/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package dotty.tools.dotc package transform import dotty.tools.dotc.transform.TreeTransforms._ import ValueClasses._ import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.{Trees, tpd} import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } import mutable.ListBuffer import core._ import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Phases.{NeedsCompanions, Phase} import Types._, Contexts._, Constants._, Names._, NameOps._, Flags._, DenotTransformers._ import SymDenotations._, Symbols._, StdNames._, Annotations._, Trees._, Scopes._, Denotations._ import TypeErasure.{ valueErasure, ErasedValueType } import TypeUtils._ import util.Positions._ import Decorators._ import SymUtils._ /** * Perform Step 1 in the inline classes SIP: Creates extension methods for all * methods in a value class, except parameter or super accessors, or constructors. * * Additionally, for a value class V, let U be the underlying type after erasure. We add * to the companion module of V two cast methods: * def u2evt$(x0: U): ErasedValueType(V, U) * def evt2u$(x0: ErasedValueType(V, U)): U * The casts are used in [[Erasure]] to make it typecheck, they are then removed * in [[ElimErasedValueType]]. * This is different from the implementation of value classes in Scala 2 * (see SIP-15) which uses `asInstanceOf` which does not typecheck. */ class ExtensionMethods extends MiniPhaseTransform with DenotTransformer with FullParameterization { thisTransformer => import tpd._ import ExtensionMethods._ /** the following two members override abstract members in Transform */ override def phaseName: String = "extmethods" override def runsAfter: Set[Class[_ <: Phase]] = Set(classOf[ElimRepeated]) override def runsAfterGroupsOf = Set(classOf[FirstTransform]) // need companion objects to exist override def transform(ref: SingleDenotation)(implicit ctx: Context): SingleDenotation = ref match { case moduleClassSym: ClassDenotation if moduleClassSym is ModuleClass => moduleClassSym.linkedClass match { case valueClass: ClassSymbol if isDerivedValueClass(valueClass) => val cinfo = moduleClassSym.classInfo val decls1 = cinfo.decls.cloneScope val moduleSym = moduleClassSym.symbol.asClass var newSuperClass: Type = null ctx.atPhase(thisTransformer.next) { implicit ctx => // In Scala 2, extension methods are added before pickling so we should // not generate them again. if (!(valueClass is Scala2x)) ctx.atPhase(thisTransformer) { implicit ctx => for (decl <- valueClass.classInfo.decls) { if (isMethodWithExtension(decl)) decls1.enter(createExtensionMethod(decl, moduleClassSym.symbol)) } } val underlying = valueErasure(underlyingOfValueClass(valueClass)) val evt = ErasedValueType(valueClass.typeRef, underlying) val u2evtSym = ctx.newSymbol(moduleSym, nme.U2EVT, Synthetic | Method, MethodType(List(nme.x_0), List(underlying), evt)) val evt2uSym = ctx.newSymbol(moduleSym, nme.EVT2U, Synthetic | Method, MethodType(List(nme.x_0), List(evt), underlying)) val defn = ctx.definitions val underlyingCls = underlying.classSymbol val underlyingClsName = if (underlyingCls.isNumericValueClass || underlyingCls == defn.BooleanClass) underlyingCls.name else nme.Object val syp = ctx.requiredClass(s"dotty.runtime.vc.VC${underlyingClsName}Companion").asClass newSuperClass = tpd.ref(syp).select(nme.CONSTRUCTOR).appliedToType(valueClass.typeRef).tpe.resultType decls1.enter(u2evtSym) decls1.enter(evt2uSym) } // Add the extension methods, the cast methods u2evt$ and evt2u$, and a VC*Companion superclass moduleClassSym.copySymDenotation(info = cinfo.derivedClassInfo( // FIXME: use of VC*Companion superclasses is disabled until the conflicts with SyntheticMethods are solved. //classParents = ctx.normalizeToClassRefs(List(newSuperClass), moduleSym, decls1), decls = decls1)) case _ => moduleClassSym } case ref: SymDenotation if isMethodWithExtension(ref) && ref.hasAnnotation(defn.TailrecAnnot) => val ref1 = ref.copySymDenotation() ref1.removeAnnotation(defn.TailrecAnnot) ref1 case _ => ref } protected def rewiredTarget(target: Symbol, derived: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = if (isMethodWithExtension(target) && target.owner.linkedClass == derived.owner) extensionMethod(target) else NoSymbol private def createExtensionMethod(imeth: Symbol, staticClass: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = { val extensionName = extensionNames(imeth).head.toTermName val extensionMeth = ctx.newSymbol(staticClass, extensionName, imeth.flags | Final &~ (Override | Protected | AbsOverride), fullyParameterizedType(imeth.info, imeth.owner.asClass), privateWithin = imeth.privateWithin, coord = imeth.coord) extensionMeth.addAnnotations(imeth.annotations)(ctx.withPhase(thisTransformer)) // need to change phase to add tailrec annotation which gets removed from original method in the same phase. extensionMeth } private val extensionDefs = mutable.Map[Symbol, mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]]() // TODO: this is state and should be per-run // todo: check that when transformation finished map is empty private def checkNonCyclic(pos: Position, seen: Set[Symbol], clazz: ClassSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = if (seen contains clazz) ctx.error("value class may not unbox to itself", pos) else { val unboxed = underlyingOfValueClass(clazz).typeSymbol if (isDerivedValueClass(unboxed)) checkNonCyclic(pos, seen + clazz, unboxed.asClass) } override def transformTemplate(tree: tpd.Template)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): tpd.Tree = { if (isDerivedValueClass(ctx.owner)) { /* This is currently redundant since value classes may not wrap over other value classes anyway. checkNonCyclic(ctx.owner.pos, Set(), ctx.owner) */ tree } else if (ctx.owner.isStaticOwner) { extensionDefs remove tree.symbol.owner match { case Some(defns) if defns.nonEmpty => cpy.Template(tree)(body = tree.body ++ defns.map(transformFollowing(_))) case _ => tree } } else tree } override def transformDefDef(tree: tpd.DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): tpd.Tree = { if (isMethodWithExtension(tree.symbol)) { val origMeth = tree.symbol val origClass = ctx.owner.asClass val staticClass = origClass.linkedClass assert(staticClass.exists, s"$origClass lacks companion, ${origClass.owner.definedPeriodsString} ${origClass.owner.info.decls} ${origClass.owner.info.decls}") val extensionMeth = extensionMethod(origMeth) ctx.log(s"Value class $origClass spawns extension method.\n Old: ${origMeth.showDcl}\n New: ${extensionMeth.showDcl}") val store: ListBuffer[Tree] = extensionDefs.get(staticClass) match { case Some(x) => x case None => val newC = new ListBuffer[Tree]() extensionDefs(staticClass) = newC newC } store += atGroupEnd(fullyParameterizedDef(extensionMeth, tree)(_)) cpy.DefDef(tree)(rhs = atGroupEnd(forwarder(extensionMeth, tree)(_))) } else tree } } object ExtensionMethods { /** Generate stream of possible names for the extension version of given instance method `imeth`. * If the method is not overloaded, this stream consists of just "imeth$extension". * If the method is overloaded, the stream has as first element "imeth$extenionX", where X is the * index of imeth in the sequence of overloaded alternatives with the same name. This choice will * always be picked as the name of the generated extension method. * After this first choice, all other possible indices in the range of 0 until the number * of overloaded alternatives are returned. The secondary choices are used to find a matching method * in `extensionMethod` if the first name has the wrong type. We thereby gain a level of insensitivity * of how overloaded types are ordered between phases and picklings. */ private def extensionNames(imeth: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Stream[Name] = { val decl = imeth.owner.info.decl(imeth.name) /** No longer needed for Dotty, as we are more disciplined with scopes now. // Bridge generation is done at phase `erasure`, but new scopes are only generated // for the phase after that. So bridges are visible in earlier phases. // // `info.member(imeth.name)` filters these out, but we need to use `decl` // to restrict ourselves to members defined in the current class, so we // must do the filtering here. val declTypeNoBridge = decl.filter(sym => !sym.isBridge).tpe */ decl match { case decl: MultiDenotation => val alts = decl.alternatives val index = alts indexOf imeth.denot assert(index >= 0, alts + " does not contain " + imeth) def altName(index: Int) = (imeth.name + "$extension" + index).toTermName altName(index) #:: ((0 until alts.length).toStream filter (index != _) map altName) case decl => assert(decl.exists, imeth.name + " not found in " + imeth.owner + "'s decls: " + imeth.owner.info.decls) Stream((imeth.name + "$extension").toTermName) } } /** Return the extension method that corresponds to given instance method `meth`. */ def extensionMethod(imeth: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): TermSymbol = ctx.atPhase(ctx.extensionMethodsPhase.next) { implicit ctx => // FIXME use toStatic instead? val companionInfo = imeth.owner.companionModule.info val candidates = extensionNames(imeth) map (companionInfo.decl(_).symbol) filter (_.exists) val matching = candidates filter (c => FullParameterization.memberSignature(c.info) == imeth.signature) assert(matching.nonEmpty, sm"""|no extension method found for: | | $imeth:${imeth.info.show} with signature ${imeth.signature} | | Candidates: | | ${candidates.map(c => c.name + ":" + c.info.show).mkString("\n")} | | Candidates (signatures normalized): | | ${candidates.map(c => c.name + ":" + c.info.signature + ":" + FullParameterization.memberSignature(c.info)).mkString("\n")} | | Eligible Names: ${extensionNames(imeth).mkString(",")}""") matching.head.asTerm } }