package import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.HttpChallenges import akka.http.scaladsl.server.AuthenticationFailedRejection.CredentialsRejected import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger import xyz.driver.core._ import xyz.driver.core.auth.{Permission, User} import{AuthorizedServiceRequestContext, ServiceRequestContext, serviceContext} import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future} import scala.util.{Failure, Success} import scalaz.Scalaz.futureInstance import scalaz.OptionT abstract class AuthProvider[U <: User](val authorization: Authorization[U], log: Logger)( implicit execution: ExecutionContext) { import akka.http.scaladsl.server._ import Directives._ /** * Specific implementation on how to extract user from request context, * can either need to do a network call to auth server or extract everything from self-contained token * * @param ctx set of request values which can be relevant to authenticate user * @return authenticated user */ def authenticatedUser(implicit ctx: ServiceRequestContext): OptionT[Future, U] /** * Verifies if request is authenticated and authorized to have `permissions` */ def authorize(permissions: Permission*): Directive1[AuthorizedServiceRequestContext[U]] = { serviceContext flatMap { ctx => onComplete { (for { authToken <- OptionT.optionT(Future.successful(ctx.authToken)) user <- authenticatedUser(ctx) authCtx = ctx.withAuthenticatedUser(authToken, user) authorizationResult <- authorization.userHasPermissions(user, permissions)(authCtx).toOptionT cachedPermissionsAuthCtx = authorizationResult.token.fold(authCtx)(authCtx.withPermissionsToken) allAuthorized = permissions.forall(authorizationResult.authorized.getOrElse(_, false)) } yield (cachedPermissionsAuthCtx, allAuthorized)).run } flatMap { case Success(Some((authCtx, true))) => provide(authCtx) case Success(Some((authCtx, false))) => val challenge = HttpChallenges.basic(s"User does not have the required permissions: ${permissions.mkString(", ")}") log.warn( s"User ${authCtx.authenticatedUser} does not have the required permissions: ${permissions.mkString(", ")}") reject(AuthenticationFailedRejection(CredentialsRejected, challenge)) case Success(None) => log.warn( s"Wasn't able to find authenticated user for the token provided to verify ${permissions.mkString(", ")}") reject(ValidationRejection(s"Wasn't able to find authenticated user for the token provided")) case Failure(t) => log.warn(s"Wasn't able to verify token for authenticated user to verify ${permissions.mkString(", ")}", t) reject(ValidationRejection(s"Wasn't able to verify token for authenticated user", Some(t))) } } } }