package dotty package tools import dotc.core._ import dotc.core.Contexts._ import dotc.core.Symbols._ import dotc.core.Flags._ import Types._, Symbols._, Decorators._ import dotc.printing.Texts._ import dotc.reporting.ConsoleReporter import dotc.core.Decorators._ import dotc.ast.tpd import dotc.Compiler import dotc.core.Phases.Phase class DottyTest extends ContextEscapeDetection{ dotc.parsing.Scanners // initialize keywords implicit var ctx: Contexts.Context = { val base = new ContextBase {} import base.settings._ val ctx = base.initialCtx.fresh ctx.setSetting(ctx.settings.encoding, "UTF8") ctx.setSetting( ctx.settings.classpath, "./library/target/scala-2.11/dotty-library_2.11-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar" ) // when classpath is changed in ctx, we need to re-initialize to get the // correct classpath from PathResolver base.initialize()(ctx) ctx } override def getCtx: Context = ctx override def clearCtx() = { ctx = null } private def compilerWithChecker(phase: String)(assertion:(tpd.Tree, Context) => Unit) = new Compiler { override def phases = { val allPhases = super.phases val targetPhase = allPhases.flatten.find(p => p.phaseName == phase).get val groupsBefore = allPhases.takeWhile(x => !x.contains(targetPhase)) val lastGroup = allPhases.find(x => x.contains(targetPhase)).get.takeWhile(x => !(x eq targetPhase)) val checker = new Phase { def phaseName = "assertionChecker" override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = assertion(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree, ctx) } val lastGroupAppended = List(lastGroup ::: targetPhase :: Nil) groupsBefore ::: lastGroupAppended ::: List(List(checker)) } } def checkCompile(checkAfterPhase: String, source: String)(assertion: (tpd.Tree, Context) => Unit): Unit = { val c = compilerWithChecker(checkAfterPhase)(assertion) c.rootContext(ctx) val run = c.newRun run.compile(source) } def checkCompile(checkAfterPhase: String, sources:List[String])(assertion:(tpd.Tree, Context) => Unit): Unit = { val c = compilerWithChecker(checkAfterPhase)(assertion) c.rootContext(ctx) val run = c.newRun run.compile(sources) } def methType(names: String*)(paramTypes: Type*)(resultType: Type = defn.UnitType) = MethodType(names.toList map (_.toTermName), paramTypes.toList, resultType) }