import reflect.{ClassTag, classTag} // abstract types and extractors, oh my! trait TypesAPI { trait Type type TypeRef <: Type val TypeRef: TypeRefExtractor; trait TypeRefExtractor { def apply(x: Int): TypeRef def unapply(x: TypeRef): Option[(Int)] } // just for illustration, should follow the same pattern as TypeRef case class MethodType(n: Int) extends Type } // user should not be exposed to the implementation trait TypesUser extends TypesAPI { def shouldNotCrash(tp: Type): Unit = { tp match { case TypeRef(x) => println("TypeRef") case MethodType(x) => println("MethodType") case _ => println("none of the above") } } } trait TypesImpl extends TypesAPI { object TypeRef extends TypeRefExtractor // this will have a bridged unapply(x: Type) = unapply(x.asInstanceOf[TypeRef]) case class TypeRef(n: Int) extends Type // this has a bridge from TypesAPI#Type to TypesImpl#TypeRef // --> the cast in the bridge will fail because the pattern matcher can't type test against the abstract types in TypesUser } trait Foos { trait Bar type Foo <: Bar trait FooExtractor { def unapply(foo: Foo): Option[Int] } val Foo: FooExtractor } trait RealFoos extends Foos { class Foo(val x: Int) extends Bar object Foo extends FooExtractor { def unapply(foo: Foo): Option[Int] = Some(foo.x) } } trait Intermed extends Foos { def crash(bar: Bar): Unit = bar match { case Foo(x) => println("Foo") case _ => println("Bar") } } object TestUnappStaticallyKnownSynthetic extends TypesImpl with TypesUser { def test() = { shouldNotCrash(TypeRef(10)) // prints "TypeRef" shouldNotCrash(MethodType(10)) // prints "MethodType" } } object TestUnappDynamicSynth extends RealFoos with Intermed { case class NotAFoo(n: Int) extends Bar def test() = { crash(NotAFoo(10)) crash(new Foo(5)) } } object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp { TestUnappStaticallyKnownSynthetic.test() TestUnappDynamicSynth.test() }