(TYPEALIAS) withLength { pickleType(tpe.alias, richTypes) tpe.variance match { case 1 => writeByte(COVARIANT) case -1 => writeByte(CONTRAVARIANT) case 0 => } } case tpe: TypeBounds => writeByte(TYPEBOUNDS) withLength { pickleType(tpe.lo, richTypes); pickleType(tpe.hi, richTypes) } case tpe: AnnotatedType => writeByte(ANNOTATED) withLength { pickleTree(tpe.annot.tree); pickleType(tpe.tpe, richTypes) } case tpe: AndOrType => writeByte(if (tpe.isAnd) ANDtype else ORtype) withLength { pickleType(tpe.tp1, richTypes); pickleType(tpe.tp2, richTypes) } case tpe: ExprType => writeByte(BYNAMEtype) pickleType(tpe.underlying) case tpe: MethodType if richTypes => writeByte(METHODtype) pickleMethodic(tpe.resultType, tpe.paramNames, tpe.paramTypes) case tpe: PolyType if richTypes => writeByte(POLYtype) pickleMethodic(tpe.resultType, tpe.paramNames, tpe.paramBounds) case tpe: PolyParam => if (!pickleParamType(tpe)) // TODO figure out why this case arises in e.g. pickling AbstractFileReader. ctx.typerState.constraint.entry(tpe) match { case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo eq hi => pickleNewType(lo, richTypes) case _ => assert(false, s"orphan poly parameter: $tpe") } case tpe: MethodParam => assert(pickleParamType(tpe), s"orphan method parameter: $tpe") case tpe: LazyRef => pickleType(tpe.ref) }} catch { case ex: AssertionError => println(i"error while pickling type $tpe") throw ex } def pickleMethodic(result: Type, names: List[Name], types: List[Type]) = withLength { pickleType(result, richTypes = true) (names, types).zipped.foreach { (name, tpe) => pickleName(name); pickleType(tpe) } } def pickleParamType(tpe: ParamType): Boolean = { val binder = pickledTypes.get(tpe.binder) val pickled = binder != null if (pickled) { writeByte(PARAMtype) withLength { writeRef(binder.asInstanceOf[Addr]); writeNat(tpe.paramNum) } } pickled } def pickleTpt(tpt: Tree): Unit = pickleType(tpt.tpe) // TODO correlate with original when generating positions def pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(tree: Tree): Unit = if (!tree.isEmpty) pickleTree(tree) def pickleTree(tree: Tree): Unit = try { pickledTrees.put(tree, currentAddr) tree match { case Ident(name) => tree.tpe match { case tp: TermRef => pickleType(tp) case _ => writeByte(IDENT) pickleName(name) pickleType(tree.tpe) } case This(_) => pickleType(tree.tpe) case Select(qual, name) => writeByte(SELECT) val realName = tree.tpe match { case tp: NamedType if => case _ => name } val sig = tree.tpe.signature if (sig == Signature.NotAMethod) pickleName(realName) else pickleNameAndSig(realName, sig) pickleTree(qual) case Apply(fun, args) => writeByte(APPLY) withLength { pickleTree(fun) args.foreach(pickleTree) } case TypeApply(fun, args) => writeByte(TYPEAPPLY) withLength { pickleTree(fun) args.foreach(pickleTpt) } case Literal(const1) => pickleConstant { tree.tpe match { case ConstantType(const2) => const2 case _ => const1 } } case Super(qual, mix) => writeByte(SUPER) withLength { pickleTree(qual); if (!mix.isEmpty) { val SuperType(_, mixinType) = tree.tpe pickleType(mixinType) } } case New(tpt) => writeByte(NEW) pickleTpt(tpt) case Pair(left, right) => writeByte(PAIR) withLength { pickleTree(left); pickleTree(right) } case Typed(expr, tpt) => writeByte(TYPED) withLength { pickleTree(expr); pickleTpt(tpt) } case NamedArg(name, arg) => writeByte(NAMEDARG) withLength { pickleName(name); pickleTree(arg) } case Assign(lhs, rhs) => writeByte(ASSIGN) withLength { pickleTree(lhs); pickleTree(rhs) } case Block(stats, expr) => writeByte(BLOCK) stats.foreach(preRegister) withLength { pickleTree(expr); stats.foreach(pickleTree) } case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => writeByte(IF) withLength{ pickleTree(cond); pickleTree(thenp); pickleTree(elsep) } case Closure(env, meth, tpt) => writeByte(LAMBDA) assert(env.isEmpty) withLength{ pickleTree(meth) if (tpt.tpe.exists) pickleTpt(tpt) } case Match(selector, cases) => writeByte(MATCH) withLength { pickleTree(selector); cases.foreach(pickleTree) } case CaseDef(pat, guard, rhs) => writeByte(CASEDEF) withLength { pickleTree(pat); pickleTree(rhs); pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(guard) } case Return(expr, from) => writeByte(RETURN) withLength { pickleSymRef(from.symbol); pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(expr) } case Try(block, cases, finalizer) => writeByte(TRY) withLength { pickleTree(block); cases.foreach(pickleTree); pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(finalizer) } case SeqLiteral(elems) => writeByte(REPEATED) withLength { elems.foreach(pickleTree) } case TypeTree(original) => pickleTpt(tree) case Bind(name, body) => registerDef(tree.symbol) writeByte(BIND) withLength { pickleName(name); pickleType(; pickleTree(body) } case Alternative(alts) => writeByte(ALTERNATIVE) withLength { alts.foreach(pickleTree) } case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) => writeByte(UNAPPLY) withLength { pickleTree(fun) for (implicitArg <- implicits) { writeByte(IMPLICITarg) pickleTree(implicitArg) } pickleType(tree.tpe) patterns.foreach(pickleTree) } case tree: ValDef => pickleDef(VALDEF, tree.symbol, tree.tpt, tree.rhs) case tree: DefDef => def pickleAllParams = { pickleParams(tree.tparams) for (vparams <- tree.vparamss) { writeByte(PARAMS) withLength { pickleParams(vparams) } } } pickleDef(DEFDEF, tree.symbol, tree.tpt, tree.rhs, pickleAllParams) case tree: TypeDef => pickleDef(TYPEDEF, tree.symbol, tree.rhs) case tree: Template => registerDef(tree.symbol) writeByte(TEMPLATE) val (params, rest) = tree.body partition { case stat: TypeDef => stat.symbol is Flags.Param case stat: ValOrDefDef => && !stat.symbol.isSetter case _ => false } withLength { pickleParams(params) tree.parents.foreach(pickleTree) val cinfo @ ClassInfo(_, _, _, _, selfInfo) = if ((selfInfo ne NoType) || !tree.self.isEmpty) { writeByte(SELFDEF) pickleName( pickleType { cinfo.selfInfo match { case sym: Symbol => case tp: Type => tp } } } pickleStats(tree.constr :: rest) } case Import(expr, selectors) => writeByte(IMPORT) withLength { pickleTree(expr) selectors foreach { case Pair(Ident(from), Ident(to)) => writeByte(RENAMED) withLength { pickleName(from); pickleName(to) } case Ident(name) => writeByte(IMPORTED) pickleName(name) } } case PackageDef(pid, stats) => writeByte(PACKAGE) withLength { pickleType(pid.tpe); pickleStats(stats) } }} catch { case ex: AssertionError => println(i"error when pickling tree $tree") throw ex } def pickleDef(tag: Int, sym: Symbol, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree = EmptyTree, pickleParams: => Unit = ()) = { assert(symRefs(sym) == NoAddr) registerDef(sym) writeByte(tag) withLength { pickleName(sym) pickleParams tpt match { case tpt: TypeTree => pickleTpt(tpt) case _ => pickleTree(tpt) } pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(rhs) pickleModifiers(sym) } } def pickleParam(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match { case tree: ValDef => pickleDef(PARAM, tree.symbol, tree.tpt) case tree: DefDef => pickleDef(PARAM, tree.symbol, tree.tpt, tree.rhs) case tree: TypeDef => pickleDef(TYPEPARAM, tree.symbol, tree.rhs) } def pickleParams(trees: List[Tree]): Unit = { trees.foreach(preRegister) trees.foreach(pickleParam) } def pickleStats(stats: List[Tree]) = { stats.foreach(preRegister) stats.foreach(stat => if (!stat.isEmpty) pickleTree(stat)) } def pickleModifiers(sym: Symbol): Unit = { import Flags._ val flags = sym.flags val privateWithin = sym.privateWithin if (privateWithin.exists) { writeByte(if (flags is Protected) PROTECTEDqualified else PRIVATEqualified) pickleType(privateWithin.typeRef) } if (flags is Private) writeByte(PRIVATE) if (flags is Protected) if (!privateWithin.exists) writeByte(PROTECTED) if ((flags is Final) && !(sym is Module)) writeByte(FINAL) if (flags is Case) writeByte(CASE) if (flags is Override) writeByte(OVERRIDE) if (flags is Inline) writeByte(INLINE) if (flags is JavaStatic) writeByte(STATIC) if (flags is Module) writeByte(OBJECT) if (flags is Local) writeByte(LOCAL) if (flags is Synthetic) writeByte(SYNTHETIC) if (flags is Artifact) writeByte(ARTIFACT) if (flags is Scala2x) writeByte(SCALA2X) if (flags is InSuperCall) writeByte(INSUPERCALL) if (sym.isTerm) { if (flags is Implicit) writeByte(IMPLICIT) if ((flags is Lazy) && !(sym is Module)) writeByte(LAZY) if (flags is AbsOverride) writeByte(ABSOVERRIDE) if (flags is Mutable) writeByte(MUTABLE) if (flags is Accessor) writeByte(FIELDaccessor) if (flags is CaseAccessor) writeByte(CASEaccessor) if (flags is DefaultParameterized) writeByte(DEFAULTparameterized) } else { if (flags is Sealed) writeByte(SEALED) if (flags is Abstract) writeByte(ABSTRACT) if (flags is Trait) writeByte(TRAIT) if (flags is Covariant) writeByte(COVARIANT) if (flags is Contravariant) writeByte(CONTRAVARIANT) } sym.annotations.foreach(pickleAnnotation) } def pickleAnnotation(ann: Annotation) = { writeByte(ANNOTATION) withLength { pickleType(ann.symbol.typeRef); pickleTree(ann.tree) } } def updateMapWithDeltas[T](mp: collection.mutable.Map[T, Addr]) = for (key <- mp.keysIterator.toBuffer[T]) mp(key) = adjusted(mp(key)) trees.foreach(tree => if (!tree.isEmpty) pickleTree(tree)) assert(forwardSymRefs.isEmpty, i"unresolved symbols: ${forwardSymRefs.keySet.toList}%, %") compactify() updateMapWithDeltas(symRefs) } }