package package dotc package core package tasty import ast._ import ast.Trees._ import ast.Trees.WithLazyField import TastyFormat._ import core._ import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, Names._, Constants._, Decorators._, Annotations._ import collection.mutable import TastyBuffer._ import util.Positions._ class PositionPickler(pickler: TastyPickler, addrsOfTree: tpd.Tree => List[Addr]) { val buf = new TastyBuffer(5000) pickler.newSection("Positions", buf) import buf._ import ast.tpd._ private val remainingAddrs = new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Tree, Iterator[Addr]] def nextTreeAddr(tree: Tree): Option[Addr] = remainingAddrs.get(tree) match { case null => addrsOfTree(tree) match { case Nil => None case addr :: Nil => Some(addr) case addrs => remainingAddrs.put(tree, addrs.iterator) nextTreeAddr(tree) } case it: Iterator[_] => if (it.hasNext) Some( else None } def header(addrDelta: Int, hasStartDelta: Boolean, hasEndDelta: Boolean, hasPoint: Boolean) = { def toInt(b: Boolean) = if (b) 1 else 0 (addrDelta << 3) | (toInt(hasStartDelta) << 2) | (toInt(hasEndDelta) << 1) | toInt(hasPoint) } def picklePositions(roots: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = { var lastIndex = 0 var lastPos = Position(0, 0) def pickleDeltas(index: Int, pos: Position) = { val addrDelta = index - lastIndex val startDelta = pos.start - lastPos.start val endDelta = pos.end - lastPos.end buf.writeInt(header(addrDelta, startDelta != 0, endDelta != 0, !pos.isSynthetic)) if (startDelta != 0) buf.writeInt(startDelta) if (endDelta != 0) buf.writeInt(endDelta) if (!pos.isSynthetic) buf.writeInt(pos.pointDelta) lastIndex = index lastPos = pos } /** True if x's position cannot be reconstructed automatically from its initialPos */ def alwaysNeedsPos(x: Positioned) = x match { case _: WithLazyField[_] // initialPos is inaccurate for trees with lazy field | _: Trees.PackageDef[_] => true // package defs might be split into several Tasty files case x: Trees.Tree[_] => x.isType // types are unpickled as TypeTrees, so child positions are not available case _ => false } def traverse(x: Any): Unit = x match { case x: Tree @unchecked => val pos = if (x.isInstanceOf[MemberDef]) x.pos else x.pos.toSynthetic if (pos.exists && (pos != x.initialPos.toSynthetic || alwaysNeedsPos(x))) { nextTreeAddr(x) match { case Some(addr) => //println(i"pickling $x with $pos at $addr") pickleDeltas(addr.index, pos) case _ => //println(i"no address for $x") } } //else if (x.pos.exists) println(i"skipping $x") x match { case x: MemberDef @unchecked => for (ann <- x.symbol.annotations) traverse(ann.tree) case _ => } traverse(x.productIterator) case xs: TraversableOnce[_] => xs.foreach(traverse) case _ => } traverse(roots) } }