import java.beans.Transient import annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance class Test { // testing combinations of annotation syntax @SuppressWarnings(Array("hi")) def foo() = ??? // evalutation of annotation on type cannot be deferred as requires implicit resolution(only generic Array$.apply applies here) @SuppressWarnings(Array("hi", "foo")) def foo2() = ??? //can be deferred as there is a non-generic method @SuppressWarnings("hi") def foo3() = ??? // can be written in java and is serialized this way in bytecode. doesn't typecheck @Transient(false) def bar = ??? @Transient() def baz = ??? // testing annotations in types class A trait B val x: A @uncheckedVariance with B @uncheckedVariance = ??? class C extends A @uncheckedVariance () with B @uncheckedVariance { val x = 10 } }