// Existential quantification cannot be expressed, and cannot be eliminated // because it's F-bounded. Trying to paramerize BinaryTree with T instead also fails // because the type alias cannot be represented object NonEmptyCons { def unapply[H, T](c: (H, T)): Option[(H, T)] = Some(c) } object Main { type BT[+H, +T <: Tuple2[Tuple2[H, T], Tuple2[H, T]]] = Tuple2[H, T] // type T = Tuple2[String,String] type BinaryTree[+E] = BT[E, T forSome { type T <: Tuple2[BT[E, T], BT[E, T]] }] def foo[E](tree: BinaryTree[E]): Unit = tree match { case NonEmptyCons(_, tail) => { tail match { case NonEmptyCons(_, _) => { } } } } }