package package dotc package typer import core._ import ast.{Trees, untpd, tpd, TreeInfo} import util.Positions._ import util.Stats.track import printing.Showable import Contexts._ import Types._ import Flags._ import Mode.ImplicitsEnabled import Denotations._ import NameOps._ import SymDenotations._ import Symbols._ import Types._ import Decorators._ import Names._ import StdNames._ import Constants._ import Inferencing._ import Applications._ import ErrorReporting._ import collection.mutable /** Implicit resolution */ object Implicits { /** A common base class of contextual implicits and of-type implicits which * represents as set of implicit references. */ abstract class ImplicitRefs(initctx: Context) extends Compatibility { implicit val ctx: Context = if (initctx == NoContext) initctx else initctx retractMode Mode.ImplicitsEnabled /** The implicit references */ def refs: List[TermRef] /** Return those references in `refs` that are compatible with type `pt`. */ protected def filterMatching(pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): List[TermRef] = track("filterMatching") { def refMatches(ref: TermRef)(implicit ctx: Context) = isCompatible(normalize(ref, pt), pt) refs filter (refMatches(_)(ctx.fresh.withExploreTyperState)) // create a defensive copy of ctx to avoid constraint pollution } /** No further implicit conversions can be applied when searching for implicits. */ override def viewExists(tp: Type, pt: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = false } /** The implicit references coming from the implicit scope of a type. * @param tp the type determining the implicit scope * @param companionRefs the companion objects in the implicit scope. */ class OfTypeImplicits(tp: Type, val companionRefs: TermRefSet)(initctx: Context) extends ImplicitRefs(initctx) { assert(initctx.typer != null) val refs: List[TermRef] = { val buf = new mutable.ListBuffer[TermRef] for (companion <- companionRefs) buf ++= companion.implicitMembers buf.toList } /** The implicit references that are eligible for expected type `tp` */ lazy val eligible: List[TermRef] = ctx.traceIndented(i"eligible($tp)", show = true)(filterMatching(tp)) override def toString = i"OfTypeImplicits($tp), companions = ${companionRefs.toList}%, %; refs = $refs%, %." } /** The implicit references coming from the context. * @param refs the implicit references made visible by the current context. * Note: The name of the reference might be different from the name of its symbol. * In the case of a renaming import a => b, the name of the reference is the renamed * name, b, whereas the name of the symbol is the original name, a. * @param outerCtx the next outer context that makes visible further implicits */ class ContextualImplicits(val refs: List[TermRef], val outerCtx: Context)(initctx: Context) extends ImplicitRefs(initctx) { private val eligibleCache = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Type, List[TermRef]] /** The implicit references that are eligible for type `tp`. */ def eligible(tp: Type): List[TermRef] = if (tp.hash == NotCached) computeEligible(tp) else eligibleCache.getOrElseUpdate(tp, computeEligible(tp)) private def computeEligible(tp: Type): List[TermRef] = { val ownEligible = filterMatching(tp) if (outerCtx == NoContext) ownEligible else ownEligible ::: { val shadowed = (ownEligible map ( outerCtx.implicits.eligible(tp) filterNot (ref => shadowed contains } } override def toString = { val own = s"(implicits: ${refs mkString ","})" if (outerCtx == NoContext) own else own + "\n " + outerCtx.implicits } } /** The result of an implicit search */ abstract class SearchResult /** A successful search * @param ref The implicit reference that succeeeded * @param tree The typed tree that can needs to be inserted * @param ctx The context after the implicit search */ case class SearchSuccess(tree: tpd.Tree, ref: TermRef, tstate: TyperState) extends SearchResult { override def toString = s"SearchSuccess($tree, $ref)" } /** A failed search */ abstract class SearchFailure extends SearchResult { /** A note describing the failure in more detail - this * is either empty or starts with a '\n' */ def postscript(implicit ctx: Context): String = "" } /** A "no matching implicit found" failure */ case object NoImplicitMatches extends SearchFailure /** A search failure that can show information about the cause */ abstract class ExplainedSearchFailure extends SearchFailure { protected def pt: Type protected def argument: tpd.Tree protected def qualify(implicit ctx: Context) = if (argument.isEmpty) i"match type $pt" else i"convert from ${argument.tpe} to $pt" /** An explanation of the cause of the failure as a string */ def explanation(implicit ctx: Context): String } /** An ambiguous implicits failure */ class AmbiguousImplicits(alt1: TermRef, alt2: TermRef, val pt: Type, val argument: tpd.Tree) extends ExplainedSearchFailure { def explanation(implicit ctx: Context): String = i"both ${err.refStr(alt1)} and ${err.refStr(alt2)} $qualify" override def postscript(implicit ctx: Context) = "\nNote that implicit conversions cannot be applied because they are ambiguous;" + "\n " + explanation } class NonMatchingImplicit(ref: TermRef, val pt: Type, val argument: tpd.Tree) extends ExplainedSearchFailure { def explanation(implicit ctx: Context): String = i"${err.refStr(ref)} does not $qualify" } class ShadowedImplicit(ref: TermRef, shadowing: Type, val pt: Type, val argument: tpd.Tree) extends ExplainedSearchFailure { def explanation(implicit ctx: Context): String = i"${err.refStr(ref)} does $qualify but is shadowed by ${err.refStr(shadowing)}" } class DivergingImplicit(ref: TermRef, val pt: Type, val argument: tpd.Tree) extends ExplainedSearchFailure { def explanation(implicit ctx: Context): String = i"${err.refStr(ref)} produces a diverging implicit search when trying to $qualify" } class FailedImplicit(failures: List[ExplainedSearchFailure], val pt: Type, val argument: tpd.Tree) extends ExplainedSearchFailure { def explanation(implicit ctx: Context): String = if (failures.isEmpty) s" No implicit candidates were found that $qualify" else " " + (failures map (_.explanation) mkString "\n ") override def postscript(implicit ctx: Context): String = "\nImplicit search failure summary:\n" + explanation } } import Implicits._ /** Info relating to implicits that is kept for one run */ trait ImplicitRunInfo { self: RunInfo => private val implicitScopeCache = mutable.HashMap[Type, OfTypeImplicits]() /** Replace every typeref that does not refer to a class by a conjunction of class types * that has the same implicit scope as the original typeref. The motivation for applying * this map is that it reduces the total number of types for which we need to * compute and cache the implicit scope; all variations wrt type parameters or * abstract types are eliminated. */ private object liftToClasses extends TypeMap { def apply(tp: Type) = tp match { case tp: TypeRef if tp.symbol.isAbstractOrAliasType => val pre = tp.prefix def joinClass(tp: Type, cls: ClassSymbol) = AndType(tp, cls.typeRef.asSeenFrom(pre, cls.owner)) val lead = if (tp.prefix eq NoPrefix) defn.AnyType else apply(tp.prefix) (lead /: tp.classSymbols)(joinClass) case _ => mapOver(tp) } } // todo: compute implicits directly, without going via companionRefs? private def computeImplicitScope(tp: Type): OfTypeImplicits = track("computeImplicicScope") { val comps = new TermRefSet tp match { case tp: NamedType => val pre = tp.prefix comps ++= implicitScope(pre).companionRefs def addClassScope(cls: ClassSymbol): Unit = { def addRef(companion: TermRef): Unit = comps += companion.asSeenFrom(pre, companion.symbol.owner).asInstanceOf[TermRef] def addParentScope(parent: TypeRef): Unit = { implicitScope(parent).companionRefs foreach addRef for (param <- parent.typeParams) comps ++= implicitScope(pre.member( } val companion = cls.companionModule if (companion.exists) addRef(companion.valRef) cls.classParents foreach addParentScope } tp.classSymbols foreach addClassScope case _ => for (part <- tp.namedParts) comps ++= implicitScope(part).companionRefs } new OfTypeImplicits(tp, comps)(ctx) } /** The implicit scope of a type * @param isLifted Type `tp` is the result of a `liftToClasses` application */ def implicitScope(tp: Type, isLifted: Boolean = false): OfTypeImplicits = if (tp.hash == NotCached) computeImplicitScope(tp) else implicitScopeCache.getOrElseUpdate(tp, { val liftedTp = if (isLifted) tp else liftToClasses(tp) if (liftedTp ne tp) { val liftedImplicits = implicitScope(liftedTp, isLifted = true) new OfTypeImplicits(tp, liftedImplicits.companionRefs)(ctx) } else computeImplicitScope(tp) }) /** A map that counts the number of times an implicit ref was picked */ val useCount = new mutable.HashMap[TermRef, Int] { override def default(key: TermRef) = 0 } } /** The implicit resolution part of type checking */ trait Implicits { self: Typer => import tpd._ override def viewExists(from: Type, to: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = ( !from.isError && !to.isError && (ctx.mode is Mode.ImplicitsEnabled) && (inferView(dummyTreeOfType(from), to)(ctx.fresh.withExploreTyperState).isInstanceOf[SearchSuccess]) ) /** Find an implicit conversion to apply to given tree `from` so that the * result is compatible with type `to`. */ def inferView(from: Tree, to: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SearchResult = track("inferView") { inferImplicit(to.stripTypeVar, from, from.pos) } /** Find an implicit parameter or conversion. * @param pt The expected type of the parameter or conversion. * @param argument If an implicit conversion is searched, the argument to which * it should be applied, EmptyTree otherwise. * @param pos The position where errors should be reported. * !!! todo: catch potential cycles */ def inferImplicit(pt: Type, argument: Tree, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): SearchResult = track("inferImplicit") { ctx.traceIndented(s"search implicit ${}, arg = ${}: ${}, constraint = ${}", show = true) { assert(!pt.isInstanceOf[ExprType]) val isearch = if (ctx.settings.explaintypes.value) new ExplainedImplicitSearch(pt, argument, pos) else new ImplicitSearch(pt, argument, pos) val result = isearch.bestImplicit result match { case success: SearchSuccess => // println(s"committing to ${}") success.tstate.commit() case _ => } result } } /** An implicit search; parameters as in `inferImplicit` */ class ImplicitSearch(protected val pt: Type, protected val argument: Tree, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context) { pt match { case pt: TypeVar => assert(pt.isInstantiated) //!!! DEBUG case _ => } private def nestedContext = ctx.fresh.withNewMode(ctx.mode &~ Mode.ImplicitsEnabled) private def implicitProto(resultType: Type) = if (argument.isEmpty) resultType else ViewProto(argument.tpe, resultType) assert(argument.isEmpty || argument.tpe.isValueType, i"found: ${argument.tpe}, expected: $pt") /** The expected type for the searched implicit */ lazy val fullProto = implicitProto(pt) lazy val funProto = fullProto match { case proto: ViewProto => FunProto(dummyTreeOfType(proto.argType) :: Nil, proto.resultType, self) case proto => proto } /** The expected type where parameters and uninstantiated typevars are replaced by wildcard types */ val wildProto = implicitProto((new WildApprox) apply pt) /** Search failures; overridden in ExplainedImplicitSearch */ protected def nonMatchingImplicit(ref: TermRef): SearchFailure = NoImplicitMatches protected def divergingImplicit(ref: TermRef): SearchFailure = NoImplicitMatches protected def shadowedImplicit(ref: TermRef, shadowing: Type): SearchFailure = NoImplicitMatches protected def failedSearch: SearchFailure = NoImplicitMatches /** Search a list of eligible implicit references */ def searchImplicits(eligible: List[TermRef], contextual: Boolean): SearchResult = { /** Try to typecheck an implicit reference */ def typedImplicit(ref: TermRef)(implicit ctx: Context): SearchResult = track("typedImplicit") { ctx.traceIndented(i"typed implicit $ref, pt = $pt, implicitsEnabled == ${ctx.mode is ImplicitsEnabled}", show = true) { var generated: Tree = Ident(ref).withPos(pos) if (!argument.isEmpty) generated = typedUnadapted( untpd.Apply(untpd.TypedSplice(generated), untpd.TypedSplice(argument) :: Nil), pt) val generated1 = adapt(generated, pt) lazy val shadowing = typed(untpd.Ident( withPos pos.toSynthetic, funProto)(nestedContext.withNewTyperState) def refMatches(shadowing: Tree): Boolean = ref.symbol == closureBody(shadowing).symbol || { shadowing match { case Trees.Select(qual, nme.apply) => refMatches(qual) case _ => false } } if (ctx.typerState.reporter.hasErrors) nonMatchingImplicit(ref) else if (contextual && !refMatches(shadowing)) { println(i"SHADOWING $ref is shadowed by $shadowing") shadowedImplicit(ref, methPart(shadowing).tpe) } else SearchSuccess(generated, ref, ctx.typerState) }} /** Given a list of implicit references, produce a list of all implicit search successes, * where the first is supposed to be the best one. * @param pending The list of implicit references that remain to be investigated * @param acc An accumulator of successful matches found so far. */ def rankImplicits(pending: List[TermRef], acc: List[SearchSuccess]): List[SearchSuccess] = pending match { case ref :: pending1 => val history = ctx.searchHistory nest wildProto val result = if (history eq ctx.searchHistory) divergingImplicit(ref) else typedImplicit(ref)(nestedContext.withNewTyperState.withSearchHistory(history)) result match { case fail: SearchFailure => rankImplicits(pending1, acc) case best: SearchSuccess => val newPending = pending1 filter (isAsGood(_, best.ref)(nestedContext.withExploreTyperState)) rankImplicits(newPending, best :: acc) } case nil => acc } /** Convert a (possibly empty) list of search successes into a single search result */ def condense(hits: List[SearchSuccess]): SearchResult = hits match { case best :: alts => alts find (alt => isAsGood(alt.ref, best.ref)(ctx.fresh.withExploreTyperState)) match { case Some(alt) => /* !!! DEBUG println(i"ambiguous refs: ${hits map (_.ref) map ( mkString ", "}") isAsGood(best.ref, alt.ref, explain = true)(ctx.fresh.withExploreTyperState) */ new AmbiguousImplicits(best.ref, alt.ref, pt, argument) case None => ctx.runInfo.useCount(best.ref) += 1 best } case Nil => failedSearch } /** Sort list of implicit references according to their popularity * (# of times each was picked in current run). */ def sort(eligible: List[TermRef]) = eligible match { case Nil => eligible case e1 :: Nil => eligible case e1 :: e2 :: Nil => if (ctx.runInfo.useCount(e1) < ctx.runInfo.useCount(e2)) e2 :: e1 :: Nil else eligible case _ => eligible.sortBy(-ctx.runInfo.useCount(_)) } condense(rankImplicits(sort(eligible), Nil)) } /** Find a unique best implicit reference */ def bestImplicit: SearchResult = { searchImplicits(ctx.implicits.eligible(wildProto), contextual = true) match { case result: SearchSuccess => result case result: AmbiguousImplicits => result case result: SearchFailure => searchImplicits(implicitScope(wildProto).eligible, contextual = false) } } def implicitScope(tp: Type): OfTypeImplicits = ctx.runInfo.implicitScope(tp) } final class ExplainedImplicitSearch(pt: Type, argument: Tree, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ImplicitSearch(pt, argument, pos) { private var myFailures = new mutable.ListBuffer[ExplainedSearchFailure] private def record(fail: ExplainedSearchFailure) = { myFailures += fail fail } def failures = myFailures.toList override def nonMatchingImplicit(ref: TermRef) = record(new NonMatchingImplicit(ref, pt, argument)) override def divergingImplicit(ref: TermRef) = record(new DivergingImplicit(ref, pt, argument)) override def shadowedImplicit(ref: TermRef, shadowing: Type): SearchFailure = record(new ShadowedImplicit(ref, shadowing, pt, argument)) override def failedSearch: SearchFailure = { //println(s"wildProto = $wildProto") //println(s"implicit scope = ${implicitScope(wildProto).companionRefs}") new FailedImplicit(failures, pt, argument) } } } /** Records the history of currently open implicit searches * @param searchDepth The number of open searches. * @param seen A map that records for each class symbol of a type * that's currently searched for the complexity of the * type that is searched for (wrt `typeSize`). The map * is populated only once `searchDepth` is greater than * the threshold given in the `XminImplicitSearchDepth` setting. */ class SearchHistory(val searchDepth: Int, val seen: Map[ClassSymbol, Int]) { /** The number of RefinementTypes in this type, after all aliases are expanded */ private def typeSize(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Int = { val accu = new TypeAccumulator[Int] { def apply(n: Int, tp: Type): Int = tp match { case tp: RefinedType => foldOver(n + 1, tp) case tp: TypeRef if tp.symbol.isAliasType => apply(n, case _ => foldOver(n, tp) } } accu.apply(0, tp) } /** Check for possible divergence. If one is detected return the current search history * (this will be used as a criterion to abandon the implicit search in rankImplicits). * If no divergence is detected, produce a new search history nested in the current one * which records that we are now also looking for type `proto`. * * As long as `searchDepth` is lower than the `XminImplicitSearchDepth` value * in settings, a new history is always produced, so the implicit search is always * undertaken. If `searchDepth` matches or exceeds the `XminImplicitSearchDepth` value, * we test that the new search is for a class that is either not yet in the set of * `seen` classes, or the complexity of the type `proto` being searched for is strictly * lower than the complexity of the type that was previously encountered and that had * the same class symbol as `proto`. A possible divergence is detected if that test fails. */ def nest(proto: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): SearchHistory = { if (searchDepth < ctx.settings.XminImplicitSearchDepth.value) new SearchHistory(searchDepth + 1, seen) else { val size = typeSize(proto) def updateMap(csyms: List[ClassSymbol], seen: Map[ClassSymbol, Int]): SearchHistory = csyms match { case csym :: csyms1 => seen get csym match { case Some(prevSize) if size >= prevSize => this case _ => updateMap(csyms1, seen.updated(csym, size)) } case _ => new SearchHistory(searchDepth + 1, seen) } updateMap(proto.classSymbols, seen) } } } /** A set of term references where equality is =:= */ class TermRefSet(implicit ctx: Context) extends mutable.Traversable[TermRef] { private val elems = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[TermSymbol, List[Type]] def += (ref: TermRef): Unit = { val pre = ref.prefix val sym = ref.symbol.asTerm elems get sym match { case Some(prefixes) => if (!(prefixes exists (_ =:= pre))) elems(sym) = pre :: prefixes case None => elems(sym) = pre :: Nil } } def ++= (refs: TraversableOnce[TermRef]): Unit = refs foreach += override def foreach[U](f: TermRef => U): Unit = for (sym <- elems.keysIterator) for (pre <- elems(sym)) f(TermRef(pre, sym)) }