/* NOTE: Adapted from ScalaJSPartest.scala in * https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js/ * TODO make partest configurable */ package dotty.partest import scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile import scala.tools.partest._ import scala.tools.partest.nest._ import scala.util.matching.Regex import tools.nsc.io.{ File => NSCFile } import java.io.{ File, PrintStream, FileOutputStream, PrintWriter, FileWriter } import java.net.URLClassLoader /** Runs dotty partest from the Console, discovering test sources in * DPConfig.testRoot that have been generated automatically by * DPPrepJUnitRunner. Use `sbt partest` to run. If additional jars are * required by some run tests, add them to partestDeps in the sbt Build.scala. */ object DPConsoleRunner { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // unfortunately sbt runTask passes args as single string // extra jars for run tests are passed with -dottyJars ... val jarFinder = """-dottyJars (\d*) (.*)""".r val (jarList, otherArgs) = args.toList.partition(jarFinder.findFirstIn(_).isDefined) val (extraJars, moreArgs) = jarList match { case Nil => sys.error("Error: DPConsoleRunner needs \"-dottyJars *\".") case jarFinder(nr, jarString) :: Nil => val jars = jarString.split(" ").toList val count = nr.toInt if (jars.length < count) sys.error("Error: DPConsoleRunner found wrong number of dottyJars: " + jars + ", expected: " + nr) else (jars.take(count), jars.drop(count)) case list => sys.error("Error: DPConsoleRunner found several -dottyJars options: " + list) } new DPConsoleRunner((otherArgs ::: moreArgs) mkString (" "), extraJars).runPartest } } // console runner has a suite runner which creates a test runner for each test class DPConsoleRunner(args: String, extraJars: List[String]) extends ConsoleRunner(args) { override val suiteRunner = new DPSuiteRunner ( testSourcePath = optSourcePath getOrElse DPConfig.testRoot, fileManager = new DottyFileManager(extraJars), updateCheck = optUpdateCheck, failed = optFailed, consoleArgs = args) override def run = {} def runPartest = super.run } class DottyFileManager(extraJars: List[String]) extends FileManager(Nil) { lazy val extraJarList = extraJars.map(NSCFile(_)) override lazy val libraryUnderTest = Path(extraJars.find(_.contains("scala-library")).getOrElse("")) override lazy val reflectUnderTest = Path(extraJars.find(_.contains("scala-reflect")).getOrElse("")) override lazy val compilerUnderTest = Path(extraJars.find(_.contains("dotty")).getOrElse("")) } class DPSuiteRunner(testSourcePath: String, // relative path, like "files", or "pending" fileManager: DottyFileManager, updateCheck: Boolean, failed: Boolean, consoleArgs: String, javaCmdPath: String = PartestDefaults.javaCmd, javacCmdPath: String = PartestDefaults.javacCmd, scalacExtraArgs: Seq[String] = Seq.empty) extends SuiteRunner(testSourcePath, fileManager, updateCheck, failed, javaCmdPath, javacCmdPath, scalacExtraArgs) { if (!DPConfig.runTestsInParallel) sys.props("partest.threads") = "1" sys.props("partest.root") = "." // override to provide Dotty banner override def banner: String = { s"""|Welcome to Partest for Dotty! Partest version: ${Properties.versionNumberString} |Compiler under test: dotty.tools.dotc.Bench or dotty.tools.dotc.Main |Generated test sources: ${PathSettings.srcDir}${File.separator} |Test directories: ${DPConfig.testDirs.toList.mkString(", ")} |Debugging: failed tests have compiler output in test-kind.clog, run output in test-kind.log, class files in test-kind.obj |Parallel: ${DPConfig.runTestsInParallel} |Options: (use partest --help for usage information) ${consoleArgs} """.stripMargin } // override for DPTestRunner and redirecting compilation output to test.clog override def runTest(testFile: File): TestState = { val runner = new DPTestRunner(testFile, this) val state = try { runner.run match { // Append compiler output to transcript if compilation failed, // printed with --verbose option case TestState.Fail(f, r@"compilation failed", transcript) => TestState.Fail(f, r, transcript ++ runner.cLogFile.fileLines.dropWhile(_ == "")) case res => res } } catch { case t: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Error running $testFile", t) } reportTest(state) runner.cleanup() onFinishTest(testFile, state) } // override NestUI.reportTest because --show-diff doesn't work. The diff used // seems to add each line to transcript separately, whereas NestUI assumes // that the diff string was added as one entry in the transcript def reportTest(state: TestState) = { import NestUI._ import NestUI.color._ if (isTerse && state.isOk) { NestUI.reportTest(state) } else { echo(statusLine(state)) if (!state.isOk && isDiffy) { val differ = bold(red("% ")) + "diff " state.transcript.dropWhile(s => !(s startsWith differ)) foreach (echo(_)) // state.transcript find (_ startsWith differ) foreach (echo(_)) // original } } } } class DPTestRunner(testFile: File, suiteRunner: DPSuiteRunner) extends nest.Runner(testFile, suiteRunner) { val cLogFile = SFile(logFile).changeExtension("clog") // override to provide DottyCompiler override def newCompiler = new dotty.partest.DPDirectCompiler(this) // override to provide default dotty flags from file in directory override def flagsForCompilation(sources: List[File]): List[String] = { val specificFlags = super.flagsForCompilation(sources) if (specificFlags.isEmpty) defaultFlags else specificFlags } val defaultFlags = { val defaultFile = parentFile.listFiles.toList.find(_.getName == "__defaultFlags.flags") defaultFile.map({ file => SFile(file).safeSlurp.map({ content => words(content).filter(_.nonEmpty) }).getOrElse(Nil) }).getOrElse(Nil) } // override to add the check for nr of compilation errors if there's a // target.nerr file override def runNegTest() = runInContext { import TestState.{ Crash, Fail } import scala.reflect.internal.FatalError sealed abstract class NegTestState // Don't get confused, the neg test passes when compilation fails for at // least one round (optionally checking the number of compiler errors and // compiler console output) case class CompFailed() extends NegTestState // the neg test fails when all rounds return either of these: case class CompFailedButWrongNErr(expected: String, found: String) extends NegTestState case class CompFailedButWrongDiff() extends NegTestState case class CompSucceeded() extends NegTestState def nerrIsOk(reason: String) = { val nerrFinder = """compilation failed with (\d+) errors""".r reason match { case nerrFinder(found) => SFile(FileOps(testFile) changeExtension "nerr").safeSlurp match { case Some(exp) if (exp != found) => CompFailedButWrongNErr(exp, found) case _ => CompFailed } case _ => CompFailed } } // we keep the partest semantics where only one round needs to fail // compilation, not all val compFailingRounds = compilationRounds(testFile).map({round => val ok = round.isOk setLastState(if (ok) genPass else genFail("compilation failed")) (round.result, ok) }).filter({ case (_, ok) => !ok }) val failureStates = compFailingRounds.map({ case (result, _) => result match { // or, OK, we'll let you crash the compiler with a FatalError if you supply a check file case Crash(_, t, _) if !checkFile.canRead || !t.isInstanceOf[FatalError] => CompSucceeded case Fail(_, reason, _) => if (diffIsOk) nerrIsOk(reason) else CompFailedButWrongDiff case _ => if (diffIsOk) CompFailed else CompFailedButWrongDiff }}) if (failureStates.exists({ case CompFailed => true; case _ => false })) { true } else { val existsNerr = failureStates.exists({ case CompFailedButWrongNErr(exp, found) => nextTestActionFailing(s"wrong number of compilation errors, expected: $exp, found: $found"); true case _ => false }) if (existsNerr) { false } else { val existsDiff = failureStates.exists({ case CompFailedButWrongDiff() => nextTestActionFailing(s"output differs"); true case _ => false }) if (existsDiff) { false } else { nextTestActionFailing("expected compilation failure") } } } } // override to change check file updating to original file, not generated override def diffIsOk: Boolean = { // always normalize the log first normalizeLog() val diff = currentDiff // if diff is not empty, is update needed? val updating: Option[Boolean] = ( if (diff == "") None else Some(suiteRunner.updateCheck) ) pushTranscript(s"diff $logFile $checkFile") nextTestAction(updating) { case Some(true) => val origCheck = SFile(checkFile.changeExtension("checksrc").fileLines(1)) NestUI.echo("Updating original checkfile " + origCheck) origCheck writeAll file2String(logFile) genUpdated() case Some(false) => // Get a word-highlighted diff from git if we can find it val bestDiff = if (updating.isEmpty) "" else { if (checkFile.canRead) gitDiff(logFile, checkFile) getOrElse { s"diff $logFile $checkFile\n$diff" } else diff } pushTranscript(bestDiff) genFail("output differs") case None => genPass() // redundant default case } getOrElse true } // override because Dotty currently doesn't handle separate compilation well, // so we ignore groups (tests suffixed with _1 and _2) override def groupedFiles(sources: List[File]): List[List[File]] = { val grouped = sources groupBy (_.group) val flatGroup = List(grouped.keys.toList.sorted.map({ k => grouped(k) sortBy (_.getName) }).flatten) try { // try/catch because of bug in partest that throws exception if (flatGroup != super.groupedFiles(sources)) throw new java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException() } catch { case e: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException => val genlogFWriter = new FileWriter(DPConfig.genLog.jfile, true) val genlogWriter = new PrintWriter(genlogFWriter, true) genlogWriter.println("Warning: Overriding compilation groups for tests: " + sources) genlogWriter.close genlogFWriter.close } flatGroup } // override to avoid separate compilation of scala and java sources override def mixedCompileGroup(allFiles: List[File]): List[CompileRound] = List(OnlyDotty(allFiles)) case class OnlyDotty(fs: List[File]) extends CompileRound { def description = s"dotc $fsString" lazy val result = { pushTranscript(description) ; attemptCompile(fs) } } // override to add dotty and scala jars to classpath override def extraClasspath = suiteRunner.fileManager.asInstanceOf[DottyFileManager].extraJarList ::: super.extraClasspath // override to keep class files if failed and delete clog if ok override def cleanup = if (lastState.isOk) { logFile.delete cLogFile.delete Directory(outDir).deleteRecursively } }