package test import import import collection.mutable import /** A subclass of REPL used for testing. * It takes a transcript of a REPL session in `script`. The transcript * starts with the first input prompt `scala> ` and ends with `scala> :quit` and a newline. * Invoking `process()` on the `TestREPL` runs all input lines and * collects then interleaved with REPL output in a string writer `out`. * Invoking `check()` checks that the collected output matches the original * `script`. */ class TestREPL(script: String) extends REPL { private val out = new StringWriter() override lazy val config = new REPL.Config { override val output = new NewLinePrintWriter(out) override def input(in: Interpreter)(implicit ctx: Context) = new InteractiveReader { val lines = script.lines def readLine(prompt: String): String = { val line = if (line.startsWith(prompt) || line.startsWith(continuationPrompt)) { output.println(line) line.drop(prompt.length) } else readLine(prompt) } val interactive = false } } def check() = { out.close() val printed = out.toString val transcript = printed.drop(printed.indexOf(config.prompt)) if (transcript.toString != script) { println("input differs from transcript:") println(transcript) assert(false) } } }