trait X { self: Y => // error: cannot resolve reference to type (Y & X)(X.this).V type T <: self.U def foo(x: T): T // error: cannot resolve reference to type (Y & X)(X.this).V def foo(x: String): String } trait Y { self: Z => type U <: self.V } trait Z { class V } object O { val x: X = ???"a") // error: cannot resolve reference to type (Y & X)(X.this).V } import object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp { val engine = new IMain.Factory getScriptEngine() engine.asInstanceOf[IMain].settings.usejavacp.value = true // no longer an error since we unpickle Scala2 inner classes with fixed syms val res2 = engine.asInstanceOf[javax.script.Compilable] res2 compile "8" eval() val res5 = res2 compile """println("hello") ; 8""" res5 eval() res5 eval() }