package book import acyclic.file object BookData { val myTable = Seq( ("Most of java.lang.*", "j.l.Thread, j.l.Runtime, ..."), ("Almost all of scala.*", "s.c.parallel,"), ("Some of java.util.*", "org.omg.CORBA, sun.misc.*"), ("Scala Macros: upickle, scala-async, scalaxy, etc", "Reflection: scala-pickling, scala-reflect"), ("Pure-Scala ecosystem: shapeless, scalaz, scalatags, utest", "Java-dependent: Scalatest, Scalate"), ("JS stuff: XmlHttpRequest, Websockets. Localstorage", " JVM stuff: Netty, akka, spray, file IO, JNI"), ("HTML DOM, Canvas, WebGL", "AWT, Swing, SWT, OpenGL"), ("JavaScript libraries: chipmunk.js, hand.js, react.js, jquery", "Java ecosystem: guice, junit, apache-commons, log4j"), ("IntelliJ, Eclipse, SBT, Chrome console, firebug", "Scala REPL, Yourkit, VisualVM, JProfiler") ) lazy val javaAPIs = { import def recursiveListFiles(f: File): Array[File] = { val these = f.listFiles these ++ these.filter(_.isDirectory).flatMap(recursiveListFiles) } val roots = Seq( "output/scala-js/javalanglib/src/main/scala", "output/scala-js/javalib/src/main/scala" ) for{ root <- roots file <- recursiveListFiles(new File(root)) if file != null if file.isFile } yield{ val path = file.getPath .drop(root.length + 1) .dropRight(".scala".length) val filename = path.replace('/', '.') val docpath = s"$path.html" filename -> docpath } } }