package xyz.driver.core import import java.nio.file.{Path, Paths} import java.util.UUID._ import import{Bucket, GetObjectRequest, ListObjectsV2Request} import xyz.driver.core.revision.Revision import xyz.driver.core.time.Time import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scalaz.{ListT, OptionT} object file { final case class FileLink( name: Name[File], location: Path, revision: Revision[File], lastModificationDate: Time ) trait FileService { def getFileLink(id: Name[File]): FileLink def getFile(fileLink: FileLink): File } trait FileStorage { def upload(localSource: File, destination: Path): Future[Unit] def download(filePath: Path): OptionT[Future, File] def delete(filePath: Path): Future[Unit] def list(path: Path): ListT[Future, FileLink] /** List of characters to avoid in S3 (I would say file names in general) * * @see */ private val illegalChars = "\\^`><{}][#%~|&@:,$=+?; " protected def checkSafeFileName[T](filePath: Path)(f: => T): T = { filePath.toString.find(c => illegalChars.contains(c)) match { case Some(illegalCharacter) => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"File name cannot contain character `$illegalCharacter`") case None => f } } } class S3Storage(s3: AmazonS3, bucket: Name[Bucket], executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends FileStorage { implicit private val execution = executionContext def upload(localSource: File, destination: Path): Future[Unit] = Future { checkSafeFileName(destination) { val _ = s3.putObject(bucket, destination.toString, localSource).getETag } } def download(filePath: Path): OptionT[Future, File] = OptionT.optionT(Future { val tempDir = System.getProperty("") val randomFolderName = randomUUID().toString val tempDestinationFile = new File(Paths.get(tempDir, randomFolderName, filePath.toString).toString) if (!tempDestinationFile.getParentFile.mkdirs()) { throw new Exception(s"Failed to create temp directory to download file `$tempDestinationFile`") } else { Option(s3.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(bucket, filePath.toString), tempDestinationFile)).map { _ => tempDestinationFile } } }) def delete(filePath: Path): Future[Unit] = Future { s3.deleteObject(bucket, filePath.toString) } def list(path: Path): ListT[Future, FileLink] = ListT.listT(Future { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ val req = new ListObjectsV2Request().withBucketName(bucket).withPrefix(path.toString).withMaxKeys(2) def isInSubFolder(path: Path)(fileLink: FileLink) = fileLink.location.toString.replace(path.toString + "/", "").contains("/") Iterator.continually(s3.listObjectsV2(req)).takeWhile { result => req.setContinuationToken(result.getNextContinuationToken) result.isTruncated } flatMap { result => { summary => FileLink(Name[File](summary.getKey), Paths.get(path.toString + "/" + summary.getKey), Revision[File](summary.getETag), Time(summary.getLastModified.getTime)) } filterNot isInSubFolder(path) } toList }) } class FileSystemStorage(executionContext: ExecutionContext) extends FileStorage { implicit private val execution = executionContext def upload(localSource: File, destination: Path): Future[Unit] = Future { checkSafeFileName(destination) { val destinationFile = destination.toFile if (destinationFile.getParentFile.exists() || destinationFile.getParentFile.mkdirs()) { if (localSource.renameTo(destinationFile)) () else { throw new Exception( s"Failed to move file from `${localSource.getCanonicalPath}` to `${destinationFile.getCanonicalPath}`") } } else { throw new Exception(s"Failed to create parent directories for file `${destinationFile.getCanonicalPath}`") } } } def download(filePath: Path): OptionT[Future, File] = OptionT.optionT(Future { Option(new File(filePath.toString)).filter(file => file.exists() && file.isFile) }) def delete(filePath: Path): Future[Unit] = Future { val file = new File(filePath.toString) if (file.delete()) () else { throw new Exception(s"Failed to delete file $file" + (if (!file.exists()) ", file does not exist." else ".")) } } def list(path: Path): ListT[Future, FileLink] = ListT.listT(Future { val file = new File(path.toString) if (file.isDirectory) { file.listFiles().toList.filter(_.isFile).map { file => FileLink(Name[File](file.getName), Paths.get(file.getPath), Revision[File](file.hashCode.toString), Time(file.lastModified())) } } else List.empty[FileLink] }) } }