package package dotc package reporting import scala.collection.mutable import util.SourcePosition import core.Contexts._ import Reporter._ import{ BufferedReader, IOException, PrintWriter } import scala.reflect.internal.util._ import printing.SyntaxHighlighting._ /** * This class implements a more Fancy version (with colors!) of the regular * `ConsoleReporter` */ class FancyConsoleReporter( reader: BufferedReader =, writer: PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(Console.err, true) ) extends ConsoleReporter(reader, writer) { def sourceLine(pos: SourcePosition)(implicit ctx: Context): (String, Int) = { val lineNum = s"${pos.line}:" (lineNum + hl"${pos.lineContent.stripLineEnd}", lineNum.length) } def columnMarker(pos: SourcePosition, offset: Int) = if (pos.startLine == pos.endLine) { val whitespace = " " * (pos.column + offset) val carets = AnnotationColor + ("^" * math.max(1, pos.endColumn - pos.startColumn)) + NoColor whitespace + carets } else { " " * (pos.column + offset) + AnnotationColor + "^" + NoColor } def errorMsg(pos: SourcePosition, msg: String, offset: Int)(implicit ctx: Context) = { var hasLongLines = false val leastWhitespace = msg.lines.foldLeft(Int.MaxValue) { (minPad, line) => val lineLength = line.replaceAll("\u001B\\[[;\\d]*m", "").length val padding = math.min(math.max(0, ctx.settings.pageWidth.value - offset - lineLength), offset + pos.startColumn) if (padding < minPad) padding else minPad } msg .lines .map { line => " " * leastWhitespace + line } .mkString(sys.props("line.separator")) } def posStr(pos: SourcePosition, kind: String)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (pos.exists) { val file = pos.source.file.toString val outer = if (pos.outer.exists) { s"This location is in code that was inlined at ${pos.outer}:\n" + printStr(pos.outer) + "\n" + "-" * ctx.settings.pageWidth.value } else "" val prefix = s"${Console.CYAN}-- $kind: $file " prefix + ("-" * math.max(ctx.settings.pageWidth.value - prefix.replaceAll("\u001B\\[[;\\d]*m", "").length, 0)) + "\n" + outer + NoColor } else "" /** Prints the message with the given position indication. */ override def printMessageAndPos(msg: String, pos: SourcePosition, kind: String = "")(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { printMessage(posStr(pos, kind)) if (pos.exists) { val (src, offset) = sourceLine(pos) val marker = columnMarker(pos, offset) val err = errorMsg(pos, msg, offset) printMessage(List(src, marker, err).mkString("\n")) } else printMessage(msg) } }