package xyz.driver.core import java.sql.{Date => SqlDate} import java.util.Calendar import date.{Date, Month} import slick.dbio._ import slick.driver.JdbcProfile package object database { type Schema = { def create: DBIOAction[Unit, NoStream, slick.dbio.Effect.Schema] def drop: DBIOAction[Unit, NoStream, slick.dbio.Effect.Schema] } type GeneratedTables = { // structure of Slick data model traits generated by sbt-slick-codegen val profile: JdbcProfile def schema: profile.SchemaDescription def createNamespaceSchema: StreamingDBIO[Vector[Unit], Unit] def dropNamespaceSchema: StreamingDBIO[Vector[Unit], Unit] } private[database] def sqlDateToDate(sqlDate: SqlDate): Date = { // NOTE: SQL date does not have a time component, so this date // should only be interpreted in the running JVMs timezone. val cal = Calendar.getInstance() cal.setTime(sqlDate) Date(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), Month(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)), cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) } private[database] def dateToSqlDate(date: Date): SqlDate = { val cal = Calendar.getInstance() cal.set(date.year, date.month,, 0, 0, 0) new SqlDate(cal.getTime.getTime) } }