case class Check[A](val value: A) case class C2(checks: Check[_]*); object C { def m(x : C2): Any = (null: Any) match { case C2(_, rest : _*) => { // Invalid: Vararg pattern cannot be split between normal and :_* patterns. // This split also does not work for vararg arguments, so there's no // good argument it should work for patterns } } } /////////////////// object Container { trait Exp[+T] abstract class FuncExp[-S, +T] sealed abstract class FoundNode[T, Repr] { def optimize[TupleT, U, That](parentNode: FlatMap[T, Repr, U, That]): Any def optimize2[TupleT, U, That](parentNode: Any): Any } class FlatMap[T, Repr, U, That] val Seq(fn: FoundNode[t, repr]) = Seq[FoundNode[_, _]]() fn.optimize(null) // was: scala.MatchError: ? (of class BoundedWildcardType) @ Variances#varianceInType fn.optimize2(null) // was: fatal error: bad type: ?(class scala.reflect.internal.Types$BoundedWildcardType) @ Pickle.putType }