package package transform import core._ import TreeTransforms._ import Contexts.Context import Flags._ import SymUtils._ import Symbols._ import SymDenotations._ import Types._ import Decorators._ import DenotTransformers._ import StdNames._ import NameOps._ import Phases._ import ast.untpd import ast.Trees._ import collection.mutable /** Rewrite calls * * super[M].f(args) * * where M is a Scala2 trait implemented by the current class to * * M$class.f(this, args) * * provided the implementation class M$class defines a corresponding function `f`. */ class LinkScala2ImplClasses extends MiniPhaseTransform with IdentityDenotTransformer { thisTransform => import ast.tpd._ override def phaseName: String = "linkScala2ImplClasses" override def runsAfter: Set[Class[_ <: Phase]] = Set(classOf[Mixin]) override def transformApply(app: Apply)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo) = { def currentClass = ctx.owner.enclosingClass.asClass app match { case Apply(sel @ Select(Super(_, _), _), args) if && currentClass.mixins.contains(sel.symbol.owner) => val impl = implMethod(sel.symbol) if (impl.exists) Apply(ref(impl), This(currentClass) :: args).withPos(app.pos) else app // could have been an abstract method in a trait linked to from a super constructor case _ => app } } private def implMethod(meth: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = .decl(if (meth.isConstructor) nme.TRAIT_CONSTRUCTOR else .suchThat(c => FullParameterization.memberSignature( == meth.signature) .symbol private val Scala2xTrait = allOf(Scala2x, Trait) }