object Test { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { Foo.run() Mas.run() LisSeqArr.run() StreamFoo.run() Test1256.run() } } // this class is used for representation class Bar { var size: Int = 50 var name: String = "medium" } // test basic unapply for 0, 1 and 2 args and with precise type test object Fii { def unapply(x: Any): Boolean = x.isInstanceOf[Bar] } object Faa { def unapply(x: Any): Option[String] = if(x.isInstanceOf[Bar]) Some(x.asInstanceOf[Bar].name) else None } object FaaPrecise { def unapply(x: Bar): Option[String] = Some(x.name) } object FaaPreciseSome { def unapply(x: Bar) = Some(x.name) // return type Some[String] } object VarFoo { def unapply(a : Int)(implicit b : Int) : Option[Int] = Some(a + b) } object Foo { def unapply(x: Any): Option[Product2[Int, String]] = x match { case y: Bar => Some(y.size, y.name) case _ => None } def doMatch1(b:Bar) = b match { case Foo(s:Int, n:String) => (s,n) } def doMatch2(b:Bar) = b match { case Fii() => null } def doMatch3(b:Bar) = b match { case Faa(n:String) => n } def doMatch4(b:Bar) = (b:Any) match { case FaaPrecise(n:String) => n } def doMatch5(b:Bar) = (b:Any) match { case FaaPreciseSome(n:String) => n } def run(): Unit = { val b = new Bar assert(doMatch1(b) == (50,"medium")) assert(doMatch2(b) == null) assert(doMatch3(b) == "medium") assert(doMatch4(b) == "medium") assert(doMatch5(b) == "medium") implicit val bc: Int = 3 assert(7 == (4 match { case VarFoo(x) => x })) } } // same, but now object is not top-level object Mas { object Gaz { def unapply(x: Any): Option[Product2[Int, String]] = x match { case y: Baz => Some(y.size, y.name) case _ => None } } class Baz { var size: Int = 60 var name: String = "too large" } def run(): Unit = { val b = new Baz assert((60,"too large") == (b match { case Gaz(s:Int, n:String) => (s,n) })) } } object LisSeqArr { def run(): Unit = { assert((1,2) == ((List(1,2,3): Any) match { case List(x,y,_*) => (x,y)})) assert((1,2) == ((List(1,2,3): Any) match { case Seq(x,y,_*) => (x,y)})) } } object StreamFoo { def sum(stream: Stream[Int]): Int = stream match { case Stream.Empty => 0 case Stream.cons(hd, tl) => hd + sum(tl) } def run(): Unit = { val str: Stream[Int] = List(1,2,3).toStream assert(6 == sum(str)) } } object Test1256 { class Sync { def unapply(scrut: Any): Boolean = false } class Buffer { val Get = new Sync val jp: PartialFunction[Any, Any] = { case Get() => } } def run(): Unit = { assert(!(new Buffer).jp.isDefinedAt(42)) } }