package package printing import core._ import Texts._, Types._, Flags._, Names._, Symbols._, NameOps._, Constants._ import TypeErasure.ErasedValueType import Contexts.Context, Scopes.Scope, Denotations._, SymDenotations._, Annotations.Annotation import StdNames.{nme, tpnme} import ast.{Trees, untpd, tpd} import typer.{Namer, Inliner} import typer.ProtoTypes.{SelectionProto, ViewProto, FunProto, IgnoredProto, dummyTreeOfType} import Trees._ import TypeApplications._ import Decorators._ import config.Config import scala.annotation.switch import language.implicitConversions class RefinedPrinter(_ctx: Context) extends PlainPrinter(_ctx) { /** A stack of enclosing DefDef, TypeDef, or ClassDef, or ModuleDefs nodes */ private var enclosingDef: untpd.Tree = untpd.EmptyTree private var myCtx: Context = _ctx override protected[this] implicit def ctx: Context = myCtx def withEnclosingDef(enclDef: Tree[_ >: Untyped])(op: => Text): Text = { val savedCtx = myCtx if (enclDef.hasType && enclDef.symbol.exists) myCtx = ctx.withOwner(enclDef.symbol) val savedDef = enclosingDef enclosingDef = enclDef try op finally { myCtx = savedCtx enclosingDef = savedDef } } private def enclDefIsClass = enclosingDef match { case owner: TypeDef[_] => owner.isClassDef case owner: untpd.ModuleDef => true case _ => false } override protected def recursionLimitExceeded() = {} protected val PrintableFlags = (SourceModifierFlags | Label | Module | Local).toCommonFlags override def nameString(name: Name): String = name.decode.toString override protected def simpleNameString(sym: Symbol): String = { val name = sym.originalName nameString(if (sym is ExpandedTypeParam) name.asTypeName.unexpandedName else name) } override def fullNameString(sym: Symbol): String = if (isEmptyPrefix(sym.maybeOwner)) nameString(sym) else super.fullNameString(sym) override protected def fullNameOwner(sym: Symbol) = { val owner = super.fullNameOwner(sym) if (owner is ModuleClass) owner.sourceModule else owner } override def toTextRef(tp: SingletonType): Text = controlled { tp match { case tp: ThisType => if (tp.cls.isAnonymousClass) return "this" if (tp.cls is ModuleClass) return fullNameString(tp.cls.sourceModule) case _ => } super.toTextRef(tp) } override def toTextPrefix(tp: Type): Text = controlled { def isOmittable(sym: Symbol) = if (ctx.settings.verbose.value) false else if (homogenizedView) isEmptyPrefix(sym) // drop and anonymous classes, but not scala, Predef. else isOmittablePrefix(sym) tp match { case tp: ThisType => if (isOmittable(tp.cls)) return "" case tp @ TermRef(pre, _) => val sym = tp.symbol if (sym.isPackageObject) return toTextPrefix(pre) if (isOmittable(sym)) return "" case _ => } super.toTextPrefix(tp) } override protected def refinementNameString(tp: RefinedType): String = if (tp.parent.isInstanceOf[WildcardType] || tp.refinedName == nme.WILDCARD) super.refinementNameString(tp) else { val tsym = tp.parent.member(tp.refinedName).symbol if (!tsym.exists) super.refinementNameString(tp) else simpleNameString(tsym) } override def toText(tp: Type): Text = controlled { def toTextTuple(args: List[Type]): Text = "(" ~ Text(, ", ") ~ ")" def toTextFunction(args: List[Type]): Text = changePrec(GlobalPrec) { val argStr: Text = if (args.length == 2 && !defn.isTupleType(args.head)) atPrec(InfixPrec) { argText(args.head) } else toTextTuple(args.init) argStr ~ " => " ~ argText(args.last) } homogenize(tp) match { case AppliedType(tycon, args) => val cls = tycon.typeSymbol if (tycon.isRepeatedParam) return toTextLocal(args.head) ~ "*" if (defn.isFunctionClass(cls)) return toTextFunction(args) if (defn.isTupleClass(cls)) return toTextTuple(args) return (toTextLocal(tycon) ~ "[" ~ Text(args map argText, ", ") ~ "]").close case tp: TypeRef => val hideType = tp.symbol is AliasPreferred if (hideType && !ctx.phase.erasedTypes && !tp.symbol.isCompleting) { match { case TypeAlias(alias) => return toText(alias) case _ => if (tp.prefix.isInstanceOf[ThisType]) return nameString(tp.symbol) } } else if (tp.symbol.isAnonymousClass && !ctx.settings.uniqid.value) return toText( case ExprType(result) => return "=> " ~ toText(result) case ErasedValueType(tycon, underlying) => return "ErasedValueType(" ~ toText(tycon) ~ ", " ~ toText(underlying) ~ ")" case tp: ClassInfo => return toTextParents(tp.parentsWithArgs) ~ "{...}" case JavaArrayType(elemtp) => return toText(elemtp) ~ "[]" case tp: SelectionProto => return "?{ " ~ toText( ~ (" " provided ! ~ ": " ~ toText(tp.memberProto) ~ " }" case tp: ViewProto => return toText(tp.argType) ~ " ?=>? " ~ toText(tp.resultType) case tp @ FunProto(args, resultType, _) => val argsText = args match { case dummyTreeOfType(tp) :: Nil if !(tp isRef defn.NullClass) => "null: " ~ toText(tp) case _ => toTextGlobal(args, ", ") } return "FunProto(" ~ argsText ~ "):" ~ toText(resultType) case tp: IgnoredProto => return "?" case _ => } super.toText(tp) } def blockText[T >: Untyped](trees: List[Tree[T]]): Text = ("{" ~ toText(trees, "\n") ~ "}").close override def toText[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T]): Text = controlled { import untpd.{modsDeco => _, _} /** Print modifiers from symbols if tree has type, overriding the untpd behavior. */ implicit def modsDeco(mdef: untpd.MemberDef)(implicit ctx: Context): untpd.ModsDecorator = new untpd.ModsDecorator { def mods = if (mdef.hasType) Modifiers(mdef.symbol) else mdef.rawMods } def Modifiers(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Modifiers = untpd.Modifiers( sym.flags & (if (sym.isType) ModifierFlags | VarianceFlags else ModifierFlags), if (sym.privateWithin.exists) else tpnme.EMPTY, sym.annotations map (_.tree)) def isLocalThis(tree: Tree) = tree.typeOpt match { case tp: ThisType => tp.cls == ctx.owner.enclosingClass case _ => false } def optDotPrefix(tree: This) = optText(tree.qual)(_ ~ ".") provided !isLocalThis(tree) def optAscription(tpt: untpd.Tree) = optText(tpt)(": " ~ _) // Dotty deviation: called with an untpd.Tree, so cannot be a untpd.Tree[T] (seems to be a Scala2 problem to allow this) // More deviations marked below as // DD def tparamsText[T >: Untyped](params: List[Tree]): Text = "[" ~ toText(params, ", ") ~ "]" provided params.nonEmpty def addVparamssText(txt: Text, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]): Text = (txt /: vparamss)((txt, vparams) => txt ~ "(" ~ toText(vparams, ", ") ~ ")") def caseBlockText(tree: Tree): Text = tree match { case Block(stats, expr) => toText(stats :+ expr, "\n") case expr => toText(expr) } def enumText(tree: untpd.Tree) = tree match { // DD case _: untpd.GenFrom | _: untpd.GenAlias => toText(tree) case _ => "if " ~ toText(tree) } def forText(enums: List[untpd.Tree], expr: untpd.Tree, sep: String): Text = // DD changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "for " ~ Text(enums map enumText, "; ") ~ sep ~ toText(expr) } def cxBoundToText(bound: untpd.Tree): Text = bound match { // DD case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, _) => " : " ~ toText(tpt) case untpd.Function(_, tpt) => " <% " ~ toText(tpt) } def constrText(tree: untpd.Tree): Text = toTextLocal(tree).stripPrefix("new ") // DD def annotText(tree: untpd.Tree): Text = "@" ~ constrText(tree) // DD def useSymbol = tree.hasType && tree.symbol.exists && ctx.settings.YprintSyms.value def modText(mods: untpd.Modifiers, kw: String): Text = { // DD val suppressKw = if (enclDefIsClass) mods is ParamAndLocal else mods is Param var flagMask = if (ctx.settings.debugFlags.value) AnyFlags else if (suppressKw) PrintableFlags &~ Private else PrintableFlags if (homogenizedView && mods.flags.isTypeFlags) flagMask &~= Implicit // drop implicit from classes val flagsText = (mods.flags & flagMask).toString Text(, " ") ~~ flagsText ~~ (kw provided !suppressKw) } def varianceText(mods: untpd.Modifiers) = if (mods is Covariant) "+" else if (mods is Contravariant) "-" else "" def argText(arg: Tree): Text = arg match { case arg: TypeBoundsTree => "_" ~ toTextGlobal(arg) case arg: TypeTree => arg.typeOpt match { case tp: TypeBounds => "_" ~ toTextGlobal(arg) case _ => toTextGlobal(arg) } case _ => toTextGlobal(arg) } def dclTextOr(treeText: => Text) = if (useSymbol) annotsText(tree.symbol) ~~ dclText(tree.symbol) ~ ( " " provided ctx.settings.debugOwners.value) else treeText def idText(tree: untpd.Tree): Text = { if (ctx.settings.uniqid.value && tree.hasType && tree.symbol.exists) s"#${}" else "" } def nameIdText(tree: untpd.NameTree): Text = toText( ~ idText(tree) def toTextTemplate(impl: Template, ofNew: Boolean = false): Text = { val Template(constr @ DefDef(_, tparams, vparamss, _, _), parents, self, _) = impl val tparamsTxt = withEnclosingDef(constr) { tparamsText(tparams) } val primaryConstrs = if (constr.rhs.isEmpty) Nil else constr :: Nil val prefix: Text = if (vparamss.isEmpty || primaryConstrs.nonEmpty) tparamsTxt else { var modsText = modText(constr.mods, "") if (!modsText.isEmpty) modsText = " " ~ modsText if (constr.mods.hasAnnotations && !constr.mods.hasFlags) modsText = modsText ~~ " this" withEnclosingDef(constr) { addVparamssText(tparamsTxt ~~ modsText, vparamss) } } val parentsText = Text(parents map constrText, " with ") val selfText = { val selfName = if ( == nme.WILDCARD) "this" else (selfName ~ optText(self.tpt)(": " ~ _) ~ " =>").close } provided !self.isEmpty val bodyText = "{" ~~ selfText ~~ toTextGlobal(primaryConstrs ::: impl.body, "\n") ~ "}" prefix ~ (" extends" provided !ofNew) ~~ parentsText ~~ bodyText } def toTextPackageId(pid: Tree): Text = if (homogenizedView && pid.hasType) toTextLocal(pid.tpe) else toTextLocal(pid) def toTextCore(tree: Tree): Text = tree match { case id: Trees.BackquotedIdent[_] if !homogenizedView => "`" ~ toText( ~ "`" case Ident(name) => tree.typeOpt match { case tp: NamedType if name != nme.WILDCARD => val pre = if (tp.symbol is JavaStatic) tp.prefix.widen else tp.prefix toTextPrefix(pre) ~ selectionString(tp) case _ => toText(name) } case tree @ Select(qual, name) => if (qual.isType) toTextLocal(qual) ~ "#" ~ toText(name) else toTextLocal(qual) ~ ("." ~ nameIdText(tree) provided name != nme.CONSTRUCTOR) case tree: This => optDotPrefix(tree) ~ "this" ~ idText(tree) case Super(qual: This, mix) => optDotPrefix(qual) ~ "super" ~ optText(mix)("[" ~ _ ~ "]") case Apply(fun, args) => if (fun.hasType && fun.symbol == defn.throwMethod) changePrec (GlobalPrec) { "throw " ~ toText(args.head) } else toTextLocal(fun) ~ "(" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ ")" case TypeApply(fun, args) => toTextLocal(fun) ~ "[" ~ toTextGlobal(args, ", ") ~ "]" case Literal(c) => tree.typeOpt match { case ConstantType(tc) => toText(tc) case _ => toText(c) } case New(tpt) => "new " ~ { tpt match { case tpt: Template => toTextTemplate(tpt, ofNew = true) case _ => if (tpt.hasType) toTextLocal(tpt.typeOpt.underlyingClassRef(refinementOK = false)) else toTextLocal(tpt) } } case Typed(expr, tpt) => changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(expr) ~ ": " ~ toText(tpt) } case NamedArg(name, arg) => toText(name) ~ " = " ~ toText(arg) case Assign(lhs, rhs) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { toTextLocal(lhs) ~ " = " ~ toText(rhs) } case Block(stats, expr) => blockText(stats :+ expr) case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "if " ~ toText(cond) ~ (" then" provided !cond.isInstanceOf[Parens]) ~~ toText(thenp) ~ optText(elsep)(" else " ~ _) } case Closure(env, ref, target) => "closure(" ~ (toTextGlobal(env, ", ") ~ " | " provided env.nonEmpty) ~ toTextGlobal(ref) ~ (":" ~ toText(target) provided !target.isEmpty) ~ ")" case Match(sel, cases) => if (sel.isEmpty) blockText(cases) else changePrec(GlobalPrec) { toText(sel) ~ " match " ~ blockText(cases) } case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => "case " ~ toText(pat) ~ optText(guard)(" if " ~ _) ~ " => " ~ caseBlockText(body) case Return(expr, from) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "return" ~ optText(expr)(" " ~ _) } case Try(expr, cases, finalizer) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "try " ~ toText(expr) ~ optText(cases)(" catch " ~ _) ~ optText(finalizer)(" finally " ~ _) } case Throw(expr) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "throw " ~ toText(expr) } case SeqLiteral(elems, elemtpt) => "[" ~ toTextGlobal(elems, ",") ~ " : " ~ toText(elemtpt) ~ "]" case tree @ Inlined(call, bindings, body) => if (homogenizedView) toTextCore(Inliner.dropInlined(tree.asInstanceOf[tpd.Inlined])) else "/* inlined from " ~ toText(call) ~ "*/ " ~ blockText(bindings :+ body) case tpt: untpd.DerivedTypeTree => "" case TypeTree(orig) => if (tree.hasType) toText(tree.typeOpt) else toText(orig) case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => toTextLocal(ref) ~ ".type" case AndTypeTree(l, r) => changePrec(AndPrec) { toText(l) ~ " & " ~ toText(r) } case OrTypeTree(l, r) => changePrec(OrPrec) { toText(l) ~ " | " ~ toText(r) } case RefinedTypeTree(tpt, refines) => toTextLocal(tpt) ~ " " ~ blockText(refines) case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => toTextLocal(tpt) ~ "[" ~ Text(args map argText, ", ") ~ "]" case PolyTypeTree(tparams, body) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { tparamsText(tparams) ~ " -> " ~ toText(body) } case ByNameTypeTree(tpt) => "=> " ~ toTextLocal(tpt) case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => optText(lo)(" >: " ~ _) ~ optText(hi)(" <: " ~ _) case Bind(name, body) => changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(name) ~ " @ " ~ toText(body) } case Alternative(trees) => changePrec(OrPrec) { toText(trees, " | ") } case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) => val extractor = fun match { case Select(extractor, nme.unapply) => extractor case _ => fun } toTextLocal(extractor) ~ "(" ~ toTextGlobal(patterns, ", ") ~ ")" ~ ("(" ~ toTextGlobal(implicits, ", ") ~ ")" provided implicits.nonEmpty) case tree @ ValDef(name, tpt, _) => dclTextOr { modText(tree.mods, if (tree.mods is Mutable) "var" else "val") ~~ nameIdText(tree) ~ optAscription(tpt) ~ withEnclosingDef(tree) { optText(tree.rhs)(" = " ~ _) } } case tree @ DefDef(name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, _) => dclTextOr { val prefix = modText(tree.mods, "def") ~~ nameIdText(tree) withEnclosingDef(tree) { addVparamssText(prefix ~ tparamsText(tparams), vparamss) ~ optAscription(tpt) ~ optText(tree.rhs)(" = " ~ _) } } case tree @ TypeDef(name, rhs) => def typeDefText(rhsText: Text) = dclTextOr { modText(tree.mods, "type") ~~ (varianceText(tree.mods) ~ nameIdText(tree)) ~ withEnclosingDef(tree) { val rhsText1 = if (tree.hasType) toText( else rhsText tparamsText(tree.tparams) ~ rhsText1 } } rhs match { case impl: Template => modText(tree.mods, if ((tree).mods is Trait) "trait" else "class") ~~ nameIdText(tree) ~ withEnclosingDef(tree) { toTextTemplate(impl) } ~ (if (tree.hasType && ctx.settings.verbose.value) i"[decls = ${}]" else "") case rhs: TypeBoundsTree => typeDefText(toText(rhs)) case _ => typeDefText(optText(rhs)(" = " ~ _)) } case Import(expr, selectors) => def selectorText(sel: Tree): Text = sel match { case Thicket(l :: r :: Nil) => toTextGlobal(l) ~ " => " ~ toTextGlobal(r) case _ => toTextGlobal(sel) } val selectorsText: Text = selectors match { case Ident(name) :: Nil => toText(name) case _ => "{" ~ Text(selectors map selectorText, ", ") ~ "}" } "import " ~ toTextLocal(expr) ~ "." ~ selectorsText case PackageDef(pid, stats) => val statsText = stats match { case (pdef: PackageDef) :: Nil => toText(pdef) case _ => toTextGlobal(stats, "\n") } val bodyText = if (currentPrecedence == TopLevelPrec) "\n" ~ statsText else " {" ~ statsText ~ "}" "package " ~ toTextPackageId(pid) ~ bodyText case tree: Template => toTextTemplate(tree) case Annotated(arg, annot) => toTextLocal(arg) ~~ annotText(annot) case EmptyTree => "" case TypedSplice(t) => toText(t) case tree @ ModuleDef(name, impl) => withEnclosingDef(tree) { modText(tree.mods, "object") ~~ nameIdText(tree) ~ toTextTemplate(impl) } case SymbolLit(str) => "'" + str case InterpolatedString(id, segments) => def strText(str: Literal) = Str(escapedString(str.const.stringValue)) def segmentText(segment: Tree) = segment match { case Thicket(List(str: Literal, expr)) => strText(str) ~ "{" ~ toTextGlobal(expr) ~ "}" case str: Literal => strText(str) } toText(id) ~ "\"" ~ Text(segments map segmentText, "") ~ "\"" case Function(args, body) => var implicitSeen: Boolean = false def argToText(arg: Tree) = arg match { case arg @ ValDef(name, tpt, _) => val implicitText = if ((arg.mods is Implicit) && !implicitSeen) { implicitSeen = true; "implicit " } else "" implicitText ~ toText(name) ~ optAscription(tpt) case _ => toText(arg) } val argsText = args match { case (arg @ ValDef(_, tpt, _)) :: Nil if tpt.isEmpty => argToText(arg) case _ => "(" ~ Text(args map argToText, ", ") ~ ")" } changePrec(GlobalPrec) { argsText ~ " => " ~ toText(body) } case InfixOp(l, op, r) => val opPrec = parsing.precedence(op) changePrec(opPrec) { toText(l) ~ " " ~ toText(op) ~ " " ~ toText(r) } case PostfixOp(l, op) => changePrec(InfixPrec) { toText(l) ~ " " ~ toText(op) } case PrefixOp(op, r) => changePrec(DotPrec) { toText(op) ~ " " ~ toText(r) } case Parens(t) => "(" ~ toTextGlobal(t) ~ ")" case Tuple(ts) => "(" ~ toTextGlobal(ts, ", ") ~ ")" case WhileDo(cond, body) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "while " ~ toText(cond) ~ " do " ~ toText(body) } case DoWhile(cond, body) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "do " ~ toText(body) ~ " while " ~ toText(cond) } case ForYield(enums, expr) => forText(enums, expr, " yield ") case ForDo(enums, expr) => forText(enums, expr, " do ") case GenFrom(pat, expr) => toText(pat) ~ " <- " ~ toText(expr) case GenAlias(pat, expr) => toText(pat) ~ " = " ~ toText(expr) case ContextBounds(bounds, cxBounds) => (toText(bounds) /: cxBounds) {(t, cxb) => t ~ cxBoundToText(cxb) } case PatDef(mods, pats, tpt, rhs) => modText(mods, "val") ~~ toText(pats, ", ") ~ optAscription(tpt) ~ optText(rhs)(" = " ~ _) case ParsedTry(expr, handler, finalizer) => changePrec(GlobalPrec) { "try " ~ toText(expr) ~ " catch {" ~ toText(handler) ~ "}" ~ optText(finalizer)(" finally " ~ _) } case Thicket(trees) => "Thicket {" ~~ toTextGlobal(trees, "\n") ~~ "}" case _ => tree.fallbackToText(this) } var txt = toTextCore(tree) if (ctx.settings.printtypes.value && tree.hasType) { val tp = tree.typeOpt match { case tp: TermRef if tree.isInstanceOf[RefTree] && !tp.denot.isOverloaded => tp.underlying case tp => tp } if (tree.isType) txt = toText(tp) else if (!tree.isDef) txt = ("<" ~ txt ~ ":" ~ toText(tp) ~ ">").close } if (ctx.settings.Yprintpos.value && !tree.isInstanceOf[WithoutTypeOrPos[_]]) txt = txt ~ "@" ~ tree.pos.toString tree match { case Block(_, _) | Template(_, _, _, _) => txt case _ => txt.close } } def optText(name: Name)(encl: Text => Text): Text = if (name.isEmpty) "" else encl(toText(name)) def optText[T >: Untyped](tree: Tree[T])(encl: Text => Text): Text = if (tree.isEmpty) "" else encl(toText(tree)) def optText[T >: Untyped](tree: List[Tree[T]])(encl: Text => Text): Text = if (tree.exists(!_.isEmpty)) encl(blockText(tree)) else "" override protected def polyParamNameString(name: TypeName): String = name.unexpandedName.toString override protected def treatAsTypeParam(sym: Symbol): Boolean = sym is TypeParam override protected def treatAsTypeArg(sym: Symbol) = sym.isType && (sym is ProtectedLocal) && (sym.allOverriddenSymbols exists (_ is TypeParam)) override def toText(sym: Symbol): Text = { if (sym.isImport) { def importString(tree: untpd.Tree) = s"import ${}" sym.infoOrCompleter match { case info: Namer#Completer => return importString(info.original) case info: ImportType => return importString(info.expr) case _ => } } if ( kindString(sym) ~~ (nameString( + idString(sym)) else super.toText(sym) } override def kindString(sym: Symbol) = { val flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE if (flags is Package) "package" else if (sym.isPackageObject) "package object" else if (flags is Module) "object" else if (flags is ImplClass) "class" else if (sym.isClassConstructor) "constructor" else super.kindString(sym) } override protected def keyString(sym: Symbol): String = { val flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE if (sym.isType && sym.owner.isTerm) "" else super.keyString(sym) } override def toTextFlags(sym: Symbol) = if (ctx.settings.debugFlags.value) super.toTextFlags(sym) else { var flags = sym.flagsUNSAFE if (flags is TypeParam) flags = flags &~ Protected Text((flags & PrintableFlags).flagStrings map stringToText, " ") } override def toText(denot: Denotation): Text = denot match { case denot: MultiDenotation => Text(, " ") case NoDenotation => "NoDenotation" case _ => if (denot.symbol.exists) toText(denot.symbol) else "some " ~ toText( } override def plain = new PlainPrinter(_ctx) }