package package transform import core._ import Contexts.Context import Decorators._ import tasty._ import config.Printers.{noPrinter, pickling} import import Periods._ import Phases._ import Symbols._ import Flags.Module import util.SourceFile import collection.mutable /** This phase pickles trees */ class Pickler extends Phase { import ast.tpd._ override def phaseName: String = "pickler" private def output(name: String, msg: String) = { val s = new PrintStream(name) s.print(msg) s.close } private val beforePickling = new mutable.HashMap[ClassSymbol, String] /** Drop any elements of this list that are linked module classes of other elements in the list */ private def dropCompanionModuleClasses(clss: List[ClassSymbol])(implicit ctx: Context): List[ClassSymbol] = { val companionModuleClasses = clss.filterNot(_ is Module).map(_.linkedClass).filterNot(_.isAbsent) clss.filterNot(companionModuleClasses.contains) } override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { val unit = ctx.compilationUnit pickling.println(i"unpickling in run ${ctx.runId}") for { cls <- dropCompanionModuleClasses(topLevelClasses(unit.tpdTree)) tree <- sliceTopLevel(unit.tpdTree, cls) } { if (ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value) beforePickling(cls) = val pickler = new TastyPickler() unit.picklers += (cls -> pickler) val treePkl = pickler.treePkl treePkl.pickle(tree :: Nil) pickler.addrOfTree = treePkl.buf.addrOfTree pickler.addrOfSym = treePkl.addrOfSym if (unit.source.exists) pickleSourcefile(pickler, unit.source) if (tree.pos.exists) new PositionPickler(pickler, treePkl.buf.addrOfTree).picklePositions(tree :: Nil, tree.pos) def rawBytes = // not needed right now, but useful to print raw format. pickler.assembleParts().iterator.grouped(10) { case (row, i) => s"${i}0: ${row.mkString(" ")}" } // println(i"rawBytes = \n$rawBytes%\n%") // DEBUG if (pickling ne noPrinter) { println(i"**** pickled info of $cls") new TastyPrinter(pickler.assembleParts()).printContents() } } } private def pickleSourcefile(pickler: TastyPickler, source: SourceFile): Unit = { val buf = new TastyBuffer(10) pickler.newSection("Sourcefile", buf) buf.writeNat(pickler.nameBuffer.nameIndex(source.file.path).index) } override def runOn(units: List[CompilationUnit])(implicit ctx: Context): List[CompilationUnit] = { val result = super.runOn(units) if (ctx.settings.YtestPickler.value) testUnpickler(units)(ctx.fresh.setPeriod(Period(ctx.runId + 1, FirstPhaseId))) result } private def testUnpickler(units: List[CompilationUnit])(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { pickling.println(i"testing unpickler at run ${ctx.runId}") ctx.definitions.init val unpicklers = for (unit <- units; (cls, pickler) <- unit.picklers) yield { val unpickler = new DottyUnpickler(pickler.assembleParts()) unpickler.enter(roots = Set()) cls -> unpickler } pickling.println("************* entered toplevel ***********") for ((cls, unpickler) <- unpicklers) { val (unpickled, source) = unpickler.body(readPositions = true) testSame(i"$unpickled%\n%", beforePickling(cls), cls, source) } } private def testSame(unpickled: String, previous: String, cls: ClassSymbol, source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) = if (previous != unpickled) { output("before-pickling.txt", previous) output("after-pickling.txt", unpickled) ctx.error(s"""pickling difference for ${cls.fullName} in $source, for details: | | diff before-pickling.txt after-pickling.txt""".stripMargin) } }