package package core package transform import Symbols._, Types._, Contexts._, Flags._, Names._ object Erasure { /** The erasure |T| of a type T. This is: * * - For a refined type scala.Array+[T]: * - if T is Nothing or Null, scala.Array+[Object] * - otherwise, if T <: Object, scala.Array+[|T|] * - otherwise, if T is a type paramter coming from Java, scala.Array+[Object]. * - otherwise, Object * - For a constant type, NoType or NoPrefix, the type itself. * - For all other type proxies: The erasure of the underlying type. * - For a typeref scala.Any, scala.AnyVal, scala.Singleon or scala.NotNull, java.lang.Object. * - For a typeref scala.Unit, scala.runtime.BoxedUnit. * - For a typeref P.C where C refers to a toplevel class, P.C. * - For a typeref P.C where C refers to a nested class, |P|.C. * - For a typeref P.C where C refers to an alias type, the erasure of C's alias. * - For a typeref P.C where C refers to an abstract type, the erasure of C's upper bound. * - For T1 & T2, erasure(T1) (??) * - For T1 | T2, the first base class in the linearization of T which is also a base class of T2 * - For a method type (Fs)scala.Unit, (|Fs|)scala.Unit. * - For any other method type (Fs)T, (|Fs|)|T|. * - For a polymorphic type, the erasure of its result type. * - For the class info type of java.lang.Object, the same type without any parents. * - For a class info type of a value class, the same type without any parents. * - For any other class info type with parents Ps, the same type with * parents |Ps|, but with duplicate references of Object removed. * - For any other type, exception. */ def erasure(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp match { case tp: TypeRef => val sym = tp.symbol if (sym.isClass) /*if (sym.isDerivedValueClass) eraseDerivedValueClassRef(tref) else */if (sym.owner is Package) normalizeClass(sym.asClass).typeConstructor else tp.derivedNamedType(erasure(tp.prefix)) else erasure( case tp: RefinedType => val parent = tp.parent if (parent.dealias.typeSymbol == defn.ArrayClass) eraseArray(tp) else erasure(parent) case ConstantType(_) | NoType | NoPrefix => tp case tp: TypeProxy => erasure(tp.underlying) case AndType(tp1, tp2) => erasure(tp1) case OrType(tp1, tp2) => erasure(tp.baseType(lubClass(tp1, tp2))) case tp: MethodType => tp.derivedMethodType( tp.paramNames, tp.paramTypes.mapConserve(erasure), resultErasure(tp.resultType)) case tp: PolyType => erasure(tp.resultType) case tp @ ClassInfo(pre, cls, classParents, decls, optSelfType) => val parents: List[TypeRef] = if (cls == defn.ObjectClass || cls.isPrimitiveValueClass) Nil else if (cls == defn.ArrayClass) defn.ObjectClass.typeConstructor :: Nil else removeLaterObjects(classParents mapConserve (erasure(_).asInstanceOf[TypeRef])) tp.derivedClassInfo(erasure(pre), parents, NoType) } def eraseArray(tp: RefinedType)(implicit ctx: Context) = { val (n, elemtp) = tp.splitArray if (elemtp <:< defn.NullType) defn.ObjectArrayType else if (elemtp <:< defn.ObjectType) (erasure(elemtp) /: (0 until n))((erased, _) => defn.ArrayType.appliedTo(erased)) else if (elemtp.typeSymbol is JavaDefined) defn.ObjectArrayType else defn.ObjectType } def normalizeClass(cls: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassSymbol = { if (cls.owner == defn.ScalaPackageClass) { if (cls == defn.AnyClass || cls == defn.AnyValClass || cls == defn.SingletonClass || cls == defn.NotNullClass) return defn.ObjectClass if (cls == defn.UnitClass) return defn.BoxedUnitClass } cls } def lubClass(tp1: Type, tp2: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): ClassSymbol = { var bcs1 = tp1.baseClasses val bc2 = tp2.baseClasses.head while (bcs1.nonEmpty && !bc2.isNonBottomSubClass(bcs1.head)) bcs1 = bcs1.tail if (bcs1.isEmpty) defn.ObjectClass else bcs1.head } /** The parameter signature of a type. * Need to ensure correspondence with erasure */ def paramSignature(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): TypeName = tp match { case tp: TypeRef => val sym = tp.symbol if (sym.isClass) /*if (sym.isDerivedValueClass) eraseDerivedValueClassRef(tref) else */if (sym.owner is Package) normalizeClass(sym.asClass).name else else paramSignature( case tp: RefinedType => val parent = tp.parent if (parent.dealias.typeSymbol == defn.ArrayClass) paramSignature(eraseArray(tp)) else paramSignature(parent) case tp: TypeProxy => paramSignature(tp.underlying) case AndType(tp1, tp2) => paramSignature(tp1) case OrType(tp1, tp2) => lubClass(tp1, tp2).name } def resultErasure(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (tp.dealias.typeSymbol == defn.UnitClass) tp else erasure(tp) def removeLaterObjects(trs: List[TypeRef])(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeRef] = trs match { case tr :: trs1 => tr :: (trs1 filter (_.typeSymbol != defn.ObjectClass)) case nil => nil } }