object Test { Some(Some(1)) collect { case Some(a) => 2 case Some(b) => 3 // no warning was emitted } (Some(1): @ unchecked) match { case Some(a) => 2 case Some(b) => 3 // no warning was emitted } // A variation of SI-6011, which eluded the fix // in 2.10.0. // // duplicate keys in SWITCH, can't pick arbitrarily one of them to evict, see SI-6011. // at scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable.abort(SymbolTable.scala:50) // at scala.tools.nsc.Global.abort(Global.scala:249) // at scala.tools.nsc.backend.jvm.GenASM$JPlainBuilder$jcode$.emitSWITCH(GenASM.scala:1850) ((1: Byte): @unchecked @annotation.switch) match { case 1 => 2 case 1 => 3 // crash } }