package test import import import import import import import NameOps._ import import org.junit.Test class ShowClassTests extends DottyTest { def debug_println(msg: => Any) = { if (sys.props.isDefinedAt("test.ShowClassTests.verbose")) println(msg) } private val blackList = List( // the following classes cannot be read correctly because they // contain illegally pickled @throws annotations "scala.actors.remote.Proxy", "scala.actors.remote.Serializer", "scala.actors.remote.JavaSerializer", "", "", "scala.remoting.Channel", "scala.runtime.remoting.RegistryDelegate", "scala.concurrent.Future", "scala.concurrent.impl.Future", "scala.concurrent.Await", "scala.concurrent.Awaitable", "scala.concurrent.impl.Promise", // the following class cannot be read because it does not exist anymore "scala.reflect.macros.Context", // the following packages and classes cannot be read because // they refer to external libraries which are not available // (apache.ant, usually) "", "", "") def doTwice(test: Context => Unit)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { test(ctx.fresh.setSetting(ctx.base.settings.debug, true)) test(ctx.fresh.setSetting(ctx.base.settings.debug, false)) } def showPackage(pkg: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = { val path = pkg.fullName.toString if (blackList contains path) debug_println(s"blacklisted package: $path") else { for ( sym <- if sym.owner == pkg.moduleClass && !( contains '$') ) { debug_println(s"showing $sym in ${pkg.fullName}") if (sym is PackageVal) showPackage(sym.asTerm) else if (sym.isClass && !(sym is Module)) showClass(sym) else if (sym is ModuleVal) showClass(sym.moduleClass) } } } def showPackage(path: String, expectedStubs: Int)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = doTwice { implicit ctx => showPackage(ctx.requiredPackage(path)) val nstubs = Symbols.stubs.length debug_println(s"$nstubs stubs") assert(nstubs <= expectedStubs, s"stubs found: $nstubs, expected: $expectedStubs\nstubs: ${Symbols.stubs.mkString(",")}") } def showClass(cls: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = { val path = cls.fullName.stripModuleClassSuffix.toString if (blackList contains path) debug_println(s"blacklisted: $path") else { debug_println(s"showing $path -> ${cls.denot}") val cinfo = val infoStr = if (cinfo.exists) else " is missing" debug_println("======================================") debug_println( + infoStr) } } def showClasses(path: String)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = doTwice { implicit ctx => debug_println(s"showing file $path") val cls = ctx.requiredClass(path.toTypeName) showClass(cls) showClass(cls.linkedClass) } /* @Test def loadSimpleClasses() = { showClasses("scala.Array") showClasses("scala.math.Ordering") } @Test def loadJavaClasses() = { showPackage("", 0) } @Test def loadMoreClasses() = { showClasses("scala.collection.JavaConversions") showClasses("scala.collection.convert.Wrappers") showClasses("scala.collection.mutable.WeakHashMap") showClasses("scala.collection.GenIterable") showClasses("scala.collection.Traversable") showClasses("scala.collection.LinearSeqLike") showClasses("scala.collection.immutable.List") showClasses("scala.collection.convert.Wrappers") showClasses("scala.collection.generic.package") showClasses("scala.collection.MapLike") showClasses("scala.Function1") } @Test def loadScalaReflect() = { showPackage(ctx.requiredPackage("scala.reflect")) } @Test def loadScalaCollection() = { showPackage(ctx.requiredPackage("scala.collection")) } */ /*@Test def showScala() = { showPackage("scala", 1) } */ // ping @odersky$CyclicReference: cyclic reference involving class AnyVals, took 1.303 sec // @Test def loadDotty() = { showPackage("dotty", 5) } /* * @Test def showReflectAliases() = { // tests for cycles during findMember showClasses("scala.reflect.macros.runtime.Aliases") }*/ }