package package dotc package core package tasty import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, Scopes._, SymDenotations._, Names._, NameOps._ import StdNames._, Denotations._, Flags._, Constants._, Annotations._ import util.Positions._ import ast.{tpd, Trees, untpd} import Trees._ import Decorators._ import TastyUnpickler._, TastyBuffer._, PositionPickler._ import scala.annotation.{tailrec, switch} import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } import config.Printers.pickling /** Unpickler for typed trees * @param reader the reader from which to unpickle * @param tastyName the nametable */ class TreeUnpickler(reader: TastyReader, tastyName: TastyName.Table) { import TastyFormat._ import TastyName._ import tpd._ private var readPositions = false private var totalRange = NoPosition private var positions: collection.Map[Addr, Position] = _ /** Make a subsequent call to `unpickle` return trees with positions * @param totalRange the range position enclosing all returned trees, * or NoPosition if positions should not be unpickled * @param positions a map from tree addresses to their positions relative * to positions of parent nodes. */ def usePositions(totalRange: Position, positions: collection.Map[Addr, Position]): Unit = { readPositions = true this.totalRange = totalRange this.positions = positions } private val symAtAddr = new mutable.HashMap[Addr, Symbol] private val unpickledSyms = new mutable.HashSet[Symbol] private val treeAtAddr = new mutable.HashMap[Addr, Tree] private val typeAtAddr = new mutable.HashMap[Addr, Type] // currently populated only for types that are known to be SHAREd. private var stubs: Set[Symbol] = Set() private var roots: Set[SymDenotation] = null private def registerSym(addr: Addr, sym: Symbol) = { symAtAddr(addr) = sym unpickledSyms += sym } /** Enter all toplevel classes and objects into their scopes * @param roots a set of SymDenotations that should be overwritten by unpickling */ def enterTopLevel(roots: Set[SymDenotation])(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { this.roots = roots new TreeReader(reader).fork.indexStats(reader.endAddr) } /** The unpickled trees */ def unpickle()(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = { assert(roots != null, "unpickle without previous enterTopLevel") val stats = new TreeReader(reader) .readTopLevel()(ctx.addMode(Mode.AllowDependentFunctions)) normalizePos(stats, totalRange) stats } def toTermName(tname: TastyName): TermName = tname match { case Simple(name) => name case Qualified(qual, name) => toTermName(qual) ++ "." ++ toTermName(name) case Signed(original, params, result) => toTermName(original) case Shadowed(original) => toTermName(original).shadowedName case Expanded(prefix, original) => toTermName(original).expandedName(toTermName(prefix)) case ModuleClass(original) => toTermName(original).moduleClassName.toTermName case SuperAccessor(accessed) => toTermName(accessed).superName case DefaultGetter(meth, num) => ??? } def toTermName(ref: NameRef): TermName = toTermName(tastyName(ref)) def toTypeName(ref: NameRef): TypeName = toTermName(ref).toTypeName class Completer(reader: TastyReader) extends LazyType { import reader._ def complete(denot: SymDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { treeAtAddr(currentAddr) = new TreeReader(reader).readIndexedDef() } } class TreeReader(val reader: TastyReader) { import reader._ def forkAt(start: Addr) = new TreeReader(subReader(start, endAddr)) def fork = forkAt(currentAddr) def skipTree(tag: Int): Unit = if (tag >= firstLengthTreeTag) goto(readEnd()) else if (tag >= firstNatASTTreeTag) { readNat(); skipTree() } else if (tag >= firstASTTreeTag) skipTree() else if (tag >= firstNatTreeTag) readNat() def skipTree(): Unit = skipTree(readByte()) def skipParams(): Unit = while (nextByte == PARAMS || nextByte == TYPEPARAM) skipTree() /** The next tag, following through SHARED tags */ def nextUnsharedTag: Int = { val tag = nextByte if (tag == SHARED) { val lookAhead = fork lookAhead.reader.readByte() forkAt(lookAhead.reader.readAddr()).nextUnsharedTag } else tag } def readName(): TermName = toTermName(readNameRef()) def readNameSplitSig()(implicit ctx: Context): Any /* TermName | (TermName, Signature) */ = tastyName(readNameRef()) match { case Signed(original, params, result) => var sig = Signature(params map toTypeName, toTypeName(result)) if (sig == Signature.NotAMethod) sig = Signature.NotAMethod (toTermName(original), sig) case name => toTermName(name) } // ------ Reading types ----------------------------------------------------- /** Read names in an interleaved sequence of (parameter) names and types/bounds */ def readParamNames[N <: Name](end: Addr): List[N] = until(end) { val name = readName().asInstanceOf[N] skipTree() name } /** Read types or bounds in an interleaved sequence of (parameter) names and types/bounds */ def readParamTypes[T <: Type](end: Addr)(implicit ctx: Context): List[T] = until(end) { readNat(); readType().asInstanceOf[T] } /** Read referece to definition and return symbol created at that definition */ def readSymRef()(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = { val start = currentAddr val addr = readAddr() symAtAddr get addr match { case Some(sym) => sym case None => // Create a stub; owner might be wrong but will be overwritten later. forkAt(addr).createSymbol() val sym = symAtAddr(addr) ctx.log(i"forward reference to $sym") stubs += sym sym } } /** Read a type */ def readType()(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val start = currentAddr val tag = readByte() pickling.println(s"reading type ${astTagToString(tag)} at $start") def registeringType[T](tp: Type, op: => T): T = { typeAtAddr(start) = tp op } def readLengthType(): Type = { val end = readEnd() def readNamesSkipParams[N <: Name]: (List[N], TreeReader) = { val nameReader = fork nameReader.skipTree() // skip result val paramReader = nameReader.fork (nameReader.readParamNames[N](end), paramReader) } val result = (tag: @switch) match { case SUPERtype => SuperType(readType(), readType()) case REFINEDtype => val parent = readType() var name: Name = readName() val ttag = nextUnsharedTag if (ttag == TYPEBOUNDS || ttag == TYPEALIAS) name = name.toTypeName RefinedType(parent, name, rt => registeringType(rt, readType())) // Note that the lambda "rt => ..." is not equivalent to a wildcard closure! // Eta expansion of the latter puts readType() out of the expression. case APPLIEDtype => readType().appliedTo(until(end)(readType())) case TYPEBOUNDS => TypeBounds(readType(), readType()) case TYPEALIAS => val alias = readType() val variance = if (nextByte == COVARIANT) { readByte(); 1 } else if (nextByte == CONTRAVARIANT) { readByte(); -1 } else 0 TypeAlias(alias, variance) case ANNOTATED => AnnotatedType(readType(), Annotation(readTerm())) case ANDtype => AndType(readType(), readType()) case ORtype => OrType(readType(), readType()) case BIND => val sym = ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, readName().toTypeName, BindDefinedType, readType()) registerSym(start, sym) TypeRef.withFixedSym(NoPrefix,, sym) case POLYtype => val (names, paramReader) = readNamesSkipParams[TypeName] val result = PolyType(names)( pt => registeringType(pt, paramReader.readParamTypes[TypeBounds](end)), pt => readType()) goto(end) result case METHODtype => val (names, paramReader) = readNamesSkipParams[TermName] val result = MethodType(names, paramReader.readParamTypes[Type](end))( mt => registeringType(mt, readType())) goto(end) result case PARAMtype => readTypeRef() match { case binder: PolyType => PolyParam(binder, readNat()) case binder: MethodType => MethodParam(binder, readNat()) } case CLASSconst => ConstantType(Constant(readType())) case ENUMconst => ConstantType(Constant(readTermRef().termSymbol)) } assert(currentAddr == end, s"$start $currentAddr $end ${astTagToString(tag)}") result } def readSimpleType(): Type = (tag: @switch) match { case TYPEREFdirect | TERMREFdirect => NamedType.withFixedSym(NoPrefix, readSymRef()) case TYPEREFsymbol | TERMREFsymbol => readSymNameRef() case TYPEREFpkg => readPackageRef().moduleClass.typeRef case TERMREFpkg => readPackageRef().termRef case TYPEREF => val name = readName().toTypeName TypeRef(readType(), name) case TERMREF => readNameSplitSig() match { case name: TermName => TermRef.all(readType(), name) case (name: TermName, sig: Signature) => TermRef.withSig(readType(), name, sig) } case THIS => ThisType.raw(readType().asInstanceOf[TypeRef]) case REFINEDthis => RefinedThis(readTypeRef().asInstanceOf[RefinedType]) case SHARED => val ref = readAddr() typeAtAddr.getOrElseUpdate(ref, forkAt(ref).readType()) case UNITconst => ConstantType(Constant(())) case TRUEconst => ConstantType(Constant(true)) case FALSEconst => ConstantType(Constant(false)) case BYTEconst => ConstantType(Constant(readInt().toByte)) case SHORTconst => ConstantType(Constant(readInt().toShort)) case CHARconst => ConstantType(Constant(readNat().toChar)) case INTconst => ConstantType(Constant(readInt())) case LONGconst => ConstantType(Constant(readLongInt())) case FLOATconst => ConstantType(Constant(java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(readInt()))) case DOUBLEconst => ConstantType(Constant(java.lang.Double.longBitsToDouble(readLongInt()))) case STRINGconst => ConstantType(Constant(readName().toString)) case NULLconst => ConstantType(Constant(null)) case CLASSconst => ConstantType(Constant(readType())) case BYNAMEtype => ExprType(readType()) } if (tag < firstLengthTreeTag) readSimpleType() else readLengthType() } private def readSymNameRef()(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val sym = readSymRef() val prefix = readType() val res = NamedType.withSymAndName(prefix, sym, prefix match { case prefix: ThisType if prefix.cls eq sym.owner => res.withDenot(sym.denot) // without this precaution we get an infinite cycle when unpickling pos/extmethods.scala // the problem arises when a self type of a trait is a type parameter of the same trait. case _ => res } } private def readPackageRef()(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = { val name = readName() if (name == nme.ROOT) defn.RootPackage else if (name == nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE) defn.EmptyPackageVal else ctx.requiredPackage(name) } def readTypeRef(): Type = typeAtAddr(readAddr()) def readPath()(implicit ctx: Context): Type = { val tp = readType() assert(tp.isInstanceOf[SingletonType]) tp } def readTermRef()(implicit ctx: Context): TermRef = readType().asInstanceOf[TermRef] // ------ Reading definitions ----------------------------------------------------- private def noRhs(end: Addr): Boolean = currentAddr == end || isModifierTag(nextByte) private def localContext(owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = { val lctx = ctx.fresh.setOwner(owner) if (owner.isClass) lctx.setScope(owner.unforcedDecls) else lctx.setNewScope } private def normalizeFlags(tag: Int, givenFlags: FlagSet, name: Name, isAbstractType: Boolean, rhsIsEmpty: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): FlagSet = { val lacksDefinition = rhsIsEmpty && name.isTermName && !name.isConstructorName && ! || isAbstractType var flags = givenFlags if (lacksDefinition && tag != PARAM) flags |= Deferred if (tag == DEFDEF) flags |= Method if (givenFlags is Module) flags = flags | (if (tag == VALDEF) ModuleCreationFlags else ModuleClassCreationFlags) if (ctx.owner.isClass) { if (tag == TYPEPARAM) flags |= Param else if (tag == PARAM) flags |= ParamAccessor } else if (isParamTag(tag)) flags |= Param flags } /** Create symbol of definition node and enter in symAtAddr map * @return the largest subset of {NoInits, PureInterface} that a * trait owning this symbol can have as flags. */ def createSymbol()(implicit ctx: Context): FlagSet = { val start = currentAddr val tag = readByte() val end = readEnd() val rawName = tastyName(readNameRef()) var name: Name = toTermName(rawName) if (tag == TYPEDEF || tag == TYPEPARAM) name = name.toTypeName skipParams() val ttag = nextUnsharedTag val isAbstractType = ttag == TYPEBOUNDS val isClass = ttag == TEMPLATE val templateStart = currentAddr skipTree() // tpt val rhsIsEmpty = noRhs(end) if (!rhsIsEmpty) skipTree() val (givenFlags, annots, privateWithin) = readModifiers(end) def nameFlags(tname: TastyName): FlagSet = tname match { case TastyName.Expanded(_, original) => ExpandedName | nameFlags(tastyName(original)) case TastyName.SuperAccessor(_) => Flags.SuperAccessor case _ => EmptyFlags } pickling.println(i"creating symbol $name at $start with flags $givenFlags") val flags = normalizeFlags(tag, givenFlags | nameFlags(rawName), name, isAbstractType, rhsIsEmpty) def adjustIfModule(completer: LazyType) = if (flags is Module) ctx.adjustModuleCompleter(completer, name) else completer val sym = roots.find(root => (root.owner eq ctx.owner) && == name) match { case Some(rootd) => pickling.println(i"overwriting ${rootd.symbol} # ${rootd.hashCode}") = adjustIfModule( new Completer(subReader(start, end)) with SymbolLoaders.SecondCompleter) rootd.flags = flags &~ Touched // allow one more completion rootd.privateWithin = privateWithin rootd.symbol case _ => val completer = adjustIfModule(new Completer(subReader(start, end))) if (isClass) ctx.newClassSymbol(ctx.owner, name.asTypeName, flags, completer, privateWithin, coord = start.index) else { val sym = symAtAddr.get(start) match { case Some(preExisting) => assert(stubs contains preExisting) stubs -= preExisting preExisting case none => ctx.newNakedSymbol(start.index) } val denot = ctx.SymDenotation(symbol = sym, owner = ctx.owner, name, flags, completer, privateWithin) sym.denot = denot sym } } // TODO set position sym.annotations = annots ctx.enter(sym) registerSym(start, sym) if (isClass) { sym.completer.withDecls(newScope) forkAt(templateStart).indexTemplateParams()(localContext(sym)) } if (isClass) NoInits else if (sym.isType || sym.isConstructor || NoInitsInterface else if (tag == VALDEF) EmptyFlags else NoInits } /** Read modifier list into triplet of flags, annotations and a privateWithin * boindary symbol. */ def readModifiers(end: Addr)(implicit ctx: Context): (FlagSet, List[Annotation], Symbol) = { var flags: FlagSet = EmptyFlags var annots = new mutable.ListBuffer[Annotation] var privateWithin: Symbol = NoSymbol while (currentAddr.index != end.index) { def addFlag(flag: FlagSet) = { flags |= flag readByte() } nextByte match { case PRIVATE => addFlag(Private) case INTERNAL => ??? // addFlag(Internal) case PROTECTED => addFlag(Protected) case ABSTRACT => readByte() nextByte match { case OVERRIDE => addFlag(AbsOverride) case _ => flags |= Abstract } case FINAL => addFlag(Final) case SEALED => addFlag(Sealed) case CASE => addFlag(Case) case IMPLICIT => addFlag(Implicit) case LAZY => addFlag(Lazy) case OVERRIDE => addFlag(Override) case INLINE => addFlag(Inline) case STATIC => addFlag(JavaStatic) case OBJECT => addFlag(Module) case TRAIT => addFlag(Trait) case LOCAL => addFlag(Local) case SYNTHETIC => addFlag(Synthetic) case ARTIFACT => addFlag(Artifact) case MUTABLE => addFlag(Mutable) case LABEL => addFlag(Label) case FIELDaccessor => addFlag(Accessor) case CASEaccessor => addFlag(CaseAccessor) case COVARIANT => addFlag(Covariant) case CONTRAVARIANT => addFlag(Contravariant) case SCALA2X => addFlag(Scala2x) case DEFAULTparameterized => addFlag(DefaultParameterized) case INSUPERCALL => addFlag(InSuperCall) case STABLE => addFlag(Stable) case PRIVATEqualified => readByte() privateWithin = readType().typeSymbol case PROTECTEDqualified => addFlag(Protected) privateWithin = readType().typeSymbol case ANNOTATION => readByte() val end = readEnd() val sym = readType().typeSymbol val lazyAnnotTree = readLater(end, rdr => ctx => rdr.readTerm()(ctx)) annots += Annotation.deferred(sym, _ => lazyAnnotTree.complete) case _ => assert(false, s"illegal modifier tag at $currentAddr") } } (flags, annots.toList, privateWithin) } /** Create symbols for a definitions in statement sequence between * current address and `end`. * @return the largest subset of {NoInits, PureInterface} that a * trait owning the indexed statements can have as flags. */ def indexStats(end: Addr)(implicit ctx: Context): FlagSet = { val flagss = until(end) { nextByte match { case VALDEF | DEFDEF | TYPEDEF | TYPEPARAM | PARAM => createSymbol() case IMPORT => skipTree() NoInitsInterface case PACKAGE => processPackage { (pid, end) => implicit ctx => indexStats(end) } case _ => skipTree() EmptyFlags } } (NoInitsInterface /: flagss)(_ & _) } /** Process package with given operation `op`. The operation takes as arguments * - a `RefTree` representing the `pid` of the package, * - an end address, * - a context which has the processd package as owner */ def processPackage[T](op: (RefTree, Addr) => Context => T)(implicit ctx: Context): T = { readByte() val end = readEnd() val pid = ref(readTermRef()).asInstanceOf[RefTree] op(pid, end)(localContext(pid.symbol.moduleClass)) } /** Create symbols the longest consecutive sequence of parameters with given * `tag` starting at current address. */ def indexParams(tag: Int)(implicit ctx: Context) = while (nextByte == tag) createSymbol() /** Create symbols for all type and value parameters of template starting * at current address. */ def indexTemplateParams()(implicit ctx: Context) = { assert(readByte() == TEMPLATE) readEnd() indexParams(TYPEPARAM) indexParams(PARAM) } /** If definition was already read by a completer, return the previously read tree * or else read definition. */ def readIndexedDef()(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = treeAtAddr.remove(currentAddr) match { case Some(tree) => skipTree(); tree case none => readNewDef() } private def readNewDef()(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { val start = currentAddr val sym = symAtAddr(start) val tag = readByte() val end = readEnd() def readParams[T <: MemberDef](tag: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): List[T] = { fork.indexParams(tag) readIndexedParams(tag) } def readParamss(implicit ctx: Context): List[List[ValDef]] = { collectWhile(nextByte == PARAMS) { readByte() readEnd() readParams[ValDef](PARAM) } } def readRhs(implicit ctx: Context) = if (noRhs(end)) EmptyTree else readLater(end, rdr => ctx => rdr.readTerm()(ctx)) def localCtx = localContext(sym) def DefDef(tparams: List[TypeDef], vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], tpt: Tree) = ta.assignType( untpd.DefDef(, tparams, vparamss, tpt, readRhs(localCtx)), sym) def ta = ctx.typeAssigner val name = readName() pickling.println(s"reading def of $name at $start") val tree: MemberDef = tag match { case DEFDEF => val tparams = readParams[TypeDef](TYPEPARAM)(localCtx) val vparamss = readParamss(localCtx) val tpt = readTpt() val typeParams = val valueParamss = ctx.normalizeIfConstructor( vparamss.nestedMap(_.symbol), name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) val resType = ctx.effectiveResultType(sym, typeParams, tpt.tpe) = ctx.methodType(typeParams, valueParamss, resType) DefDef(tparams, vparamss, tpt) case VALDEF => = readType() ValDef(sym.asTerm, readRhs(localCtx)) case TYPEDEF | TYPEPARAM => if (sym.isClass) { val companion = sym.scalacLinkedClass if (companion != NoSymbol && unpickledSyms.contains(companion)) { import transform.SymUtils._ if (sym is Flags.ModuleClass) sym.registerCompanionMethod(nme.COMPANION_CLASS_METHOD, companion) else sym.registerCompanionMethod(nme.COMPANION_MODULE_METHOD, companion) } ta.assignType(untpd.TypeDef(, readTemplate(localCtx)), sym) } else { = readType() TypeDef(sym.asType) } case PARAM => val info = readType() if (noRhs(end)) { = info ValDef(sym.asTerm) } else { sym.setFlag(Method) = ExprType(info) pickling.println(i"reading param alias $name -> $currentAddr") DefDef(Nil, Nil, TypeTree(info)) } } val mods = if (sym.annotations.isEmpty) EmptyModifiers else Modifiers(annotations = tree.withMods(mods) // record annotations in tree so that tree positions can be filled in. goto(end) setPos(start, tree) } private def readTemplate(implicit ctx: Context): Template = { val start = currentAddr val cls = ctx.owner.asClass def setClsInfo(parents: List[TypeRef], selfType: Type) = = ClassInfo(cls.owner.thisType, cls, parents, cls.unforcedDecls, selfType) setClsInfo(Nil, NoType) val localDummy = ctx.newLocalDummy(cls) assert(readByte() == TEMPLATE) val end = readEnd() val tparams = readIndexedParams[TypeDef](TYPEPARAM) val vparams = readIndexedParams[ValDef](PARAM) val parents = collectWhile(nextByte != SELFDEF && nextByte != DEFDEF) { nextByte match { case APPLY | TYPEAPPLY => readTerm() case _ => readTpt() } } val parentRefs = ctx.normalizeToClassRefs(, cls, cls.unforcedDecls) val self = if (nextByte == SELFDEF) { readByte() untpd.ValDef(readName(), readTpt(), EmptyTree).withType(NoType) } else EmptyValDef setClsInfo(parentRefs, if (self.isEmpty) NoType else self.tpt.tpe) cls.setApplicableFlags(fork.indexStats(end)) val constr = readIndexedDef().asInstanceOf[DefDef] def mergeTypeParamsAndAliases(tparams: List[TypeDef], stats: List[Tree]): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = (tparams, stats) match { case (tparam :: tparams1, (alias: TypeDef) :: stats1) if == => val (tas, stats2) = mergeTypeParamsAndAliases(tparams1, stats1) (tparam :: alias :: tas, stats2) case _ => (tparams, stats) } val lazyStats = readLater(end, rdr => implicit ctx => { val stats0 = rdr.readIndexedStats(localDummy, end) val (tparamsAndAliases, stats) = mergeTypeParamsAndAliases(tparams, stats0) tparamsAndAliases ++ vparams ++ stats }) setPos(start, untpd.Template(constr, parents, self, lazyStats) .withType(localDummy.nonMemberTermRef)) } def skipToplevel()(implicit ctx: Context): Unit= { if (!isAtEnd) nextByte match { case IMPORT | PACKAGE => skipTree() skipToplevel() case _ => } } def readTopLevel()(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = { @tailrec def read(acc: ListBuffer[Tree]): List[Tree] = nextByte match { case IMPORT | PACKAGE => acc += readIndexedStat(NoSymbol) if (!isAtEnd) read(acc) else acc.toList case _ => // top-level trees which are not imports or packages are not part of tree acc.toList } read(new ListBuffer[tpd.Tree]) } def readIndexedStat(exprOwner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = nextByte match { case TYPEDEF | VALDEF | DEFDEF => readIndexedDef() case IMPORT => readImport() case PACKAGE => val start = currentAddr processPackage { (pid, end) => implicit ctx => setPos(start, PackageDef(pid, readIndexedStats(exprOwner, end)(ctx))) } case _ => readTerm()(ctx.withOwner(exprOwner)) } def readImport()(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { readByte() readEnd() val expr = readTerm() def readSelectors(): List[untpd.Tree] = nextByte match { case RENAMED => readByte() readEnd() untpd.Pair(untpd.Ident(readName()), untpd.Ident(readName())) :: readSelectors() case IMPORTED => readByte() untpd.Ident(readName()) :: readSelectors() case _ => Nil } Import(expr, readSelectors()) } def readIndexedStats(exprOwner: Symbol, end: Addr)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = until(end)(readIndexedStat(exprOwner)) def readStats(exprOwner: Symbol, end: Addr)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Tree] = { fork.indexStats(end) readIndexedStats(exprOwner, end) } def readIndexedParams[T <: MemberDef](tag: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): List[T] = collectWhile(nextByte == tag) { readIndexedDef().asInstanceOf[T] } // ------ Reading terms ----------------------------------------------------- def readTerm()(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = { val start = currentAddr val tag = readByte() pickling.println(s"reading term ${astTagToString(tag)} at $start") def readPathTerm(): Tree = { goto(start) readPath() match { case path: TermRef => ref(path) case path: ThisType => This(path.cls) case path: ConstantType => Literal(path.value) } } def readSimpleTerm(): Tree = tag match { case IDENT => untpd.Ident(readName()).withType(readType()) case SELECT => def readQual(name: Name) = { val localCtx = if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) ctx.addMode(Mode.InSuperCall) else ctx readTerm()(localCtx) } def readRest(name: Name, sig: Signature) = { val unshadowed = if (name.isShadowedName) name.revertShadowed else name val qual = readQual(name) untpd.Select(qual, unshadowed) .withType(TermRef.withSig(qual.tpe.widenIfUnstable, name.asTermName, sig)) } readNameSplitSig match { case name: Name => readRest(name, Signature.NotAMethod) case (name: Name, sig: Signature) => readRest(name, sig) } case NEW => New(readTpt()) case _ => readPathTerm() } def readLengthTerm(): Tree = { val end = readEnd() val result = (tag: @switch) match { case SUPER => val qual = readTerm() val mixClass = ifBefore(end)(readType().typeSymbol, NoSymbol) val mixName = if (mixClass.exists) else tpnme.EMPTY tpd.Super(qual, mixName,, mixClass) case APPLY => val fn = readTerm() val isJava = fn.tpe.isInstanceOf[JavaMethodType] def readArg() = readTerm() match { case SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) if isJava => JavaSeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) case arg => arg } tpd.Apply(fn, until(end)(readArg())) case TYPEAPPLY => tpd.TypeApply(readTerm(), until(end)(readTpt())) case PAIR => Pair(readTerm(), readTerm()) case TYPED => Typed(readTerm(), readTpt()) case NAMEDARG => NamedArg(readName(), readTerm()) case ASSIGN => Assign(readTerm(), readTerm()) case BLOCK => val exprReader = fork skipTree() val localCtx = ctx.fresh.setNewScope val stats = readStats(ctx.owner, end)(localCtx) val expr = exprReader.readTerm()(localCtx) Block(stats, expr) case IF => If(readTerm(), readTerm(), readTerm()) case LAMBDA => val meth = readTerm() val tpt = ifBefore(end)(readTpt(), EmptyTree) Closure(Nil, meth, tpt) case MATCH => Match(readTerm(), readCases(end)) case RETURN => val from = readSymRef() val expr = ifBefore(end)(readTerm(), EmptyTree) Return(expr, Ident(from.termRef)) case TRY => Try(readTerm(), readCases(end), ifBefore(end)(readTerm(), EmptyTree)) case REPEATED => val elemtpt = readTpt() SeqLiteral(until(end)(readTerm()), elemtpt) case BIND => val name = readName() val info = readType() val sym = ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, name, EmptyFlags, info) registerSym(start, sym) Bind(sym, readTerm()) case ALTERNATIVE => Alternative(until(end)(readTerm())) case UNAPPLY => val fn = readTerm() val implicitArgs = collectWhile(nextByte == IMPLICITarg) { readByte() readTerm() } val patType = readType() val argPats = until(end)(readTerm()) UnApply(fn, implicitArgs, argPats, patType) case _ => readPathTerm() } assert(currentAddr == end, s"$start $currentAddr $end ${astTagToString(tag)}") result } val tree = if (tag < firstLengthTreeTag) readSimpleTerm() else readLengthTerm() tree.overwriteType(tree.tpe.simplified) setPos(start, tree) } def readTpt()(implicit ctx: Context) = { val start = currentAddr val tp = readType() if (tp.exists) setPos(start, TypeTree(tp)) else EmptyTree } def readCases(end: Addr)(implicit ctx: Context): List[CaseDef] = collectWhile(nextByte == CASEDEF && currentAddr != end) { readCase()(ctx.fresh.setNewScope) } def readCase()(implicit ctx: Context): CaseDef = { val start = currentAddr readByte() val end = readEnd() val pat = readTerm() val rhs = readTerm() val guard = ifBefore(end)(readTerm(), EmptyTree) setPos(start, CaseDef(pat, guard, rhs)) } def readLater[T <: AnyRef](end: Addr, op: TreeReader => Context => T): Trees.Lazy[T] = { val localReader = fork goto(end) new LazyReader(localReader, op) } // ------ Hooks for positions ------------------------------------------------ /** Record address from which tree was created as a temporary position in the tree. * The temporary position contains deltas relative to the position of the (as yet unknown) * parent node. It is marked as a non-synthetic source position. */ def setPos[T <: Tree](addr: Addr, tree: T): T = { if (readPositions) tree.setPosUnchecked(positions.getOrElse(addr, Position(0, 0, 0))) tree } } private def setNormalized(tree: Tree, parentPos: Position): Unit = tree.setPosUnchecked( if (tree.pos.exists) Position(parentPos.start + offsetToInt(tree.pos.start), parentPos.end - tree.pos.end) else parentPos) def normalizePos(x: Any, parentPos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = traverse(x, parentPos, setNormalized) class LazyReader[T <: AnyRef](reader: TreeReader, op: TreeReader => Context => T) extends Trees.Lazy[T] with DeferredPosition { def complete(implicit ctx: Context): T = { pickling.println(i"starting to read at ${reader.reader.currentAddr}") val res = op(reader)(ctx.addMode(Mode.AllowDependentFunctions)) normalizePos(res, parentPos) res } } class LazyAnnotationReader(sym: Symbol, reader: TreeReader) extends LazyAnnotation(sym) with DeferredPosition { def complete(implicit ctx: Context) = { val res = reader.readTerm() normalizePos(res, parentPos) res } } }