pipeline: build: image: jodersky/ci commands: - sbt +test publish: image: jodersky/ci when: event: tag status: success environment: GPG_ID: 0xBEDDC1EFEE0D53FE6F853B0D71C38F1DB2C92742 #GPG_KEY: "$$GPG_KEY" # Although the key is already encrypted in drone, giving it a password # makes it easier to handle outside of drone. E.g. gpg2 has issues # with password-less keys https://bugs.gnupg.org/gnupg/issue2070 #GPG_PASSWORD: "$$GPG_PASSWORD" #SONATYPE_USERNAME: "$$SONATYPE_USERNAME" #SONATYPE_PASSWORD: "$$SONATYPE_PASSWORD" commands: - echo "$GPG_KEY" | base64 -w 0 -d | gpg --batch --import - sbt +publishSigned - echo "Done"