// covariant linked list abstract class M { self: M => type T final type selfType = M {type T <: self.T} type actualSelfType >: self.type <: selfType // this no longer compiles because self.type is not a subtype of selfType def next: selfType // I don't understand why this doesn't compile, but that's a separate matter // error: method all2 cannot be accessed in M.this.selfType // because its instance type => Stream[M{type T <: M.this.selfType#T}] // contains a malformed type: M.this.selfType#T def all2: Stream[M {type T <: self.T}] = Stream.cons(self: actualSelfType, next.all2) // compiles successfully def all3: Stream[M {type T <: self.T}] = all3Impl(self: actualSelfType) private def all3Impl(first: M {type T <: self.T}): Stream[M {type T <: self.T}] = Stream.cons(first, all3Impl(first.next)) def all4: Stream[M {type T <: self.T}] = Unrelated.all4Impl[T](self: actualSelfType) } // TODO!!! fix this bug for real, it compiles successfully, but weird types are inferred object Unrelated { // compiles successfully def all4Impl[U](first: M {type T <: U}): Stream[M {type T <: U}] = Stream.cons(first, all4Impl[U](first.next)) // should compile successfully without the [U], but: // def all4ImplFail[U](first: M {type T <: U}): Stream[M {type T <: U}] = Stream.cons(first, all4ImplFail(first.next)) // // test/files/pos/t1279a.scala:31: error: type mismatch; // found : first.selfType // (which expands to) M{type T <: first.T} // required: M{type T <: Nothing} // def all4ImplFail[U](first: M {type T <: U}): Stream[M {type T <: U}] = Stream.cons(first, all4ImplFail(first.next)) // ^ // one error found }